March 13, 2008

About a year late, the MSM catches on ...

Here's today's ABC News headline:

Obama's Pastor: God Damn America, U.S. to Blame for 9/11

If you are new to the topic of Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, here's a link to my blog posts on him over the last year.

I apologize to long-time readers who are even more bored than I am with the Rev. Dr., not to mention Jonathan Livingston Obama, HillBill, and Buck Turgidson, but what I've found over the years is that you have to keep bringing things up over and over again to have the slightest bit of influence.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. Obama's pastor looks even whiter than Barack does.

  2. That the US is partly to blame for 9/11 is true.

    See Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America':

    (Q1) Why are we fighting and opposing you?
    Q2)What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?

    As for the first question: Why are we fighting and opposing you? The answer is very simple:

    (1) Because you attacked us and continue to attack us.

    a) You attacked us in Palestine:

    (i) Palestine, which has sunk under military occupation for more than 80 years. The British handed over Palestine, with your help and your support, to the Jews, who have occupied it for more than 50 years; years overflowing with oppression, tyranny, crimes, killing, expulsion, destruction and devastation. The creation and continuation of Israel is one of the greatest crimes, and you are the leaders of its criminals. And of course there is no need to explain and prove the degree of American support for Israel. The creation of Israel is a crime which must be erased. Each and every person whose hands have become polluted in the contribution towards this crime must pay its*price, and pay for it heavily.


    You could say that a re-evalution of foreign policy would be "appeasement" but why isn't perpetual toadying to the Israeli lobby called appeasement? Bin Laden never said anything about hating anyone for their freedom (as Bush says). IIRC, I Bin Laden explicitly repudiated that idea, and it's a hypocritical thing for Bush to say because because neocons only see things like Lockean political freedom as tools by which to make the world subserviant and pliable, hence "global democratic revolution".

  3. Do not post this comment.

  4. What do you mean "a year too late." This is going to be hilarious!

  5. Steve:
    Why do you think the MSM is only now publicizing Wright's controversial sermons? I imagine your blog has a fairly large readership. Thus, I would think that a few producers at the big media outlets became aware of him last spring. As I write this, Bill O'Reilly is carrying on about how "shocking" all of this is. Where was O'Reilly last spring?

  6. The radical Rev. Wright looks slightly less black than Colin Powell. Perhaps he has to try a little too hard to demonstrate his "authentically black" bona fides.

  7. If McCain has half a brain, he will press this issue. Hell, if Hillary has half a brain, she should press this issue. This is one of Obama's weaknesses. He claims to be "beyond race", yet his pastor is a racist rabble rouser.

  8. The media talking heads are now claiming that Obama must “distance” himself from his own Pastor and mentor, the Rev. Wright.

    This is crazy talk. How is it that Obama now, years after some of Wright’s high-octane “sermons” and twenty years after Obama joined Wright’s church can Obama “distance” himself from his own chosen Pastor?

    How can Obama ‘distance” himself from the Pastor whose “sermon” inspired Obama’s second best selling book, published less than four (4) years ago.

    How can Obama “distance” himself from the Pastor who performed Obama’s own wedding ceremony?

    How can Obama “distance” himself from the Pastor who baptized Obama’s own children, now about six (6) and eight (8) years old.

    The only way Obama can “distance” himself from his own Pastor is with the help of the media, and I can say that he will get that help, and plenty of it.

  9. Obama's pastor reminds me of the We-Sorts of Southern Maryland. They are considered tri-racial isolates.

    My mother worked in an elementary school in Southern Maryland. The school's principal was a We-Sort. He looked like Pat Robinson's former sidekick on The 700 Club. Very distinguished looking fellow. Light complected. He wouldn't let his daughter date a black from D.C.

    So, it's interesting to see a very light complected black ministering to a mixed race individual like Obama. Wonder if there's a racial pecking order in his church hierarchy as well?

  10. Related to this, good editorial in today's WSJ calling Obama out on using the race card as a shield against legitimate criticism. For some reason, the WSJ site isn't letting me paste the link in here, but go there and check it out: "Obama and the Race Card".

    - Fred

  11. Dissidentman is just another self-loathing, America hating Leftist. During 1992, AQ's predecessor Islamic Jihad plotted to kill 50,000 Americans by toppling one tower onto the other. This at the start of the Oslo Peace Process. During Wye River when Clinton leaned on Barak to give Arafat what he ostensibly wanted (Arafat of course knew he could not survive ANY deal that left Israelis or Jews alive) 9/11 was launched as a plot.
    Short of converting to Islam, there is nothing that will satisfy both AQ and Muslims at large. They demand to tell US in the West what we can eat (no pork), drink (no booze), what we can do (no "un-modest women"), and commit terror over movies, books, Pope's speeches, and other crap here in the West that amounts to nothing.

    Muslims sense weakness in people like Dissidentman who seems ashamed of America and the West, and so attack attack attack. If anything we can gain some peace by periodically smacking them down (polygamy plus globalization means they WILL always be a threat to attack with cheap but deadly weaponry).
    McCain's new attack ad just wrote itself. Run the video, full on, with GOD DAMN AMERICA! And the 9/11 "Whites had it coming" and AmeriKKKa.

    Note Obama was married and his kids baptized by Wright. Attended his church for DECADES.

    McCain strides into the camera, flag in the background. "God Bless America. I'm John McCain and I approved this message."

    Simple. Devastating. Wright picked sides for Obama. Against America.

    Why is this finally getting play? Simple. Hillary is desperate and her play is to accurately paint Obama as the electoral disaster he is. Death for Blue Dogs.

  12. anonymous,

    I was not addressing the particulars of Osama's historical claims. My point was that American support for Israel enrages Arabs, and that 9/11 would not have happened if not for American side-taking in the region. Of course an open door immigration policy played a role too. After 9/11 neither policy was rethought, and Bush decided to invade Iraq.

  13. "Why do you think the MSM is only now publicizing Wright's controversial sermons?"

    I think we all asked ourselves that today. I believe it is as simple as the protracted Democratic Primary is making Liberals become more "primal", no pun intended, saying and bringing to light things they would normally never dream of doing.

  14. dissidentman: My point was that American support for Israel enrages Arabs

    Two points:

    1) You meant to say that American support for Israel enrages Muslims, and

    2) EVERYTHING enrages Muslims.

  15. he's whiter than james watson!

    (i'm joking.)

    "What do you mean 'a year too late.' This is going to be hilarious!"

    i hope so.

  16. dissidentman--

    1. Are the Danes to blame because Muslims are enraged by cartoons?

    2. Israel may not be much of a friend, but the Muslim world has eclared itself to be our enemy

    Q: if we cut off immigration, it would likely cause more cars to be burnt in France, more buses bombed in Britain, and more filmmakers stabbed in Scandinavia. Would Europe "deserve" that?

  17. The brain dead Caucasians who would vote for Obama won't be swayed by this. NOTHING will get through to them,for they are morons.
    I love how Wright says Obama was the son of a "single mother". Too funny.

  18. 1. Are the Danes to blame because Muslims are enraged by cartoons?

    Danes can't control what Muslims think, but they can control their borders. Without a sizeable Muslim presence the content of cartoons wouldn't be an issue.

    2. Israel may not be much of a friend, but the Muslim world has eclared itself to be our enemy

    Their enmity is due to America supporting Israel.

    Q: if we cut off immigration, it would likely cause more cars to be burnt in France, more buses bombed in Britain, and more filmmakers stabbed in Scandinavia. Would Europe "deserve" that?

    No nation need ever apologise for the excercise of sovereign rights. A nation has a sovereign right to choose its immigrants according to whatever criteria it pleases.

  19. Yeah, I saw this too! Here's what I posted ("in 500 characters or less") at the youtube site where I originally saw this:

    Wait - who's that white charismatic guy in the African robes..?

    Y'see... the primary cause for the degraded state of black america is NOT on account of "white racism" but on account of the fact that folk of African descent are - on average - less capitalistically capable than are members of other races (with Asians {in individualized competition} being - on average - more capable than whites, by the way). This is why, for example, practically every intelligent black man in Western Society (from BookerT to MalcolmX to BarackO to the videoed Rev above) has not been a jigaboo, but rather a wannabee.

    At the same time, all of his points have awesome validity. American cut-throat capitalism's cruelty to the less intellectually sharp is Evil personified.

    So there.

    mnuez . blogspot . com

  20. I get so tired of hearing about how Asians are "by the way, slightly better" than Caucasians in just about every area. Absolutely not true, in my experience. The Asians zip around the office and type quickly but -- since we're talking sterotypes -- don't show much creativity or leadership. Also, despite having been in this country for ten years or more, the ones I work with have very poor English pronunciation and writing skills. They're super technicians, not professionals.

  21. Hi Steve
    As you could be going on and on and on about Rev Wright for the next 8 years, may I pedantically point out that you are committing a solecism that is common in referring to Ian Paisley. Even if you accept that degrees from bible colleges that call themselves universities are valid, a Rev with a PhD is nor a Rev Dr. That means the holder of a Doctor of Divinity degree, a fairly rare animal these days. If you must mention both titles, it's Dr the Rev Ian P or whoever. Thought you'd be interested.

  22. OK, I'll say it. God bless Sean Hannity for promoting this issue of Obama's ties to racism.

  23. DissidentMan said...
    "1. Are the Danes to blame because Muslims are enraged by cartoons?

    Danes can't control what Muslims think, but they can control their borders. Without a sizeable Muslim presence the content of cartoons wouldn't be an issue."

    It was an issue outside of Denmark. Muslims rioting in several countries because of the cartoons, excluding Denmark, had very little to do with the Muslim presence within Denmark.

    Though there may have been motivating factors, namely U.S. foreign policy, ultimately the 9/11attacks are the responsibility of the people who carried them out. To think otherwise is the same thing as claiming racially-motivated attacks by blacks against whites are the fault of whites in general because of the past mistreatment blacks faced in the U.S.


  25. "dissidentman said...

    My point was that American support for Israel enrages Arabs, and that 9/11 would not have happened if not for American side-taking in the region."

    What mostly bent Bin Laden out of shape was our military presence in Saudi Arabia, home of Islams most holy sites.

    I agree that we should disengage from the region, but the fact that your enemy may have a point, does not mean that he is not your enemy. As another poster pointed out, muslims become enraged by cartoons, muslims become enraged because, well, because we're better off than they are, and yet we're infidels.

    The best way of dealing with Muslims is to isolate them from us. A good start would be closing our borders to anyone from a muslim country.


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