April 12, 2005

The Anti-Social Fund:

A reader writes:

Steve, I enjoy reading your articles, but I must ask a question: what's the point? If the purpose of the game of life is to play, why not use your talents to win?

Example: you, more than most people, clearly recognized that illegal immigration would lead to depressed wages and increased demand for housing.

While housing (asset) appreciation is excluded from inflationary measures, stable/deflationary wages comprise a key input, with the result being historically low interest rates.

Combine low interest rates with rising demand for housing, and what do you get? (I bet the correlation between immigration and price escalation is nearly perfect. There's a reason why the mid-west is not experiencing a bubble.)

Rather then wasting your time (accurately) forecasting the future for the mere joy of being right, you should consider an anti-social fund (a play on those ridiculous 'social funds') that clearly proclaims its investment objectives based on the obvious.

Anyone with an IQ over 100 knows where the US is headed; the issue at hand is how to profit from the coming Latinization so that one's limited time here on earth can be enjoyed to its maximum.

Well, maybe that's not totally the purpose of life...

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer

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