February 20, 2008

Hillary Byssheing

From commenter Bumperstickerist at JustOneMinute:

I met a pollster from an antique land,
Who said--"Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand, one in Texas...., one near Canton,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The electorate that mocked them, and the press that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
'My name is Hillarymandias,
Look on my resume and campaign fundraising, ye fellow Democrats, and despair!'
Nothing else remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Oh, come on. The Hillary Schadenfreude is getting a bit thick. Consider, here is a bright, serious woman who happened to directly encounter the two greatest political blarney artists of modern American politics. The first she married, stabilized and supported until he reached his goal in the White House. And then, 16 years later when she is about to reap her reward for a lifetime of humiliating service, she meets an even better one.

    Do you remember that magic moment in the 1992 Bush-Clinton debates when Bill said, "Mah health plan will..." cover everybody, reduce costs, balance the budget, square the circle, etc.? And then, six months later, when Bill is inaugurated, he essentially turns to his wife and asks, "Uh, what is my health plan?"

    Sometimes, when Hillary debates Obama, you can almost hear her synapses firing off the memory of "Mah health plan will..."

    It reminds one a bit of the great comic finale at the end of the second act of "Vanity Fair." Becky Sharps's inpecunious, deeply indebted husband catches Becky in flagrante with a rich admirer. The reader, having read too many Russian novels, expects sharp word to be said, notes to be exchanged by seconds, and a duel to take place. Instead, the two men meet for a drink, decide they actually like each other quite a bit, and that the best solution is to banish the real guilty party, Beck, to oblivion. The rich admirer even helps the inpecunious husband out of his debts by getting him a nice sinecure job.

    Thakeray knew his Englishmen. Where is the American satirist who could write of the post-Convention session among Bill, Obama and Teddy, sharing a couple of diet brews and laughing about the naivite of women, in love and politics?

  2. Not sure how I feel about Hillary getting crushed by Obama who goes onto face McCain.

    I think Hillary would've been the least bad option. She's less liberal than Obama, less stubborningly dangerous than McCain and the least liked so she would be most limited in pushing radical agendas.

    Maybe there is still time for Hillary to pull this one out.

  3. "Anonymous said...

    Not sure how I feel about Hillary getting crushed by Obama who goes onto face McCain.

    I think Hillary would've been the least bad option. She's less liberal than Obama, less stubborningly dangerous than McCain and the least liked so she would be most limited in pushing radical agendas."

    Quite true. Hillary is the least objectionable option. How low have we sunk that this should prove the case? I still don't think I could bring myself to vote for her though. Her poor showing among white men is the result of years of her giving off that extreme feminist man-hating vibe. She shall reap as she sowed.

  4. Then, on the other side, there is this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iA_oPtsX2ew

    How can you deal with it?

  5. "Born Again Democrat said...

    Then, on the other side, there is this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iA_oPtsX2ew

    How can you deal with it?"

    There is little I find more loathesome than adults who use their children as props in political propaganda. I assume that their parents are behind this in some important way.

    Even if Obama is the preferred candidate of tween girls, why anyone should care what children think about politics is beyond me. They have not the wisdom to form a sound opinion, and only an idiot thinks otherwise.

    And to be brutally honest, it is not in the interest of young white girls to put a black man in office, who has indicated that he thinks that there are too many black men in prison. If released, many of those black men would go on to rape and kill white girls. Then there is also the fact that Obama supports robbing their fathers (as well as their brothers, uncles, and eventually husbands and sons) of opportunities through affirmative action.


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