September 17, 2007

The Waning of Water

We all used to obsess over how a glass was partly full of water, but, recently, extremely sophisticated thinkers have noticed that many glasses are also partly empty.

Therefore, all of us cutting edge folks now know that you don't have to pay any attention whatsoever to water. H2O? H2whatever is more like it.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. Moreover, there has been a move away from water in general to specific waters. Fruit flavored water, fizzy water, and the so-called 'smart' water.

  2. Nice analogy.

    And what use does water have, anyway? I pretty much just drink Mountain Dew all the time. And I never shower.

    No use for me.

  3. I remember reading from eviro-doom&gloomers that there were soon going to be a bunch of wars over water and oil. I don't think the Iraq attaq counts for the latter and I can't recall any of the former.

    But you're right about water being passe. It's all sports and energy drinks now. All the water in the world could disappear and we'd shrug it off if it weren't for the functionality of our muscular system depending on water.

  4. Water? Isn't that the stuff in toilets? Plus, it doesn't have electrolytes!

  5. Water wars will be fairly unlikely. People evolved to defend territory. A few square miles of scrubland in Kashmir will cause more wars than enough water to make tea from all the tea in China.

    When it comes to most resources, people are smart enough to trade it and increase supply.

  6. Speaking of half empty, your blog is crashing Firefox. It might have something to do with this.

    You might want to check the RSS feed too. It looks a bit dangerous.

    I thought blogger was a bit off, but I had no idea it was this buggy.

    A word of advice: do not check Google for blogger-related bugs -- Google tends to filter out (censor) these results. Use another search engine like Yahoo or Webcrawler.

  7. Note to self:

    Send Sailer a case of heavy water with card saying "No hard feelings".

  8. Re "Your Body's Many Cries for Water"

    Be sure to read the "lowest rated" reviews for this book.

    If you're not thirsty, don't worry, you're getting plenty of water.

  9. I read Steve's original post 9 times.

    It still doesn't make sense.

    Posters here are merely guessing as to his meaning, if any. The word "water" pulled the trigger, and here came the comments about everything from flavored drinks to dehydration to turf wars in Kashmir. Interesting. Interesting and frightening.

  10. "Posters here are merely guessing as to his meaning, if any. "

    Reading is a constructive process as it is difficult to be precise with words since they may have various shades of meaning that differ for the author and the reader. Then again most of us could know exactly what Steve meant by his statement, what he sort of meant, what we thought he should intend to say but didn't. Those of us with subgenius IQs probably took him literally. And perhaps drinking a glass of water at the time he wrote the post, he was being 1/2 literal, therefore his meaning was decoded 1/2 accurately.

    It might have been a private joke. There could be psychosocial nuances as well. Steve sees himself as "water" and was crying for help. Yet, his many readers respond with glib, insensitive remarks that marginalize him further. I'll leave the interpretation to you, David, is Steve waning?

  11. Looks like only Mark got the joke.


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