June 16, 2007

The Senate Horrorshow Bill: The Axis of Amnesty's revival of the Senate immigration bill has inspired a lot of zombie, vampire, mummy, and Frankenstein references, but I think I like best Dennis Dale's citation of the climax of The Eagles' song "Hotel California:"

They stab it with their steely knives
But they just can't kill the beast

Hotel California ... hmmhmm, that's not a bad metaphor for what the Axis wants the American nation to turn into ...

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. This works

    ALIENS (amnesty) 2.5:
    In the Republcian Party no one can hear you scream.


  2. I like that. I'm going to steal it for my Sunday night VDARE column.

  3. I'd be honored if you would use my: Aliens (amnesty) 2.5:
    In the Republican Party, no one can hear your scream.

    It should be the official rallying cry.

    It does look like I left the comma out (after "In the Republcian Party,").

    One more thing that you probably already thought of -- it seems for years on Rush, in NR and all the other usual places folks wondered why the Republicans never put up a fight for any of our issues. It seems at the top we do not have a party. They were not fighting becaue they don't believe in us.

    One other image that I would think others must have come up with already --
    is Ted Kennedy driving over the amnesty bridge with the Republican Elephant in the passenger's seat.

    Glad to help. Keep up the fight.

  4. Any political cartoonists out there?

  5. Hotel California is not a good metaphor since unwanted 'guests' are thrown out of hotels.

  6. Another line from that august song comes to mind when thinking about immigration: "You can check out any time you like/But you can never leave..." Or maybe "you NEED never leave..."

  7. In the Republican Party, no one can hear your scream.

    I like that, too.

  8. I never knew they use the term "mercedes bends" obviously a pun on the diving term "the bends",the possibly fatal complication ya get from coming up too fast. Deep! (Hey! I made a pun myself!)


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