November 7, 2007

Acronym suggestions needed

The subprime meltdown, which, like so many problems is hitting blacks and Latinos harder than whites while Asians are least affected of all, reminds us that the old terms "whites" and "minorities" are increasingly out of date, since the former now often means in effect "Whites plus Asians" while the latter often means "minorities minus Asians." So, we need some new catchy acronyms. Yesterday, I used:

NAM - Non-Asian Minorities

WaA - Whites and Asians

But you can probably come up with something better in the Comments.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. Nope - no better acronyms needed. In fact, there are no good acronyms, period. Having to always include the Asian part - spelled out A-S-I-A-N - reminds us that this has absolutely nothing to do with discrimination whatsoever. This is, like so many other things, about racial differences in intelligence and creditworthiness, period.

    The race agitators should never be allowed to get away with their "WHites hate us because of our skin color." Asians remind them that it's all bunk.

  2. Standard Low Income Minorites (SLIM): Blacks and Hispanics

  3. I absolutely loved NAM. I was going to comment about it in that thread but I didnt want to look like a spammer.

  4. High Income, Ridiculously Taxed (HIRT, "Hurt"): whites and Asians

    Affirmative Action Racial Group (AARG): blacks and Hispanics

  5. EUROW

  6. The race agitators should never be allowed to get away with their "WHites hate us because of our skin color." Asians remind them that it's all bunk.

    Agreed, except for a tiny minority of racists (or "White Nationalists"), some of whom frequent this site.

  7. In discussions of college admissions, people frequently say "URM" for under-represented minority.

  8. One popular acronym is the WGWAG ("Well-groomed white-Asian group.") You'll also see CGWBT ("Chicanos grouped with blacks together.")

  9. "URM" for under-represented minority.

    But if taken literally, this could include whites. Whites are under-represented compared to population at many (all?) University of California campuses, because there are so many Asians that everyone else is underrepresented.

  10. Asians are not a monolithic group. Ethnic subgroups probably vary as much, as if not more, in terms of IQ, individual and societal achievement among Asians as among Whites (e.g. tribal Arabs vs. urban Germans).

    The high-IQ and high achieving Asians are principally Chinese, Japanese and Korean often called NE Asians. These groups are very hierarchical and look down on other Asians, each other and their own social and ethnic subgroups. These NE Asians are the most heavily discriminated against along with a small group of elite SE Asian Indians in the US.

    On the other hand, Philippinos were eligible for affirmative action benefits in California until recently. Hmong, Laotians, and other groups also tend to fail miserably in Western society and are also targeted for numerous social handouts and assistance. Polynesians are often called the “blacks’ of Asians although with much stronger families and without many needless self-destructive behaviors. Some Asians groups like the Vietnamese and Thais probably outperform what IQ would suggest due to positive Asian values: work ethnic, determination, focus on material advancement, pliant non-complaining attitude, and the like.

    The issue here is less of a gross major ethnic labeling than of a simple intelligence and cultural gap.

  11. Perhaps PFM "Politically Fashionable Minorities" would do. Or we could go with the traditional "Whiners".

  12. Whites and Asians. CaucAsians.
    Others: Malthusian People (ala Farewell to Alms.

  13. That last comment suggests the term WaNEA (Whites and NE Asians). But to put a finer point on the White side of the term, what about NEaNEA (Northern Europeans and NE Asians) or just EaNEA (Europeans and NE Asians).

    URM (Under represented minorities) or something like is will probably be adopted by both sides. For people against the reverse racism of affirmative action it takes out the racial tag. For people supporting such program it guarantees lifetime employment since someone, somehow will always be under represented.

  14. Since what we are really talking about are groups that average either above the white mean or below it, how about BMM and AMM (Below the Mean Minority and Above the Mean Minority)?

    But I do like NAM, though - I think we should start a campaign to use it. WaA, not so much - it needs a consonant at the end to give it kick.

  15. The term "Asian" itself is inaccurate. When we say "Asian" we don't mean Indian, or Afghani, or Pakistani. We mean "Oriental", a completely neutral term, which is what they used to be called, until some chinese-american activists decided they wanted to get in on the racial victimization game, that had been pioneered by blacks.

    Now, we are all obliged to use this silly term, and heaven help you if you don't

  16. WASPs (White and/or Asian Smart

    DMVs (Black, Hispanic, various
    unclassifiable, truculent
    inefficient colored folks)

  17. How about the very elegant Whasian and Blispanic? ;)

  18. Less Successful Ethnic groups LSE and Successful Ethnic groups SE.

  19. I know you asked for acronyms, but still:



  20. The high-IQ and high achieving Asians are principally Chinese, Japanese and Korean often called NE Asians.

    Yet there are plenty of extremely poor Chinese immigrants in America. The Chinatown districts of most large cities are among their poorest neighborhoods.

  21. I am a professor in the U.S. In the universities, the term “underrepresented minorities” is now officially replacing “minorities,” precisely because the Asians are causing such a problem by succeeding. Not only have the diversicrats welcomed this change, but so have the Asian professors, who do not want to be grouped with unsuccessful minorities.

  22. I hate to be a party-pooper, but if you look at the numbers, "Asian" Americans won't be with us much longer.

    Of course, "we" won't be here much longer, either.

    See page 15 of this PDF document:

    U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2007
    Section 1, Population
    Page 15
    Table 14. Resident Population by Race, Hispanic Origin, and Age: 2000 and 2005

    "Asian" Americans, like white Americans, just aren't making babies anymore.

    In 2005, "Asian" American numbers peaked, in the 35-39 year age range, at 1.256M, and then collapsed, down to a mere 782K, in the 5-9 year age range, for an absolute decline of 37.7% [and I'm very, very worried that the slight uptick in the 0-4 year age range is due to Muslims, in places like Dearborn, Michigan].

    Likewise, in 2005, white American numbers peaked, in the 45-49 year age range, at 16.098M, and then collapsed, down to a mere 11.258M, in the 0-4 year age range, for an absolute decline of 30.1%.

    You know, I was reading the commentary in Why is science no longer interesting to Westerners?, such as:

    "It takes a long time to get to cutting edge. You have to study for years by taking classes that are filled with Asians who are clannish and who cheat. White kids from the suburbs automatically know that a classed filled with Chinese and Korean students is going to be hard and they will probably not get an A."

    And I was thinking to myself, "Uh, where are these "Asian" kids coming from? They sure aren't showing up in the numbers from the Census Bureau."

    And then it dawned on me that the person who posted that complaint isn't thinking about what life is like for students today, but rather what life was like for him, as a student, 20 or 30 years ago, when there will still substantial numbers of Asian Americans to populate the classrooms.

    Of course, there aren't any white kids to populate the classrooms either, so God only knows what sort of lunacy is transpiring in most of these "schools" nowadays.

    BTW, you might also be interested in this story, which emphasizes just how bad the relative numbers are:

    Of U.S. Children Under 5, Nearly Half Are Minorities

    Prepare yourself for the decline and fall of - well, not just "Western" Civilization, but all of human civilization, everywhere:

    IQ and the Wealth of Nations

    List of countries and territories by fertility rate

    PS: Idiocracy has been playing on HBO recently; you guys should try to watch it:

    HBO Schedule: IDIOCRACY

    PPS: The reason that Idiocracy doesn't "work" as a movie - i.e. the reason that it doesn't come off successfully as a comedy - is because it cuts too close to the bone: Everyone knows that every last detail in the movie is absolutely, tautologically true.

  23. "And I was thinking to myself, "Uh, where are these "Asian" kids coming from? They sure aren't showing up in the numbers from the Census Bureau."

    Maybe he goes to school somewhere on the West coast. I go to school in Vancouver, and my experiences with the chinese here are exactly as he describes it, if not worse.

  24. Why do you want to combine White with Asian at at Time when Asians are replacing-stealing jobs from actually- White Americans in the tech and medical professions.

    Whites are competing with Asians-along with Hispanics and other non-Whites for the scarce resources of the US.

    Steve, how do you feel about the fact that Asians now account for 40 percent of the student population of the California State University system. Are you indifferent to this? Are you happy about this? Are you angry about this?

    The larger question is of course where do you stand on Asian Legal immigration.

  25. In Britain where we have a large population from Pakistan the term "Pakistani" is officially racist & the less geographically specific "Asian" is used leading to broadcasters informing us that "gangs of Chinese & Asian youths fought today".

  26. WASPs (White and/or Asian Smart

    You can have my groups acronym when you pry it from our cold, extinct hands (ca. 50 years, give or take).

    I hate to be a party-pooper, but if you look at the numbers, "Asian" Americans won't be with us much longer.

    I had a lot of Asian friends in high school, all of them smart and most of them fairly attractive. The progeny of the half-dozen or so I've kept up with adds up to 1 (that's O-N-E), who is only half Asian. I have two and counting...

  27. Yet there are plenty of extremely poor Chinese immigrants in America. The Chinatown districts of most large cities are among their poorest neighborhoods.
    First generation immigrants? Long term immigrant families living in poverty? it makes a big difference when you're talking about immigrants from a country with 800 million really poor people. I wonder how much higher the standard of living is in Chicago's Chinatown than the people living on the other side of the tracks, anyway...
    I like Tommy's "HIRT/AARG" suggestion, btw.

  28. ::Prepare yourself for the decline and fall of - well, not just "Western" Civilization, but all of human civilization, everywhere: ::

    Nigerians, with a population of 135,000,000, eat, drink and make love. They're probably happier than you.

    Ever consider some of THESE PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO LIVE LIKE YOU? Maybe THE FACT YOU DON'T BREED HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH IT. You work in a cubicle during the day and watch television at night. You're alienated from everything vital they understand, so you compensate feebly with simulated narrative sociality, murder-simulators, and a million other ingenious, inferior mutations on directly processing the stimuli the brain was evolved to respond to. Is that "civilization" or a pretty hilarious cosmic joke?

    Maybe you disgust them more than they disgust you.

    I don't really agree with myself, but hatefully inflammatory rhetoric flows through me like the Force.

  29. You're missing the point, Steve. The problem with "minority" is that whites are minorities, too. I'm a minority in my city, my state, and my world. The only way I wind up in the majority is if you fetishize the boundaries of the United States.

    If you mean "non-white", say "non-white".

    If you want a term to lump low-intelligence groups together, how about "LIGs" (low-intelligence groups) or "LIR's" (low-intelligence races") or "LPGs" (low-productivity groups) or something along those lines?

  30. Peter: no offense intended, but the Chinatowns I've been to (NY, LA and San Fran) are home to immmigrants, mostly recent ones. The Lower East Side was poor at the turn of the last century, but not because its Jews and Irish were low IQ. It was because they'd just gotten there from some place that was poor.

    Another random observation: Shea Stadium is just a mile or so from the Flushing section of Queens, which is now about 99% East Asian. About half of those Asian women I see at ball games who are with guys are with white guys. A little off topic, I know, but it just popped into my head.

  31. Blacks& Latinos= "Unintelligentsia"

  32. Europeans and Asians: UrAsians (URAs)

    Blacks and Latinos: Equatorians (EQUAs)

    So: URAs and EQUAs; or Uras and Equas.

  33. Why not just boil it down to the "makers" and the "takers"?

    Just kidding . . .

  34. Morlocks and Eloi?

  35. I kinda liked 'Jeurasians', from GNXP. Tosses the Jews in too, though I'm not getting into whether Jews are white or not.

    But Blatinos and Wasians? Yeah, I like that too.

  36. I never use the useless description "Asian". Please tell me how describing a burglar as "Asian" aids the police in identifying a Kazakh man...

    Fine, that's not really fair. Most people would say, "White, looked like a foreigner", more educated folk might say, "Russian looking" or something similar.

    But according to all accounts Chinese and Sri Lankans are all to be properly referred to as "Asian", an entirely non-descriptive term.

    Being something of an amateur anthropoligist I'm generally able to tell the difference between a guy from Mizoram and a fellow from Tibet, but lacking any specific knowledge on a person and striving for accuracy over nuance I always stick with "Indian-looking" and "Oriental".

    And for the life of me I can't comprehend how either of those two descriptions can be construed as racist.



  37. Just a quick mention to say far as the question of IMMIGRATION is concerned I can certainly understand and appreciate the view that at this time we've got too many immigrants already - REGARDLESS OF THEIR RACIAL OR PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE OR ABILITIES. As Americans, some might say that our prime moral responsibility is to our fellow Americans and to safeguard their livelihoods regardless of whether they're threatened by ignorant Mexicans or by hyper-educated Indians.

    White collar AND blue collar jobs are being lost (or their VALUE is being lost) on account of the massive immigration ("legal" or not) into this country. Not to mention the changing ethnic make-up of the country and the cultural shift that in parts of the country registers as seismic.

    I understand and sympathize with those who would like a temporary moratorium on ALL immigration into the country. There are enough mega-cities in this country and (for now at least) we've got enough of a melting pot as well.

    EXCEPT - I do believe in saving lives and drying tears wherever possible. Though I sympathize with those who would like to see Completely Closed Borders, I also believe VERY STRONGLY in saving the lives of refugees fleeing likely death. Explaining exactly how this would work would take more space than any comment should require but suffice it to say that I would only support this in instances where individuals, ethnicities or religious groups (etc.) are targeted for death and where we could not save them from a distance. And even in these cases, if the people granted asylum number more than some one or two thousand a year, they would only be granted temporary asylum rather than a path to citizenship. (But even if they numbered FIVE MILLION A YEAR they would be allowed in - into internment cities to be sure - but we'd save their lives. It goes without saying that trouble makers would be immediately deported.)

    There - something foe EVERYONE to dislike. :-)


  38. little timmy - I just read your comment and I love it.

    For the record, studies appear to indicate that, despite their relative poverty (when compared with Europeans and the like) Africans (and their genetic descendants - at least those living in predominantly black countries) are among the happiest people alive.

    I would guess that this has to do more with genetic dispositions than with "ways of living" but our bullshit culture (cubicle + TV + pills + advertisements + "the Joneses" etc.) can't be helping any.


  39. Lucius Vorenus,

    The Asian kids filling the science and engineering classes are a combination of immigrants, foreign students, and U.S. born ethnic Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, and Indians.

    If you look at Science and Technology magnet schools in the suburbs of they are overwhelmingly Asian. Look at Montgomery County Maryland where 18% of the students are Asian. Look at Thomas Jefferson High School in Fairfax where almost half the students are Asian.

    The percentage of Asian Students majoring in Engineering is very high. Remember, only 5% of high school students in the U.S. are Asian but 10% of the college students are Asian. In addition, many majors such as psychology, social work, and education are devoid of asian students. They limit themselves to science, engineering and maybe economics.

    Another way to look at jobs is that career fields with large number of blacks such as social work discourages whites from entering the field but for different reasons. In a career field dominated by blacks, the pay will be low for whites and the chances for advanced very limited.

  40. little timmy: Nigerians, with a population of 135,000,000, eat, drink and make love. They're probably happier than you.

    Look, I never said Nigerians were orangutans.

    Obviously they are human beings.

    They just aren't human beings with much in the way of gray matter.

    I guarantee you that you will never go around humming a few bars from some Nigerian's Ninth Symphony, you will never live to see a Nigerian solve a Clay Millenium problem, Nigeria will never design, build, and deploy a contraption capable of putting a man on the moon, you will never write computer code in a computer language for a computer operating system on computer hardware all of which was designed, manufactured and deployed by Nigerians, etc etc etc.

    Nigeria can support a subsistence-level* lifestyle for its people, but Nigeria will never produce a civilization.

    *Although, without the oil revenue, it's doubtful that Nigeria could manage even that - pestilence, disease, and famine would probably be the more likely outcomes.

    Which, by the way - given the current demographic trends in the USA - will probably be our own fate, very possibly within the span of our own lifetimes.

  41. White men:PUM=Put upon majority. :) HONG= the minorities we need to be wary of,mainly blacks and latinoes,some Arabs and asians= Hit On the Noggin Groups. Or similarly HOWAG= the minorities that will blatantly Hit On Wives And Girlfriends! :) Or most telling: SEM's vs SLAM's= those minorities who are "go to Sleep Early Minorities" vs "Sleep LAte Minoroties"

  42. The only way I wind up in the majority is if you fetishize the boundaries of the United States.

    Well our politicians certainly don't, so why should we?

    And even in these cases, if the people granted asylum number more than some one or two thousand a year, they would only be granted temporary asylum rather than a path to citizenship. - mnuez

    Keep dreaming. It would be a million times easier to shut out refugees entirely than to give them a special temporary status or create a refugee colony within our borders. Once they're here, they'll want to stay - and there are a million government funded "charities" to make sure that they will. TO add to that, we'd still probably have to eliminate birthright citizenship, and according to a lot of judges that will require a constitutional amendment.

    What we really need are refugee colonies abroad. Take a few chunks of land away from whatever wretched misbehaving little country we're getting involved with these days and give it to the UN to manage. We can start with pieces of Iraq, Sudan, and maybe Somalia.

    You work in a cubicle during the day and watch television at night. You're alienated from everything vital they understand, so you compensate feebly with simulated narrative sociality... - little timmy

    A long and worthy conversation. Lots of reasons for this, much of it laziness. Part of it is the decline of religion, for the people in my neck of the woods (Utah) are a lot more likely to know their neighbors than probably anyplace else, thanks to the fact that so many of them go to church. But even much of that religious interaction is superficial – I suspect we’ll never find a human organization as emotionally satisfying as the tribe. Those Syrian Jews we were discussing know what we’re missing.

    The decline of public space is another part of the problem. About the only such space left these days are public parks, and their functionality is limited. Otherwise everything else has been corporatized and/or walled off. Most real public space is in downtown areas, far from the burbs where most people live.

    But a big pet peeve of mine that relates to this is the elimination of front porches from homes. You just don't see them anymore, and it provided a prime opportunity for random social contact between neighbors. If I were on a zoning council I'd require that (at least) every other new home in a neighborhood be built with a front porch large enough to hold 4-5 people. I may be naive, but I think it'd work wonders for social engagement.

  43. In responding to my moral interest in creating sanctuary colonies in place of paths to citizenship for refugees fleeing almost certain death in the land of their origination, Anonymous said:

    What we really need are refugee colonies abroad. Take a few chunks of land away from whatever wretched misbehaving little country we're getting involved with these days and give it to the UN to manage. We can start with pieces of Iraq, Sudan, and maybe Somalia.

    And I agree with him entirely. That's certainly a better idea than the one that I offered and I believe that its of the utmost necessity to make this happen.

    The absolute ideal of course would be to go all apeshit on tyrants so that their victims could continue to live in the lands that they were born, but that would require activities not dissimilar to what used to be called Imperialism (pardon the expletive) and I believe that the proverbial "White Man" isn't very interested in taking up his burden any time too soon. Refugee colonies however should require (slightly) less arm-twisting to accomplish and given the choice between establishing them in Wyoming or Sudan, I choose Sudan.

    Anon, thanks again.



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