January 19, 2008

Brown versus Black

From Politico's report on the Nevada primary, which Clinton apparently won narrowly:

"The results reflected the key demographic realities that are coming to define the primary contest, according to early exit polls and observations. Exit polls showed 65 percent of Hispanic voters supported Clinton, while 83 percent of the state’s smaller number of African American voters largely backed Obama."

That reminds me of a classroom dialog sent me by a high school teacher in a lower Midwest high school where almost all the students are Hispanic. He swears it is true:

Teacher: "Now I'm going to teach you how to remember how to multiply positive and negative numbers. Think of it like this. Imagine that positive numbers are good and negative numbers are bad. So, when good things happen to good people that's ..."

Students: [Blank stares and silence]

Teacher [Encouragingly]: --"That's good! [Pausing to regroup] So, good things happening to good people is good is like a positive number multiplied by a positive number is a" -- shorter pause this time, not waiting for any response -- "a positive number!"

Students: [Blank stares]

Teacher: "And when bad things happen to good people, that's … bad. So, that's like a negative number times a positive number is a negative number."

Teacher: "And when good things happen to bad people, that's … Anybody?"

Several Students: "That's good!"

Teacher [Puzzled]: "Well ... if a criminal gets away, is that good?"

Student: "Sure."

Teacher: "Okay, I mean if a terrorist drives over a little kid with his car and doesn't stop and drags him screaming down the street until he falls off dead, and the next day he wins the Lottery, is that good?"

Various Students: "Yes." "Of course." "Sure" "Well, duh."

Teacher: "Huh?"

Student: "I mean, it's The Lottery."

Student Named Yesenia: ""Mr. X, Mr. X! I have a question."

Teacher: "Yes, what is it?"

Yesenia: "Who is Son of Aladdin? Why are they always looking for him in a cave?"

Teacher: "Huh?"

Yesenia: "What's so bad about Son of Aladdin? Why are they trying to catch him?

Teacher: "Oh, you mean … Osama bin Laden?"

Yesenia: "Yeah, Son of Aladdin."

Teacher: "He's a terrorist."

Yesenia: "Oh."

Teacher: "But don't confuse Osama with Obama."

Yesenia: "Who's that?"

Teacher: "Barack Obama. He's running for President. The African-American candidate."


Teacher: "You know, the black guy?"

Yesenia [Eyes widening]: "He's black?"

Teacher: "Yes."

Yesenia: "And he's running for President?"

Teacher: "Yes."

Yesenia: [With wide-eyed alarm:] "That's bad."

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Steve, I'm sending that into snopes.com for verification!

  2. WHAT did I tell you? And btw Steve, Fox and CNN are reporting Clinton won big in Nevada. Not "barely."

    Obama had all the endorsements of the Culinary Union leaders, union members, almost all Latino, voted Clinton. Who has Tony Villaraigosa, Fabian Nunez, etc.

    Figure in Motor Voter "anyone votes" and it's a Clinton landslide over Obama. Clinton has Latinos, older voters, women. Obama young men and Black voters. Not much of an electoral alliance.

  3. Obama has lots of White female Oprah-fans and White males who are "just so tired of the racial stuff" and think it will all go away if they concede the presidency to the black community. Are they in for a wake-up call.

  4. 83 percent of the state’s smaller number of African American voters largely backed Obama

    What does it mean when the exit poll finds that 83% "largely backed" Obama?

  5. What does it mean when the exit poll finds that 83% "largely backed" Obama?

    That's what I want to know as well.

  6. Homer: "Do you sell toys?"
    Mysterious Owner: "We sell forbidden objects from places men fear to tread... we also sell Frozen Yoghurt, which I call Frogurt!"

    Homer: "Well, I need something for my son's birthday."

    Owner: "Ah, perhaps this will please the gentleman." (The owner's hand strays over various oddities and monstrosities before picking up a Krusty the Clown doll.) "Take this object, but beware. It carries a terrible curse."

    Homer: "Oh, that's bad."

    Owner: "But it comes with a free frogurt!"

    Homer: "That's good!"

    Owner: "The frogurt is also cursed."

    Homer: "That's bad."

    Owner: "But you get your choice of toppings."

    Homer: "That's good!"

    Owner: "The toppings contain Potassium Benzoate. (Pauses, waiting for Homer to respond. Homer stares at him, blankfaced.) "That's bad."

    Homer: "Can I go now?"

  7. What does it mean when the exit poll finds that 83% "largely backed" Obama?

    I suspect it means the writer had two statements in his head, each one of which could have got the point across:

    1. Blacks largely backed Obama
    2. 83% of blacks backed Obama

    and he mistakenly combined them into a statement that made no sense.

  8. Wait, Steve, isn't it your opinion that "that's bad" that Obama is running, on account of he's black?

  9. Don't know whether the supposed dialogue is true or not, but having known quite a few teachers, some in lower income areas, it isn't at all implausible. It was the sort of stuff they talked about all the time.

  10. Don't they teach kids anything in school these days? You're not supposed to say stuff like that out loud in public.

  11. Times UK is reporting that Oprah's website is swamped with "traitor" comments about Oprah backing Obama on race over female solidarity.

    Identity politics by definition is factionalizing. Obama lives and dies by it, and won't get the nomination because there are more women who will vote for Hillary over blacks and status-driven elites who will vote for Obama. And Latinos will vote against Obama anyway.

    The only time Identity Politics is the winning play is when it ends up with the largest amount of votes. There is a reason it's generally a loser. Whites are still the biggest pot of voters and the danger of unrestrained Obama identity politics is white identity politics by another name. Prop 209 in CA and MI anti-AA initiative show Steve was right. Whites losing overwhelming population reject AA cause it costs more and embrace identity politics by another name.

    And for Dems that's electoral disaster.

  12. What does it mean when the exit poll finds that 83% "largely backed" Obama?

    It means the writer is twentysomething and backs Obama.

  13. I dumped a bunch of links at the bottom of the previous thread, but I think these two multimedia files are probably the best of them:

    Luntz focus group: Latinos won't vote for Obama?

    Barack "HUSSEIN" Obama robo-call

    Steve's title, "Brown versus Black", is remarkably similar to the title of a thread last year at Dunedain.net:

    Brown on Black

    The UK Guardian calls it "genocide":

    Gang mayhem grips LA

    By the way, in case anyone hasn't noticed, in setting the Hispanics on the Blacks, Hillary is proving that she is willing to resort to Leninist & Stalinist techniques in order to seize power.

    As I said before: Welcome to the future.

  14. Steve,
    Do you see differences in attitude by Mexicans towards Blacks who come mainly from the islands and are Catholic? I tend to observe the same things you've written about and have Mexican friends. They tend to be turned off by regular African-Americans, but seem to open and friendly towards the ones from the islands, at least here in Florida. Is there much difference between the two groups of African-Americans?

  15. Obama lives and dies by it, and won't get the nomination because there are more women who will vote for Hillary over blacks and status-driven elites who will vote for Obama. And Latinos will vote against Obama anyway.

    Has anyone out there - Mickey Kaus perhaps - given serious thought to what may happen to the black vote when the Democratic Party rejects a plausible candidate of their own?

    Blacks are just now starting to line up behind Obama, and the Clintons are starting to play hardball.

    But will the blacks desert her for it? And will that make a difference in the outcome? I can see it affecting her performance in crucial states like Michigan, especially if a native son like Romney is the GOP nominee.

  16. The report is based on exit polls, ie on people who had gotten around to voting.

    And I suggest this is a key issue - will people who support Obama be more motivated to actually vote, compared to women who support Hillary.

    My guess is that Hillary will have the greater pull factor.


  17. This is a good place to remind everyone of the Duke study that found that Hispanics have particularly "negative feelings" towards blacks.

  18. If Clinton can bring up the reparations issue, Obama will lose handily. Lots of young white men are voting for Obama because they hate and distrust Hillary, but if they think Obama will take their money and hand it over to blacks they won't show up at the polls.

    The reparations issue will sink the Obama campaign. Mark my words.

  19. The reparations issue will sink the Obama campaign. Mark my words. - Bill

    And the defeat of Obama will sink Hillary's. It will depress black turnout in a way that will hurt Democratic chances in the presidential race and even more so in the congressional races.

    Now all Republican's need to do is select a sane candidate.


  20. Don't they teach kids anything in school these days? You're not supposed to say stuff like that out loud in public.

    Except when you are a protected minority, then we are supposed to respect your culture.

  21. Lucius Vorenus has a good point. Ilana Mercer said in a World Net Daily column that all ethnic cleansing is sanctioned by the State. Think of the Balkans, Zimbabwe, South Africa, and so on.

    Now think of Mexifornia.

    First the whites fled to Arizona, Nevada, and elsewhere.

    Now the browns have turned on the blacks.

    Hillary's betting on demographics (much like Bush hoped to do, and still will do via Jeb's son) to carry the election this year, and on into the foreseeable future.

  22. Hillary's betting on demographics (much like Bush hoped to do, and still will do via Jeb's son) to carry the election this year, and on into the foreseeable future.

    -Roger Chaillet

    It's interesting how there are so many examples of that throughout history, i.e. counting on foreigners to prop up one's regime, when it has proven in the overwhelming majority of cases to be a really bad idea.

    Brings to mind the Celts inviting Saxons, Song officials turning the northern frontier over to Mongol warlords, French nobles enlisting English support during the 100 years War, etc.

    These last few presidents, and almost certainly the next, will end up with black marks next to their names in the historical record of whatever's left of America.

  23. Now all Republican's need to do is select a sane candidate.

    Yeah, well, good luck with that.

  24. Dick Morris is also jumping on the genocide band wagon:

    January 22, 2008

    ...Ultimately, the Clintons are playing a game of jujitsu with Obama, using his own strength against him.

    By challenging Obama for the black vote - by promising to go door to door in South Carolina in minority neighborhoods, for example - Bill is highlighting the question: Will Obama carry the black vote? Of course, he will. He leads, 4 to 1, among African-Americans now.

    But by making that the central question, Obama's South Carolina victory will be hailed as proof that he won the African-American vote. Such block voting will trigger the white backlash Sen. Clinton needs to win.

    Once whites see blacks voting en masse for a black man, they will figure that it is a racial game and line up for Hillary. Already, she carries white voters by 2 to 1.

    The Clintons can well afford to lose South Carolina as long as the election is not seen as a bellwether of how the South will vote but as an indication of how African-Americans will go. It's a small price to pay for the racial polarization they need to win

  25. Hillary and Bill Use Alinsky Tactics To Bring Down Obama
    January 24, 2008

    January 22, 2008

  27. Hillary's Brown Firewall
    Robert D. Novak
    Monday, January 28, 2008


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