June 17, 2008

NYT tonguebath of Mrs. O.

The New York Times runs a comically biased "article" about Michelle Obama's all-around wonderfulness, but if you can make it to the third page, you'll find out a few things:

By 2001, Mrs. Obama, married for nine years and the mother of two daughters, had taken a job as vice president of community affairs at the University of Chicago Medical Center. She soon discovered just how acrimonious those affairs were.

Hospital brass had gathered to break ground for a children’s wing when African-American protesters broke in with bullhorns, drowning out the proceedings with demands that the hospital award more contracts to minority firms.

The executives froze. Mrs. Obama strolled over and offered to meet later, if only the protestors would pipe down. She revised the contracting system, sending so much business to firms owned by women and other minorities that the hospital won awards.

Which awards? Diversity Racket Victim of the Year? How many of these non-lowest bid contracts went to potential political allies of her husband? The Obamas were using other people's money to build their power base.

She also altered the hospital’s research agenda. When the human papillomavirus vaccine, which can prevent cervical cancer, became available, researchers proposed approaching local school principals about enlisting black teenage girls as research subjects.

Mrs. Obama stopped that. The prospect of white doctors performing a trial with black teenage girls summoned the specter of the Tuskegee syphilis experiment of the mid-20th century, when white doctors let hundreds of black men go untreated to study the disease.

So, rather than educate blacks about why they should help with a medical study that had the potential to help all of humanity, Mrs. Obama, who has zero qualification in any scientific field, stopped medical research from taking place. Swell ...

A reader writes:

"Wasn't organizing bullhorn-wielding protestors part of Barack Obama's job description as an ACORN-Alinskyite "organizer"? Heck, she might of known the protestors from cocktails at the Ayers'..."

The Obamas' allies protest, and in return the Obamas get paid to give them other people's money to get them to go away for awhile. It's a perpetual motion machine. Nice work if you can get it.

Speaking of the Ayers couple, why does the hubby get all the publicity? Sexism? After all, the wife, Bernardine Dohrn, told 400 people at a Weatherman convention in 1969, in reference to the Manson Family murders of Sharon Tate and others:

"Dig it! First they killed those pigs and then they put a fork in their bellies. Wild!"

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Racial and sex differences in medicine are pretty interesting. Sometimes people complain that women and minorities are not in enough clinical trials. Sometimes they complain that women and minorities are in too many clinical trials.

    African-American females are a good test group for an HPV vaccine: with double the infection rate, fewer participants are necessary to get significant data.

    I've never seen this brought up anywhere. Some drugs will have differential benefits for different groups. Since most drugs are tested on white males, as Mrs. Obama would prefer, whenever a drug does show racial variation, drugs that benefit white males are the ones most likely to show effectiveness in trials. It is very possible that some fraction of the disparity in health outcomes can be attributed to black disdain for participating in medical research.

    I wonder how many black females caught HPV because Mrs. Obama protected them?

  2. Err, who is Michael Powell (not *the* Michael Powell, I presume) and why does the nytimes publish his endless articles on bho:


  3. So, because it was wrong to NOT treat syphilis we should NOT treat HPV? Does that make any sense? Let's avenge those Tuskegee airmen by denying health care to all African-Americans!

  4. Michelle Obama is an amazing woman. In one fell swoop she:

    • Prevented a potential public relations mindfield by not allowing black girls to be singled out as the group to be used as guinea pigs. Medical trials should be representative of the population.

    • Provided work for populations that really need employment opportunities.

    • Proved she has skills beyond being a corporate lawyer, bilingual and a fine wife and mother.

    There is no reason to believe the Obamas knew the protesters other than wanting to smear them. It had been nearly two decades since Sen. Obama was a community organizer.

    Barack Obama's relationship to Prof. Ayers could hardly more tenuous. He was in elementary school when Ayers was involved in terrorism.

    Some people are bright and humane, like Mrs. Obama. Others are mediocre and cruel like Steve Sailer. That is the way of the world.

  5. I am going to try to be fair to Mrs. Obama, so perhaps the reasoning that if it were to be a drug trial, that would mean the control group would get a placebo vaccine.... and, uh, it's better that none of the girls get the experimental treatment than only half do. Yeah.

    Makes about as much sense why poor D.C. kids shouldn't get school vouchers because only some of the kids would get to escape crappy schools. It's better that all the kids be miserable together.

  6. The Tuskegee study is being misrepresented here, as usual.




    and in fact Wikipedia is, to my surprise, and at the moment, fair and balanced on this topic:



    It is increasingly obvious that the political left is nowadays unhealthily dependent on fact-denial and gross and wilful distortion of opposing views.

    Indeed, I seriously wonder how much would remain of the left's political program if the evidence base was impartially evaluated and honestly presented.

  7. Steve -- great headline. But get used to it. Between now and early November we're going to so much puffery about the Obamas from the NYT it'll make Tass look objective.

  8. j,
    I almost thought you were joking. Too bad you take your tripe seriously. Mrs. O. is a run-off-the-mill AA doll who has had more breaks than the average babe. You can go through any white town and pick up dozens of chicks with her intelligence and stature, if only the NYT and the press were willing to shill for them and cover up all their missteps. This is the real reason why Mrs O. is made to look so great.

  9. Agent Paladin, no-one was talking about the Tuskeegee Airmen. That was a whole separate affair. Try reading more carefully.

  10. Prevented a potential public relations mindfield by not allowing black girls to be singled out as the group to be used as guinea pigs. Medical trials should be representative of the population.

    Only if there is no structural variation. If there is, minorities have to be over represented to ensure get statistically significant results.

    Look at it this way. There's a poll of voters. They survey 100 people, 13 are black, the rest white. There's a reasonable confidence interval for the population as whole, and for whites as a group. But the black sample size is too small. The same thing can happen with drugs, and drugs get approved for everyone, even though we don't know that they work for everyone.

  11. J,

    This is a joke, right? RIGHT?!?!

  12. "Provided work for populations that really need employment opportunities."

    At the expense of more qualified businesses?

    "Proved she has skills beyond being a corporate lawyer, bilingual and a fine wife and mother."

    And we know she is a fine wife and mother how? Actually, she strikes me as prickly and angry - those aren't attributes that were on my "must have" list when I was looking for a wife.

    "Some people are bright and humane, like Mrs. Obama."

    Again, we know this how? There are plenty of dull people who manage to earn college degrees, and exactly what qualities make her humane? That she wants to spend other peoples' money to improve the lives of people who habitually make the wrong choices?

  13. Note that Bernardine Dohrn spent time at the Sidley Austin firm where Michelle Obama started. I am not sure that the dates overlap though.

  14. "She also altered the hospital’s research agenda."

    I would pay good money to learn what those white doctors at University of Chicago Medical Center were really saying in private about "Michelle, ma belle" and her evil, black racial supremacist husband.

  15. Hello!
    nox and anonymous what You expected from Khazar to say,they will be always in that side who opposite(don't like) Indo-European civilization ;)
    Pardon j. :)

  16. I doubt that Merck only wanted to test the HPV vaccine was in African-Americans.

    It is possible that the FDA wanted a more representative population.

    Besides as rob point out, African american females would get disporportionate BENEFIT from a working vaccine.

  17. Steve,

    Sorry to hijack the thread but I'm surprised that of all writers you haven't focused on the natural disaster in Iowa. Sure, Atrios is ignoring it - there are no underclass blacks to tearjerk over -- but why you??

    This is the white people's Katrina.

    Attention must be paid.

  18. Besides as rob point out, African american females would get disporportionate BENEFIT from a working vaccine.

    You are soooo missing the point. The point is that whatever the White Oppressors are doing is wrong. If they include blacks in their drug tests it's proof of their racism. If they don't include blacks in their drug tests it's proof of their racism. This is a game with no right answer.

  19. Dan: Note that Bernardine Dohrn spent time at the Sidley Austin firm where Michelle Obama started. I am not sure that the dates overlap though.

    There's a law professor at Santa Clara University School of Law, Steve Diamond, who has speculated that Obama may have been in contact with the Ayers family since roughly the 1986-1988 timeframe:

    Who "sent" Obama?
    Steve Diamond
    April 22, 2008 [with updates thorough May 24, 2008]

    If that is true, then Obama would have already known the Ayerses for about a decade at the time of his "coming out" party, in 1995, i.e. it would have been completely logical and expected for Obama to have turned to his [at that point] old friends for his "formal" introduction to the Chicago power structure:

    Obama once visited '60s radicals
    2/22/08 1:09 AM EST

    BTW, I've collected a ton of info about Obama & Ayers here.

  20. Tuskegee Airmen?

    You mean they dropped syphilis bombs right here in Amerikkka?

    Oh the humanity!

    (Tip o' the hat to: Agent Paladin, Lucille

  21. Just like how the closer you live to black people the less likley you are to like them, the more America sees of Michelle Obama the better. A Democratic Senator says she needs to become likeable. (http://thenewfaith.org/)

    "Easier said than done. People very rarely just become likable, especially not after a lifetime of grievance mongering. The diversity industrial complex is something that needs to be see to believed. Michelle is a product of it. She may be able to put on a happy smiley face for a little while, but the truth will come out. I’m hoping it comes out after November, so we can all have plenty of time to watch this train wreck."

  22. Sorry about the metal error, but the main point stands:
    If withholding potentially life-saving treatment to African-Americans (ala Tuskegee) is a terrible scandal and blackmark in history, then why is withholding potentially life-saving treatment to African-Americans a courageous act (ala Michelle Obama)?

    I suppose the answer is that the decision-makers in the former case were white, while Obama is black. More charitably, perhaps the problem was that the Tuskegee participants were not properly informed. But is that really the problem with HPV vaccines? I don't think that it would be impossible to properly inform the participants or their parents. Denying experimental treatment simply because the participants are black seems racist and short-sighted. She knows what's best for them, better than they know themselves, and better than qualified medical doctors? It seems just a way to justify her job and salary and score some cheap political points, while stirring up controversy and denigrating some well-intentioned researchers.

  23. "Dig it! First they killed those pigs and then they put a fork in their bellies. Wild!"

    That has to be the last line for a anti-Obama 527.

    Those people are repulsive.

  24. "Prevented a potential public relations mindfield by not allowing black girls to be singled out as the group to be used as guinea pigs. Medical trials should be representative of the population."

    A public relations mindfield? Is that anything like a Reality Distortion Field?

  25. Bernadine Dohrn now coaches little league. Maybe there should be a statute of limitations on 60's idiocy.

  26. "This [Iowa] is the white people's Katrina."-- Concerned

    Um... Katrina was the white people's Katrina. It affected at least as many whites as blacks. But they were swift enough to get out in time.

    In the same way, Vietnam, not NYC, was "liberalism's Vietnam".

  27. People who cannot respond to a comment with facts rely on distortion and lies instead. None of us who underderstand why it is wrong to use minority groups as guinea pigs in medical research exclusively, have said they should not be included at all. What we seek is a fair representation, not singling them out as a vulnerable population that can be used.

    People who specialize in making speculative connections between the Obamas and anyone they consider 'bad' are obsessive compulsives wasting their time. For example, Prof. Ayers is a generation older than Sen. Obama. Claiming the Obamas had anything to do with the Ayers' radical period is just plain silly.

    Michelle Obama's positive poll ratings are more than 10 points higher than Cindy McCain's at 48 percent. She is working to raise them higher.

    For all the put downs of the Obamas by bigots, Barack and Michelle's abilities and achievements dwarf those of their critics. Consider Steve Sailer. He has no real achievements. Perhaps his tombstone will read 'I heart IQ,' though he is not a bright person. His only legacy will be promoting bigotry. The Obamas have had positive effects on people, and will have more.

  28. "That has to be the last line for a anti-Obama 527.

    Those people are repulsive."

    Yes, it's the liberal world view that says that all people are basically good that breaks down when you think of people like these. There are sick, sick people out there. Sometimes they molest children or become serial killers, and sometimes they seek and obtain political power.

  29. My girlfriend, a nurse, is currently taking courses toward her physician's assistant degree, and I just edited a paper she wrote about the HPV vaccine and politics.

    Michelle Obama is directly responsible for some of these black girls getting cervical cancer at some point in the future. Because black girls have more partners and unprotected contacts than their white and Asian counterparts (documented in the HPV research), they are more at risk for HPV and other STDs. The more unprotected contacts, the more virus transmittal.


  30. "People who specialize in making speculative connections between the Obamas and anyone they consider 'bad' are obsessive compulsives wasting their time."

    I hear the Obama's are looking for a court witch-finder general. So my advice is to lay-off the arm chair psycho-analytics and emphasise the intrinsic evil angle.

    "For example, Prof. Ayers is a generation older than Sen. Obama. Claiming the Obamas had anything to do with the Ayers' radical period is just plain silly."

    Absolute agreement here. It's a shame that our main man Obama can't hang with some of the past masters like Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot. He needs to get some first hand advice on cleaning up the accumulated social detritus of an irredeemibly and intrinsically evil society such as ours.

  31. J, or is that Mr Double Standard?

    "People who specialize in making speculative connections between the Obamas and anyone they consider 'bad' are obsessive compulsives wasting their time. For example, Prof. Ayers is a generation older than Sen. Obama. Claiming the Obamas had anything to do with the Ayers' radical period is just plain silly."

    For a start you seem to have missed the whole 'who sent ya' story.

    Secondly had the offending Ayers statement been something - God forbid! - of an anti-semitic nature then I suspect we would never hear the last of it. Dragged up year on year, Ayers would be cast out of any formal political arena.

    Of course left/liberals are allowed to have a 'radical period'. Anyone else allowed a 'racist period', an 'anti-semitic period'? Of course not, those are life sentences, no coming back from the political dead there.

  32. j said

    None of us who underderstand [sic] why it is wrong to use minority groups as guinea pigs in medical research exclusively, have said they should not be included at all. What we seek is a fair representation, not singling them out as a vulnerable population that can be used.

    Fine. Then let black girls die of cervical cancer. This should be the response of researchers and physicians when faced with your ignorant nonsense.

    Why struggle to save the lives of a particularly at-risk people if their leaders denounce you as evil and politically punish you for your effort?

    Someone mentioned Katrina. Rescue helicopters were shot at there.

    Perhaps we should take a page out of Ayn Rand's old doorstop "Atlas Shrugged" - and just let these people go, leaders and followers alike.

  33. There's actually a long history of experimentation on minorities...it's kind of apalling you are not aware of that. See: Margaret Sanger and Puero Rico, the book, Medical Apartheid by Harriet Washington.

    Why not pick suburban white girls for the experiment? Why do poor black girls have to be noble guinea pigs "for the benefit of all mankind" or whatever pompous way you put it?

  34. i love how the comments are simply awash with stereotypes - angry black woman, unqualified black person who got ahead of what they deserve, etc. And how do you know that? Do any of you know her high school or college gpa? Or how good of a lawyer she is? Why the assumption that only whites are ever qualified?

    She's hardly said anything to warrant this kind of vitriol, which makes it all the more obvious there's knee-jerk stereotyping going on. I think you lot have been watching Fox News and their "fair and balanced" style of reporting for too long. Fox News called her a "baby mama" and some other channel recently declared that all black women except Oprah are angry.

  35. No one's paying attention to Iowa? It's on the front page of the NYTimes. And not everyone in Iowa is white. You attract a really racist crowd here.

  36. A little bit off topic but indicative of the culture of fear regarding racial discussions in this country. I live in a lower middle class neighborhood of about 90% whites and 10% blacks. I was talking in my living room, with the windows open, about this Michelle Obama anecdote. I prefaced the story with an explanation of the differences in disease prevalence amongst blacks and whites. I also mentioned about the racial distributions for clinical trials. Nothing controversial or insulting was mentioned. At about halfway through my explanations, the others in the room kept insisting that I keep my voice down. (I was speaking in a conversational tone.) I did not. They would respond by whispering (especially when uttering the word "blacks") and then further insisting that I keep my voice down. I again refused. They then got angry and could not understand my refusal despite me explaining that I was not saying anything antagonistic (such as being against AA). They then refused to continue the conversation and left the room.

    Apparently, white people are not even allowed to say the word "blacks" anymore, no matter how benign the context.

  37. "J. said...

    Consider Steve Sailer. He has no real achievements. Perhaps his tombstone will read 'I heart IQ,' though he is not a bright person. His only legacy will be promoting bigotry. The Obamas have had positive effects on people, and will have more."

    Steve Sailer has said and written things that are true. Some of those things are not entirely obvious. Saying true things that are not obvious, and even saying obviously true things, when nobody else is willing to say them, is some small accomplishment all its own.

    The Obamas, husband and wife, have accomplished aboslutely ZERO in their lives (note that in this, they are not so different from many other politicians of either party). They have neither designed anything, built anything, explained anything, fixed anything, or created anything. They have not healed any sick, grown any food, unstopped any toilets, reroofed anyones house, fixed anyones car, or even sold anyone a useful product.

    They take money given to them by governments - money that was appropriated from citizens - and give it to the unworthy poor, and more recently, the unworthy rich, in order to buy votes and political influence.

    They seek to overthrow one of the greatest forms of government ever conceived because they resent the civilization that created it, a civilization which has sustained them.

    In short, they are spiteful parasites.

  38. Geez, isn't there one corner of the internet safe from these creepy cultists?

    Michelle Obama's positive poll ratings are more than 10 points higher than Cindy McCain's at 48 percent. She is working to raise them higher.

    I wonder if there's any connection between this statistic and "tonguebaths" like this one.

    No one's paying attention to Iowa? It's on the front page of the NYTimes. And not everyone in Iowa is white. You attract a really racist crowd here.

    The aspect of the Iowa flooding that is being underplayed is the fact that Iowans haven't (to my knowledge) engaged in widespread looting, raping, firing at rescue helicopters, etc. In short, they're behaving like civilized human beings even in the face of adversity.

    And how do you know that? Do any of you know her high school or college gpa? Or how good of a lawyer she is? Why the assumption that only whites are ever qualified?

    Because it's true. If blacks could succeed on their own merits there would be no need for affirmative action. You can't have it both ways, sister.

  39. Martin, you have some cognitive dissonance going on. You declare the American legal and political systems great. Next, you attack Sen. Obama, someone who has excelled as part of the American political system. Then you condemn both Obamas, who are products of the nation's best colleges and law schools, and, respected members of the American legal community. They are representatives of what you deem great. But, you loathe them. Strange.

    People are attracted to the Obamas because they have successfully used their natural abilities to achieve the American dream, despite facing many disadvantages.

    The Obamas' have improved lives through community organizing, making healthcare more available and presenting and supporting beneficial legislation. Sen. Obama's goal is to improve on that record by leading meaningful improvement in availability of health insurance, affordable higher education, energy sources that do not harm the environment, etc.

    Meanwhile, all Steve Sailer does is maintain a redoubt where bigots can gather to express their ignorance and bile.

  40. J - "you condemn both Obamas, who are products of the nation's best colleges and law schools, and, respected members of the American legal community" - Im groping for a word here, I think its oxymoron.

    "Meanwhile, all Steve Sailer does is maintain a redoubt where bigots can gather to express their ignorance and bile" - ah yes, If only white people had invented the internet, then they would be legitimately allowed to use it for their own ethnic interests. Still as it is, I suppose we should be grateful that all those clever Israelis, Indians and black people let us use their toy at all.

  41. "The Obamas, husband and wife, have accomplished aboslutely ZERO in their lives (note that in this, they are not so different from many other politicians of either party). They have neither designed anything, built anything, explained anything, fixed anything, or created anything. They have not healed any sick, grown any food, unstopped any toilets, reroofed anyones house, fixed anyones car, or even sold anyone a useful product."

    Actually, I've thought of that too. A couple of parasites (though a lot of politicians are, to be fair.)
    Except that most of them at least have the decency to pretend they support the interests of all their constituents while this rather grotesque pair act like they would like to devour the hands that have fed them.
    The real hilarious horror show is that many of the whites they wish to devour are cheering them on.

  42. "You attract a really racist crowd here."
    oh I know, I know. We all seem to be channeling Mr. & Mrs. O, Rev. Wright, and all those people who will vote for Obama only because he is black (sort of). We really should be more open and cheer at whatever they say about whites.

  43. bq said

    Why not pick suburban white girls for the experiment?

    Because, dear heart, suburban white girls don't have the same rate of this disease. And because different racial populations have different physiologies, which we know from seeing their responses to various treatments.

    Yes - different races do have differing susceptibilities to medical conditions. Asian women get osteoporosis at a higher rate than White women. Jews are more likely to have Tay-Sachs than (most) populations of Africans.

    Only in the backward anti-science neo-religious world of PC is this shocking or "rasssissst."

    Race isn't only skin deep - as physicians and researchers have known for, like, ever.

    If you just can't grasp what those evil doctors in their white coats are doing, why don't you instead protest the Jerry-Curl company for biasing its ads toward Africans-Americans, or something like that? It would make you look less foolish, and it would be less destructive and hateful.


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