April 30, 2007

My prediction about Obama press coverage turning out correct:

Over on VDARE.com's blog, I have an entry, "The Predictable Press," about how I forecast that as winter turned to spring, the locus of investigative journalism into Barack Obama's past would shift from Hawaii to Chicago. Sure enough, it's 73 in Chicago today, and the NYT has a big article on Obama's black radical spiritual advisor. [More]

Meanwhile, Kevin Drum has a graph from the Pew Research Center showing that registered voters believe Obama is less liberal than Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, or Al Gore. Clearly, Obama has both been misleading the public and there are an awful lot of people who want to be misled by him.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Obama is likely the dream candidate for Reps. He's weak (can't think of retaliation given Brian Williams hypothetical) and wimpy.

    Obama's one positive is people conflate him with Dennis Haysbert on 24. Once he loses authority and gets called by ads on his weakness and un-macho pandering to the effeminate Kossites, he's toast.

    Hillary has more balls than Obama, though no one likes her.

    People are sick of Bush, want a Dem tough guy. Unfortunately the Party ran them out around LBJ's time. All they've got is a Jimmy Carter re-run in African-American JFK styled hoopla.

  2. Chant the open-borders libertarian mantra with me now!

    Economics is everything, all else is illusion....

    Economics is everything, all else is illusion....

    Economics is everything, all else is illusion....

  3. Oops, I somehow wound up on the wrong thread.

  4. Check out Jackie Mason's take on BO.

  5. i don't understand steve. why would the press coverage switch to Chicago in the springtime? and why would you cite today's temperature in Chicago.

    are you saying that the press (and people in general) are so stupid as to be influenced by the weather in a certain locale when it is attached to the news story?

    i like that notion, but then again, i can't stand people.

  6. "are you saying that the press (and people in general) are so stupid as to be influenced by the weather in a certain locale when it is attached to the news story?"

    I do think he means that, and I do think he's right. Not just the weather, but the general pleasantness of staying in a given locale can influence how many reporters are willing to travel there to come up with a news story.

    Most presidents before Bush Jr have taken their vacations in traditional vacation spots such as Kennebunkport and Martha's Vineyard. Bush Jr goes to a hot dry spot in central Texas --- not exactly a prime tourist destination especially in summer. Less reporters than usual followed him there the first year he went.

  7. i'm glad you could discern my meaning peewee, even though my comments were poorly written.

    that said, this makes me lol.

  8. Hillary has,er,"balls"?? What does that mean? Hillary is brave? :0(courage being,as someone said,the indispensable virtue as it necessarily precedes all the others...:) )Does this gal strike you as having a good character? She is an angry feminist,who will do anything to be the 1st girl Prez. She enters the AIPAC convention on her knees with her mouth open,exiting bent over with the weight of the money she carries on her back;oh yeah, she's another George Washington! Recall how Colin Powell was snickered at as a fag by all the academic bar mitzvah boys for doubting Iraq? Obama may be a ditherer,and may be incapable,sure,but dont pas of that vile nasty old woman as having "balls"!

  9. "Recall how Colin Powell was snickered at as a fag by all the academic bar mitzvah boys for doubting Iraq?"

    Not really. I do remember Colin Powell holding up a vial of something at the UN while making the case for how big a threat Saddam Hussein was, and why we needed to go to war to stop him. Someone should call him a fag now for shilling for the war and then claiming that he was secretly ambivalent about it later, once the war went south. Very brave of the affirmative action prodigy.

  10. Hey Steve: maybe it's just me, but I love your iconoclastic writing about human biodiversity, I love the fact that you're not afraid to speak your mind about anything, but I don't give a rat's ass about Obama. He's not gonna be President anyway.


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