February 22, 2008

Hispanic Hoaxes?

In the wake of the latest campus racism hoax to be exposed, a reader asks:

"Has there EVER been a documented case of an anti-Latino-racism hoax? As far as I can think, the vast majority of the hoaxes involve blacks, though a considerable fraction involve (lesbian?) feminists, gays in general, or Jews."

In other words, have Hispanics ever been caught faking a racist incident? Good question. Anybody know?

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Don't put ideas in their head, Steve! Hispanics don't yet have victimhood as their raison d'etre, but give them time. Bush is working on it.

    Last week our Commander in Chief (can we use chief anymore?) gave a White House sanctioning to noose hoaxers during ceremonies for Black Invented History Month. Said nooses show we "risk that our society may lose sight of the real suffering that took place" among blacks. Fat chance. He couldn't have cared any more than did the blacks in the audience that most nooses were hoaxes (and the rest were silly provocations). This is what celebrating Racial History Month is all about -- one more PC effort to silence whites and extort more money and AA. Master Hoaxer Sharpton, an honored guest, understood precisely: "I wish that he would add legislation to it, but I am glad that he has finally addressed this issue." Aren't we all.

  2. The Hispanics I've seen generally fall somewhere between white and blacks in terms of their views on race/racism by region, generation, class and age.

    I've never seen the irrational victim complex that leads to hoaxes, but I have seen the reverse racism and/or anti-black/white anger in radicalized areas like CA, in older enclaves in the SW like Taos, Santa Fe and Albuquerque and a little in places like So. FL (but they are so dominate they often end up competiting against each other for status/power).

    The best Hispanic race relations I've seen were in Texas. Second best in areas of new immigrants who haven't yet acculturated to the elites/MSM's divisive race message and see America as a great place to be (Northwest, Midwest).

    Another interesting question would be if these hoaxes are becoming more frequent as real racism has largely disappeared and even been replaced by commonplace reverse racism.

    For all the beneficiaries who depend upon racism for their education, financial aid, business contracts, government sinecure, university tenure, home, and the like there is a rational reason to constantly revive racism. The concept of White on Black racism has to be constantly propped up with hoaxes like Bernie in the movie "Weekend at Bernie’s" to keep the gravy train express on time with new routes added daily and race hustlers like Jackson and Sharpton are acutely aware of this fact.

  3. "a considerable fraction...involve Jews"

    I'm certain that's not true.

    There was a girl at GW. Basically some silly, immature kid. And the woman at Claremont McKenna oppotunistically converted to Judaism right before her (racially ambiguous) hoax.

    I think your reader is a fan of this site:


    "Why do Jews, homosexuals, lesbians and others stage phoney hate crime hoaxes?"

    Azetlan isn't exactly a fan of empirical data.

  4. Just to posit; I'm not sure how you'd do it. With blacks, it's a noose that signifies racial animosity... with Jews, a swazticka would be onerous... but with Hispanics, what symbol represents hatred...? An upside-down pinata?

    More often than not, I think the police department have it correct: When Hispanics are arrested, the PD ticks off the "white" box for race, since Hispanic is an ethnicity; ergo, there really can't be any racial hatred involved. (If the Hispanic appears black, they just tick off the "African American" box...)

    Obviously this is just an opinionated guess...

  5. As far as I can think, the vast majority of the hoaxes involve blacks, though a considerable fraction involve (lesbian?) feminists, gays in general, or Jews.

    Oh but don't forget Muslims, who've been in the forefront of fake hate crimes since 9/11 (no hate crimes happened that day, no?)

  6. it's probably because there is no such thing as a "hispanic". not by the new, totally stupid american definition.

    or put it this way: since every human of every race and background south of texas somehow became "hispanic" 30 years ago, everybody is hispanic, and there is nothing to distinguish them.

    "hispanics are..." is a stereotypical statement that can't be completed.

    germans are hispanic. poles are hispanic. chinese are hispanic. japanese are hispanic. nigerians are hispanic. american indians are hispanic.

    what do these groups have in common? almost nothing. what universal, instantly recognizable stereotype could you possibly come up with to "hate crime" them?

  7. Here is an example of a hoax where a student who claimed to be “Hispanic” faked a hate crime against himself.


    At Northwestern University, a Hispanic student claimed someone grabbed him, held a knife to his throat and called him a bad name.


    Jaime Alexander Saide, a Northwestern University student, admitted making up anti-Hispanic threats against himself after the school rallied around him with "Stop the Hate" marches.

  8. Anonymous: The best Hispanic race relations I've seen were in Texas.

    I hear that a lot too, and wonder about it.

    I suppose there are many different possible explanations for it, but one very obvious possible explanation is that the "Hispanics" who settled in Texas do not bear a great deal of resemblance to the "Hispanics" who are settling, in, say, Los Angeles.

    For instance, it could be that the "Hispanics" of Texas have a great deal more Castilian/Caucasian blood in them than do the "Hispanics" of Los Angeles.

    Speaking of which, apparently some huge percentage of the aboriginal/mestizo peoples of Mexico [or formerly of Mexico, and now undocumentedly of the USA], still, to this day, do not even speak Spanish.

    Rather, they speak some [or other] 20,000-year-old aboriginal language, with no written history, so that, not only are they illiterate in their own language, but none of their ancestors have ever been literate in any language.

    [I hear that on the work crews, the Caucasian boss initiates the orders to the guy who is bilingual in English & Spanish, and then that guy relays to orders to the guy who is bilingual in Spanish & the aboriginal/mestizo language, and then that guy finally gives the orders to the aboriginal/mestizo guys in the work crews.]

    I don't know how you'd go about retracing the genealogy of the great undocumented diaspora in the USA [short of receiving something like a $100,000,000 grant from somebody], but it would be nice if we had a little better understanding of just which kinds of "Hispanics" are settling where in the USA.

  9. The Hispanics I've run into in Texas looked no more Casstiljian than your average LA gang banger. They were mixed race, all right. But they spoke proper English in a normal American accent, had manners and an upbeat attitude.

    Maybe it's all those gigantic Scottish and German white Texans walking around with guns. ? Whatever it is, it works.

  10. California was lightly settled by the Californios, who were aristos with a mostly serf class of Indian laborers. The Hacienda economy. Richard Henry Dana painted a fairly good picture of that in Two Years Before the Mast.

    By contrast, Texas had a fair number, about the same as American "Filibuster" settlers, of Mexican settlers who were small ranchers and farmers and both more numerous than the Californio aristos and culturally in common (excepting Catholicism and Spanish) with the Americans. That is both worked the land themselves, physical labor, generally smaller landholdings, large cattle ranches the exception.

    And of course Tejanos played a prominent role in Texas independence, as opposed to California. But I think the large number of "small holders" rooted to the land made Tejanos far more culturally conservative and "American" in style. If you have property and land, you instantly become very conservative as Napoleon understood.

    Eva Longoria is probably a good example of the middle class lifestyle this presents.

  11. Hispanic scam artists are generally too busy engaging in faked injury lawsuits and similar endeavors to do the whole victimization for publicity bit. Screw public sympathy, they go straight for the money.

  12. I remember hearing about the "hispanic" guy at Northwestern and his "hate crime" and IMMEDIATELY concluding it was a fake. Most fakes are African-americans,but contra to a reader,Jews do a lot of faking:lots. Usually its off-brand Jews,rabbis with small orthodox congrgations. Lots of rabbis. (Watch those rabbis!!) Feminist-lesbian types?I dont know if they fake much (well,besides orgasm,one would imagine :))but as Duke Univ showed,when presented with a "crime" they hop on it with all the fanatical zeal of a Red Guard militia-girl;and with an equal regard for truth and law!! Thank-you! -Josh

  13. Eva Longoria is a great example of integration. I saw her on a chat show here in Britain recently, when asked about some trait supposedly common to Americans, she replied without so much as a seconds hesitation that she was Mexican.

  14. I've read about many hoax anti-semitic incidents over the years.

    Interestingly, you cannot mention such things at Jared Taylor's web site.

  15. The Aztlanista reconquista of tierra robada (stolen land) is the mother of all latino race-incident hoaxes.

    Here's how it works:

    Generations ago Pilgrims stole this land from the bronze man. This was a crime. Today some other bronze people are stealing it from some other Pilgrims. This is justice.

    It's part and parcel of the larger liberal hoax of non-White supremacy.


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