March 16, 2008

Mama Obama: A "Stuff White People Like" Hall of Famer

Here's a link to that NYT article on Obama's mom, Stanley: "Obama's mother - an unconventional life: Anthropologist disliked ethnic barriers, sought to aid world's poor." Funny how they can write thousands of words about a politician's mom without ever getting around to mentioning the currently most relevant thing about her, her politics.

I don't think anybody on the left will have trouble figuring her ideology out, though. As Mona Charen would say, her politics aren't articulated, they're presumed. The rest of the electorate, however, doesn't need to be clued in, now do they? It might just confuse the poor saps.

Mama Obama should be in the Stuff White People Like Hall of Fame (Dangerously Naive Wing).

It took her a long time to figure out that if you are a White People (female variety), you are supposed to act like you've gotten into the Third World, not let Third Worlders get into you.

Having a boyfriend from Africa at the U. of Hawaii in the early 1960s was very fashion forward. Letting the already-married bastard get you pregnant and then wedding him bigamously, and then having him abandon you and your two-year-old because his scholarship offer from the New School of Social Research that would have paid for the three of you to live in Manhattan wasn't as prestigious as his scholarship offer from Harvard that would pay only for him, well, that's just kind of tacky and sad.

And then marrying a laid-back nice-guy Indonesian student in Hawaii, and following him back to Indonesia, where, surrounded by your new in-laws he starts acting -- what do you know? --more like a traditional Indonesian paterfamilias who won't take any guff from his feminist wife. I guess majoring in anthropology didn't prepare you to see that one coming?

One sign that Obama never succeeded in becoming the fully authentic African-American that he spent all those hours in Honolulu watching "Soul Train" to achieve is that his attitude toward his mom for much of his life was straight out of Stuff White People Like: "#17 Hating Their Parents." He ended up apologizing to his late mother in the 2004 Preface for what he had written in his 1995 autobiography. Real black guys do not diss their mamas. (Also, to digress, as one commenter pointed out, a real black guy named "Barack" would not call himself "Barry" or "Barack," he would call himself "Rock." Rock Obama.)

As a child, he deeply resented her dumping him twice on her grandparents in Hawaii so she could be in Indonesia working on the 1,067 page Ph.D. dissertation on peasant blacksmithing that she completed in 1992.

So, it's a mistake to assume that Obama's leftism is of his mom's Kumbaya variety. He later imbibed a much more cynical, pragmatic radicalism, which I will describe in my article tonight.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. Steve, you are like a sledgehammer hitting my glass house of obama dreams, or something like that.

    So, you really want me to vote for McCain? I think I will vomit first

  2. Don't you think you're a bit hard on her, Steve: "having him abandon you and your two-year-old." Come on. She picked a bad spouse. She hardly asked for being ditched.

  3. Let's see what choices are left. Bat-crazy, pro war, pro immigration McCain. Crooked Hillary and Bill. Or Obama. Damn straight I'm going to project any hope I have left for this country onto him. Choosing one of the other goons is just too painful.

  4. Well, things have gotten pretty amusing in American politics when people are mostly saying "I'm voting for the really, really horrible candidate to save us all from the really, really, REALLY horrible candidate!"

  5. Choices matter. Women like to delude themselves that picking bad husbands and fathers don't matter. Well, it does.

    McCain is not bat-crazy. He IS a guy who constantly picks fights so he can be the morally superior hero like in the Hanoi Hilton, looking for that camaraderie. Guy legitimately underwent torture, real torture (not water up his nose or Janine Garofalo's voice) and did not go home early ahead as others as he could have.

    Pro-War? No he's pro-military. There is a difference. Iran for thirty years has been making war on us and we've been pretending it hasn't. At some point we'll have to draw red lines with them or just surrender in the Gulf (and likely at home). If you want some utopian "peace" you're bound to be disappointed, but will to use military force credibly communicated CAN deter the worst of Iran's behavior. They're thugs and that's the only thing they understand.

    McCain's bad, really bad, on Amnesty/Open Borders. But Obama would be unconstrained, while McCain or Hillary would be constrained. I think Hillary would be marginally more constrained on Open Borders than McCain because of her unpopularity and attempt to appease her base on surrender in Iraq to AQ and Iran. But she's toast -- AFTER Wright's stuff came out and the inevitable vids of Obama nodding along he's picked up MORE superdelegates.

    So it's the Open Borders guy who might be constrained and won't surrender in Iraq and might actually be tough enough to deter the worst in Iran, or the Angry Black Nationalist who hates Whitey and America. If anything Obama is WORSE than McCain in Open Borders.

  6. I'll echo the sentiments of the above commentators and say that a racially confused Obama is still preferably to invade the world McCain.

  7. Sudif - as an anthropologist she should have known that black men abandon partners & small children easily enough.

    50 Cent
    Cuba Gooding jr
    Halle Berry
    Oprah Winfrey
    Tina Turner
    Lena Horne

    etc etc

  8. About that Islam/anthropology theme.

    I'm sure you are all deep thinkers on this but might it not be true that if Islam started the war (say 1400 years ago with American involvement beginning around 1776) it is not going to end until Islam comes to its senses?

    But maybe you guys are really part of the anthropology/kumbayah crowd that thinks if we can just talk with them and answer their grievance (why aren't you all devout Muslims?) it will all go away.

    Good luck wid dat.

    If it was me, and I believed we were in a war not of our own making (do we have the rights to Andalusia yet so we can return it?) you'd want a guy like McCain (despite his myriad other faults).

    To my way of thinking McCain gets one thing right. All the rest get nothing right. So what is it? Light a candle or curse the darkness.

    BTW we generally get the government we deserve. Your beef should not be with the candidates but the voters. Until they see things differently the best we can hope for is a slow decline. Better than a fast decline. The voters might come to their senses before the worst is done.

    If we are not in a position to get what we want, delay in getting what we don't want is a useful option.

  9. Steve, you are hitting him so hard that I am starting to feel pity. Poor boy rejected by his father and abandoned by his mother. Everybody belonging to some tribe and little Barack with no identity. Yet graduating from Harvard and a Senator. What makes Barack run?

  10. Steve, this blog-post was really - what's the term? - mean-spirited. Just really vituperous and spiteful.

    I loved it.

  11. From the post:
    "And then marrying a laid-back nice-guy Indonesian student in Hawaii, and following him back to Indonesia, where, surrounded by your new in-laws he starts acting -- what do you know? --more like a traditional Indonesian paterfamilias who won't take any guff from his feminist wife. I guess majoring in anthropology didn't prepare you to see that one coming?"

    Ouch! I'd love to hear anthropoligists decipher this aspect of themselves. Then again, maybe not, life is short.

    Point well made though!

  12. Pro-War? No he's pro-military. There is a difference. Iran for thirty years has been making war on us and we've been pretending it hasn't.

    Evil Neocon? Izzat you?

    Maybe its time we surrender to Iran, because we sure can't afford to fight them.

  13. "It took her a long time to figure out that if you are a White People (female variety), you are supposed to act like you've gotten into the Third World, not let Third Worlders get into you."

    Steve, this is the most disgusting sentence you have ever written. This kind of crudeness is beyond the pale. I'm through with you.

  14. Hey, I didn't come up with that idea about Obama's mom -- Obama did. It's a theme in his book that his mother screwed up her life by being sexually attracted to dark men. He's creeped out by it when he notices as a 22 year old how much she is attracted to Harry Belafonte on TV, and then they go to the Brazilian art movie classic "Black Orpheus" and he gets royally creeped out by his mom's attraction to the black actors in the film.

    Of course, if his mother wasn't like that, Obama wouldn't exist, so it all just makes him more depressed.

  15. Hey Steve i gotta say i have followed ur blog for a long time. and u just cracked me up. If most other "what a good boy am i" types out there in medialand had the guts then they would go and snoop around to dig something about our next possible Prez.

    Btw, what choices we have for prez this year. Billary, Mcmoron, and yes Nobama - fresh off the bus from kindergarten. Makes me wanna cry in joy. basically we have 3 interchangeable corrupt incompetetent self centered idiots to choose from and we will get the same result every 4 years as always. Someone tell me why voting is such a big deal? Why should i even vote?



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