May 21, 2007

No future, no future, no future for you

One of the more annoying aspects of watching C-SPAN today was listening to one Senator after another bloviate about his immigrant ancestors. "What about your descendents?" I wanted to ask. "What impact will this bill have on them?"

Of course, that's a stupid question. They'll be all right, Jack. Grandpa was a U.S. Senator. No plebian worries for them.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. Of course, that's a stupid question. They'll be all right, Jack. Grandpa was a U.S. Senator. No plebian worries for them.

    Yes, because once they retire, they'll go to work for the corporations they spent years doing favors for; make millions doing it; then pass all that money onto the grandkids free of any estate-tax.

    I realize that most of the readers here are conservatives and/or Republicans, but it's time to get a grip, folks: besides open borders, the only thing W and the GOP leadership has consistently (and successfully) fought for is to reduce the estate tax, reduce taxes on capital gains, and reduce taxes on corporate dividends.

    If you don't see the connection between those tax cuts and immigration - make the rich richer, and make the middle class serfs - then you're not paying attention.

  2. Also they (senators) aren't forced to pay into that Ponzi scam known as "social security".

  3. You must admit that it does and should feel a little hypocritical for someone like me a descendant of Sicilian and Irish immigrants who got into the USA only because the requirements where so low at the time to be against immigration. I mean Sicilian and Irish have always been 2 of the lowest groups in Europe (Irish until recently).

  4. Republicans are by no means perfect, but they tend to be for the Patriarchy.

    Reducing taxes, etc. advances the Patriarchy. In Pat Buchanan's article about the Path to Suicide, he lays much of the blame for our demographics at our own feet by pointing to our inability to reproduce ourselves and aborting our children.

  5. You must admit that it does and should feel a little hypocritical for someone like me a descendant of Sicilian and Irish immigrants who got into the USA only because the requirements where so low at the time to be against immigration. - floccina

    The primary argument against excess immigration isn't about the quality of the immigrants, it's about their effect on quality of life. I'm not terribly fond of such arguments; but I do realize those are the only arguments that will convince some people, and they are true.

    You need to ask yourself "Is all this immigration - 300 million extra people by the end of the century - good for me and mine?"

    It's your country now, too. You shouldn't cut off your nose to spite your face. You should look after the interests of your descendants.

  6. For those of us descended from immigrants, the difference between Then and Now is massive social programs. Irish and Sicilians 100 years ago could not count on Uncle Sam to dole out cheese. The Irish could hope to hook up with the local Irish political machine to set them up with a free beer and a job working at the docks. The Sicilians could hope to get a job at cousin so-and-so's grocery stand or other small business. Different kind of world back then, more personal ties.

    Those of us who think the modern welfare state facilitates social evil think maybe - at least - one benefit of massive illegal immigration that has already happened will bring down the welfare dependency state. People will get sick of paying for those different looking people to reproduce and drink Kool-Aid with their Pit Bulls. Up until now, everyone was afraid of offending guilty parties by cutting off the govmint gravy train for the sake of (real) historical guilt.

    If this is what it takes to cut back a bloated and unhealthy system, so be it.

  7. If this is what it takes to cut back a bloated and unhealthy system, so be it.

    Keep kidding yourself.

    Immigrants are moving this nation to the left - and that means left on everything. Whites are just 70% of the population now, and barely 50% of children under 5.

    Welfare won't go away. That will not happen.


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