October 20, 2007


My VDARE.com article, which will be up late the evening of Sunday, October 21, focuses on the latest ritual denunciations, this time of DNA legend James D. Watson.

And, yes, I've found a new angle.

On the way home Friday evening to write my VDARE article, which was due Saturday morning, I saw I was across the street from my favorite bookstore. You know how in cartoons, you have a white angel on one shoulder and a red devil on the other, offering conflicting advice? Well, on one shoulder I've got an eager beaver telling me, "Do some more research! Go buy Watson's book and skim it. You'll come up with some connection that nobody's seen before. Who needs sleep?"

And on my other shoulder is a tired bear who just wants to hibernate. "C'mon, there's been a million words written about this controversy already. Everybody's saying that Watson never thought about race and IQ before he just spouted that off the top of his head. Surely, if there was anything of interest in Watson's memoirs relevant to this story, it would be all over the place already. Who are you to find something new in something so hashed over? Anyway, you have to get to sleep before dawn."

Eventually, the beaver overcame the bear, so I bought Watson's book. Sure, enough, after an hour or two of reading, I strike paydirt. The most important part of Watson's book is directly focused on my obsessions. I wrote it up and sent it off to VDARE.com at 7:45 am, and crawled off to hibernate.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Surely, if there was anything of interest in Watson's memoirs relevant to this story, it would be all over the place already.

    We all know the main stream media is too lazy to do any research. And that's for what they consider an IMPORTANT story. The mainstream media doesn't think this story is very important.

  2. Thanks for your hard work, Steve. I'll look forward to reading the piece.

  3. Righty-O, Half.

    "Just another heretic. Move along. Nothing to see here."

  4. Steve, I'm betting that this is something in Watson's defence, because you wouldn't kick a man when he's down, even if he's a lifelong Democrat.

  5. On your way home from where? Is this your sly way of telling us you've been forced to take a day-job because we haven't been generous enough during the panhandling drives?

    And speaking of donations, what's the deal with the special project Brimelow says you're working on?

  6. I've been reading some science blogs on this subject, and it's depressing how deeply entrenched the egalitarian dogma is in otherwise rational people. Their reaction against the mere idea that there might be cognitive differences between races is ferocious.

    I read somewhere that Watson indeed states the exact same thing about racial differences in his book as in that interview. It's clear that he can't help blurting out unpopular truths from time to time. Last January ADL was all over him after he argued that it would be better if all people were as smart as Ashkenazi Jews ("What?! Jews are smarter than other people? That's insulting to Jews! Take that back!"). Then as now Watson pleaded temporary insanity, as Steve put it. I guess that's easier that way; he must have better things to do than quarrel with hysterical PC crowds.

  7. Steve, you have the greatest F@#king blog/site. Keep up the great work.

  8. Is this your sly way of telling us you've been forced to take a day-job because we haven't been generous enough during the panhandling drives?

    I have to confess I had every intention of giving to the last fundraiser - but then I had to fork out close to $1,000 in car repairs and had other unforeseen expenses, as well. But I have given to VDare in the past, and continue to fork over actual money for actual, dead-tree subscriptions to American Conservative and National Review - so I feel like I'm at least sort of helping the cause.

    And given what my United Way local does with my money - use it to advocate for in-state tuition for illegals at the state legislature - I feel better giving to VDare, et al than to them.

    Some people would call me a horrible man for not giving to "real" charities. My children are my charity. My devotion to them is the best thing I can give to this world.

  9. There's this Watson talk@google which is worth viewing and where he mentions PC more than once and how it is preventing certain types of research (there's an example regarding examining autism in kids of MIT alums)

    DNA and the Brain:


    Explains that children of two high IQ types are more likely to exhibit features of autism (which Simon Baron-Cohen terms as the male brain)


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