February 21, 2008

StuffWhitePeopleLike reaches 2 millions hits

The deadpan satirical website Stuff White People Like is now up to 2 million hits. When I first visited it a week ago, its count meter stood at around 150,000 (as I vaguely recall).

So, that just proves that I liked it first (well, except for the previous 150,000, I suppose), which is the important thing in life. But now I don't like it anymore because it's so mid-February.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. When I visited it yesterday afternoon for the first time it was at 1.7 million. More than 300k in an evening into early morning during the workweek--wow!

  2. Great website. I wonder why they don't have this category: "Chris Rock." or better yet: "Black Comedians."

    The only people I know who like Chris Rock (or Black Comedians) are young whiter guys. But maybe that's because most of the people I know are young whiter guys.

  3. I have to thank you for linking that site last week. It was around 175,000 when I saw it first, and yeah, I feel like one of the ones who got there early. I'm thinking of starting a site called "stuffredpeoplelike" about what my fellow red-staters like. Pretty reactionary I know.

  4. That site should be called "Stuff Liberal Urban Hipsters Like". The vast numerical majority of white people don't have those tastes (although the majority of people with those tastes are indeed white). I guess its refreshing to see the urban upwardly-mobile types get skwered instead of the usual nascar-walmart-redneck tropes about white people. But really, those are much more common.

  5. I Googled "stuffwhitepeoplelike" on Saturday when I was showing it to a friend, and the site itself was the second link. The first? Mr. Steve Sailer himself. You're not on the first page of links anymore, but VDare is #3.

  6. Steve, you're not as influential as you think.

  7. I'm probably one of those rare "anti-influentials." Somebody comes up with what sounds like a good idea, does a little googling on it, and found I came up with the same idea five years ago. "Oh, hell, if Sailer says it,, I'd better just forget about ever mentioning it."

  8. I've been sent this thing like four times since finding it through your blog. I really resent it now. I keep thinking I should have sent all these people the link back when I had the chance

  9. Is this a setup for a Gladwell Tipping point joke or what?

  10. Strange that Gladwell's hairstyle never caught fire, isn't it?

  11. “I don’t want to read your poem.”

    Almost as good as "I drink your milkshake!"

  12. Their most recent post provides us with a great new phrase you might find useful: "Other White People."
    As pointed out above, the site could just as easily be titled What Hipsters and Poseurs Like.

    The OWP can denote the great, unrepresented mass of middle and working class white people, when utilized as a strawman by this elite comprised of whiterpeople.
    The phrase "other white people" is never actually used, but implied every time an earnest, elite liberal whiterperson waxes eloquent on "racism"; those whites for whom the elite is always apologizing for, the eternal threat to racial harmony against which we whiterpeople must always be vigilant, and the primary source of redistributive pilferage, of wealth and political capital.

    This great, invisible mass of "other" white people are to blame for the great mysterious web of privilege and privation that keeps down selected racial groups, women, the transgendered, the otherwise enabled, etc., etc. Are you down with OWP?

  13. Dennis, that is afantastic phrase.

  14. Today I messaged dthe few people I know who are still on the lists of college students, asking them to tell me if they were forwarded this site.

    It's mocking everything about college students and what they aspire to be, so I'm quite curious as to how far it goes there

  15. And now a "spin off" site:
    Stuff Asian People Like


  16. "Dennis Dale said...

    Their most recent post provides us with a great new phrase you might find useful: "Other White People.""

    Yes, very good. OWP.

    We Whitepeople recycle - Other White People don't (although, if you'll remember, We Whitepeople started the habit of drinking bottled water).

    We Whitepeople drive hybrids, not SUVs (although if you think back on it, the first SUVs were Jeep Cherokees and Subarus, which were mostly driven by "Whitepeople").

    There is nothing that "Whitepeople" despise quite so much as "Other White People". For them, to paraphrase Sartre: Hell is "Other White People".

  17. From Captain Benwick's linked article:

    He has written computer models of rumor spreading and found that your average slob is just as likely as a well-connected person to start a huge new trend.

    There's hope for slobs - YES!

  18. "There is nothing that "Whitepeople" despise quite so much as "Other White People". For them, to paraphrase Sartre: Hell is "Other White People".

    really? unless you are being faceitious, you are obviously a white(?) person who has never worked a certain large urban post office, or indeed, any government agency. The nightmares still come..

  19. There is kind of an archetypal quality to Whiteness in America. (Ditto for Blackness).

    You know, if a person is too physical, not well spoken, too sexual, not responsible, and so on, that is considered "white trash" or not really white somehow. (This is why the ultra fair skinned Irish were considered not quite White. It was their behavior.)

    Same goes for a young black kid. If they study too much and don't have enough Bee Bop A Loop Bop in their personal style, then they are not authentically "black."

    It's not like even Britain, where whiteness spans a deeply ingrained class structure. In America, to be born white means you are expected to aspire to certain things if you can make it. College education, nuclear family, mild mannered and ethical, and so on.

    If you are born black, you are expected to aspire to other things. Be a great performer (athletic, musical, comedic, etc), be hip or cool, be loud, be intimidating.

    That's just the way it is for some reason. (shrug)


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