January 10, 2007

iPhone & iSteve

Across Difficult Country is impressed with Apple's new iPhone and this age of wonders we live in:

"I saw footage of the Steve Jobs Apple iPhone demo, and one of the things you can do with iPhone is upload photos to it, then, by touching the screen, make them larger and smaller. Am I the only one reminded of the moon landing? Larger, smaller – by touching the screen. I'm thinking of how stout Cortez must have felt on that mountaintop. Larger. Smaller. By touching the screen."

By the way, if you were vastly rich Steve Jobs, wouldn't you make me an offer to buy my iSteve.com domain name, just to be tidy?

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Larger and smaller - yes, on a three inch screen. Give me a break.

  2. Trivia: Steve Jobs often says that he routinely carries several thousand dollars in cash (must be quite a wad of bills) just in case he comes across some immediate buying opportunities. He must be either very naive or very stupid to let something like that be known.

    Iron Rails & Iron Weights

  3. He must be the richest Arab-American, and would make an interesting presidential candidate.

  4. I wonder what sort of "immediate buying opportunities" both (a) require several - or even most of one - thousand dollars, and (b) don't take credit cards?

  5. I wonder what sort of "immediate buying opportunities" both (a) require several - or even most of one - thousand dollars, and (b) don't take credit cards?

  6. I wonder what sort of "immediate buying opportunities" both (a) require several - or even most of one - thousand dollars, and (b) don't take credit cards?

    I believe Mr. Jobs is referring to prostitutes.

  7. He could also be making a dirty joke.

  8. The only Arab presidential candidate I can think of is Ralph Nader, and unlike Ralph, Steve Jobs may be tarred with an options backdating scandal.

    Anyhow, somehow I doubt being President is one of Jobs's ambitions. It really isn't the best job, when you think about it. He probably lives in a nicer house now, and has fewer people who hate him.


  9. Careful, you might get your domain taken away from you if Steve Jobs does beleive that it causes confusion and he wouldn't even have to pay you for it.


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