June 21, 2008

Diveroli and Co. indicted on 71 counts

22-year-old international arms dealer Efraim Diveroli and three associates were indicted on 71 counts of fraud in the Awfully Alliterative Albanian Afghan Army AEY Ammunition uh ... Affair (bingo!). There doesn't seem to be much new in the story. So, it looks like it's turning out just like I said months ago -- not the exciting conspiracy that Goes Right to the Top that everybody was hoping for, but just a young hustler applying the bait and switch techniques he learned at his uncle's notoriously dodgey Botach Tactical gun shop on a $300,000,000 scale.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. We fund a lavish Pentagon with redundant layers of bureaucracy to weed out dodgy contractors, and now we get to fund a 71 count prosecution of one of those contractors. The system works!

  2. "22-year-old international arms dealer.." is an arresting start to a story.

  3. Too bad the naive young Jew was led astray by the corrupt gentile father figure:

    "On or about April 25,2007, RALPH MERRILL sent an electronic communication to EFRAIM DIVEROLI and DAVID PACKOUZ, which referenced attached photographs showing methods of "cleaning wooden crates." Attached to the communication was a photograph showing a person scraping the words "MADE IN CHINA" off of a wooden crate."


  4. "not the exciting conspiracy that Goes Right to the Top that everybody was hoping for, but just a young hustler applying the bait and switch techniques he learned at his uncle's notoriously dodgey Botach Tactical gun shop on a $300,000,000 scale."


    Re-read that sentence again and tell me it makes sense?

    A Joe Schmoe off the street with a small time arms business hustles the Pentagon for $300 mil...

    Now, granted, in this day and age, in this administration, and taking into consideration that we are dealing with Americans here...

    It could be... could be...


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