July 7, 2011

By Any Means Necessary

For a long, long time, the foremost goal of the American educational system has been to close The Gap. This has turned out be kind of like if President Kennedy had announced in 1961 that America was committed to, by the end of the decade, building a perpetual motion machine. From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
Investigation into APS cheating finds unethical behavior across every level 
By Heather Vogell  
Across Atlanta Public Schools, staff worked feverishly in secret to transform testing failures into successes. 
Teachers and principals erased and corrected mistakes on students’ answer sheets. 
Area superintendents silenced whistle-blowers and rewarded subordinates who met academic goals by any means possible. 
Superintendent Beverly Hall and her top aides ignored, buried, destroyed or altered complaints about misconduct, claimed ignorance of wrongdoing and accused naysayers of failing to believe in poor children’s ability to learn. 
For years — as long as a decade — this was how the Atlanta school district produced gains on state curriculum tests. The scores soared so dramatically they brought national acclaim to Hall and the district, according to an investigative report released Tuesday by Gov. Nathan Deal.

Yeah, this is bad, but what do you expect? From CBS News:
"We were told that we needed to get the scores by any means necessary, and we were told that our jobs were on the line," former Atlanta Public Schools teacher Sidney Fells said.

The Republican President of the United States and the hereditary dynastic leader of the Democrats, Ted Kennedy, got together a decade ago and made up a law, No Child Left Behind, that said that every public school student in America had to score Proficient (on a scale that runs Below Basic, Basic, Proficient, Advanced) on tests that will be given about 34 months from now.

But, the states could make up, administer, and grade their own tests. 

What else did Bush, Kennedy, and the press expect other than massive fraud?

The whole foundation of education in America is based on lying and punishing truth-tellers (e.g., James Watson), so what else could have happened?


  1. There really are racial differences in intelligence. This is the truth that must be hidden and suppressed at all costs.

    The funny thing is though, that the truth is always the truth, whether we like it or not.

  2. And today NAACP head Benjamin Jealous issued a press release decrying the racial makeup of CNN's news anchors. Shows the real priorities of the Talented Tenth and the other race-mongers.

  3. While indulging in a favorite middle-brow activity (reading detective fiction), I came across this passage from C.P. Snow's novel, The Search:

    “The only ethical principle which has made science possible is that the truth shall be told all the time. If we do not penalize false statements made in error, we open up the way, don’t you see, for false statements by intention. And of course a false statement of fact, made deliberately, is the most serious crime a scientist can commit.”

    That was, of course, written in the days before scientists and others realized there was something far more important than mere devotion to the truth: social justice.

    How quaint the certainty that the truth should reign supreme seems now.

  4. This is such a shock to me when I read this. For long I have heard about the low quality of US compulsory education system... Never thought of it in this way....

  5. The Truth is Racist.

    "The problem with truth is that it can be just as destructive as a lie, sometimes more so.

    This is self-evident for most adults. That's why we have the concept and vocabulary of a "white lie" (and yes, even our language has racist overtones).

    Yet, when it comes to racism and anti-Semitism, "truth" and "facts" are frequently assumed to trump any other argument. They don't.

    Consider this a manifesto against truth."

    Author goes on to say noting that Blacks score, in race-neutral no-bias IQ tests, a standard deviation lower than Whites, is RACIST!

    The Sun revolves around the Earth, and if you say otherwise, well expect the Inqusition. [And no one expects the Spanish Inquistion. Cardinal Fang! The Comfy Chair.]

  6. The mediocrity of observation suggests that the Atlanta Public Schools is not the only place where such rampant cheating goes on. Just like Enron was not the only company to cook its books.

    Expect to see more stories like this to unfold in the near future.

  7. @theslittyeye

    I wouldn't say the US public school system is low quality. It just depends on where you go.

  8. Crawfurdmuir7/7/11, 4:25 PM

    Denying The Gap, as manifested in "No Child Left Behind," is the Lysenkoism of America's soft democratic despotism. It is just as surely coming a-cropper as did Soviet agronomy under Stalin, and for the same reason.

  9. The test scores of my school continued to plummet in all areas as the number of NAMS from Oakland, Richmond, and Vallejo poured in.

    NAMS moved here after the building of thousands of new homes in the hills to the southeast of the established, one high school town. The school district had worked for over a decade on all that needed to be done to secure matching funds from the state of CA to build a much-needed second high school.

    About 15 years earlier, people purchased new houses in the newer section of town, lured by the developers' claims that a new high school was a year or two away. (Yes, the land had indeed been purchased but that was as far as things had actually progressed; neither the developers nor the school district publicized the fact that the school would take well over a decade to get off the ground.)

    Thus, these parents graduated one kid after another at the old, bedraggled high school at which I taught. Building a new high school in CA was not an easy thing we discovered.

    While the old school looked bad, she still worked: the kids were not Stanford or Harvard-bound (with some exceptions, of course , but for a school with a working class population, we managed to send our fair share to the UC campuses and many more to the state college schools along with a hefty number to the community college that offered a path to an eventual college degree or some really good vocational training with certification.

    The more recently arrived NAM parents told us that what initially garnered their interest in moving here was not only the new homes (available to them through Section 8 vouchers offered by landlords competing for renters because of overbuilding) but also the brand, spanking new 3,000+ student high school that had recently opened. Because this megaschool was shiny and new, they thought of it as a beacon on hill (it really *is* built on a hill) and as a way out of the urban blight of their old neighborhoods and old schools of West Contra Costa County.

  10. (con't)

    As this is an HBD blog, of course 90% of you know exactly what has happened to my town, to the old high school, to the new high school, to the neighborhoods, and to the crime stats.

    Guys like Matt Yglesias need to come visit a person like me. I'll put him up for a few days, and we can walk/drive around. We can even go down to the District office and pull out the records showing what kinds of scores this working class town used to produce. We can look at pics of what the schools and the community used to look like. He can see for himself just how quickly a town and all its neighborhoods and schools can be ghetto-ized.

    BTW, the NAACP has the old high school and the District on notice--they say the discipline referrals for blacks are too high in comparison to those written for kids of other ethnicities and claim it must be racial discrimination that has resulted in the discrepencies.

    You know what the District's pc response has been? They have been conducting seminars for teachers-- instruction in "how to educate black kids." The first lesson includes telling everyone that black kids are different (yes) and that they should not be expected to react to instruction in the way other students do. In mid-year, one of the presenters claimed that teachers and admins should "expect" that black students "will be louder" and "more apt to speak out of turn." Teachers were told that they should see this as nothing to be concerned about. Used to this kind of nonsense, the faculty turned a deaf ear, of course. The most offended were the black teachers.

    When word of this got out to the kids, the non-blacks, which include a very high % of Hispanics, were incensed" "Why should they expect to be treated any different from the rest of us!" (Ah, out of the mouth of babes...)

    The new high school has two cafeterias. W/in the first year of its history, the school was in turmoil, with the black kids establishing dominance by telling whites, Hispanics, and Asian kids that "this cafeteria is ours." Non-black parents complained. Black parents claimed the whites, Asians, and Hispanics were lying. Campus supervisors told everyone tha, yes, the black kids were blocking entrances, throwing stares, and in all other ways trying to intimidate the "other kids" from entering "their cafeteria." Things got better, then worse, then better, then worse regarding this specific issue. Last I heard, there is still a Great Divide in the use of the cafeterias and there is still intimidation.

    Unfortunately, guys like Yglesias, upon seeing the devastation, would serve up some lame excuse for the problem of test scores and the sad destruction of a town.

    Glad I got this off my chest. I know it's not really news to

  11. Kylie (quoting): “The only ethical principle which has made science possible is that the truth shall be told all the time. If we do not penalize false statements made in error, we open up the way, don’t you see, for false statements by intention. And of course a false statement of fact, made deliberately, is the most serious crime a scientist can commit.”

    That's factual correctness. Which, as Kylie pointed out in different words, must today be sublimated to political correctness, the obligation to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted.

  12. the Lysenkoism of America's soft democratic despotism

    This is the key to this whole business. We are living in a parallel universe. If I were to express the (perfectly valid) views expressed in these blogs and responses, I would be treated as a pariah among many of my peers. There is sort of a "Stalinist" mentality out there just as with the Lysenko business.

  13. EDs or education derivatives swap.

    Ownership Society called for houses for everyone based on funny financial math.

    Readership Society called for highschool degrees for everyone(and then college degrees too)based on funny testing and grading.

    Creative finance, creative education.

    Fannie Mae, meet Funny Math.

  14. They'll just blame NCLB. Oh, they were pressured to improve student scores. But if NCLB was the problem, how come there was no improvement BEFORE NCLB when teachers and educrats had the all the time and leisure to improve student performance?
    Blame everything but the students and parents(black).

  15. How Obama got to Harvard, became president of Law Review, and then became president wasn't much different. Same with Michelle Obama. It's all a joke. If we did such favors for all blacks, US would go broke in no time.

  16. Written exams are Eurocentric, therefore 'racist'. African people didn't have written language, so why should they be graded by white standards? Let's give them degrees based on African standards of excellence: drumbeating and dancing.

  17. The narrative will be that students were victims of teachers and principals. I suppose in a way, but only because teachers were trying to help the hopeless dumbbutts who never did their homeworks.

    This will boost the WAITING FOR SUPERMAN narrative, but that too will prove to be a lie.
    It will turn into WAITING FOR JOKER.

  18. What the teachers did wasn't illegal. It was just 'undocumented'. Yes, let us praise undocumented grading.

  19. Educational version of the DSK scandal.

    And Nigerian Email fraud has nothing on this. And all these people were making wages on the tax payer dime.

  20. What confuses me is why it took so long to come out. US is a democracy, right? There were whistleblowers who surely went to the media. Why didn't the media look into this? Was the media too enthralled with the narrative of rising scores among blacks? But this is the medai that gave Obama a passing grade to be president, so...

  21. Look, we all know the truth. I know it, Steve knows it, even Bob Dole Knows it.

    So what are we going to do about it? We've got 35-40 million AA's in the USA. They ain't going away, and they vote, and they riot.

    Segregation? We tried that. Expulsion? White America doesn't have the stomach for it, besides it loves cheap labor. Accept white supremacy? Nicey-nice Whites don't want to, and blacks will die before they accept it.

    So Steve, what is the answer?

  22. Kylie:

    This is an idea I wish we could get widely understood. There are some people we count on to stand between us and reality, look closely at reality, and tell us what they see. There are a whole bunch of people like that--scientists, reporters, detectives, and accountants are all good examples. And a whole lot of really important bits of our society will seize up if we can't trust them.

    And over time, often because of technological changes, it's become clear that a lot of those guys are routinely lying or shading the truth. Notably, the respectable media, guys like the New York Times and Washington Post, look enormously less trustworthy once it becomes possible to see the interview from which the story was written, or to see how the same story is covered in the overseas press, or even to see critical commentary from bloggers that follow certain issues and point out errors and deceptions. Cellphone cameras are doing much the same thing to police credibility--it turns out that an awful lot of guys who were "resisting arrest" appear, on cellphone videos, to instead be huddled on the ground while a couple policemen beat them up.

  23. WMarkW:

    Just as an aside, there have been people shading the truth for ideology's sake for a *very* long time. It's not some new invention of SWPL PC.

    The best remedy I know for this is to pay attention to where different sources of information are and aren't honest, and to try to get to the raw data as often as possible. It's especially useful to get to raw data that someone is using for some other, important to them, purpose than you have in mind. Then, you have a lot of confidence they were probably trying to get at the truth.

  24. Chief Seattle7/7/11, 8:27 PM

    The article I saw presented the cheating as "denying underprivileged children access to the remedial resources they deserved." Of course if white students were the beneficiaries of cheating it would be "another example of institutional racism perpetuating the privileged class to the next generation." Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

    I will say that for a book based on as much prejudice, outdated studies, and bad methodology as the media claims of the Bell Curve, its predictive power hasn't failed once since I read it in 1995. Funny that way. I keep it on the book shelf next to Roots.

  25. Guys like Matt Yglesias need to come visit a person like me.

    I've read on the net that Matt was recently mugged outside a coffee shop he regularly visits. As this is the literal meaning of "mugged by reality", it will be interesting if this changes his worldview at all. Its been my experience that liberals (leftists) learn only through serious personal suffering.

  26. Here, alas, is how Ms. Beverly Hall, who won a national superintendent of the year award, presented herself to the Atlanta public before the scandal broke.

  27. I wonder what other areas we're doing the same thing, but don't see it. That is, where else are we starting out demanding perpetual motion machines, creating incentives for their construction, and then rewarding/punishing people for providing proof they're making progress toward that impossible goal?

    The two main candidates for this that come to mind are the war on terror, and getting the economy and budget in order. Much of what's being promised/demanded in both cases is probably simply not possible.

    Anyone want to add some to the list?

  28. "So Steve, what is the answer?"

    You do what other groups do: say it loud, say it proud. The truth is nothing to be ashamed of.

  29. Timothy Black7/7/11, 10:29 PM

    So what are we going to do about it? We've got 35-40 million AA's in the USA. They ain't going away, and they vote, and they riot....So Steve, what is the answer?

    A one-std. difference in mean IQ does not imply a race condemned to the last man to poverty and vice. Posters here seem to forget that this difference in means says that some sixteen percent of American blacks are smarter (higher IQ) than the average American white (assuming equal variance).

    I take it some portion of that IQ difference is more or less wholly environmental (Hernstein and Murray put the heritability of IQ between 0.4 and 0.8); but even if you thought otherwise, it's absurd to suppose that African-American social outcomes wouldn't be improved greatly by a less devastated community---which it once was: the black bastardy rate, e.g., at 70%, is 50 percentage points higher than it was when the Moynihan report was issued in the 60's. (Blame the liberals for undermining marriage---I don't know.)

    I have no expectation that social outcomes for blacks and whites will ever be equal---in fact, I very much doubt it; just as I doubt that whites will ever dominate professional basketball again. But thinking of "the blacks" as some problem to be dealt with, as opposed to as "our fellow citizens, with American ancestry going back, in many
    cases, further than ours" (h/t Derb), is neither practical nor honorable.

    A reasonable goal is (merely) to subvert the default piety that where we find racial disparities, whites must be at fault; in other words, everyone has to learn to live with racial differences. The black community will be an important part of America and our culture for the long haul---probably not contributing the bulk of our engineers or lawyers, but many of our athletes, comedians, and musicians---as well as all the ordinary jobs that make the world go round, just as every race supplies.

    Honestly, the thing I mostly want is to shame those white liberals who trot out their racial good-thinking for status points.

  30. "Cellphone cameras are doing much the same thing to police credibility[calling it into question]--it turns out that an awful lot of guys who were 'resisting arrest' appear, on cellphone videos, to instead be huddled on the ground while a couple policemen beat them up."

    It's not just cellphone cameras that are calling into question police credibility; it's surveillance cameras and video cameras, too. Thus Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn, in response to questions about specific crimes, says that crime is colorblind, even though the surveillance tapes show that all the perpetrators were of only one race. Meanwhile in Chicago, video of a stabbing by a group again shows only one race involved yet officials gloss over that fact.

  31. ...so what else could have happened?

    They could have done fair testing and then told the truth about the results. Do you really think a significant number of the black teachers and administrators in this heavily black school district would have paid any sort of price?

  32. Having a group of teachers sitting around changing test answers, one by one, with an eraser equipped #2 pencil, is the unofficial version of "Re-Norming"!
    Remember Re-Norming? The U.S. Military does it when testing recruits. The more wrong answers the easier the questions get; the computer does it automatically, no eraser required.
    The school principals and teachers could have saved themselves a lot of time and effort with a modified version of the official Military computer program,....and it wouldn't have been called "cheating"; it would be "Re-Norming"!
    That sounds so much nicer, no investigations and indictments required.

  33. "Honestly, the thing I mostly want is to shame those white liberals who trot out their racial good-thinking for status points."

    Yes, I want to do that too, but your point about how libs have destroyed marriage, thus the black family, is crucial, yet I don't hear much about this point except from fundamentalist Christians, a group people on this blog seem not to want to be tied to in way.

    While their religiosity may bother many, they raise good points--the strong and stable family, one including the strong father, strong male and female role models, has always been the surest way to rearing children who have a sense of purpose, and just as the black family has been destroyed by liberal policies aimed at "helping them," the same liberal attitudes seems at the heart of the breakdown of the family for other racial groups as well, white and Hispanic.

    I get the feeling, though, that while HBDers have no trouble with attacking the nanny state that ingores racial differences, they don't want to touch upon matters like the importance of that institution. While it seems many HBDers rightfully criticize HBD deniers for holding their public positions in order to appear "cool," they do the same themselves when it comes to vocally supporting institutions like the family as important to the nation's success.

  34. Has the AJC asked any of the black school children what they think of their teachers cheating?
    Robert Hume

  35. Anon 1:25 is so right..it will take a self-directed religious movement to bring NAMs up in the world by their own efforts, similar to the way Methodism brought up the poorest drunkest Brit miners and factory workers circa 1800.

    And our bien pensants left and right will probably despise them, of course.

    But I worked side by side with many blacks at a federal job in the late 60s, probably the apex of their culture, and they were certainly capable of supporting themselves and advancing their children. Hell, my supervisor was black. But it's been all downhill since then.

  36. Its racist articles like this that make me happy hat the white race is declining to the point of extinction.

  37. "G.L.Piggy said...

    And today NAACP head Benjamin Jealous issued a press release decrying the racial makeup of CNN's news anchors.

    "Benjamin Jealous" - what a great name for him.

    Myself, I refuse to acknowledge the NAACP, as I am not even allowed to say their full name.

  38. http://www.wlsam.com/Article.asp?id=2230405

    I understand how it will save money, but I am interested to see what the reaction is going to be once the racial gap "widens" with the new tests. Well, beyond demands for more money.

  39. 1960 called, and it7/8/11, 8:12 AM

    It's all a joke. If we did such favors for all blacks, US would go broke in no time.

    Uhh, we DID do such favors for all blacks, and the US DID go broke - maybe not in "no time", but certainly in a mere 50 years.

  40. Wow, Timothy and the corresponding anonymous, two interesting posts back-to-back. That's a rarity around these parts.

  41. >How Obama got to Harvard, became president of Law Review, and then became president wasn't much different. Same with Michelle Obama. It's all a joke. If we did such favors for all blacks, US would go broke in no time.<

    The US is broke.

  42. >What confuses me is why it took so long to come out. US is a democracy, right? There were whistleblowers who surely went to the media. Why didn't the media look into this?<

    It's a mystery to me, too. We all know that conspiracies involving more than a few people can't work. Our masters have told us so.

  43. >crime is colorblind, even though the surveillance tapes show that all the perpetrators were of only one race.<

    The tapes are racist!

  44. We've got 35-40 million AA's in the USA....

    Posters here seem to forget that this difference in means says that some sixteen percent of American blacks are smarter (higher IQ) than the average American white (assuming equal variance).

    [0.16] X [40,000,000] = 6,400,000

    I dunno - that feels awfully high to my Tard-dar.

    My guess is that you probably get better [more realistic] numbers if you combine Murray's Footnote #44 [Mean = 80] with an assumption of SD = 12:

    P{Y >= 100} = 0.04779

    Which then predicts:

    0.04779 X [40,000,000] = 1,911,600

    Frankly, even that number seems a tad high [given my lifetime of anecdotal experience with the Negro race], but I guess you can't argue with the numbers forever - sooner or later you have to defer to the basic principles of Probability Theory.

    PS: BTW, 80 & 12 gives you

    P{Y >= 120} = 0.00042906

    Which then predicts:

    [0.00042906] X [40,000,000] = 17,162

    And that seems just astronomically high.

  45. NOTA: "where else are we starting out demanding perpetual motion machines, creating incentives for their construction, and then rewarding/punishing people for providing proof they're making progress toward that impossible goal?"

    Oh, easy. Energy. Green energy, green jobs, all that green stuff.

    We're gonna build a perpetual motion machine -- and we're gonna make Van Jones entrepreneur-in-charge of doing it.

    Van Jones.


    Heh heh.

    Ha ha HA HA HA HA HA!

  46. So what are we going to do about it? We've got 35-40 million AA's in the USA. They ain't going away, and they vote, and they riot.

    Segregation? We tried that. Expulsion? White America doesn't have the stomach for it, besides it loves cheap labor. Accept white supremacy? Nicey-nice Whites don't want to, and blacks will die before they accept it.

    So Steve, what is the answer?

    I am not Steve, but... how about partition?

    It's more or less what the Russians did, in order not be overwhelmed by prolific Central Asian muslims, when the USSR collapsed.

    Incidently, who expected the USSR to collapse, one year before it did? Nobody in the MSM, IIRC.

  47. Same thing in journalism. Liberalism = willful white naivete about blacks.
    How Janet Cooke cooked a story. Better even than Gay Girl in Dumbass-cause.


  48. Janet even won a Pulitzer.

  49. "A year later Cooke appeared on the Phil Donahue show to offer her take on what happened. She blamed her decision to invent Jimmy on the high-pressure environment of the Washington Post, which was still riding high from the journalistic coup it had scored in the early seventies with the Watergate story."

    Oh no, it wasn't her fault. It was 'high-pressure'. Just like Atlanta teachers will blame it on 'high pressure'.

  50. "She(Janet) briefly re-emerged in 1996 to tell her story to the magazine GQ. The movie rights from that interview were subsequently sold for $1.5 million."

    Well, well, she cashed in big for lying and defrauding the public!!
    And Jayson Blair got a book deal too after his little stunt.

    Maybe all these Atlanta teachers can get movie and book deals too.

  51. It is happening in another major Black city: Washington D.C.

    If any outside could audit Detroit, Newark, Baltimore, Birmingham, Memphis, etc., you'd see the same thing.

    Personally, I think we should audit all those lily-white suburbs surrounding Atlanta and D.C. No way those white kids are getting those amazing scores.

  52. "And today NAACP head Benjamin Jealous issued a press release decrying the racial makeup of CNN's news anchors. Shows the real priorities of the Talented Tenth and the other race-mongers."

    All the Talented-Tenth NAMs I know (5-6) are busy making a decent living in the private sector and going to church, raising their kids, etc. I think race-mongers are just a small (but loud) minority of the minority.

  53. "There really are racial differences in intelligence."

    I agree. The beauty of hbd is in knowing that whites and asians possess a natural advantage. This makes me less nervous about things like affirmative action, as these groups can succeed in spite of discrimination.Environment...shmenvironment. What really matters is the genes!

    "Written exams are Eurocentric, therefore 'racist'. African people didn't have written language, so why should they be graded by white standards? Let's give them degrees based on African standards of excellence: drumbeating and dancing."

    Ah, so the written languages that appeared in ancient Sudan and Ethiopia aren't written languages. The more you know...

    "A one-std. difference in mean IQ does not imply a race condemned to the last man to poverty and vice."

    Yes it does. Take your liberal bullcrap somewhere else.

  54. That blacks have lower IQs is less troubling than they have harder muscles, higher hormone levels(more aggression), higher birthrates, and louder voices.
    It's not just white guilt. Whites feel guilty about American-Indians too but no one really sweats over it. The real problem is white fear masquerading as white guilt.
    It's not so much we are frustrated adn don't know what to do but we are AFRAID and don't know what to do.

  55. At some point I could see testing centers where the students are monitored when taking a test. I had to pass a securities license a few years back. The room where I took the test had glass windows with a monotor watching. I was only allowed 3 pencils and 3 pieces of scratch paper. I could not take a cell phone or other divice in with me. They took my picture and requested picture ID to make sure a ringer was not taking the test for me.

  56. The room where I took the test had glass windows with a monotor watching.

    Uhh, but what if the monitors are themselves corrupt?

    In the case at hand, the teachers and the principles and the district bureaucrats were charged with monitoring the tests, and they proved to be utterly corrupt - to the very core.

    Who watches the watchers?

    Who baby-sits the baby-sitters?

    We in the HBD-o-sphere - we of all people - should know that absent a kernel of moral, industrious, intelligent citizenry, a society simple falls apart at the seams, and quickly degenerates into chaos, death, and extinction.

  57. The real problem is white fear masquerading as white guilt.


  58. g-dub, one of the bottom 5 presidents of all-time. he is the gift that keeps on giving.

    i think every 2 years or so we'll discover a new major problem has manifested itself, which we can directly trace back a significant portion of the blame to GW bush.

    this is why i have started to evaluate political figures at the national level, by how much damage they could do, or have done. sad that it has come to this. knowing that almost no politician will actually do anything good or helpful or constructive, and merely looking to see which one will do the least amount of long term, permanent, very hard to fix damage.

  59. "And today NAACP head Benjamin Jealous issued a press release decrying the racial makeup of CNN's news anchors. Shows the real priorities of the Talented Tenth and the other race-mongers."

    Racial reality in America is to be mugged by a black thug and then to be interviewed by nice negro journalist.
    Since the white victim is interviewed by a nice sympathethic black guy, he or she cannot mention race but just has to yammer about 'teens', 'youths', and etc.


    Get a load of this. No mention of race at all.

    Get beat up by violent blacks and then get interviewed by a nice negro who reminds you NOT ALL BLACK PEOPLE ARE DANGEROUS. It's like the Hollywood formula, as in GRAND CANYON where Kevin Kline is about to be robbed by four black youths but then a black angel in the form of Danny Glover comes out of nowhere.

    Our religion of MLK worship doesn't allow us to be critical of blacks, so when blacks act bads, we blame it on 'youths' or the weather and then hire some nice black to carry a microphone and remind us that black folks can be nice and we sure appreciate them.

  60. Anonymous:

    Get beat up by violent blacks and then get interviewed by a nice negro who reminds you NOT ALL BLACK PEOPLE ARE DANGEROUS.

    But most blacks really aren't dangerous. There's a much higher crime rate among blacks than whites, but the great majority of blacks aren't criminals.

  61. "So Steve, what is the answer?"

    Firstly, stop making it worse.

    1) Complete halt to immigration for 50 years.

    2) Remove all illegals.

    3) Complete halt to all AA so that the extra weight that needs to be carried as a result of 60 years of destructive anti-white policies can be carried by those capable of carrying it.

    4) Maintain a level of incarceration that equalizes crime rates among ethnic groups. The method should be implemented in such a way as to make those men less likely to have off-spring. This should help to reduce the problem over time.

  62. Anonymous said...
    That blacks have lower IQs is less troubling than they have harder muscles, higher hormone levels(more aggression), higher birthrates, and louder voices.
    It's not just white guilt. Whites feel guilty about American-Indians too but no one really sweats over it. The real problem is white fear masquerading as white guilt.
    It's not so much we are frustrated adn don't know what to do but we are AFRAID and don't know what to do.

    There must be a shortage of Dumb White Jocks, if (white) educrats need to use blacks for that purpose.

  63. A lot of the difference is that American Indians are just a much smaller, much less influential part of the population. So while we can feel bad about their historical shafting (or not), in most places, they're not at the core of huge social problems, where our historical sense of guilt will lead us to do dumb things.

    By contrast, blacks are something like 12 percent of the population. Perhaps more importantly, they stand out in two very different areas:

    a. All kinds of social dysfunction--crime, unwed motherhood, poverty, failing at school, etc.

    b. All kinds of success in the entertainment world--sports, politics, acting, music, etc.

    (a) means that blacks are involved in a huge amount of social pathology--stuff like dangerous neighborhoods and unfixable schools. (b) means that blacks also stand out in most everybody's mind, and have elloquent, famous spokesmen and larger-than-life examples.

    It's interesting to contrast them with hispanics--a group of about the same size now, who both bring less social pathology, and less spectacular success as entertainers and athletes and politicians. A

  64. What does anyone expect, when we insist that someone with an IQ of 90 should be scoring up there alongside the 120 IQ kids?

    Even among white people, this is super-controversial. It's horrible and unfair that Johnny 1, with his IQ of 120 and upper-half-of-middle-class upbringing, is going to outscore Johnny 2, who grew up on the wrong side of the (needle) tracks and with his IQ of 90 will lag in every test he takes.

    Yet it's reality. Politics is an alternate reality. It's not surprising never the twain shall meet.


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