July 6, 2005

"The Pretty Good Four:"

The new superhero movie "The Fantastic Four" is fairly witty about their superpowers -- e.g., the Human Torch cooks Jiffy Pop popcorn on the palm of his hand, and the rubbery Mr. Fantastic gives himself an extra-close shave by pulling his jaw out a foot. Otherwise, it's a little hard to see what the point of the movie is, but then comic book movies always baffle me in that way. Anyway, it's reasonably well made.

The big distraction is the casting of Jessica Alba as Sue Storm, the Beautiful Lady Scientist who is the Director of Genetic Research at Von Doom Enterprises. Apparently, Sue's a blonde, which the dark beauty Jessica most definitely is not. So, they dyed her hair this awful gold color, the color that black stand-up comics joke about in routines about "You Know You're Ghet-To When ..."

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