February 3, 2007

Life imitates a Joseph Wambaugh novel

The LA Times runs an article almost identical to a vignette in Wambaugh's new Hollywood Station.

The force arrests Chewbacca
A Hollywood wookiee impersonator is accused of head-butting a tour guide. A witness: Superman.

The buzz on Hollywood Boulevard on Friday was over the Chewbacca who police say crossed over to the dark side in front of hundreds of tourists at Grauman's Chinese Theatre.

LAPD officers arrested "Star Wars" street performer Frederick Evan Young, 44, of Los Angeles in his furry brown wookiee costume Thursday on a charge of misdemeanor battery for allegedly head-butting a tour guide who complained about Young's treatment of two visitors from Japan.

The incident — witnessed by Superman and other impersonators — is the latest clash outside the landmark cinema between visitors and performers dressed as movie and cartoon characters. They collect tips from tourists who pose for pictures and watch them perform in front of the theater, where generations of stars have placed their footprints in concrete.

Tourists have complained that some costumed characters turn abusive when they refuse to pay them to pose for pictures. Two years ago, actors dressed as superhero Mr. Incredible, Elmo the Muppet and the dark-hooded character from the movie "Scream" were arrested for aggressive begging. More recently, an actor portraying slasher movie favorite Freddie Krueger was taken into custody for allegedly stabbing another man, although no charges were filed.

Is there a funnier city in the world than LA?

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. LA has often been compared to the famous bar scene from Star Wars...so I guess its fitting that this knucklehead should be arrested! :)

  2. 44 year old 'street performer'arrested in Chewbacca costume.Uhmm,what d'ya think the odds are that maybe that costume is a tad "gamey"?

  3. I don't know -- I live in San Francisco, it has its moments :-)

  4. It sounds like there might be some trademark violations going on.



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