June 29, 2007

Biden and Obama as Costanza and Seinfeld

Not that there's anything wrong with that! From the Democratic President's debate last night at Howard U. in DC in front of a mostly black audience:

NPR's Michel Martin: "[W]hat is the plan to stop and to protect these young people from this scourge [AIDS]?" ...

Sen. Joe Biden: "I got tested for AIDS. I know Barack got tested for AIDS. There's no shame in being tested for AIDS. It's an important thing." ...

OBAMA: Tavis, Tavis, Tavis, I just got to make clear -- I got tested with Michelle. (Laughter, applause.)


OBAMA: In -- when we were in Kenya in Africa. So I don't want any confusion here about what's going on. (Applause continues.)

SMILEY: All right. ...

OBAMA: I was tested with my wife.

SMILEY: And I'm sure Michelle appreciates you clarifying it.

OBAMA: In public. (Laughter.)

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. What at first glance to me appears to be a rare moment of candidate wit--conjuring up images of Barak and Biden walking hand-in-hand into the clinic--on second glance reveals Obama slyly pandering to the anti-homosexual hostility of the black venue (and with notable skill).
    It reveals that or merely my cynical nature.

  2. The funniest part was Biden not seeming to get what was going on. He earnestly starts talking about a blood transfusion or something.

    But then, I thought the other funniest part was Biden bragging to us how he was telling black men it's not unmanly to wear a condom.

  3. Ah, another example--though, in this case, one of a slightly more salient variety--of the oh-so-"progressive" attitudes that blacks, in general, display toward homosexuality, especially that of the man-on-man variety.

    As regards ol' Barry and his deft rhetorical maneuvering, I simply cannot find fault with him, for (as was pointed out by a previous commenter) he is merely an astute politician, pandering to the amusement--and the tacit prejudices--of his delighted audience.

    The sad part, though, is that there were surely audience members who, whether or not they care to admit it, were thinking something along these lines:

    Oh boy. I hope that brother ain't gay. Gay folks make me uncomfortable.

    It's just such a puerile attitude, though it's worse still that a presidential candidate plays right along, nodding and grinning.

    What next, Barack? An update on that case of cooties you caught in the fifth grade?

    That said, be glad that this event was hosted at Howard rather than at, say, the University of Texas El Paso, since Hispanics in general and Mexicans in particular are the only groups whose attitudes regarding homosexuality are able to rival the sheer stupidity of those beliefs held by blacks.

    Had the debate been held at U of T El Paso, I would not have been suprised, at the insinuation of homosexuality, to see throngs of Mexicans pulling down their pants and offering to have sex with women at that very moment, all to prove that there was not a maricon amongst their numbers.

  4. Here's George Costanza trying to convince a reporter he's not gay in "The Outing" episode of "Seinfeld:"

    "Look, you wanna have sex right now? Do want to have sex with me right now? Let's go! C'mon, let's go baby! C'mon!"

  5. I bet Dennis Kucinich had his 30-year-younger, six-foot-tall Celtic Warrior Princess wife up on stage with him the moment the debate was over, just like in the first debate.

  6. This will probably fall on deaf ears on a conservative blog, but his comment was exceedingly immature and unhelpful when a major part of what was being discussed is that such cultural African American homophobia and machismo are facilitating the spread of HIV in black communities.

    Obama's behavior and the black audience's instinctive prejudices (such as laughing at Biden's important comment on getting tested) almost painfully reveal the truth of and harmful extent of these prejudices.

    It speaks lowly of Obama's character that he'll pander to, rather than challenge, black prejudices just to fit in. Like a school boy fishing for acceptance. Note how he slips into ebonic dialect (Video Clip).

  7. Why would Kucinich bother proving he's not gay? His constituency's pretty far left...

  8. I could tell Kucinich's wife was a crazy hippy granola chick the moment I saw a picture of her. I know the type all too well.

    She may be hot, and I'm sure she's completely versed in Kama Sutra, but there's no amount of money you could pay me to listen to her yap on and on and on about using her earth crystals to save vegan tigers from global warming for 24/7. Sometimes great sex just ain't worth the cost.

  9. Dennis Dale -"on second glance reveals Obama slyly pandering to the anti-homosexual hostility of the black venue."

    No doubt this is true but it's racist code as well. Obama belongs to an overtly black racist church and trust me the black D.C area is a cesspool of black racist hate and grievance against White America.

    His comments were code to an audience that wants to perceive homosexuality as the White man's disease.

  10. "Oh boy. I hope that brother ain't gay. Gay folks make me uncomfortable.

    It's just such a puerile attitude, though it's worse still that a presidential candidate plays right along, nodding and grinning.

    By Lysander Spooner, at 6/30/2007 12:55 AM"

    This may come as news to you, but being uncomfortable with homosexuals is common to most people who are not themselves gay.

    That is why that Seinfeld episode resonated so much.

    And quite apart from being uncomfortable around individual gay people, most straights are deeply uncomfortable (in the case of liberals) or just plain opposed (in the case of conservatives) to the creeping normalization of homosexuality in our society.

    As someone I know - a good San Francisco limousine liberal - put it: "When did the love that dare not speak its name become the love that just won't shut up?"

  11. Somewhat related, Isiah Washington is claiming his firing (after his anti-gay comments during an on-set fight were leaked) is due to racism.

    I expect he will sue.

    Well, of course like Highlanders, in the end there can be only one. That is, special Identity Politics "protected class" group.

  12. There's the same contradiction in the UK with Muslims and "progressive" parties like Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the so-called Conservatives, who compete for the votes of rabid homophobes, antisemites and misogynists in areas of high vibrancy up and down the land. The ueber-PC mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, has snuggled up to a Muslim cleric called Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who is a moderate in that he believes homosexuals should be executed humanely rather than by burning. Al-Qaradawi's skin colour absolves him of responsibility for his views. If he were white, and therefore a true moral agent, Livingstone would refuse to go near him.

  13. Dyork:
    Notice also how the code is signalled by Obama's suddenly (and inexplicably--considering his decidedly non-urban, Ivy League history,) coarse diction: "Tavis, Tavis, Tavis, I just got to..."
    Imagine what's going through Obama's mind: "should I go with 'Tavis, my man'?; no, no, too much, reel it it, Bar, reel it in."

  14. "Tavis, my man, would you be so kind as to fetch me my monocle and top hat? I must hasten to the opera." No, wait, wrong crowd ...

  15. Re "there can be only One" (privilged minority) - not exactly true; cultural Marxist dialectic allows for multiple privileged groups ranked by status. Members of a designated lower-status privileged group (such as white women) are expected to defer to a higher status group (such as black men, in the USA), hence feminist support for black murderers of white women.

    Problems arise where there is conflict between two groups and the rankings are not clear, but normally this is rapidly sorted out by c-M elite. In the UK C-M has established that Muslim radicals are a higher-status group than gays; where conflict arises C-M dialectic instructs its adherents to favour the Muslims.

    The most interesting conflicts for me arise around the interests of blacks vs Hispanics (US) and Muslims (UK). Cultural Marxism was developed in its modern form by Marcuse and co in the USA of the 1960s, with black Americans at the highest status position. But other groups are emerging as potentially more useful in C-M's aim of destroying Western civilisation (or 'saving us from western civilisation' as Gramsci put it). In the US the C-M response so far seems to have been to try to ignore the black-Hispanic conflict and allow Hispanics to win by default (whether gang warfare in LA or competition for affirmative action hirings); in the UK it has been similar to far, with black vs Muslim gang warfare downplayed or, if possible, blamed on whites. The preferred C-M outcome there is wholesale conversion of black populations to Islam, thus reinforcing the attack on western civilisation. In the US this process seems well underway. Most European countries' cultural Marxists avoided this problem - the black populations they imported were already Muslim to begin with.

  16. What a great item and excellent discussion! All I can add is that the Seinfeld episode referenced was called "The Outing" and may be the best,most perfectly constructed show they did. Its like Oscar Wilde or something as the "boys" race to prove their straightness,only to look even more gay! Not that theres anything wrong with that! Hey Obama,wanna grab a steambath???

  17. martin,

    That's actually a line from Robertson Davies. No doubt your friend intends to redistribute it now that he's appropriated it...

  18. Homosexuality aside, Biden's and Obama's testing claims leave me wondering what they are trying to tell us about their marriages.

  19. Seinfeld is the greatest show ever created.Nice to see so many fans of the seinfeld tv show.The show is very Funny.
    Thank you for this Blog as i got a great Discussion here.


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