October 23, 2013

The Trouble with Texas, continued

A reader responds to my column in Taki's on Texas:
Mr. Sailer, 
I just read your article and, coincidentally, am back from Texas after several years away. This time I had a chance to go south of San Antonio to within about 60 miles of the Mexican border. I must say the Mexican transformation is nearly complete. If it weren't for the sporadic Texas/US flags flown every now and then, I would have told you I was in Mexico just by observing the surroundings. They had little shantytowns, dilapidated trailers, impromptu markets on the side of the road (called Mexican Wal-Marts by the locals), etc.  
Mr. Cowen should consider buying some real estate down there so he can enjoy the future today. He should keep his house unlocked though because it's common down there for illegals to pass through and sometimes they need a place to sleep and will break in the doors of locked ranches to get water/food/guns/etc. If you keep the door unlocked you at least won't need to fix the frame after it's over.  
In terms of your comparison to whites wanting a large hispanic majority to get their social spending, but not realizing that the replacement help doesn't have what it takes to produce sustaining wealth. I try explaining this idea to friends of mine and I think many of them get it except for the most diehard liberals that have never been to heavily Mexican areas (let alone even have a passport to see these places firsthand).  
I try to reduce the problem to thinking of the United States as a large company. The company grew large through the effort of the older employees, their work ethic, and their drive to work as a team. And just like a company, bad hiring practices can quickly destroy the culture and bring the whole thing down relatively quickly.  
For instance, let's imagine Microsoft adopted a new hiring policy that: 
1) Hired anyone regardless of qualifications or ability to fit into the company culture.  
2) Allowed those hired to bypass the HR department and bring in their immediate and extended family members who need a job whether qualified or not. 
3) Further allowed people to enter the building illegally, and then required HR to give them full employee benefits and not remove them. 
4) Did not remove employees even when it was obvious they were stealing, committing serious crimes, and abusing employee benefits.  
5) Stated that even though the new hires were dramatically less qualified than employees leaving/retiring from the company in terms of education and achievement, that they are going to make up the gap through sheer hiring quantity of similar employees.  
6) That any employee who objected to the new hiring practices would be threatened with punishment and fired for their opinions. 
If I was an investor that saw those things going on, what would I do? Well I'd sell the stock immediately and probably short the stock if I felt especially greedy. 
Welcome to America, Inc. I can't wait to see the quarterly reports from that company in 20 years. It is going to be ugly.


  1. Right, but Cowen's point is that most of these people will be getting less and will be eating beans.

    He's dropped the pretense that they will contribute significantly or that they will enjoy high living standards.

  2. I can see a time when the southwest goes back to Mexico, a reversal of the 1848 war.

  3. It is everywhere. WA, GA, IL, OH, OR, ID. Everywhere. We are just one oil shock from full on race riots backed by the feds reducing non connected Whites to semi slaves.

    And oh btw, the Saudis ticked Obama would not bomb Assad out or stop Irans nukes have cut a deal with Russia and Iran to reduce oil output dramatically. This from Bandar. So get ready for oil at least at 150 a barrel and probably much more, creating a huge crisis of not enough worthy money. What happens when Saudis no longer accept dollars for oiland demand real currency?

    If I could leave the US for another good country I would do so and never look back.

  4. Niel Blomkamp and Mike Judge must be echoing Jeff Goldblum's timeless line from Jurassic Park: "Boy do I hate being right all the time."

  5. "I can see a time when the southwest goes back to Mexico, a reversal of the 1848 war."

    Yeah, for all that Texas swagger, it seems that Texans (or at least their politicians) don't actually Remember The Alamo.

    Texas and the rest of the Southwest are part of the United States today because Mexico had a profoundly short-sighted immigration policy in the 1820s and 30s. Obviously there were proximate causes for Texas independence and the subsequent US annexation, but the big factor was the 80% Anglo demographics of the state.

    I remember reading that Rick Perry wears cowboy boots with "Come and Take It" written on them, a reference to Mexican artillery held by the Texans during their war of independence. Given his attitude toward mass immigration, perhaps we should consider the possibility that he really means it:

    "Come and take it, seriously! It's all yours now! We're too dumb and greedy to keep it for ourselves!"

  6. "Mr. Cowen should consider buying some real estate down there so he can enjoy the future today."

    Or we could bring the lumpen-minorities to Mr. Cowen.

    Humor me for a moment. What if the whiter, more conservative parts of America were to leave the USA? The welfare state would be pared back and multiculturalist ideology would be overturned. The result over time would be voluntary ethnic disaggregation, with urban/coastal/Blue America serving as a population sink for NAMs.

    America's overclass Tyler Cowens would then experience the joy of being surrounded and outnumbered by the vibrant diversity they profess to love.

    That alone makes the whole exercise worthwhile.

  7. The Daily Caller reported today that in 2010, while it was targeting the tea party, the IRS gave $4.2 billion to illegal immigrants in additional child tax credits.

    "Approximately 15 percent of Additional Child Tax Credit checks are sent to illegal immigrant families, according to the report."

  8. It is going to be ugly.

    Mr Sailer,

    I've been leaving comments on your blog for several years saying basically the same thing.

    But this contribution is very well put. Thanks for posting it.

  9. The Washington Times reported yesterday that about a quarter of the Earned Income Tax Credit payments last year, almost $14 billion, was due to fraud. The government has paid out well over $100 billion in fraudulent claims due to the EITC over the past decade.

    I assume that the IRS doesn't count illegal immigrant tax refunds as fraudulent, however.

  10. The Weekly Standard reported today that over the past five years of the Obama presidency, means-tested welfare payouts have amounted to $3.7 trillion.

    Of course, the debt has gone from 10 trillion dollars to 17 trillion dollars during that time.

    I think he gave the bankers some welfare, too.

    Plus the lobbyists.

  11. @ anonymous

    "What if the whiter, more conservative parts of America were to leave the USA? "

    There is no place to go.
    It's all the same everywhere in the Western World, except Russia, Israel, Japan and the tiny Finland.

    But the political forces in Russia which want to preserve Russia as the nation state of the white Russian people are getting demonized and ridiculed by our MSM constantly and very successfully.

    The globalist elite is devastating Europe in the same way as the USA. In Europe the illegal immigrants come from North and Subsaharan Africa and the Near East.

    Population growth in Africa: From 1 billion today to 4 billions until 2100. If only 400 million come to Europe - it would be the end of our civilization.

    Here in Europe nobody is allowed to talk about the fact, that most of the immigrants are simply too dumb to produce wealth.

    To say this in public would be Hate Speech and is banned or demonized.

    We are supposed to hope that investment in the educational system will fix it.

    No sign of that at all - same story as in the USA.

    Race is only skindeep - you are being forced to believe that, to confess that.

    If not, you are Nazi.

    It's the new state religion.

    We are supposed to ignore the facts and most people don't recognize the coming inevitable desaster because the mainstream media outlets are lying constantly.

    Sometimes I hope our globalist elites are just too ignorant, too greedy to see, what they are doing.

    But this gets harder and harder.

    Perhaps they really are just plain evil, knowing exactly, what they are doing, showing the strong will to destroy the nationstates of the white peoples almost everywhere on earth.

    And they are successful.

  12. I recently moved from Virginia to Texas. The state has a lot going for it, and I enjoy the chauvinism of Texans. No state income tax, but property taxes are high, and the state sales tax is higher than VA, so they get it back. Public services are backward. Try to get a driver's license here. Texans in Houston are amazingly placid about the bad roads. A lot of prosperity cheek by jowl with grinding poverty. South Texans probably has the poorest counties in the U.S.

  13. Texas does have a lot of poverty. I could see the Democrats coming back to power here easily.

  14. A very politically incorrect man named Harold Covington has written a series of novels where the South West becomes Aztlan, allied with China.

    Rather well written, a roman fleuve in five parts, but unlikely to get reviewed in the MSM or win the Booker prize.


  15. This isn't some new phenomenon. South Texas has always been a pit, even back when it has a white majority. It achieved some level of successful agricultural development a century ago, but the crash of 1929 devastated the region, and most of the family farmers lost their shirts.

    The area has always had a healthy Mexican population, but it wasn't until LBJ that Mexicans began to assert themselves politically. 1964 was the election of the famous Kika de la Garza.

  16. Peter the Shark10/24/13, 5:34 AM

    But the political forces in Russia which want to preserve Russia as the nation state of the white Russian people are getting demonized and ridiculed by our MSM constantly and very successfully.

    Those forces have no real power in Russia today. Putin and his cronies are no different from our elites. Moscow is drowning in immigrants from Central Asia, and the apparatchiks who run Russia are apparently just fine with that. The Russian pro-Putin press recites the same litanies that the WSJ or the NYT tells us - "Russia has a labor shortage", "there are some jobs Russians just won't do" etc, etc. The game is the same in the US, Russia, Germany, where-ever - elites use immigrants to divide and conquer and make sure that their positions aren't threatened.

  17. The history books tell us that the US had an opportunity to annex all of Mexico after it's shockingly easy victory over it. I think a golden opportunity was missed here. One of the reasons against it at the time was fear of bringing in so many non-white Mestizos. But the thing was, Mexico at the time had only one-tenth the population of the US, so that population could have easily been assimilated, and under the standards of the time, forced to speak English. They could have also left the heavily-Indian Yucatan and Southern Mexico independent - drawing the border at the easily-defended Isthmus of Tehuantepec. In the long-run, the US would be better off. Yes, we'd have a lot of Mestizos now, but they would all speak English and have adapted American culture.

  18. Love the Microsoft analogy, but "south of San Antonio to within about 60 miles of the Mexican border" = none other than Cotulla, Texas, where LBJ taught school and Jeff Bezos' grandfather had a ranch, and which is now a fracking boom town, thus the shantytown look.

    If anything, deep South Texas has actually become whiter in the last 5 years thanks to fracking.

    The weird thing about Texas compared to the relatively low-immigration Midwest is that here in Texas, I rarely see older whites working. Yet in the Midwest, older whites are more willing to take the kind of low-status job that Karl Rove fears for his son.

  19. I heard a Black manager at Bank of America talk about other states where BOA people could move to for jobs. He mentioned Georgia was good place; but one of the downsides was that it was a REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED STATE.

    I thought that was a FEATURE, not a drawback. I guess being Black friendly means you must used to the Democratic Party kowtowing to your every demand like Taxes, Gun Control, Affirmative Action and of course, MORE money for government programs.

  20. Whites who support mass immigration of "Hispanics" do so for one primary reason: they have zero loyalty to other Whites. They are not generally loyal or patriotic people in any serious sense.

    They aren't looking for White solidarity on immigration, social policy, gun control or any other issue.

    We used to say Americans who were indifferent to the fate of America were anti-American. The same logic applies to Whites who are indifferent to the fate of other Whites: They are Anti-White.

  21. Wow! Except . . . oh, s---!

    Re: 1848 reversal. George Friedman predicts a Mexican-American War after 2080.

  22. @Anonymous 5:49 AM re the annexation of Mexico in the 1840's

    An interesting idea, but given that the biggest interest in expanding into Mexican land came from the slave states, we would have likely ended up with Mexican land entering the US as slave territory.

    Large chunks of Mexico turned into slave staffed mines, ranches, and plantations wouldn't have done very much for assimilation, especially as the slave states didn't care to spend any money on education for their own people, let alone the money needed to assimilate Mexicans. Likely the worst of both worlds - southern slave culture intermixed with peon/hacienda culture.

    The virulent anti-Catholicism of antebellum politics would have been a challenge for any assimilation of Mexico back then as well.

    I think the best counter-factual for Mexico would have been if Archduke Maximilian had stayed in charge - he was a reformist and would have made the place a more appealing destination for European migration, like Argentina.


  23. Anonymous said . . .

    There is no place to go.

    How about South America? Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile have had "White Australia" or crypto-"White Australia" immigration policies forever. Even the less white parts of S America seem to have such policies. If you think Jobbik is there to stay, there is also Hungary.

    If such immigration became a big deal, Sauron's eye would eventually turn towards those countries, so you have to worry about how much longer Mordor-on-the-Potomac is going to be in charge.

  24. "The history books tell us that the US had an opportunity to annex all of Mexico after it's shockingly easy victory over it. I think a golden opportunity was missed here. One of the reasons against it at the time was fear of bringing in so many non-white Mestizos. But the thing was, Mexico at the time had only one-tenth the population of the US, so that population could have easily been assimilated, and under the standards of the time, forced to speak English. They could have also left the heavily-Indian Yucatan and Southern Mexico independent - drawing the border at the easily-defended Isthmus of Tehuantepec. In the long-run, the US would be better off. Yes, we'd have a lot of Mestizos now, but they would all speak English and have adapted American culture."

    Actually, the population of Mexico at the time was about one-third that of the US. Most of those brown folks would likely have been enslaved as the South was pushing for Mexico to be divided into slave states.

    Plus, most of those expansionists saw Mexico as only the beginning of the complete conquest of North America and the Caribbean. Not only would that have brought a huge amount of black and brown people into the country, it would have resulted in a war between the US and the British Empire. I was that the US would have lost, and would have cause it to be re-absorbed into the Empire.

  25. And remind me why voting Republican is such a great idea?

    I have met many Texans over the years. All Republicans. On the subject of illegals they would shrug and say that the only thing they cared about was, "how much do you pay them?" (Meaning, as maids and gardeners.)

    So, when the crap hits the fan, Sailer's boys will blame this NY Jew for the downfall of America, and Bush/Texas Republicans will get off scott free.

    Guess I'd better brush off my rusty Hebrew. Maybe Israel will go down too, but at least I'll die on my feet and not my knees.

  26. Gee, Michael Ard - thanks sooo much for coming here to poor, ignorant, backwards Texas and pointing out how poor our infrastructure is in comparison to thriving Virginia! I mean gee whiz! How silly of us not to devote more public monies to public projects! And, of course, Texas will turn blue because of all the poor! Because DWL immigrants like you will ensure there are public services for them paid for by White taxpayers - and the Republicrat party will ensure they become citizens and/or voters (whichever happens first is irrelevant). Anyhow, thank you SOOOO much for helping out your fellow, ignorant, White Americans. If you hadn't left Virginia to come and help us, where would we be?

  27. Let's:

    I haven't been to Cotulla for almost 60 years. Back then, it was a fairly sleepy town. One thing unusual about it that I noticed was that a fair number of men wore pistols.

    Four miles N of town, RR tracks crossed the highway and there was, on the west side of the road, a small building that had soda (pop)
    and a few forgettable food items.

    Just across the road, almost immediately south of the tracks, a dirt road led back onto whatever ranch that happened to be and, a couple hundred yards along that road was a house occupied by an old-timer named Frank White, his wife, and a grandson--about 11 or 12 at the time. Frank more or less "homesteaded," though I don't think he owned the property. He kept a milk cow (fed on cactus they'd singe), some chickens, and raised broom corn. But he was somewhat famous in the area as a bounty hunter of whatever animals were bountied, a hunter of the javelina (farmers from quite a wide area would call him to deal with them on their places). He was an amazing marksman, doing almost all of his hunting with a .22 pump-action rifle.

    In those days, I bought snakes from him by the hundreds of pounds (@ 50 cents per pound), about half rattlers and the other half other varieties, which I'd crate and ship Railway Express out of Cotulla to several customers, but mostly to Black Hills Reptile Garden in Rapid City (where I also worked a couple summers).

    Those were the good ol' days.

  28. A calculus most of you are missing when comparing CA to TX regarding immigration: in contrast to CA, Latino immigration to TX makes housing cheaper, because the cost of new house construction is so much cheaper. Housing growth in Texas is about building houses on what used to be farmland, so the value of the land in the exurbs is relatively negligible; what matters is the cost of building the actual home.

    Add to that that the restaurant industry in every major city in TX (save maybe Austin) is built on illegal labor -- and everyone knows it. The major form of entertainment in Texas is "going out to eat", so few locals want to see the restaurant industry destroyed.

    Sure, this is short-sighted thinking, but, as opposed to CA, at least there is a short-term logic to it. Texas has benefited from Mexican immigration over the past several decades. People have a tendency to extrapolate past trends into the future.

    As for the remarks here about San Antonio: San Antonio is the most Hispanic city in the state and folks in Dallas and Houston think of San Antonio as a fun historical museum to visit on a nice weekend in April. The dearth of white people there only adds to its quaint charm.

  29. Eventually what's going to happen is that most of the U.S. will look and feel like Mississippi, with tinier and tinier pockets of the cognitively capable surrounded by miles and miles of poverty.

  30. Horace Ramsey Taliaferro10/24/13, 11:51 AM

    Here in Sacramento, the southern part of the city was filled in during the 40s and 50s with one of the nicest traditional suburbs you have ever seen. 20 years ago, I used to ride my bicycle through these streets on fitness rides because it was just so nice. But even then there were pockets of Mexicans and the shift from White to Mexican we downright jarring.

    The houses still looked nice, but suddenly there were cars on the lawns, living room furniture on the front porch and in the driveway, gatherings of sullen, loud, drunk men at regular intervals, gangs of children shouting obscenities, loud thumping stereos with the speakers pointing OUT of the windows, a sprinkling of garbage, etc.

    These little areas were as bad as Black neighborhoods and in the same way. Now 20 years later the ENTIRE area is almost all ruined by Mexicans and South Asians. By now the buildings are even becoming very shabby. And, of course, added to the mix are subsidized apartment complexes who have hired gang members as armed guards.

    This is the neighborhood where you hear about people getting shot, knifed, beaten "at parties." You hear about this a LOT. Bodies are found discarded here and there; usually they are women. Guys will be found dead in their cars. Neighbors will kill each other during minor feuds. Drugs are everywhere. Empty store fronts in nice old shopping centers.

    Even Leftist imbeciles won't move too close to these areas. Although they are constantly attempting to live in Midtown; an area with really amazing old Victorian houses punctuated by 50s-era apartments. Leftists are constantly amazed that they will suddenly experience an unrelenting tsunami of minor crimes, interspersed with the occasional major outrage.

    The funniest episode, to me, was about 10 years ago when the city decided to promote another hellish slum (with lots of awesome architecture) as an "Arts Community." Artists received grants to establish studios and galleries in the vacant storefronts. Many of them decided to live in this lively, vibrant hellhole.

    Once word got around, the Black, Mexican, Asian locals decided that the new "Arts Community" was a wonderful thing. It was a very fine, target-rich environment. The resulting crime wave was almost like the Sack of Rome. Artists would be openly attacked in broad daylight as they were moving in.

    Nobody learned anything. It would be raciss to even notice. It was all chalked up to the poor dear brutes being so oppressed and all. How sad. Who could have foreseen such a tragedy.

    The Left has been championing the values of nonWhites for so long, that we come to the point that Whites are being forced to be as stupid and ignorant as nonWhites.

  31. It's all the same everywhere in the Western World, except Russia, Israel, Japan and the tiny Finland.

    Even those are falling XXXXXX changing.

  32. I guess being Black friendly means you must used to the Democratic Party kowtowing to your every demand like Taxes, Gun Control, Affirmative Action and of course, MORE money for government programs.

    Why would blacks be in favour of gun control? You would think they would want the right to defend themselves both from Whitey and their own thuggish ghetto brothers.

    Unless the gun-control activists have been bribing black leaders to take their side.

  33. "Texas and the rest of the Southwest are part of the United States today because Mexico had a profoundly short-sighted immigration policy in the 1820s and 30s. Obviously there were proximate causes for Texas independence and the subsequent US annexation, but the big factor was the 80% Anglo demographics of the state." - No, Mexico got what it wanted, a buffer state between them and the actual natives. It was only when Texas started to become something worth having that they started to desire it.

  34. I grew up near McAllen. What your commenter is describing has been the case since the 70s, really, in the Rio Grande Valley. If you draw a line from Corpus Christi on the Gulf Coast West to Laredo, everything south of that is sort of like the intratidal zone on a beach, where it's walkable sand during one period, and inundated during another. Right now, the tide is in and it's much more Mexican, but most of the newcomers pass on through to where I now live in Houston and other big cities. That's where most of the low-skilled work is.

    Is the Valley unliveable for Anglos? No, not really. It's actually quite nice. There are problem areas, and the population growth has done nothing good for the Valley's semi-tropical aesthetics, but you can still live quite nicely and inexpensively. If you have skills, you can make a decent living there. Knowing some Spanish is becoming more and more of a must, but you can get by in English.

    One thing that needs to be noted in South Texas is that Anglos and Mexicans there intermarry quite frequently, both ways.

    This is not to endorse the ongoing inundation. It's bad and it should stop, and I can foresee more radicalization happening in the future, but it is retarded by the intermixture. It's pretty hard to take some MeCha loudmouth going on about the evil gueros seriously when so many of your cousins and in-laws are gueros themselves.

  35. "The history books tell us that the US had an opportunity to annex all of Mexico after it's shockingly easy victory over it. I think a golden opportunity was missed here." - You say golden opportunity, I say dodged bullet.

  36. "It's all the same everywhere in the Western World, except Russia, Israel, Japan and the tiny Finland."

    Finland is not that tiny. Go North, young man. Just don´t forget warm underwear...

  37. "Yes, we'd have a lot of Mestizos now, but they would all speak English and have adapted American culture."

    US blacks also speak English and adapted American culture...

  38. Perhaps they really are just plain evil, knowing exactly, what they are doing, showing the strong will to destroy the nationstates of the white peoples almost everywhere on earth...And they are successful.

    I'm not so worried about the white nation-states. I'm worried about white genes. As long as white genes survive, there's the possibility of a future "Global Reconquista."

  39. "San Antonio is the most Hispanic city in the state"

    People always seem to forget that El Paso exists.

  40. We live in a suburb of Austin, in an upper class, diverse neighborhood. A few Mexicans but they are vastly outnumbered by East Asians and especially South Asians. Programmers at IBM, Dell, Texas Instruments, etc. Even a few Black families, but almost all of them are traditional families. Mom, Dad and the kids. Very middle class. Not a bad place to live. Note, there are a lot more Chinese and Indians than there are Mexicans.

  41. "Why would blacks be in favour of gun control? You would think they would want the right to defend themselves both from Whitey and their own thuggish ghetto brothers."

    I spoke that from a Chicago perspective. In Chicago, the news media uses gun ownership as the proximate cause of crime, following the Chicago Democrat tradition of blaming everything BUT Blacks as the "root cause" of crime. "Gangs, Guns and Drugs" is the actual mantra chanted ad nauseum by Blacks. Now, I personally have never heard a Black MALE say they thought guns were a bad thing. Black FEMALES as far as I can tell really, REALLY believe that guns are the cause of crime. Politically, in retarded states like Illinois, Blacks follow the standard Jewish-Left spectrum in voting, because that it where the "I is Black, give me free stuff" desires are to be filled. And where the Jewish political funds flow to; remember, this is why the now deceased Aron Zelman created Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO.org), because of the massive Jewish role in the creation and sustaining of the modern Gun Control movement in the USA.

  42. Polichinello, that is very interesting about the geography of the southern point of Texas. On a related note, i've noticed that just north of the populous area of McAllen-Brownsville-Harlingen there is a county called Kenedy County. It is fairly large in area yet has less than 500 people. I always wondered why that was. Is it the geography or climate? Seems unlikely, as one of its neighboring counties has over half a million people.

  43. I lived in McAllen Texas in the early 70's when I was in elementary school. I was one of three white kids in my class. My grandmother was Mexican, but she was also white. Anyway, south Texas has always been 90% Mexican. Literally always. It is not a transformation of any kind. Texas like New Mexico, Arizona and southern California have always had tons of Mexicans. I was looking for my great grandfather's original homestead documents on the BLM website and tons and tons of the names were Spanish. Probably more than half. Anyway, the southern counties of all those states bordering Mexico are not just recently full of Mexicans. Just ain't so.

  44. Okay, I used to joke that every Mexican in Texas has relatives in San Antonio. For a while my very white mother lived in San Antonio and since her mother was Mexican, I used her as a case in point. Anyway, I said this to a friend once and he thought it was pretty silly. Then his Mexican friend came over and we were all chatting and he shared that he had just got back from visiting relatives in San Antonio. LOL my friend just had to smile.

  45. So, when the crap hits the fan, Sailer's boys will blame this NY Jew for the downfall of America, and Bush/Texas Republicans will get off scott free.

    No sir we won't let those RINOs off the hook. We know they are just as guilty of treachery as Celler, Schumer and Foxman.

  46. Much of Kenedy County is taken up by the King Ranch http://www.king-ranch.com/images/kr_map.jpg and the Kenedy Ranch http://www.kenedy.org/Portals/39/Images/maps/map_Entire.pdf

    I'd like to put in a good word for the Rio Grande Valley as well. I lived there for two years and recently moved away. Nice climate, low cost of living, some bad areas but overall pretty safe. Lot's of transplants from the upper midwest come to stay for the winters. It's downscale without being ghetto. Slow pace of life and an unpretentious place I found quite agreeable.

  47. Niel Blomkamp and Mike Judge must be echoing Jeff Goldblum's timeless line from Jurassic Park: "Boy do I hate being right all the time."

    Holly Hunter's line in Broadcast News was much better.

  48. Yeah, for all that Texas swagger, it seems that Texans (or at least their politicians) don't actually Remember The Alamo.

    The defenders of the Alamo all died, and the central government has plainly indicated that the same fate awaits those who would defend Texas, Arizona, or any other portion of this country. So, no, it seems they remember the Alamo quite well.

  49. So, when the crap hits the fan, Sailer's boys will blame this NY Jew for the downfall of America, and Bush/Texas Republicans will get off scott free.

    Surely you've heard of "The Civil War" and Plyler v. Doe. This was all forced on us. We just try to make the best of it.

  50. “Actually, after 500 years, many Indios in Mexico have yet to learn to speak Spanish or adapt Hispanic culture”

    Why bother? Chiapas is Mexico´s Aztlan. With Guatemala as the epicenter of Indios population explosion, Mayas will soon move north replacing Mesticos who in turn will replace whities. There´s plenty of space in Canada´s northern territories. And in Scandinavia for that matter. Mingling with Eskimos and Vikings will only make whites stronger. (And a little Jewish infusion would make wonders with Nobel commission picks.) Just pray global warming isn´t another NYT editorial scam.

  51. "Holly Hunter's line in Broadcast News was much better."

    You mean her laughing and crying at the same time? That was Oscar stuff.

  52. "Why would blacks be in favour of gun control?"

    St. Louis firearms trainer John Ross had that explained to him by a black friend this way, in a conversation about how blacks uniformly opposed a right-to-carry referendum:

    "I am going to ask you two true-or-false questions. One: Do blacks in the city of St. Louis have large extended families?" I answered in the affirmative. "Two: Is it true that in St. Louis, over 40% of the black males between the ages of 17 and 25 have criminal records?" I told him that was also true, unfortunately.

    "So here is the important question: What are the chances of a black person of voting age in St. Louis having at least one relative with a criminal record? Assume we define ‘relative’ broadly, to include the young men who father the children of our female relatives, whether married to them or not." He sat there waiting for my answer.

    "Are we talking fathers, stepfathers, uncles, brothers, stepbrothers, male cousins, sons, stepsons, nephews, mothers’ boyfriends, aunts' boyfriends, sisters’ boyfriends, daughters’ boyfriends, stepdaughters’ boyfriends, female cousins’ boyfriends, nieces’ boyfriends, as well as anyone actually married to a female relative?" I asked. He nodded. "Then I’d say there's nearly 100% probability that at least one relative would have a criminal record." He smiled at me like a teacher who has just gotten the right answer from one of his slower students.

    "So," I said, "I'm to believe that the black sentiment in St. Louis was ‘I wish young Tyrone would stop robbing people, but I don’t want one of the people he robs to shoot him dead.’ Is that it?" I asked. "You’ve got it exactly," he told me.

  53. Now, I personally have never heard a Black MALE say they thought guns were a bad thing. Black FEMALES as far as I can tell really, REALLY believe that guns are the cause of crime.

    Sounds about right. Also Gun Control is not so much about guns but the LEGAL ownership of guns. For some reason, women, even fairly intelligent ones, have difficulty understanding this point.

  54. We live in a suburb of Austin, in an upper class, diverse neighborhood. A few Mexicans but they are vastly outnumbered by East Asians and especially South Asians. Programmers at IBM, Dell, Texas Instruments, etc. Even a few Black families, but almost all of them are traditional families. Mom, Dad and the kids. Very middle class. Not a bad place to live. Note, there are a lot more Chinese and Indians than there are Mexicans.

    Asians only 8 percent of Austin and Hispanics 35 percent. Its like you lived in Orange County California in Irvine where its 40 percent Asian and only 9 percent Hispanic.
    10/24/13, 4:24 PM

  55. We live in a suburb of Austin, in an upper class, diverse neighborhood. A few Mexicans but they are vastly outnumbered by East Asians and especially South Asians. Programmers at IBM, Dell, Texas Instruments, etc. Even a few Black families, but almost all of them are traditional families. Mom, Dad and the kids. Very middle class. Not a bad place to live. Note, there are a lot more Chinese and Indians than there are Mexicans.

    Asians only 8 percent of Austin and Hispanics 35 percent. Its like palces in La that are 60 percent Asian but LA is stil 48 percent Hispanic.

  56. Come and take it, seriously! It's all yours now! We're too dumb and greedy to keep it for ourselves!"

    This is true and he and politicians like Ted Cruz want more tech workers that are Asian like the person mention who lives in Austin. If the oil gut drops prices then Texas loses appeal and about half of the people that go there find it there are good paying jobs but also bad paying jobs and not much cheaper than living in the midwest.

  57. I get tried of conservative blogs like the Daily caller, the stupid right could have done something against illegal immigration during Dubnya Bushes first term, instead they were happy because Republicans were elected. Now they complain they should have complain way back in 2002. States like Texas I think hit the number then. .

  58. Come and take it, seriously! It's all yours now! We're too dumb and greedy to keep it for ourselves!"

    Good point, Republicans whether in Texas or those in Orange County or San Diego area where I used to live will make noise sometimes on illegal immigration but engaged in paying the illegal immirgants

  59. southern California didn't have tons of Mexicans. i grew up in Orange County and in the early 1970's you rarely saw a Mexican unless it was Santa Ana or Anaheim. It was only 10 percent in 1970 even in La in the 1960's parts of La was much more black not Mexico like Compton.

  60. No sir we won't let those RINOs off the hook. We know they are just as guilty of treachery as Celler, Schumer and Foxman.
    The rinos are always to blame why is it that Ted Cruz stated in the New York Times if they had a bill on immigration he agree with he would legalized the illegal aliens but not make them citizens. Is he a Rino. Only a handful of the so-called right really is against illegal immirgant Hispanic, Tancredo, King, Mccruy, Ronabacher and MCClinck, and Sessions

  61. Penny Al Arrabbiata10/25/13, 3:01 PM

    "Holly Hunter's line in Broadcast News was much better."

    This one?:

    Paul Moore: It must be nice to always believe you know better, to always think you're the smartest person in the room.

    Jane Craig: No. It's awful.

  62. Texas tax system its regressive by putting all the taxes on property and sales. Some lower middle class folks do better that have a low state income tax, property tax and sales tax like Missouri. In fact a person stated they paid less taxes in Missouri than Texas. Higher income individuals pay less in Texas unless their property taxes are really high. Louisiana tried to copy Texas but it was stopped since people found out that Texas is high in property and sales tax. It would not benefit the average Joe much in Lousianna and Jandel tried to based it mainly on sales tax. The right since prop 13 in California has favored more tax reductions for folks with money instead of the middle class.

  63. The only thing going for south Texas are the daily influx of Mexican nationals who shop and conduct business throughout the region and federal and state jobs that help create a Hispanic middle class. Without that south Texas would be a second world region within a first world nation.

  64. I agree with everyone who says that black women are much likelier to have anti-gun attitudes then black men. Black women, not all black women but the vast majority, love black men and engage in a great deal of circular reasoning and magical thinking to avoid confronting the truth about them. So black men murder other blacks not because they are murderers but because guns are around. Black men don't succeed financially, not because they are low-IQ and lazy but because racism is holding them down. Black men ardently pursue white women, not because those men think white women are the most beautiful, but because racist Hollywood has brainwashed them with images of beautiful white celebrities. Black women would rather believe that black men have no minds or free will of their own rather than admit that most black men are just low-quality men. It is pretty remarkable when you think about it.


  65. "Mayas will soon move north replacing Mesticos who in turn will replace whities."

    Almost all of the Mexicans in the Northeast appear to be pure Indians. Deep, copper brown skin and perfectly straight hair. In other parts of the country, you notice they are mixed and have yellowish skin.

  66. "It's not unreasonable for a black mother to wish the government would take away all the guns so that her son wouldn't shoot somebody or get shot himself."

    Perhaps so, Steve. But why is that all the women in the gun control advocacy groups always refer to the "it is better to be beaten by fists in a fight than to be shot" scenario in which they appear to be an implicit victim? (SOP for Brady Campaign types) Yes, why do leftist women INSIST that their status MUST always be a VICTIM?

    I would guess almost all the Gun Control advocates like the Police, Feinstein, Jesse Jackson and the like are handgun owners who don't believe what comes out of their own mouths. Even the anti-gunner actor Jack Lord (Hawaii Five-O) was a handgun owner. Why would ANYONE with even a small amount of sense swallow ANY of their arguments?

  67. Peter the Shark said...
    ...Putin and his cronies are no different from our elites. Moscow is drowning in immigrants from Central Asia...

    You are absolutely right. Recently the city of Moscow has seen a real riot in Biryulyuovo following the murder of Egor Scherbakov http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2013_10_13/Those-responsible-for-Biryulyovo-riot-must-be-brought-to-justice-Moscow-mayor-4840/

    I apologize for the lengthy input and probably a lousy translation from Russian, but here is the letter that was posted on one of the Russian websites. You will not see these people interviewed by Russian news outlets, so I figured it might be an interesting read. After all the Russians has dealt with vibrant Asian diversity for years (comments marked with an * are mine).

    ...Yesterday the entire city of Moscow and the whole world learned about my native district of Biryulyuovo. There are a lot of questions about what has happened, a lot of people are wondering where all this anger and hatred are coming from.
    Well...I'll try to explain.
    I am going to start from the very beginning.

    The native population of the district Biryulyuovo-West consisted of your regular prols, people who worked at the ZIL plant and other plants and factories. Another part of the population were people called the "limita" (* migrants from provincial towns and cities with permission to work in Moscow only. These people were not allowed to settle in the city, sort of like visitors to the US with HB1 visas and social security cards with the stamp "for work only"). The area is isolated from the rest of the city by 2 railroads of Paveleck and Kursk railroad stations. There are only 2 exits from the districts, one is the exit to Moscow bypass, another one is the exit to Warsaw highway. The place is an ideal location for a ghetto.

    In the "evil" 90s after the collapse of the USSR new Russian businessmen started opening businesses in the industrial area adjacent to Biryulyuivo (the "prom zone"). They opened the Pokrovskii market place and the vegetable warehouse. It is a well known fact that these types of enterprise attracts all kinds of low life. In our case these low life thugs were migrants from the Central Asia and the Caucasus.

    In the 90s people who worked at the market and warehouse also lived where they worked, or rented apartments in the houses closest to their work. After ZIL and other major plants where the majority of locals worked shut down, a lot of people found themselves unemployed and pretty much doomed, because they did not possess skills necessary to obtain jobs other than plant jobs. Some of them went through training though, and found jobs. Some of them failed to do so, and started drinking. Some left the area for good, some stayed and did the best they could to survive. The number of vacant apartments grew, but due to the area being in a "bad zip code" it was impossible to find decent renters. But the market and warehouse workforce was right there and more then willing to rent vacant places. The numbers of renters of this type grew, the crime rates skyrocket. At first there were "minor" crimes like burglaries and robberies. Stabbings and shootings came later. The latter became an every day reality.

    (to be continued)

  68. (continued)

    Due to high risks associated with living in the area the locals started to flee even more actively. So the circle closed: more Asian migrants, less locals, higher crime rates. The bad thing was not everyone could leave. The poorest and the most stubborn of us stayed.

    Quite naturally locals blamed the market and the warehouse for all these crime statistics. They were trying hard to make the local government shut down those businesses or move them further away from the areas where people lived. In 2000 the market place was finally closed, the locals were happy, but their happiness was premature. The migrants did not leave at all. They just relocated from the market place to the warehouse. The locals tried to make the government close the warehouse, but no one listened. Add to this the fact that at the time all this was happening the head of the local police department was a guy from Aizerbaidzhan (* a country in Central Asia), who was getting kick backs from all the businesses in the area. The police force was on the side of the migrants.

    The situation was getting more and more intense. I can assure you if you ask any local from Biryulyuovo he will tell about himself, his relatives or friends who got assaulted, robbed, killed or raped by migrants. The worst part is the police is not solving the crimes, some of the crimes like sexual harassment are not even considered to be a crime. Almost any young girl or woman can tell you a story of being sexually harassed by "vibrant diversity" from Asia.

    When my girlfriend was 12 years old she was raped by a "huch" (* a derogatory nickname for migrants from Central Asia in Russia), my friend was beaten with bats and robbed by a group of "haches", my 85 year old neighbor was beaten and robbed by them...

    It's worth a note that when my girlfriend's rape happened in the late 90's we did not just stand by doing nothing. My friends and I were 14-16 years old back then, and when we saw that the police was doing literally nothing to solve the crime we organized the group search for the rapist. There were about 150 of us pumped up with anger, we were dangerous. So some of us were arrested by police, others were beaten up with metal sticks by Asians...

    Years went by, numbers of migrants in the area grew. Most of local Russians have fled the area, those who stayed live in the hide, it became simply dangerous to openly walk the streets.

    There is nothing but plain anger and hatred towards migrants and corrupted policemen in people. The government still does nothing but provokes this hatred by promoting their policy of tolerance.

    Murders and robberies are happening in Biryulyuivo every day now. People stopped seeking help from the police. Local police exists to protect the businesses, not people. And every local business is run by people from the Caucusus or the Central Asia. The recent murder of Egor Scherbakov has tipped off the scale. People's anger exploded.

    The locals in Biryulyovo want just one thing, to move migrants away from the area. Let them do their business far away from people, because they are not people, they are wild animals, and humans cannot live side by side with wild animals.


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