January 19, 2007

The Old Switcheroo

If you read feminist tracts closely, you'll notice the old switcheroo going on. Men are always attacked qua "men" whenever possible. E.g., "Men think of women as sex objects". But when women are the cause of the problem, then the culprit is "society." E.g., "Society encourages women to ignore sports and think excessively about wedding dresses."

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. If you read feminist tracts closely

    Not gonna do it and nobody's gonna make me do it!

  2. Ive noticed that historical works refer to European expansion in America. Then around the time the locals are defeated those bad Europeans become Americans.

    Same with Australia/New Zealand its those bad Brits?Europeans doing the colonising but once the indiginous folk are out of the way, the happy tale of Aussie/Kiwi history springs into being.

  3. Steve, you don't have to prove how macho you are. You're 6'4", sired a couple of kids, you've got the beard thing going (shaving is for wimps!); your testosterone must be in permanent overproduction.

  4. That's funny, my history books talk about "American" expansion into the West, and "Americans" at Wounded Knee. Maybe you need a few new history books - or maybe some older ones

  5. Sometimes, when I see the nasty, catfight malevolence open female competition for husbands, that whole traditional gender roles thing doesn't sound so crazy after all. (De)Feminism is a war against motherhood.

    But hey, whatever works to make us all good, neutered cogs in the machine society, right? Sex, reproduction, family - it's all just baggage that reduces per capita productivity, right?

  6. I was thinking the same thing as the first commenter. You lost me in the first half of the first sentence.

  7. Does "society" encourage Gay men to ignore sports and think excessively about wedding dressess??(Just a li'l old humor for ya!) In the ecstatic reception to the ascension of Empress Pelosi,I noticed many aging,flabby boomer women shaking their jowls with joy,as if 'arising time was near',the howls of triumph nearly drowning out the click-clacking of their dried up eggs bouncing off petrified uterine walls.:) So why was Pelosi lauded for blubbering on about,uhm,children? She yapped as if it was the mothers who were superior to the barren dedicated career girls,(with the dried up eggs)! After dedicating Congress to the children,she promptly expanded the workweek for Congress!"Mommy will be working late--get your OWN damn dinner!" Women dont make a whole lot of sense(sometimes...)!

  8. When I read it closely, I realize that its basically Marxism with all women as proletariat and all men as oppressors.

    The proletariat are easily led I guess, by "society" which is controlled by evil Patriarchy.

    So yeah, women don't bear any responsibility for anything in these tracts, but really though thinking they speak for all women is falling into a trap.

    They are the ones dividing everything into man against woman.

  9. Maybe not for you guys, but for us blue-staters Steve is a welcome source of deprogramming.


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