March 5, 2007 banned by Kmart

A reader writes:

At the Kmart closest to me, they have put in computers with free Internet access for customers. I checked to see if any sites are blocked by their SiteCoach filter and ... iSteve is. (Fortunately, VDARE is not.) You can write them and explain why you shouldn't be banned. They are a filter used in schools and here is their (lame) policy:

"The main goal of SiteCoach is to filter pornographic content and content glorifying violence, as well as right-wing and other so-called forbidden content that 'hits below the belt'."

So we must protect children from the two plagues of our time: porn and right-wing thinking.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. So we must protect children from the two plagues of our time: porn and right-wing thinking.

    This follows because it appears from looking at MSM content that people must be protected from thinking at all.

  2. A more interesting question than "Why is iSteve banned by Kmart?" is the following: Why has Steve Sailer not written a Vdare article in over two weeks?

  3. "The main goal of SiteCoach is to filter pornographic content and content glorifying violence, as well as right-wing and other so-called forbidden content that 'hits below the belt'."
    steve, is LaRaza available? how about 'right wing' AIPAC? my guess is yes. when you figure out who's behind a lot of these filters, the reason why is pretty clear.

  4. So we must protect children from the two plagues of our time: porn and right-wing thinking

    I doubt the Wall Street Journal is banned. This isn't rocket science people: the purpose of the ban is to lessen the friction between the white members of the lumpenproletariat and the black and brown members.

  5. steve has never said a nasty word. backs up his statements with research. uses generally 'bland' (non inflammatory rhetoric.) yet is 'banned' . as Vdare says 'diversity vs freedom

  6. { So we must protect children from the two plagues of our time: porn and right-wing thinking. }

    Well that rules out out about 95% of my favourite websites then.

  7. Steve, did you check this out before posting?

    And, if it's true, let's not bash Kmart for using a commercially leading program to both shield their customers and cover their own backs. Standard business practice.

  8. "steve, is LaRaza available? how about 'right wing' AIPAC? my guess is yes. when you figure out who's behind a lot of these filters, the reason why is pretty clear."

    Who is behind these filters? Let me guess....The Jews, right?

  9. Not [i]the Jews[/i], but Jews will certainly have had an input.

  10. Bollocks, I screwed up the tags.

  11. So, you've been blackballed by Kmart? Considering what the corporations have come to represent, especially on issues like immigration, I'd personally take that as a compliment.

    I run an organization that filters computers for the public, but I wouldn't think of blocking any political site. The easiest way to beat filtering is to set up a service where your blog can go straight to subscribers' email accounts. Not even the most intolerant liberals have stooped to blocking email.

  12. Who is behind these filters? Let me guess....The Jews, right?
    As another poster said not "The Jews" but to deny that say the ADL isn't a major player in the filter content industry, and that they are blatantly hypocritical is denying reality.
    I am not turning into a Us vs. the Jews thing but if you side with the ADL you certainly.

  13. KMart bans iSteve but not VDARE? Interesting. At my company, VDARE is blocked (under the category "Advocacy Groups"), but iSteve is not (which is why I can post this).

  14. No, not KMart bans...SiteCoach bans. It's parent company is German, hence the purdah around Holocaust denial.

  15. "so-called forbidden content"?
    It isn't "so-called" it *is* forbidden, by them! How can you doubt the veracity of something that you yourself are responsible for?
    Not to mention that it specifies "right-wing" but not "left-wing" since presumably there is no such thing, just fairminded centrists and crazy right-wingers.
    Zach, a so-called commentator

  16. No, not KMart bans...SiteCoach bans. It's parent company is German, hence the purdah around Holocaust denial.

    But Steve isn't a Holocaust denier.

  17. No, Steve's accepted the reality of the holocaust, unlike some of you guys. ;) But check ; Vanguard News Network is one of the top sites with the same viewers. Guilt by association, basically. This remains my favorite website I can't tell any of my friends about.

  18. yes unfortunately there is a sizable portion of isteve's readership that have a bug up their ass about jews and since steve never refutes or challenges their comments (and occasionally makes his own insinuations about the jewish lobby, someone from vanguard news network would never get the impression scholarly steve thinks differently...

  19. "yes unfortunately there is a sizable portion of isteve's readership that have a bug up their ass about jews and since steve never refutes or challenges their comments (and occasionally makes his own insinuations about the jewish lobby, someone from vanguard news network would never get the impression scholarly steve thinks differently..."

    Do Jews have a disproportionate influence in the US Media, academia, Hollywood, etc.? I think Jews deserve to have a spotlight shown on their behavior. Enough of this PC bull, Jews are (for a large part) responsible for the current PC environment. That is a fact.

  20. Don't criticize us helpless Jews.

    If you do, we'll crush you.

    It is unfortunately a fact that the ADL is the driving force behind "Hate" speech codes. Buh-bye First Amendment if these jerks have their way. You doubt diversity is strength? You say the black crime rate is higher? Heretic! Crimethink! Racist! To the dungeon with you! For example, look at how these "Hate" speech codes work in many European countries.

    A specter is haunting Europe - the specter of censorship. And the chief censors, the instigators, are known.

  21. As others have pointed out, the software originates in Germany, which has laws prohibiting neo Nazi activities. As a civil libertarian I am uncomfortable with the laws in Europe that suppress public expressions of Jew hatred, but the fact is that it is currently the law. "Right wing" should be understood in that context, not American politics.

    Do Jews have a disproportionate influence in the US Media, academia, Hollywood, etc.?

    Not as Jews. Influential left of center Jews promote agendas that are hardly consistent with traditional Jewish values.

    If Jews influence the media so much, why is traditional Judaism presented in such a poor light by the mass media? If the Jews are so powerful in the media, why does the mass media teach us about Eid al Fitr, but never mentions Shavuot? I'm sure you are more familiar with the term Haram al Sharif than Har HaBayit. If Jews influence the media so much, why does the mainstream media continue to be hostile to Israel and sympathetic to the Palestinians?

    The influence of Jews in Hollywood has seriously declined as large corporations have acquired most of the studios. Are Sony and BMG (based in Japan and Germany respectively) dominated by Jews? The fact is that when the major studios were run by Jews prior to the mid 1960s Hollywood produced films that were rather positive about America and the American way of life, and fairly respectful of Christianity (Ben Hur, The Robe, etc). At the same time the assimilationist Jews in Hollywood promoted images and concepts that were at odds with traditionalist Jews.

    I think Jews deserve to have a spotlight shown on their behavior.

    I think Jew haters like you deserve to have a spotlight shown on your behavior.

    Enough of this PC bull, Jews are (for a large part) responsible for the current PC environment. That is a fact.

    So let me see. We Jews are guilty of the current PC environment while simultaneously Jews, as 'neocons', are promoting a right wing agenda.

    Aesop said that any excuse will serve a tyrant. Likewise any excuse will serve a Jew hater.

    If you really want to take a stance against Jewish power, you really should be consistent and refuse to use any information, technology or medicine developed by Jews. Think about that while you sit in the dark (Steinmetz) as your kids get polio (Salk/Sabin).

  22. The filter (intergral to the webkiosk software) comes out of Germany. Germany has laws that, rightly or wrongly, make it a crime to allow the downloading of certain hard-right (i.e., neo-Nazi) materials on publicly available computers.

    Here are the relevant statutes as quoted on the SiteKiosk website [English translation is mine]:

    In der BRD gibt es Gesetze, die es untersagen, selbst Erwachsenen (!!) bestimmte Inhalte öffentlich zugänglich zu machen. Dies gilt nicht nur für Zeitschriften und Videos, sondern auch für Inhalte aus dem Internet, die über einen öffentlichen Terminal abgerufen werden können.

    Zu diesen gehören im Wesentlichen:

    * § 86a StGB
    Verwendung von Kennzeichen verfassungswidriger Organisationen
    (z.B. das Hakenkreuz) [Using the insignia of illegal organizations, i.e., the swastika]
    * § 130 Absatz 1 StGB
    Volksverhetzung [racial incitement]
    * § 130 Absatz 2 StGB
    Leugnen des Holocaust [Holocaust denial]

    These are the laws that, inter alia, prevent WWII video games sold in Germany from showing German soldiers in their historically accurate uniforms. The "right-wing" content that they refer to in their English section is a direct, but very clumsy translation of the German "Rechtsradikalen", which is better translated in context, as "neo-Nazi". Site Kiosk may make effective web filters, but they have piss poor translators.

  23. And, if it's true, let's not bash Kmart for using a commercially leading program to both shield their customers and cover their own backs. Standard business practice.

    Violating federal civil rights laws is "standard business practice"?

  24. Not as Jews. Influential left of center Jews promote agendas that are hardly consistent with traditional Jewish values.

    There is only one Jewish value: group continuity, and Jewish media influence is directed toward that end.

  25. If Jews influence the media so much, why is traditional Judaism presented in such a poor light by the mass media?

    I have to laugh at the irony.

    Right here, from your little platform as a commenter, you devote your efforts to portraying the Jewish community positively while portraying the community's critics negatively. Yet you ask us to believe that other Jews would never use a larger platform to promote the Jewish community's interests.

  26. Right here, from your little platform as a commenter, you devote your efforts to portraying the Jewish community positively while portraying the community's critics negatively. Yet you ask us to believe that other Jews would never use a larger platform to promote the Jewish community's interests.

    He didn't says Jews never promote the "Jewish community's interests". What he did say is that the mass media is not particularly favorable to traditional Jewish values.

    And as for your comment that the only value held by the Jewish community is group continuity, it would be just as valid to say "ben tillman"'s only value is the end of Jewish group continuity.

  27. To the idiot who said people who criticize jews should not avail themselves of the(Salk) polio vaccine:Tell all those jews to stop buying Mercedes-Benz cars!!! :)

  28. Actually, Sarah Silverman has a sketch about this.

  29. Some of you paleo-populists never seem to understand: your obsessive Jew-hatred will keep you marginalized.

    It's too bad for America, because there are some clear-thinkers on the right who have good policy ideas (or at least ask the right questions, like Steve Sailer), but as long as the right is associated with Jew-hatred (or black-hatred, or hatred of any other group) its impact will be limited.

  30. "It's too bad for America, because there are some clear-thinkers on the right who have good policy ideas (or at least ask the right questions, like Steve Sailer), but as long as the right is associated with Jew-hatred (or black-hatred, or hatred of any other group) its impact will be limited."

    The Jews will never allow clear-thinking right wingers to have a say in policy.

    You Jew lovers don't get it. Paleo-cons hate Jews because of WHAT THEY DO NOT WHO THEY ARE.

  31. Actually, the Mercedes Benz brand was named after a Jew. The importer of Daimler Benz' cars to Holland was a Jew named Emile Jellinik (sp?). He suggested that they build a particular model and the company named it after his daughter, Mercedes.

  32. Interesting. The pursuit of whites' self-interest somehow becomes "associated" with "obsessive Jew-hatred" or black-hatred.

    Yet one never hears that the pursuit of Jewish or black self-interest is "associated" with "obsessive white-hatred" though it is precisely the same thing.

    Funny that.

  33. Hitler forced you bastards out. Hopefully, one day we can do the same to your people.

    Last time I looked Hitler was dead, Germany was devastated in WWII, and my children are alive and Jewish. You lost.

    Our current laws prevent me from doing what you ask.

    Like I said, you're a coward.


  34. It is funny that no matter where they go the seem to act against the interest of the majority population.

    Yes, like developing vaccines, starting successful business employing people, and make it possible to have electricity in our homes.

    Of course you're only 'halb a Nazi'. You're a cut rate Aryan with no balls. Your life is so pathetic you can only give it meaning by creating a boogeyman to hate.

    Hating Jews isn't going to compensate for the small penis you have.

  35. Gentleman.

    While I receive, with much satisfaction, your Address replete with expressions of affection and esteem; I rejoice in the opportunity of assuring you, that I shall always retain a grateful remembrance of the cordial welcome I experienced in my visit to Newport, from all classes of Citizens.

    The reflection on the days of difficulty and danger which are past is rendered the more sweet, from a consciousness that they are succeeded by days of uncommon prosperity and security. If we have wisdom to make the best use of the advantages with which we are now favored, we cannot fail, under the just administration of a good Government, to become a great and happy people.

    The Citizens of the United States of America have a right to applaud themselves for having given to mankind examples of an enlarged and liberal policy: a policy worthy of imitation. All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship. It is now no more that toleration is spoken of, as if it was by the indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights. For happily the

    Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens, in giving it on all occasions their effectual support.

    It would be inconsistent with the frankness of my character not to avow that I am pleased with your favorable opinion of my Administration, and fervent wishes for my felicity. May the children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other Inhabitants; while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and figtree, and there shall be none to make him afraid. May the father of all mercies scatter light and not darkness in our paths, and make us all in our several vocations useful here, and in his own due time and way everlastingly happy.

    G. Washington

  36. Damn that Auto Report World Editors guy! It's no fun when a Jew gets on to a paleo-populist message board and starts beating the intellectual stuffing out of us Jew-haters!

    Arrg! Someone go run and get that Cal State professor to help us out!


  37. Hostis humani generis, indeed! Is Julius Streicher writing your material?

    Keep up the good work!

    I've never been a pirate and while my ex sometimes doesn't like me I'm hardly an enemy of all mankind. I'm actually rather warm and fuzzy.

    You don't have issues, you have a lifetime subscription. Keep focusing on those you hate. That way you can avoid thinking about your own inadequacies.

    It's pretty common around the world for racists to perpetuate the myths that minorities are overendowed and oversexed. In America it's blacks. In Europe it was Jews. I'm sure that in Japan it's Koreans and in Korea, Japanese. Either way it reflects insecurity.

    Or, perhaps you really do have a microphallus to go with your atrophied cerebral cortex.

  38. "Hitler forced you bastards out. Hopefully, one day we can do the same to your people."

    And Steve wonders why his site is verboten at Kmart.

  39. I hate this kind of debate. People are always so hyperbolic and irrational it is hard to discuss things honestly without be assailed from both sides. I don't even know if I should be saying anything, but here I go.

    On one hand, most of the problems with immigration and multiculturalism that we are experiencing in the US today are very similar to the problems experienced by Europe. That is regardless of whether or not individual European nations have sizable Jewish populations. This should dispel any notion that Jews are an essential cause of any of the problems we are having. All of western civilization is sick.

    On the other hand, Jews do tend to either dominate or, at least, play a significant role in liberal organizations, movements, and institutions. That is because they both skew leftward politically and because they are exceptionally intelligent and thus they rise to the top of those organizations, movements, and institutions (and perhaps make them more effective as well). I also get the sense that there is a certain degree of hostility towards the interests and values of "Anglo-America" by both Jewish liberals and neoconservatives. Jews frequently behave as though the next pogrom is just around the corner. I cannot tell you how many times I've heard Jews express the most cynical, paranoid nonsense towards conservative Christians, for example.

    While anyone who believes in vast Jewish conspiracies is nuts, it is true that Jews do frequently promote their ethnic interests. They do this in both organized ways (think of the ADL) and more subtle broad-based ways that don't involve anything beyond shared cultural values (think of the countless movies we see on Nazism and the Holocaust versus the negligible quantity on the horrors of Communism).

    I generally support Israel. They are a democratic nation in the western tradition and I think we should support the handful of nations in the world that can aspire to join that community of advanced nations. I'm skeptical that anything good will ever come from the Arabs, let alone the Palestinians. Having said that, I'm annoyed by the constant attempts of some Jews to conflate the interests of Israel with the interests of the United States. I see indications that some American Jews honestly have a hard time deciding which country they owe their first loyalties to and I'm not fond of such people. Israel and the United States are two separate nations who's interests aren't always synonymous. Some Jews just don't seem to understand that.

    I don't think any of those facts justify either the ridiculous conclusions we see from white supremacists or the argument I hear frequently from Jews that Jews are really no different than WASPs in any practical way. I also think that if America becomes increasingly Balkanized along ethnic lines, Jews will find the United States of the future a far less attractive place than it is today.

  40. I apologize for the few grammatical typos I found in my last post.

  41. "And Auto Report, dude, don't put your name and address on a website. I'm sure if you ask Steve to remove it he'll understand, but these racist guys mean business. They killed a Jewish judge's family because she screwed them over in a fricking *copyright* dispute."

    It is a fake address. Jews are incapable of telling the truth.

  42. "Hitler was certainly bad for Germany."

    If Hitler had won WW2, he would be seen today as the savior of Europe. I mean, you have to break a few eggs in order to make an omlet. Sure, Hitler would have killed of the inferior races, but so what? Can you imagine if a Greater Germany would have been created in Europe? It would have been a great civilization.

    Pat Buchanan has argued that America should not have gone to war with Germany, and I totally agree.

  43. I suspect that Mr. Sailer puts up with this crap because it is educational, in a painful way.

  44. "You don't have issues, you have a lifetime subscription."

    A very good line, and perfectly applicable to the nazi in question. If Jews are the enemies of humanity, why do they keep contributing way above their numbers to the advancement of science and medicine? Not to mention the arts. (Check out the violin section in any major American orchestra. Those "enemies of humanity" are fiddling away frantically in an effort to take over the world!)

    Fred Reed wrote a column on the Jews which sums up my feelings about the subject pretty well. It's partly addressed to anti-semites. Unfortunately, as the Auto Parts guy has already noted, fanatical Jew-haters aren't going to be peruaded by anything. Anyway, here's where it can be found:

    As far as Steve's view on the subject is concerned, I think it's pretty close to tommy's and SFG's: that Jews should be criticized for their leftism and subversions, but that the white power boys go overboard in their condemnations and conspiracy theories.

    It's understandable that Steve doesn't want to jump into the fray and get into a no-win situation where he pisses off those on both sides of the argument. Still, his silence is a little frustrating.

  45. Pull up a chair, folks, and enjoy the latest flare-up between the philo- and anti-semitic wings of Steve's fan base. Granted, you've heard it all before. Certainly, you'll hear it all again.

    Just don't expect Steve to act as referee.

  46. It's kind of amusing, actually. Steve has both a neo-nazi and guilty-liberal fanbase (I probably represent the latter), and they hate each other. I suspect this is why he didn't put up comments earlier; imagine how much space he's going to need to host all the flamewars. Still, text doesn't use that much memory...

    Once more into the breach (hey, it beats working, and I'm off today):
    "If Hitler had won WW2, he would be seen today as the savior of Europe. I mean, you have to break a few eggs in order to make an omlet. Sure, Hitler would have killed of the inferior races, but so what? Can you imagine if a Greater Germany would have been created in Europe? It would have been a great civilization."

    You think a guy like that was going to stop at Europe? He would have invaded America, and that you would not have enjoyed. Plenty of Nordics like the Danes and Norwegians hated his guts: even if he doesn't think you're racially inferior, who likes having their country invaded?

    As for a great civilization, I'm sure with all the slave labor from the non-German Europeans they didn't gas right away, the Germans would have had lots of free time to create quite a bit of art...if the Nazi empire lasted. If he overextended himself and was overthrown, well, you can imagine what the rest of Europe would have done to the Germans once they got out from under their boot. Probably there would be memorials to a much larger Holocaust of Germans two hundred years later after the Poles, French, etc. felt safe enough to feel guilty about it. One of these foreign policy mags a little while ago had an article on empires, and while they don't last as long as they used to (can you see an empire lasting 1000 years like Rome?), the Nazi empire was abnormally short. Why? Because unlike Rome, which brought law and construction along with the brutality, the Nazi empire brought no benefits to its subjects. If they didn't throw you in a gas chamber, they'd make you slave labor.

    Trust me, the Germans are lucky Hitler only got as far as he did. As Steve's pointed out, the war that began because they were worried the Russian economy was going to grow faster ended with Russian soldiers raping German women in the streets of Berlin. It may seem hard to grasp in these post-60s days, but you can be TOO nationalistic and militaristic as well as too little.

  47. It's kind of amusing, actually. Steve has both a neo-nazi and guilty-liberal fanbase

    I don't think there are many guilty liberals among Steve's fans. I would say that, regardless of their views on Jews (and I assume there is a fair number of Jews among Steve's readership), most of Steve's readers intensely resent the guilt trip that has been foisted on them by liberals.

  48. OK, let me trifurcate instead of bifurcating. ;) you've got neo-nazi/white-power people, conservatives with paleo tendencies, and liberals who get a kick out of being heretical. (How else do you explain Matt Yglesias and that dude from Slate?)

    The point is that Steve says what a lot of cons think, so a liberal interested in conservative thought would do well to read it. There are those of us who read both sides of the aisle, as well as who don't conform to the left-wing, party line. (There isn't that much real hammer-and-sickle Communism left on the left, BTW; most people are social democrats or anarchists, but actual alleigance to foreign powers is pretty much dead.) You just don't see us in the newspaper. But in my corner of the Northeast there are plenty of generally liberal people who think the immigration situation is out of control. Most likely these are the same people who would be Christian and conservative but not inclined to make a big deal out of it in a red state; political views equal innate temperament plus environment, after all.

    In short, the anti-immigration lobby actually has the American middle in terms of position, but every time a Klansman pops up they go 'ugh' and turn away. Aggressively cleansing racists from your ranks would help advance your cause in that once immigration restriction is no longer a 'racist' position, it will be OK for middle-of-the-road people to support it, and we can see a larger grassroots effort. And the 'racist' people will get what they want. Right now there's this division because the Republican and Democratic elites both want immigration for completely different reasons (cheap labor and votes, respectively).

  49. Interesting comment, SFG. I would add David Weigel of the Reason magazine blog to the list of liberals who read Steve.

  50. He's a libertarian, not a liberal, but OK. ;) Belief systems that often look very similar because they're very different from your own can still hate each other's guts. Remember the Stalinists and the Trotskyites? :)

  51. I don't think there's any way the racist Right can be effectively marginalised/airbrushed out of the anti-immigration picture.

    The tactics of disassociation and denunciation might work if religiously observed but they're too inimical to most conservatives' tastes.

    But there's a deeper problem summed up in the line Some of my best friends are racists. Ultimately, these are our people, we sympathise with them, we owe them. Their basic beliefs have always been that 1)whites and non-whites are better left apart and 2)whites are smarter than blacks. And they didn't need the academic/scientific garb of IQ tests and sociology studies to come to them.

    Now, can you understand why Steve doesn't cast them away?

  52. I understand why Steve doesn't cast them away...I don't think they're optimal for the movement as a whole.

    I'm not totally unsympathetic either...keeping blacks in the Jim Crow South and persecuting them when they tried to move away bothers me because I don't think any group has the right to have another group as their own slave or servant class. But if you just want to keep to yourselves that doesn't really bother me, honestly. But you'll have to have white people cleaning your houses and cutting your lawn. You might even have to (horrors) pay them a decent amount to do so. Again, I suggest Montana.

    You might have a point that you can't expel the racist Right from the anti-immigration movement. In which case, we are going to lose this battle. It remains to be seen whether assimilation is going to proceed fast enough to turn the Mexican population into Americans before Mexico gets any funny ideas. What you're more likely to see in my view is an assimilation into black underclass culture, probably with a Latino flair, which will be detrimental for everyone concerned.

    It's very hard to tell what the future holds. The war is costing Bush dearly but the Democrats seem too attached to their socially liberal wing, which is their electoral albatross. (It also brings in lots of the money. And yes, 1488, it's got lots of Jews, but also lots of WASPs and Asians who like casual sex and porn.) So I don't know who's going to hold Congress or the Presidency in 2008.

    I tend to be pessimistic, both about human nature and the future in general, which is supposedly a conservative position. ;) so, yeah, I see open borders, outsourcing, and a general decline in the american standard of living for most of us, racist or not. Isn't it a great time to be alive?

  53. Hitler was pissed because he felt the Germans capitulated too easily at the end of WWI. Quite frankly I don't see what a few more years of WWI would have gained anyone. They never should have gone into that stupid war and neither should anyone else.

  54. 1488

    Is this number significant? I ask because 88 has been known to signify HH, Heil Hitler.

  55. And 14 words is one of the credoes of the white supremacist movement. I figured this out after playing Border Patrol. ;)

  56. You should post the emails from SiteCoach explaining the "error" in translation. They claim not to block political sites. I will reply and inquire about I will point out that your blogspot page has people leaving very anti-semitic remarks (reminds me of Daily Kos). Given that SiteCoach is a German company, they are very sensitive regarding antisemitism. Best of luck.

  57. Auto Parts, I admire your ability to stay cool and collected while being attacked by abusive morons.

  58. I didn't understand Mike's post until I folllowed the referring link to, where this reply from Sitecoach is reproduced:

    Hello Peter,

    There is a terrible error in our product descriptions on our web site. Our software does not filter political views. It blocks pornographic and illegal content, e.g. neo-Nazi content etc. The term ‘right-wing’ is flat wrong. I apologize for the confusion.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.

    Best regards,

    Heinz Horstmann

    PROVISIO, LLC, 550 11th Street, Miami Beach, FL 33139
    Ph: +1-305-777-2317, Fax: +1-305-428-2506,

  59. Hitler did worse than lie: he had SS troops dressed as Polish "terrorists" take over a German radio station and kill the workers there (before broadcasting some threats at Germany).

    Not quite.

    "In order to make the attack scene more convincing, the Germans brought in Franciszek Honiok, a German Silesian known for sympathizing with the Poles, who had been arrested the previous day by the Gestapo. Honiok was dressed to look like a saboteur; then killed by lethal injection, given gunshot wounds, and left dead at the scene, so that he appeared to have been killed while attacking the station. His corpse was subsequently presented as proof of the attack to the police and press."

    Whether Naujocks' account of events is entirely reliable is another matter.

  60. SiteCoach is claiming that they do not censor They claim that the administrators must be choosing to do so. I think the issue here is with KMart and whomever they employ to handle those kiosks. Take Care.

  61. I admire your ability to stay cool and collected while being attacked by abusive morons.


    When I see a deranged person blabbering nonsense on the street I don't lose my cool either.

    Nazis and Jew haters aren't necessarily stupid, just deluded. They believe lies and any rational attempt to convince them otherwise will just feed into their confirmation bias.

    I'm not worried that they'll convince anyone who is rational so I'm not trying to be prophylactic here. It is, however, satisfying to see how easy it is to annoy the pathetic little sheiskopfs.

  62. Green Mamba,

    I'm a bit of a maverick in the observant Jewish community and I also used to work with Jews For Judaism. When you cut your teeth on disputing biblically knowledgeable Christians, and arguing with Jewish talmudic scholars you learn to keep your wits about you.

    I'm still waiting for 1488 to dis George Washington for being favorably disposed to Jews in America.

  63. "You don't have issues, you have a lifetime subscription."

    A very good line, and perfectly applicable to the nazi in question.

    So you're saying that a "nazi" is just a white person who opposes the genocide of the white race? If so, why do you act like it's such a stinging insult?

    You can't have it both ways. You can't act like "nazi" is the ultimate zinger and simultaneously use it to label things that are perfectly healthy and rational.

    And least not around intelligent people.

  64. "Race is a completely unscientific categorization. While there are identifiable gene pools, as long as any healthy male can have a child with any healthy female of childbearing age there is only one race, the human race."

    Auto Report World Editors, you just lost me and probably 90% of isteve readers with that comment. There are obvious differences between human races, just as there are obvious differences between breeds of dogs. That humans of different races can interbreed doesn't mean there aren't different races, it just means that all human races are part of the same species.

    Otherwise, your point about the Nazis' attitudes toward Slavs and Arabs is correct and highlights how the Nazi racial theory was logically inconsistent, to say the least. It also alludes to the irony of some white power types who happen to belong to parts of the broader white race (e.g., Slavs) that Hitler thought were subhuman.


  65. Just recently it was shown that a majority of "white" English men and women in the UK have the genes of a black African.

    Given humans share DNA with yeast, hardly a suprising result. Or did you mean one particular black African?

    Have you read Steve's article

  66. No, he meant what he said. Of course, what he said was a gargantuan falsehood, but that's the point of censorship. Falsehoods can be put forth as the truth without challenge.

    A Leicester University study found that seven men with a rare Yorkshire surname carry a genetic signature previously found only in people of African origin.

    That doesn't quite match up with Auto's contention:

    Just recently it was shown that a majority of "white" English men and women in the UK have the genes of a black African.

  67. Yeah, Germany did get a bum rap for WWI. And France and England's persecution of them did pave the way for WWII. The Germans did have real grievances, all potential sympathy for which got buried under the mountain of bloodshed they put Europe through with WWII. We all like to criticize the Europeans for being war-averse, but after the first half of the 20th century, do you blame thm?

    Hmmm...I wonder, do the Scotch-Irish have a beef against the English? Wouldn't surprise me one bit.

  68. Since when is Steve Sailer half Jewish? Any evidence?


  69. Here is the evidence Froma, from the horse's mouth:

    I wonder if finding out Steve is one of THEM will have the same effect on the fruitcakes it had on Dan Burro.

  70. Regarding the Scotch-Irish aversion for the English, there is some truth to it (though not necessarily for the "Albion's Seed" settler populations who likely identify little with their homeland across the pond and more with America). The Irish in America were, like the Germans, very averse to entering World War I to assist England. I guess I'm something of an "Uncle Tom" scotch-irish, since I've long been an anglophile, even though I don't think it was the responsibility of the United States to help out England. Similarly, I consider Israel to be a western country, or "one of us" and if they seized more territory from their neighbors I would consider it probably for the betterment of those that live there whereas if the state of Israel were destroyed and governed by Arabs it would be just another third-world mess, but at the same time I don't think the U.S should be providing them any assistance.

    A funny story about identifying with an ethnicity: My father, when he was younger, sympathized the I.R.A due to how the English had mistreated the Irish and named me after a character in an Irish novel who was killed by English. He never set foot in Ireland, but eventually his brother did and researched a bit more about our family history. It turned out our great-great-whatever who came to America from Northern Ireland (stopping and founding a church in Canada in between) wasn't born in Ireland either. He moved there from Scotland, which in the eyes of the Irish makes us the hated English!

  71. Similarly, I consider Israel to be a western country, or "one of us" and if they seized more territory from their neighbors I would consider it probably for the betterment of those that live there whereas if the state of Israel were destroyed and governed by Arabs it would be just another third-world mess, but at the same time I don't think the U.S should be providing them any assistance.

    Naaah, I think Israel can be described as an imperalistic Western power out for themselves like any other country. (Certainly imperalism isn't limited to Western powers...look at Japan in WWII and China now, not to mention countless Asian historical examples I have no idea of.) They've certainly done quite well for themselves.

    This creates problems for the WNs if you refuse to think of Ashkenazim as 'white', which they certainly qualify as on genetic grounds. The WN aim of drawing the 'white' line to exclude Jews (which is nearly always done unless you're Jared Taylor) is more for political than cladistic reasons, involving historical continuity with their Nazi forebears, Jews being mostly identified with the left over here, etc.

    Really, guys, drop the swastikas. I don't care what hitler could have accomplished, bottom line is in the real world that actually exists he blew it big-time, and his contribution to history is fifty million corpses and a new devil figure. The Germans couldn't even sing their national anthem in public until a few years ago. Real great for German pride.

    As for whether we should support them, depends on what's good for us at the moment. I am actually inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt for being a Western country, but this whole business about going to war with Iran really tees me off. As well as large portions of the American Jewish population, apparently...the likudniks/neocons are more happy about this than anyone else, I think. Who gives these people power?

  72. SFG,

    I wonder if you and others suspicious of Israel & neocons are falling into an Iranian trap. The Iranians are canny politically. It's possible they are plotting things out a few moves ahead. They know that neocons have been discredited by the mess in Iraq. Is it possible that their threats directed at Israel are a feint meant to preemptively block any U.S. action to stop Iranian nukes?

    By making it seem as if the proximate reason the administration wants to stop Iran from getting nukes is to protect Israel, Iranian elites tie our non-proliferation efforts to the neocons, thus discrediting them. You focus on the Israel lobby and think you're about to get duped into war on Israel's behalf. Take a step back for a moment and consider the big picture.

    Does Iran really have more of a beef with Israel or us? Aside from last year's Hezbollah provocations against Israel (timed to distract attention from Iran's nuke negotiation deadlines), Iran hasn't done much to Israel. It wasn't a party to any of the Arab-Israeli wars, it doesn't even share the same sect as the Palestinians, it bought weapons from Israel during the Iran-Iraq war, and unlike Arab countries, it hasn't expelled its Jewish population.

    On the other hand, Iran has some historic beefs with us. Iranian elites remember our hand in the coup that brought down their elected government, and they remember our support of the brutal Shah. Iran also has a history of conflict with us: invading our embassy and holding our people hostage in '79; blowing up hundreds of Marines in Lebanon in the early 80's (via Hezbollah proxies); fighting naval skirmishes with us in the late '80's in the Gulf (during which we accidentally shot down an Iranian civilian airliner); and blowing up American troops at Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia in the late '90's.

    It's possible that the Israel talk isn't a faint and Iranian nukes are only a threat to the little Satan (though this does beg the question of whether it would be in Iran's interests for the alleged third-holiest site in Islam to become radioactive). Is it worth the risk to assume that Iran would never give nukes to proxies to use on us?

    The obvious objection is that Iran wouldn't dare because they know we'd obliterate them. History suggests we haven't taught Iran that lesson. After they invaded our embassy we launched only a failed rescue mission, nothing punitive. Similarly, no punitive response to the attacks on our Marines in Lebanon and our Air Force troops in Saudi Arabia. Might Iran think they could get away with a nuke strike against us if they used proxies and maintained plausible deniability?

    I don't know, but it doesn't seem worth the risk to find out. That's why I think if the current molasses-in-January diplomatic route doesn't work, Bush should (and probably will) bomb the crap out of Iran's nuke program before they have any warheads.



  73. I don't think it matters what we think; the decision to attack Iran already looks a fait accompli.

    See Buchanan's piece:

    That or it's sabre-rattling of a class one wouldn't typically associate with the present administration.

  74. Neocons are two-faced as apparent in the so-called evolution of their beliefs. They are jewish, and that is a FACT. They have their own agenda, which is the so-called safety of israel no matter what that means for the U.S. Follow the trail ... Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Libby, Lieberman ... all of these neocons were behind the amazing Iraq war campaign, and that is a FACT. Unfortunately, we elected the right man for them of which to take advantage.

    And don't get fooled by some jewish groups yelling anti-war slogans. The pro-war jews love it, as it dilutes the perceived jewish backing of all of these horrendous foreign policies. But in the end, they all donate $ to the same jewish lobbying groups.

    WIth regards to Iran ... why not negotiate with them? As Bucchanan has said before, if we can negotiate with Qaddaffi, we can negotiate with Iran. And I will say, I do have my doubts about the latest neocon slang that has been filling up the US media to its eye-lids: "Iran which sells weapons to terrorist groups all around the world." Is that true? Do we have evidence? And I'm assuming that its a given you will find some Iranian weapons near the border of the two countries that fought for 8 years.

    I just can no longer trust what I see/read through our media. Its sad. Its sad learning about how much we have been lied to. Its sad seeing the base of this great democracy (NOT a theocracy like israel) dwindle away. We must stand up and tell our local law makers that kissing ass just for the AIPAC money won't get them elected anymore. We need to reduce their dependence on the fuckin AIPAC. I still cannot believe that we are allowing the interest of a foreign country (which continues to lie to us, continues to spy on us, continues to milk us for over $3billion/year) control what we do! Have some balls and tell your reps that you will no longer stand for this!


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