April 27, 2008

You can't keep a good publicity hound down

The Guardian reports that Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. has resurfaced in the media, just in time to help Barack Obama woo working class white voters in the final primary states.

If only the Obama family had tithed the full $700,000, instead of a measly $53,000 out of the $7 million they've earned since Barack was elected to the U.S. Senate...

In other news, Sen. Obama has announced remodeling plans for the White House: "I have sworn that we're taking out the bowling alley in the White House and we're putting in a basketball court."

Before he's finished, though, he may feel like inviting a certain minister down to his private bowling alley to discuss money and milkshakes.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. The problem with the milkshake analogy is that Barack seems like a nice guy who always speaks the language of understanding and conflict resolution. Wright could kick his ass. He was in 'Nam, after all.

  2. True story, such as it is: A house party in Eagle Rock, L.A. in spring 2004. The live band covers that Kelis song with their own righteous twist:

    John Ashchroft brings all our boys to the yard
    And they're like
    We won't fight your wars
    Our civil rights
    are better than yours
    I can teach you
    So now you have to charge

    We laughed then but who was out of a job less than a year later? Damn right.

  3. garland:
    "We laughed then but who was out of a job less than a year later?"

    John Ashcroft, for not being evil enough and actually believing in that Christian stuff about honesty and integrity? As opposed to Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld's God of the Easy Certainties and Warrantless Wiretaps.

  4. Steve, I thought you were making a lame joke till I clicked on the link. Self-parody.
    It must be hard for a man in his mid-40's who smokes cigarettes to play B-Ball.

  5. Obama always tries to defend Wright's patriotism by mentioning that he was a Marine. Excuse me, but Lee Harvey Oswald was a Marine too.

    I watched the Bill Moyers Special with Rev. Wright. I understand that afterwards Moyers had to undergo a surgical procedure to get his lips removed from Wright's posterior, but that aside, I don't think it did Obama any good. Moyers used lengthy clips to put those "sound bites" in proper context, and you know what? "God damn America!" doesn't sound any better even with three minutes of build-up.

    Message to Obama--put on a damn flag pin! What's the matter with this guy? Just say, "I've always loved my country and I never felt I needed to prove it with an emblem, but since it causes some people to get the wrong impression I will proudly wear ia flag pin." How hard can that be? Apparently too hard for a faculty-lounge liberal who takes himself way too seriously.

  6. If Obama did a Nixon on affirmative action he might change the dynamics.

    Like: end it, don't mend it.

    Replace race-based aa with means-based.

    Might get some bitter votes with that.

  7. Barack Hussein Obama: I have sworn that we're taking out the bowling alley in the White House and we're putting in a basketball court...

    I wonder what Robert Putnam will think of this?

  8. Don't forget that Rev. Al is going to shut down NYC and target the judge who found the NYPC cops innocent in the Sean Bell case. It's racism! After all two of the NYPC cops were black ... and ... oh well it's racism!

    Rev. Wright plus Rev. Al are like a WWE tag team. It's hilarious! I don't think they CAN stop. They need the publicity more than anything else. Like the scorpion and frog, it's their nature.

  9. Looks like the Obama campaign has decided to give the church a PR firm to help get the message out.

  10. Anonymous: Looks like the Obama campaign has decided to give the church a PR firm to help get the message out.

    And that's AFTER they took all the marxist black liberation theology [BLT] off their website.

  11. Simon/Garland -- our politics, like that of Britain's, is messed up because no one can acknowledge the truth:

    1. Grandma or Al Gore don't need to be profiled or strip searched. Muslim men do.

    2. Treating terrorism like Law Enforcement means inevitably, picking up the pieces after not before the acts take place. Sometimes that means getting "lucky" and only 6 people die as in the 1993 WTC bombing. Other times, not so lucky. Around 3,000 die.

    This is reality. To my mind the government should not need a warrant to eavesdrop on foreign to foreign comms, even if it passes through US servers. We can certainly require it. But don't think that won't cost: lives. Shrug.

    Nothing comes for free.

    NAACP gave Wright a standing ovation and asked if he must "bear the cross alone."

    Wright and Al. They just can't stay away from the cameras.

  12. Apparently too hard for a faculty-lounge liberal who takes himself way too seriously.

    Four years with the faculty lounge liberal and Americans will be tired of race-obsessed black pols, liberals, and faculty members. Let the liberals get what they wish for. Obamanate America in '08.

    Obama always tries to defend Wright's patriotism by mentioning that he was a Marine. Excuse me, but Lee Harvey Oswald was a Marine too.

    And Strom Thurmond was a decorated paratrooper. In fact, he was already 40-ish when WW2 broke out and he had to get special permission to join up.

    And I'm sure Obama thinks that vindicates Thurmond entirely.

    Roll that in your cigarette papers and smoke it, Oblack Brahma.

  13. Steve, you will enjoy Rev. Wright's racialist theories in his speech to the NAACP tonight that is being covered on CNN and FOX News.

  14. Wright just said that blacks and whites have different brains and learn differently.

    Maybe he could write for VDare, since he gets away with it to wild applause from the NAACP.


  15. Steve,

    You might be interested in VDH's take on the black-white brain thing. He's upset that genetic differences between races are being discussed in the mainstream.


    Once again we are seeing how PC and worthless conservatives are.

  16. Yeah, I just saw the latest jeremiads on Wright-brained black learning styles.

    This ought to make the national news - but won't.

  17. Wright's interests are different from BHO's.

    Wright benefits from black outrage and sense of injustice.

    If BHO is elected President of the US the sense of injustice of African American's has to decline (or be directed by BHO as he tries to get reperations or any policies through Congress).

    If BHO is denied the D nomination, Wright can attribute it to injustice in US, more fuel for his ideology and his importance.

  18. Read an article that explains how the psychological theory of “cross-race recognition deficit” may be exacerbating the indelible linkage of Jeremiah Wright’s views to Barack Obama…here:


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