November 15, 2005

Were the Niger yellowcake forgeries reforged?

One of the mysteries of the Iraq Attaq has been how the ludicrously bad forgeries claiming that Saddam was trying to buy 1,000,000 pounds of uranium yellowcake from Niger were accepted by Washington even though anyone with Google could disprove them in a few hours. A new article in La Repubblica says that Italian military intelligence, SISMI, initially provided only the text of the documents to Washington, but with the obvious errors in the documents fixed. In other words, somebody higher up than the original forgers was intentionally lying.

So, who rewrote the first forgeries to cover up the errors? It's probably in the best interests of the Bush Administration if SISMI officials take responsibility for this: Hey, it's not our fault, we innocent Americans were duped by those wily Machiavellians in Rome! On the other hand, Italians spies are not necessarily the strong silent types who will stoically fall on their swords. So, more revelations could follow.

There's still time for Michael Ledeen to use his contacts in SISMI to search for the Real Forgers!

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