August 26, 2006

Around the Web

Glaivester blogs:

Sorry for Light Posting: With a job, I have been a little more tired recently.

To paraphrase Oscar Wilde: Work is the curse of the blogging class.

At Mahalanobis, HedgeFundGuy considers the paradox of the poverty rate staying flat for over 30 years, while poor people have accumulated a remarkable amount of stuff.

The problem with being poor today is not so much that you don't own enough goods but that you have to live around other poor people.

Yes, the new edition of "Survivor" will have four teams composed of separate ethnic groups: blacks, whites, Asians, and Hispanics. Many high-minded people are upset, yet they are the same folks who want our public life to consist of competition among La Raza, the NAACP, the ADL, CAIR, and so forth.

With Jim Antle's help, Michael Brendan Dougherty comes up with the three words you can append to the end of any neocon foreign policy statement that will explain the idea's basic appeal to them.

For sheer ability to deliver truckloads of hits to my website just by listing one of my blog postings by name, Justin Raimondo's is almost in a class by itself.

Pat Buchanan kindly sent me a copy of his new #1 bestseller on immigration, State of Emergency, with post-its marking the half-dozen pages where he quoted me. Mr. Buchanan now has a blog to promote his book.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer

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