September 11, 2007

The Great White Trash Defendants

Several readers have pointed out that this story is likely to get more national coverage than similar local crime cases. I wonder why ...

Details emerge in W.Va. torture case

By JOHN RABY and TOM BREEN, Associated Press Writers 34 minutes ago

For at least a week, authorities say, a young black woman was held captive in a mobile home, forced to eat animal waste, stabbed, choked and repeatedly sexually abused — all while being peppered with a racial slur.

It wasn't until deputies acting on an anonymous tip drove to a ramshackle trailer deep in West Virginia's rural hills that she was found. Limping toward the door with her arms outstretched, she uttered, "Help me," the Logan County sheriff's office said.

Six people, all white, including a mother and son and a mother and daughter, have been arrested and could face federal hate crime charges in the suspected attack on 20-year-old Megan Williams, who remained hospitalized Tuesday with injuries that included four stab wounds in the leg, and black and blue eyes.

Damn. If only they were lacrosse players, or yachtsmen, or something else like all the bad guys on "Law & Order," then the New York Times would be all over this story. Heck, even Jayson Blair would have gotten off his couch and gone to West Virginia for real for that story.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. Six white devils living in a trailer home in W. Virginia? Aside from eating animal waste, I sadly suspect said mobile home park has active intramural leagues in sexual abuse, stabbing and choking.

    I'm guessing there's a somewhat explainatory connection between the alleged victim that has gone unreported in the rush to report all the news fit to print.

    As you hint, the story only has one of the holy PC trinity (race, sex, gender) that our elite use to cherry pick insane local crimes for tourettes syndrome-like national media coverage. No, these guys are ending up throwing chairs at each other on Jerry Springer.

    - JAN

  2. Yeah of course no coverage on the Christian-Newsome murders, or that of the House of Freaks Guitarist Bryan Harvey and his whole family.

    THAT would not sell on Law and Order.

    BTW, Mickey Kaus is on fire with a post on the disappearance of Mexican schoolkids from several districts, and the "downsizing" of white kids into poor suburban schools. Interesting.

  3. Before we jump to conclusions please remember that hoax crimes happen at least once or twice a month.

  4. Jan,

    The latest report from the Charleston Gazette lends support to your suspicion:

    If the MSM takes the bait - and they may not, given the retch factor alone - it will be interesting to see the "hate crime" narrative is cast. My revised hunch is that there may be a mite too much unseemly "otherness" in the sordid specter of crank-addled dysgenic hillfolk to suit any middle-class appetite for an easy morality play. Perhaps someone should tip off Al Sharpton, just to see what happens.

    This is unfolding in my neck of the woods, by the way. If you want to keep up, The Charleston Gazette, the Charleston Daily Mail, and the Logan Banner will have the most up-to-date coverage.

  5. Of course, the only thing Sailer is interested is the "abuse" these defendants will likely get from the liberal, elitist media. Whether the media coverage of this incident is justifiable is of no importance. Whether an actual crime occurs here is of no importance. After all, we all know that in the history of the US, it is "white trash" that has been the perpetual victim of the dominant liberal class.

  6. Mickey Kaus has it wrong. Families with children of all races are leaving California because it's a cesspit. Mexicans don't want to commute three hours a day and pay 500k for a 2 bedroom tract house anymore than anyone else does. In lots of CA school districts, most kids are Mexicans, so it would be easy to blame their disappearance on immigration enforcement, but those Mexican kids are reappearing outside of California. They're killing the North Carolina and Virginia schools, for example.

  7. If only she'd been a maid trapped in a penthouse in NYC. Fred Thompson's greatest case before the old lobbyist stumbles into the GOP nomination race!

  8. Of course, the only thing Sailer is interested is the "abuse" these defendants will likely get from the liberal, elitist media. Whether the media coverage of this incident is justifiable is of no importance. Whether an actual crime occurs here is of no importance.

    Ah, morons in the comments hurrumphing about arguments that were never made. What would blogs be without them?

    When you start paying attention, Anon, you'll find that Sailer is talking about how the media covers crime, not the defendants in this case. Indeed, can you point to ANY sympathy Sailer expressed for the (likely) toothless crank-addicts? Other than in your fevered, inattentive brain, of course.

  9. As of 12Sep07 the BBC has seen fit to put this story on their news loop. Ahhh, sordid american racists, who could ask for anything better?

  10. Those defendants in the WV case are about as inbred-looking a group as seemingly could exist. If they are guilty, and they almost surely are, you will see whites enthusiastic about their justly being sentenced to long prison sentences, and not defending them in any way.

  11. ...morons in the comments hurrumphing about arguments that were never made

    The comment (which was not mine, btw) was about focus, not arguments. One can agree with Sailer's general point about lopsided media coverage of crime while still finding his priorities - racially based whining over human compassion - distasteful.

  12. Steve, I have to point it out: the root cause is poverty. We should not judge. We need to set up more welfare programs for West Virginia. These poor people grew up in a ignorant area living stunted lives. The answer is more Federal Programs. Maybe some white power clubs to raise their racial self-esteem. Midnight Coon Hunting or Midnight Cow Tipping programs, perhaps?

  13. This story was featured on NPR's "All Things Considered" today. This country certainly has no shortage of lurid crimes, like this case, but NPR seldom covers them. But they covered this one.

    I don't remember them covering the Carr brothers murderous rampage, or the Christian-Newsome murders, or many other such brutal murders of whites by blacks (which crimes are far more numerous than the obverse).

    Be sure to remember how on-the-ball NPR is during pledge-week.

  14. Nonsense. If Megan Williams was killed by her captors, never to be seen again, the story would've NEVER made national news, because..

    A) She's not white.
    B) See A.

    They even have a name for it:
    "Missing White Woman Syndrome"

    Come on, surely you've noticed the coverage--between Natalie Holloway, Chandra Levy, Elizabeth Smart, JonBenet Ramsey, The "Runaway" Bride...right down the line. If you don't believe there is a bias in proportionate coverage, tell me why a missing FOREIGN child (Madeleine McCann) dominates cable news right now when there are OBVIOUSLY legitimate domestic stories to cover?


  15. Very good point Cobra. With the exception of the Central Park Jogger case, I'd agree that black-on-white sex crimes are covered less than the reverse.

    However, I have to admit that black girls that go missing don't get any where near the around-the-clock coverage that we saw of Elizabeth Smart, Holloway, and other white girls.

  16. One can agree with Sailer's general point about lopsided media coverage of crime while still finding his priorities - racially based whining over human compassion - distasteful.

    Can you elaborate on this mangled thought? My guess is no.

  17. "Missing White Woman Syndrome"

    They're pandering to the white female audience. I don't think many white heterosexual males follow these stories very much.

    The Wikipedia article also emphasizes the class factor and uses the example of a white girl from a dysfunctional working class background who disappeared and who also didn't get much coverage. My guess is that the kind of missing females who get the heavy-duty treatment are those who resemble(in terms of class and appearance) the kind of females who are the main characters in soap operas.

    The only TV news show I ever watch is Lou Dobbs(maybe the ultimate evil white male; no doubt GWB would much sooner have sex with Ted Kennedy or Barack Obama than shake Lou Dobbs' hand) and he never covers these stories. It must be that some of the memos on how to enforce "white racism" are getting lost or misdirected.

  18. Midnight Coon Hunting

    Er, I'm not so sure that one would be helpful in resolving this problem.

  19. Give me a break you guys - Drudge picked this story up early in the week and so did a bunch of others like

    Give the conspiracy thing a break - the news media has a lot of problems but few of those problems are actually the newsroom's fault. Why not take a look at the corporate goons holding the purse strings. They are responsible for decimating news staffs across the country. When you blame the actual journalists instead of the bean counters you're playing right into their hands. Then, one day, we'll wake up and there won't be any reporting of substance anywhere.

  20. "Give the conspiracy thing a break - the news media has a lot of problems but few of those problems are actually the newsroom's fault. Why not take a look at the corporate goons holding the purse strings."

    I don't know if anyone thinks it's a conspiracy per se. It's an automatic sort of thinking on the part of the monopoly media. Also I don't hear anyone saying the reporters are worse than the corporate leftists - it's hard to say when you see media coverage the way it is. On the outside, we only see the result, not the internal machinations. If an MSM outlet offered me a high-paying job, I simply couldn't take it. A white-on-black hate crime hoax gets more coverage than 100 actual black-on-white hate crimes, etc. Don't hang a rope in a tree or someone who looks vaguely like you will get his face beaten in - and the media will call it "even steven".

    As for "missing white woman" ... I doubt there is any such syndrome. I suspect the actual syndrome is "missing person who wouldn't be expected to go missing". I suspect if a toothless 25-year-old woman who associates with criminals and seems to spend all her welfare money on ... something other than laundry and food ... goes missing, the media wouldn't pick it up no matter how white she was. Check out your list of missing persons at a police station some time, and see how many of the white women had local TV crying over their absence. Or check out a milk carton.

    "Assistant Stimulant Tester at Informal Pharmaceutical Factory Misses Work"

    Not a headline I see often.


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