August 30, 2007

Carol M. Swain

My new column is a review of the anthology she edited:

Yale Law School Professor Peter H. Schuck observes:

"In a polity in which only 17 percent of the public thinks that immigration levels should be higher and 39 percent thinks they should be lower, one would expect that at least some legal scholars who write about immigration issues would favor restriction. If so, one would be wrong. In over two decades of immersion in immigration scholarship, I have not encountered a single academic specialist on immigration law who favors reducing the number of legal immigrants admitted each year." ...

So, Carol M. Swain, a law and political science professor at Vanderbilt, has done the academic world a service (although one it probably won't appreciate) with her new book Debating Immigration. She brings together 16 chapters from academic and think tank luminaries such as Nathan Glazer, Amitai Etzioni, Douglas S. Massey, and Steven A. Camarota, along with lively essays from journalists Peter Brimelow and Jonathan Tilove.

is one of the more unusual and admirable scholars in public policy. Growing up black and poor in rural Virginia, one of twelve children, she dropped out of 9th grade and married at 16. In her mid-20s she started back to school. Eventually, she earned tenure at
Princeton as an expert on how Congress operates.

Her views are difficult to categorize politically. I would say she's an advocate of black enlightened self-interest, left of center on economics, right of center on culture. For example, her 2002 book The New White Nationalism sensibly advocated depriving white nationalists such as Jared Taylor of their best issues by restricting immigration and cutting back on affirmative action, especially for immigrants and affluent blacks. Needless to say, that hasn’t happened.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. For example, her 2002 book The New White Nationalism sensibly advocated depriving white nationalists...of their best issues...

    Sensibly? I would agree with this characterization if the issue sat somewhere in a theoretical vacuum. But C. Swain's advocation is a denial of reality in America. That dissention probably made her few friends and slowed down her career.

    We had a cultural revolution in this country in the 1960s. A cornerstone of that revolution is the attack on the white majority. The regime doesn't give a damn about "depriving white nationalists of their best issues", and it never will give a damn. No, instead the regime pushes as hard as possible for the establishment of a non-white America.

  2. Hey, Steve, today we found out what two words can take a completely obscure nobody to the tip top spot on the Drudge Report website: white power.

    Drudge's headline is: Students chant 'white power' during immigration discussion at Colorado school...

    But the linked article specifically states that there actually was no "chanting".

    Gee, what high journalist standards you have, Drudge! It was a single student. So, apparently those magic words need only be uttered by a single unnamed student! in a classroom somewhere in the hinterlands and a report will be filed in order to achieve greatest exposure. No action to go along with the words is necessary. Watch out, white man, keep your head down!

    Meanwhile a highly organized group of radical la raza racists shouts down the former conservative Republican governor of California at a public ceremony gets no mention on the very same "conservative" Drudge Report website.

    Wilson statue is unveiled as Latinos, gays protest

    On the other hand, Drudge did mention that 160 illegals were pulled out of a chicken plant this week! What does it matter that 5,000 illegal are jumping the border every day? The Feds rounded up a 160 of them so now we got us a crackdown -- and we know it's a crackdown because Drudge says it is!

    Anyway, I wonder if this sort of "journalism" counts as, in the words of author Swain, "depriving white nationalists such as Jared Taylor of their best issues".

  3. anon 11:26:
    "Sensibly? I would agree with this characterization if the issue sat somewhere in a theoretical vacuum. But C. Swain's advocation is a denial of reality in America. That dissention probably made her few friends and slowed down her career."

    'Sensibly' as in 'good for America', not as in 'good for Prof Swain's career'.

    Democratic Senator Jim Webb of Virginia seems to have been advocating a similar approach; one that takes genuine account of the interests of both white and black blue-collar Americans in controlling immigration, rather than the interests of the elites in maintaining cheap labour, affirmative action, and an angry black underclass.

  4. anon 11:59:
    "So, apparently those magic words need only be uttered by a single unnamed student! "

    Here in the UK the student would almost certainly have been arrested. They get arrested for far less these days:

  5. Brown Power:


    This clip is an eye-opener. Redshirted communist thugs screaming "this is my land!" It is reasonable to assume that La Raza radicals are close to using violence to further their agenda.

  6. Actually, if you've been to any immigration demonstration you'll already know that the pro-invasion kill-Pilgrim sentiment is mainstream. So mainstream there are even some deluded "Pilgrims" amongst them screaming it too.


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