July 4, 2007

The Doctors Plot in Britain

Seven immigrant doctors and one doctor's lab technician wife have been arrested in the three recent attempted car-bombings in Britain, much to the befuddlement of the New York Times. Back in 2003, I wrote a VDARE column on how immigration can spur elite anti-Americanism. The parallels with the doctors plot aren't perfect, but it can help you understand the psychology.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Yes indeed, the success of importing a cognitive elite! So much better than those other low skill, low value immigrants.

  2. Investigators need to look into every suspicious death connected to these 8 doctors. Public safety may have been compromised a lot more than a few dud car bombs.

  3. It's obvious that doctors are the problem and not Muslims.

  4. Steve --

    The biggest issue is well, Islam.

    Sayyid Qutb had lots of problems in Greeley Colorado because his religion told him that God had promised Muslims domination. Yet America was the most successful nation on earth. Therefore, either God lied or ... Satan was behind America's success.

    Guess which one Qutb chose.

    I think where your analysis (and Updike's, frankly) fails is that both of you are products of a profoundly Western, rational, secular, and most of all individual culture.

    Marxism was nothing more than a thin veneer of Westernized nonsense that native elites adopted because it seemed like a winner (prior adoptions included Nazism). And there was no contradiction between Islam and Black Racism. How could there be?

    The mental adjustment between the universality of Islam and Black Racism was merely ... African Muslims are God's instrument. If you come from a pre-modern, tribal, religious/supernatural society, it makes perfect sense. No contradiction whatsoever.

    Every Tribe already KNOWS they are God's will. Because God told them. Spoke directly to them. Why it's as plain as day.

    To a Westerner this is like thinking Superman is a real person who swoop down any moment now and save you. But for a non-Westerner? Yeah it makes sense. It's how most humans have lived for most of human existence.

    The problem with the Muslim doctors is that they like Qutb have a choice: either Allah "lies" or is himself a lie, or Satan is responsible for the success of the West.

    If you look at bin Laden (Civil Engineer) or Zawahari (Doctor with several degrees in surgery), you see both the Western skills which are a thin skin, and underneath the real man. Bin Laden had something like 27 brothers in the usual Saudi polygamist family. Like Oliver Twist meets I, Claudius. Zawahari grew up also in a polygamist household IIRC. You can pile a Western veneer upon Western veneer, but until you change the fundamental aspect of Muslims: how their families are organized and how they raise their children, all you'll get is a deeply tribal, superstitious, envious, rage-filled "God Lies | Satan is behind it" choice with Western skills to make them dangerous.

  5. The, "doctors plot" was the euphamism given to Stalin's attempted purge of the Jews between 1948-1953. I am afraid that there is substance behind this one.

  6. I worked in a prominent neurology clinic for a spell, and the Chief of Neurology there worked behind the scenes to get rid of and destroy a competent and well-liked blond American neurologist whom he had recruited earlier, in favor of his newest choice, a foreign-educated and foreign-born national whose last name was (I kid you not) ISLAM. This Chief in other contexts pointedly praised the fact that "more diversity is coming" to the clinic and that we had all better get on board.

    The funny thing is, he's a Jew. What happens when his clinic is bombed, or patients there are maimed or turned into retards, by Muslims et al. he willfully promotes into position of power? (Non-white races on average are startingly antisemitic.)

    I worked at another hospital where the main hiring manager sweated bullets every day trying to import minimum-wage Philippinas to replace the white nurses on the staff. He also put them up in motels and started food drives for them: help-support-these-wonderful-people-with-your-donations-of-canned-goods kind of thing. He was also a Jew.

    Jews REALLY don't like gentile whites at all. Recall the Israelis in the white van, cheering on 9/11? It would be interesting to see who recommended the British Muslim doctors, who their professors were, who recommended them, etc. - and why they did. Stupidity? Penchant for self-destruction? Or something more sinister?

  7. Even if they'd been successful, I doubt they'd have killed a fraction of those killed over the years by their non-murderous but incompetent ethnic colleagues in the British Health Service. Can you imagine how trustworthy many Third World qualifications are, for example? But questioning them would be "racist" and when reality meets anti-racism, no decent person could be in favour of reality.

    The poor English of many overseas staff must be v. dangerous too. Again, no decent person would raise the topic. Note also that overseas staff are often recruited from regions rife with AIDS, TB, hepatitis and other vibrantly enriching diseases. So there's something else for decent people to keep tightlipped about:

    Health chiefs apparently detected the nurses' HIV status through checks carried out on their arrival in Britain to take up places at the city's hospitals and the Wolverhampton University School of Nursing and Midwifery. WHA at that time confirmed that 10 nurses were HIV positive.


  8. Great Britain's NHS has had the effect of turning a once respected, likeable, and, yes, lucrative profession that lured some of the best minds into a mindnumbing bureaucratic job that only an immigrant wants. Sorta like all those jobs that Americans "won't do."

    One stat I saw showed that 128,000 of the 277,000 doctors in Britain are immigrants.

    In addition, the number of medical school positions in the UK was held too low for too long, resulting in a need for immigrants due to not lack of talent but to lack of native training space.

    The result is that a respected native elite has been replaced by a disloyal foreign elite.

  9. "Jews REALLY don't like gentile whites at all."

    I think it would be more accurate to say YOU really don't like Jews. Consider how quickly turned a thread about a plot by Muslim terrorists in Britain into an attack on (American) Jews.

  10. The other issue here relates to socialized medicine. Since Britain's socialized medicine pays below-market wages to physicians, the National Health Service was unable to attract enough qualified British applicants, so it was forced to recruit overseas.

    Of course, the U.S. errs in the opposite direction, by making it difficult for even first-world trained physicians to practice here (thus inflating the wages of our physicians). But if Dems are successful in further socializing American medicine, expect more Dr. Mohammeds working here.

  11. chrysoperil wrote: "Even if they'd been successful, I doubt they'd have killed a fraction of those killed over the years by their non-murderous but incompetent ethnic colleagues in the British Health Service. Can you imagine how trustworthy many Third World qualifications are"

    Yeah but being good at school is not a great analog for actually being good a medicine. The whole practice of medicine beyond vaccines and antibiotics is still mostly backward and experamental inexact. Google the rand health insurance study. Also consider studies have shown that nurse practitioner's care is as good as doctors.

  12. http://inductivist.blogspot.com/ (who is Jewish) has analyzed Jewish attitudes toward whites using the General Social Survey database on June 27, 2007.

    He reports:

    Feel very warm toward whites
    Elite Jews 25.0
    All elite Americans 33.0
    Jews 47.8
    All Americans 34.8

    This seems to indicate that the typical Jew is more favorable toward whites than most whites themselves, but that elite Jews are less so.

    It has been my impression that elite Jews do work to facilitate immigration.

    Another set of statistics is:

    The ethnic changes to be seen in the next 25 years are a good thing
    Elite Jews 22.9
    All elite Americans 30.0
    Jews 36.1
    All Americans 25.9

    My interpretation of this is that "All Americans" in favor are probably blacks and hispanics. Hence Whites probably look upon such changes favorably in the range 5% to 10%; much less than all elites and all Jews.

  13. Dumbest Al Qaeda plot of all time. Sneak 7 doctors and 1 lab tech into British hospitals. Tell them to steal cars and drive them into buildings. Hahahahaha!

    That is roughly equivalent to Hitler placing 8 agents into management positions in the U.S. Arms industry. When the time is right they're told to steal Jeeps and drive them into restaurants to teach Roosevelt a lesson. What the hell? I love it.

    I don't care what sort of degrees these clowns have. We are doing the whole Arab race a favor by stopping these idiots from breeding.

  14. SS asks:

    Why aren't all those elite foreigners educated in America trumpeting our virtues back home?

    To add to your list of examples of why not:

    There were very few, if any, Negro undergraduates [at Oxford in the 1920s], but Asiatics abounded, and these were usually referred to as 'black men', whether they were pale Egyptians or dusky Tamils. There was no rancour in the appellation; it was simply that these exotics seemed as absurd among the stones of Oxford as topeed tourists in the temples of the orient; there was no hint of deliberate personal contempt; still less of hostility. It struck me as whimsical to attribute cannibalism to these earnest vegetarians. We may have caused offence. Certainly the only oriental whom I met, the Cingalese Bandaranaike, returned to Colombo fiercely anti-British. (This sentiment did not save him from assassination when he lost the protection of the British Crown). -- E. Waugh, A Little Learning (1964), ch. 8

  15. Dumbest Al Qaeda plot of all time. Sneak 7 doctors and 1 lab tech into British hospitals. Tell them to steal cars and drive them into buildings.

    "Dumb" is a complete misreading of the event. Driving into a building is an act of extreme rage, not stupidity.

    This is yet another wake up call. This is micro warfare. We are transitioning into a new phase of domestic terror.

    Earlier this year, in Nashville Tennessee of all places, a cab driver attempted to run down two Christian college students.

    These people are not stupid. And their extreme hostility, which we mistakenly interpret as idiocy, makes them a formidable enemy over the long haul. Really, they are an enemy like no other.

    Americans drive around with "No Fear" bumper stickers, but they are terrified of losing their toys. While these people carry out micro warfare in Western nations without regard to consequences.

    Let's put together these events. The Kosovo Albanians in New Jersey, the mall shooter in Utah. Malvo. All the rest.

    This enemy is not materialistic. He can't be bought. He is 100% dedicated. Basically fearless. Taliban is coming back. Al Qaeda recruitment is up. And they are not ghetto dead-enders.

    MI6, CIA and FBI are sh*tting bricks. We are in a real situation here.

  16. Dumbest Al Qaeda plot of all time. Sneak 7 doctors and 1 lab tech into British hospitals. Tell them to steal cars and drive them into buildings. Hahahahaha!

    That is roughly equivalent to Hitler placing 8 agents into management positions in the U.S. Arms industry. When the time is right they're told to steal Jeeps and drive them into restaurants to teach Roosevelt a lesson.

    It's very doubtful whether they had connections to Al Qaeda. Even if they did, they were almost certainly not part of any centrally controlled, long-term plot. It seems they were just devout freelancers, doing their part for the Ummah.

    As is often pointed out, this informal, non-organised way of fighting actually makes the enemy harder to defeat. (I admit that it was a silly plan, though.)

  17. "Sneak 7 doctors and 1 lab tech into British hospitals. Tell them to steal cars and drive them into buildings. Hahahahaha!"

    While their incompetence was indeed remarkable, that was a fall-back plan after the original blow-up-a-nightclub plan failed, leaving evidence even our police couldn't fail to follow to the source.

  18. "this informal, non-organised way of fighting actually makes the enemy harder to defeat."

    Well yes and then again no.

    Deport the lot of them and the problem is gone.

  19. "Great Britain's NHS has had the effect of turning a once respected, likeable, and, yes, lucrative profession that lured some of the best minds into a mindnumbing bureaucratic job that only an immigrant wants. Sorta like all those jobs that Americans "won't do.""

    "The other issue here relates to socialized medicine. Since Britain's socialized medicine pays below-market wages to physicians, the National Health Service was unable to attract enough qualified British applicants, so it was forced to recruit overseas.

    Actually we have something of a supply glut in doctors who have recently graduated from medical school. At least that is what I have heard on the news a few times this year. Some end up going straight onto the dole while awaiting a place at a hospital.

    Australia is apparently recruiting young British doctors and not because they being sentenced to transportation.


    BTW British GPs are now among the best paid in the world. I think that is a recent thing though.

  20. "Jews REALLY don't like gentile whites at all."

    I think it would be more accurate to say YOU really don't like Jews.

    Perhaps it would be more accurate to say Jews really don't like me.

    Childish taunts aside, Jews have been disproportionately in favor of breaking up homogenous populations by vigorous promotion of (among other things) nonwhite immigration (pdf):

    Stephen Steinlight has written about the paradox of strong Jewish support for open borders, a policy that lets in the most hostile antisemites - he says Jews are in effect committing slow unwitting suicide:

    And our own Stevo has blogged about this as well (April 5, 2006):

    "Where does this mindless passion [for unchecked immigration] originate?

    "To be frank, much of what we see in the press appear to be examples of Jewish-American ancestor worship, a bizarre religious urge to make Ellis Island into a sacred site. Other groups, such as the Italian and Irish, share this to some extent, but Jews with their vast talent at nostalgic myth-making seem much more taken in by their own concoction than are Catholic ethnics, who are, sensibly, more focused on the future than the past. On the right, the main cheerleaders among journalists for massive immigration have been Jewish neocons like William Kristol, John Podhoretz, Tamar Jacoby, Michael Barone, and James Taranto.

    "Is unchecked immigration good for the Jews? Of course not. It will bring in more anti-Semites and terrorists, like Egyptian immigrant Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, who murdered two Jews at the Israeli El Al Airline counter of LAX on the July 4, 2002. Nor does it make sense for America to hold open the gates to the whole world just in case anything happened, God forbid, to Israel. If it did, Israeli Jews would immediately get a special deal as refugees, not as ordinary immigrants, like Cubans did. Granted, Jews suffer less from economic competition with illegal immigrants than any other ethnic group due to their high average IQs and educational levels, but, rationally, security concerns should be high on their priority list.

    "No, the ferocious resistance of so many Jews in the media to thinking sensibly about immigration (there are, of course, numerous honorable exceptions such as Robert Samuelson, Dan Stein, and Steven Steinlight) is rooted in nostalgia.

    "Now, nostalgia is a pleasant luxury, but can Jews, even in America, really afford to give up thinking 'Is it good for the Jews?' in favor of 'Was it good for the Jews?'"

    Thought-provoking material. We now return you to your regular screams of "Nazi," "hater," "antisemite," and "something must be done to regulate this board."

  21. Deport the lot of them and the problem is gone. - anon.

    Well, sure. But the modern multiculti star chamber says you can't do that - instead we'd all apparently prefer an expensive, overbearing, annoying police state.

    I don't think we have to deport all of them, however. Instead we need to start deporting non-citizen fanatics at the drop of a hat, like J Edgar did with Emma Goldman and the rest of the anarchists. We need to cut off immigration and student visas and H-1b visas from these countries - completely. We need to ban "family reunification" from these countries, so they can't import arranged brides (often their first cousins). We need to ban even the so-called "refugees."

    If that doesn't send a message, THEN we deport thema ll.

    If Bush and Blair had any brains or balls they'd already have done that. Instead Muslims are immigrating to the US at record levels.

  22. Among the Jews who think sensibly about immigration, we should not forget Paul Gottfried.

  23. Nationalized medicine has the unintended consequences of exposing "soft spots" in immigration and the War on Terror:

    Australia raids 2 hospitals, detains nephew of alleged Glasgow bomber -- "He was recruited through a British Medical Journal advertisement."

    "58% of the new doctors registered on Britain's national health service came from foreign countries. And these people exploited that weakness. You didn't need a work permit to become a doctor in Britain. And they were inserted into Britain for that very purpose. "


  24. We need to ban even the so-called "refugees."
    I'm not the first to make this point and I won't be the last... I never quite figured out why being given asylum automatically results in citizenship. Why isn't refugee status temporary? I guess I'm just not enlightened enough to understand...
    ..which leads me to another point. I keep hearing that all this PC behaviour isn't merely demanded by supposedly great scholars and intellectuals, it's even demanded by no less that *God*. Just ask the holy men. I am right now an agnostic on the question of God. I used to be a believer then i became an atheist then I decided that I was just going around saying I was an atheist because it gave me that feeling of being better than those ignorant theists, so for now I've settled on agnosticism. ALl that aside, if *God* demands politically correct behaviour why haven't I been having religious experiences confirming this?

  25. I'm not the first to make this point and I won't be the last... I never quite figured out why being given asylum automatically results in citizenship. Why isn't refugee status temporary?

    It doesn't result in automatic citizenship, but the residency status is permanent. Refugees are never made to go home after the situation improves in their homelands. I suspect leftists, churches, and big business are as much responsible for this as they are for open borders.

  26. "Among the Jews who think sensibly about immigration, we should not forget Paul Gottfried."

    And Mickey Kaus, Paul Krugman, Charles Krauthammer, the Jewish two-thirds of Powerline, the Jewish regulars on this site, etc. Just because some prominent Jews support open borders doesn't mean all -- or even a majority -- of Jews do. I don't know what the majority of Irish-Americans thinks about immigration, but I wouldn't generalize about them based on blowhards like Ted Kennedy.

  27. Among the Jews who think sensibly about immigration, we should not forget Paul Gottfried.

    Or Edwin Rubinstein.

  28. The one terrorist had burns covering 90% of his body. Now wouldnt it be a shame if Britains cash-strapped health system was a little low on morphine??:D Make this dirtbag suffer.


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