June 7, 2007

Heather Mac Donald in City Journal

The Republicans’ Hispanic Delusion
Amnesty is not just wrong in principle, it’s bad politics.

Even Republican Hispanics are not particularly conservative on economic issues. A 2002 poll by the Pew and Kaiser foundations found that 52 percent of registered Latino Republicans supported a higher-taxing, larger state sector, a higher percentage for big government than one finds among white Democrats, reports Steve Sailer. As for the majority of Latinos—poor and poorly-educated—the more government services, the better. Mexican consulates across the country are busily signing up illegal Mexicans for all the free government-funded health care that the consulates can find—that would be American- not Mexican-funded health care, mind you. “We have the right to health services,” an illegal Mexican in Santa Clarita, California, told the Los Angeles Times. [More]

There are also several second-order effects of immigration pushing whites to the left. I'm sure you've heard about how "unaffordable family formation" due to bad public schools and high home prices makes whites less likely to get married and have children.

There's also the Chicagoization effect, which almost wrecked Arnold Schwarzenegger's political career in California. I wrote in VDARE.com:

As I wrote last year:

"After getting off to a strong start, including repealing illegals’ licenses as promised, Schwarzenegger stumbled badly in 2005 by not realizing that his slate of initiatives to undermine the power of the public employees unions were perceived by his natural base, the white lower-middle class, as an assault on their survival in California’s outlandishly expensive housing market . Firemen, cops, nurses , and teachers … rallied support from their neighbors, who saw their union perks not as sinecures but as life preservers." [New Republican Majority? The American Conservative, May 8, 2006].

Schwarzenegger, who is nothing if not a quick learner, promptly switched in 2006 from traditional small government conservatism to something resembling the tax-and-spend semi-conservatism that the Daley dynasty has honed in winning eleven out of twelve elections in Chicago.

In the Windy City, an economically inegalitarian city with both wealthy corporations and vast numbers of poor people, the white lower middle class has survived in large part by getting government jobs providing services to the poor. Barry Goldwater wouldn't have approved. But the Daley strategy has kept Chicago a far more livable city than, say, Detroit. And something like that is probably the best California can hope for at this point.

Finally, there's the impact of more diversity on the quality of public discourse. As you've witnessed over the last few weeks, most of the pro-mass immigrationists don't know a damn thing about the topic -- but they do know what you are allowed to say these days and what you aren't. And numbers count in determining what is and what isn't acceptable. It's not that illegal immigrants or their offspring play a big role in the media -- they definitely don't. It's that their sheer numbers justify the subsidization of race racketeers to ceaselessly search for signs of prejudice (i.e., statistical thinking) to denounce, which then brings the status-striving whites into the wolfpack to hunt down dissidents, too.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. "Even Republican Hispanics are not particularly conservative on economic issues."

    And I will bet that these Republican Hispanics generally have only a minimal amount of Indian blood in them.

    Hopefully when CIA Buckley bites the dust, the new owners of National Review will hire Heather McDonald as editor and fire everyone there now, except of course the great and wise Derb'.

    Old Right

  2. That MacDonald article has a link to another article in TNR that starts off pretty funny:

    Long before George W. Bush won the 2000 presidential election, his chief political adviser, Karl Rove, was predicting to reporters that a Bush victory would produce a historic political realignment. This new Republican majority would resemble the one William McKinley built roughly one century ago.

    I think NostraRove needs a new job.

  3. "....most of the pro-mass immigrationists don't know a damn thing about the topic -- but they do know what you are allowed to say these days and what you aren't."

    Yup. And the boundaries of what you aren't allowed to say are being ever further constricted. In a recent online exchange with a pro-mass immigrationist, I stated what I thought was an uncontroversial notion: that a democratic government should prefer its own citizens to non-citizens of foreign nations. This was immediately denounced as "nativist" and unacceptable. Needless to say, I was flabbergasted. I pointed out all the ridiculous things that would logically follow from such a notion--like allowing non-citizens to vote in our elections. But it was obvious that this jackaninny, who appeared to regard his open-minded cosmpolitanism very highly, had never even thought about it. All he knew was that opposition to mass immigration was racist, nativist, xenophobic, blah blah blah, all the parrot-squawk he had learned. Therefore, any proposition that might buttress the other side's argument had to be denounced as racist et al., all the way down the line.

  4. Somehow I posted in the wrong thread.

    As I said in the other post, I have a hypothesis that Republicans like immigration because it gives them an issue to motivate a white base that would otherwise lean Democratic. But it could also just be that they are afraid their careers will be wrecked if they do anything politically incorrect, even if it's keeping their own campaign promises.

  5. There are also several second-order effects of immigration pushing whites to the left. I'm sure you've heard about how "unaffordable family formation" due to bad public schools and high home prices makes whites less likely to get married and have children.

    This is a great insight resulting from a basic evaluation of the facts on the ground. Far more profound than anything you will hear from Tamar Jacoby! That's why we read isteve.com.

    There must be a quite a few of Republican operatives around the country who are aware of Mr Sailer's "affordable family foundation" dynamic by now. But the Rep leadership is squelching any bubbling up of ideas like this. For now.

    Anyway, Steve, whites are not just being pushed to the left. They are being polarized, yes? As far as I know, the white % of the democrat vote is not increasing. It is decreasing and will continue to do so.

    Looks like 2008 to 2010 is going to be a realignment. The racial consciousness in the latest Ann Coulter column is the future.

    I was booted from freerepublic.com a couple of years ago for expressing ideas tamer than hers.

  6. Except Steve long term, Chicago is not going to continue with it's Daley Dynasty.

    Latino groups see the capture of Chicago as inevitable, and let's be honest they will soon have the numbers. What happens then with all the patronage jobs, the union positions, and the like?

    Simple. They go to Latinos and the Whites (and African-Americans) get booted. Chicago then becomes a much colder Mexico City.

    You can already see this in LA. Whites are well aware that positions are Latino only, and the various working class white union folks are getting pushed out by the La Raza folks who are demanding that the unions be Latinized. Already many unions like SEIU are Latino-controlled with nearly all the membership and leadership positions Latino. Union leadership actively courts this process believing that they can somehow control ambitious Latino activists.

    Look at how Villaraigosa ended the Hahn political dynasty. That is the net result of ethnic spoils politics. The next Governor of California and all those afterwards will be essentially Cruz Bustamante, i.e. Gobernador of Alta California, with all that implies.

  7. This is rather depressing. Perhaps the middle class will have to move to places like Wyoming.

  8. Or perhaps they could start demanding that their politicians help them take back their country.

  9. Whites would absolutely have to insist on a socialist government in the face of mass immigration from latin america. The majority of whites would no longer be able to avoid the need for public assistance by doing a second job or being frugal.

    It's already a two tier system benefiting the illegals who get to have their anchor babies free. I've heard it can cost at least $8000 to have a baby in a hospital but not if you're an illegal. No wonder they feel so welcome.

    I've also seen documentaries about a low skilled latino immigrant getting free cancer treatment for his mother. He made $20000 a year in food service. The mother of course earned no wage. Not surprisingly, the man felt it was only fair the government pay for the treatment.

    A white family in a similar predicament would end up having to declare bankruptcy.

  10. If this sort of drastic change were legally imposed on any group other than white Americans, it would be called genocide. Yet whites are called racists merely for mentioning the fact that current immigration law is intentionally designed to reduce their percentage in the population.

    Name one non-white country - one - that is in the process of becoming white majority.

    There isn't any.

    I wonder: how would Indians feel about their beloved homeland if the were told that India were in the process of becoming majority non-Indian? How would Mexicans feel about it if they were told that their homeland were becoming majority non-Mexican?

    They never even have to contemplate the issue.

    I make no apologies for being concerned about what will happen to my own country.

  11. When I read these posts I tend to agree with Dan Roodt, that white South Africans/Rhodesians are much further along the curve than white Americans and Australians, not to mentions Europeans who are only starting to realize NOW that something is amiss.

    For white South Africans/Rhodesians the game is long over thanks to the lunacy, self-absorption and meanness of other Europeans and ethnic lobby groups. We could have told you all there is to know about racial spoils systems, since we actually fought militarily in this "war", but then we were always considered lower class Europeans so listening to us was unheard of.

    Funny thing is that even Jews, who have traditionally shilled for and actively helped the black nationalist movements in Southern Africa, are having second thoughts now. But alas, its way past midnight. Most whites have already left.


  12. Or perhaps they could start demanding that their politicians help them take back their country.

    The political classes have nothing to fear and everything to gain from lots of useless immigrants.

    They will simply change their names and marry in a few of the immigrants and it will be business as usual.


  13. Funny thing is that even Jews, who have traditionally shilled for and actively helped the black nationalist movements in Southern Africa, are having second thoughts now. But alas, its way past midnight. Most whites have already left.

    What goes around, comes around.

    The Jews are starting to realize that the same methods can be used against Israel.


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