January 9, 2007

The European Death Wish personified

National suicide via politeness. A TV commercial on YouTube.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. at first i thought you meant this commercial:


    i saw the condom one before too. how about this weird commercial advising gays to wear condoms:


  2. Wow. I sympathize with the point of view espoused by the add as I don't want children personally, but "death wish" is right. This is not something a healthy society tells itself.

  3. I notice that while non-white people are suitable for so much prominence in advertising they were not so in this case. Im sure there is no significance in this...

  4. If my many lefty friends are representative, it's less a case of "National suicide via politeness", and more one of "National suicide via having too many hobbies and pleasures to be bothered with how much time children take." The kid in the video was an embarrasment, yes, but even more than that he was a *drag* on the fun, swinging, full *normal person's* life the stubbly guy could have been having.

  5. Give the hipster-dad a break. In Europe, if you hit your kids, you can go to jail. Thus they create little barbarians like that kid.

    Luckily, there's a solution, which the commercial so helpfully points out: don't have kids in the first place. Now nothing will stop you from going clubbing Saturday night.

  6. It sounds like a typical propagandist trick - present the worst aspect of something as if it were typical. It's the same trick feminists use, when they imply that being a mother is nothing but changing nappies. Or that being a wife is all about darning socks.

  7. What language is the actor using? It sounds to me like: "Ani rotze bamba". Hmm.


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