June 11, 2008

Whatever happened to Rep. Waxman's Diveroli hearings?

Back in March, the New York Times ran a big story on the 22-year-old high school dropout hustler Efraim Diveroli, who had snagged a $200,000,000 Pentagon contract for his AEY Inc. to supply ammunition to the Afghan government. He supplied Chinese-made ammo bought from crooked Albanian politicians.

Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Beverly Hills) immediately sent him a letter demanding he testify before Waxman's Oversight committee on April 17. But that got postponed and then ... zilch. It's June now and the name Diveroli hasn't shown up on Google News in weeks. Funny how that works.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Funny how you only seem to notice how 'that's how it works' when there are Jews in the picture. Assholes with moneyed influence who happen not to be Jewish appear far less often in your pages, and with fewer sotto voce conspiratorial undertones.

  2. Maybe Waxman's staff found out that the Diverolis were big donors to Dems and this would get emphasized in the hearings? Or maybe no one cares?

  3. It's the same scam these Irishmen pulled for the Clinton's. You enrinch us while you are in office, and we will enrich you with 'book deals', private equity stakes, 'speaking' fees, and babes when you get out.

    The staggering cost of the shady deals the Irishmen pull on the country cannot be calculated.

    Typical transference. They actually DO all the things they accuse Americans of doing in their 'movies'.

    By the way, how about a windfall profits tax on Hollywood? Actually, why have a Hollywood at all? There are enough movies and TV shows in the can to last a hundred generations. How about Waxman just confiscating all the residuals and other assets of Hollywood? Ah, but who would pay for the coke, the whores, and $20 million dollar Sunset Blvd. mansions?

    What a collosal scam. George Washington has flooded Heaven with his tears.

  4. Steve,

    I said it then, and I'll say it again: "So Uncle Hammo calls Cousin Shlomo who then calls Cousin Adi in the Diamond District who's really great friends with this bruiser Ari who used to date this chick Alona who works for Waxman...."

    It's funny how this sort of 'networking' is rarely referred to - at least in the press intended for gentile consumption - as clan-like or tribal!

    Or as one of my Jewish buddies refers to it as, 'the superclub'!

    (And, no, the "buddy" reference is not a PC offering or an 'Oprah'-like, minority friend!)

  5. Diveroli hasn't donated any money to Republicans. Therefore it doesn't merit Waxman's time to go after him.

  6. Well, it looks the wheels of justice grind slowly.

    Case History for 8534XCM

    Date Case History Entry Case History Note
    4/11/2008 Not Guilty Plea
    4/11/2008 Court Continuance
    4/11/2008 Continue to be Set For Jury Trial
    4/11/2008 Discovery to Defense within 15 Days Ordered
    4/29/2008 Motion: take deposition: GRANTED
    4/30/2008 **** Typed Note **** SUBJECT: LEAVE ON FOR 5/2/08 x
    5/12/2008 State Continuance
    5/12/2008 Continue to be Set For Jury Trial
    6/10/2008 Continue to be Set For Jury Trial
    6/10/2008 Case heard through Soundings session
    6/10/2008 Defense Continuance

    His driver's license is, of course, is suspended.

    03/05/2008 Suspension DADE EFFECTIVE

  7. Toxicology report shows Diveroli blowing a .13 at 6:12 AM, fifty minutes after his arrest.

    One of the attributes of men in gold chains is that they like to party late into the night.

  8. More likely Steve, Diveroli was the useful proxy for the CIA or other intelligence agency to either supply various enemies with shoddy goods, or catalog existing networks and trace them down.

    Consider: As an intelligence executive it is your responsibility to prevent attacks using say, Semtex on the US at home and abroad. Valerie Plame isn't going to cut it to find out who's there, who's dealing, who is connected to whom. You need someone sleazy and existing plugged into that network (existing trust, not someone no one has ever heard of). Particularly useful is plugging cash into the network and seeing how it moves around.

    Occam's Razor, the Diveroli escapade is intelligence related to find out who/what is out there, to watch and stop AQ or other terrorist plots.

    You're not going to find choirboys for those sorts of operations. Waxman could face serious problems if he blew publicly an ongoing anti-terrorist operation like this. Particularly in an election year.

  9. "Occam's Razor, the Diveroli escapade is intelligence related to find out who/what is out there, to watch and stop AQ or other terrorist plots."

    Sure, Evil Neocon,I bet intrepid, young Diveroli is parachuting into an AQ stronghold as we bang away at our keyboards. Or cut and past as the case may be. Even if such an operation were to be undertaken, why on earth would sub-standard ammunition be shipped in poorly repackaged consignments to allied governments?

    Occam's Razor II, Diveroli is a politically connected dirtbag who bit off more than he could chew and is using his connections to try and escape the consequences.

    This seems just a little more likely. Evil, do you write for the MSM? You seem to have a similar habit of attempting to sell the same load of tripe long after it has past its pull date and expecting uncritical belief.

  10. It's like OJ's search for the real killers.

  11. 1/ There was no subpoena. So why should anyone go anywhere. If Waxman sent me a letter I might keep it as a souvenir, but nothing else.

    2/ It should be easy enough to find out if the Diveroli's donated money to the Democrats. Of course it would be even easier to make comments saying they did that with no proof.

  12. mnuez offers these conspiratorial undertones:

    Assholes with moneyed influence who happen not to be Jewish appear far less often in your pages

    There are so many of those affecting national security at the highest level. Bush and Cheney, for two. But they are covered rather well elsewhere. Who else? Um...I'm sure some Iraq contractors are making out like bandits, probably many are not Jewish...and who else? Ken Lay is dead, and was well-covered everywhere...So who else?

    Well, certainly all those Spaniards urging "democratic revolution" in the Middle East, planning to nuke Iran, and running both political parties in the US.

    I could point out net sites detailing bunches of Spanish corruption cases in the multi-billions and affecting governments on a world scale, with MSM cites and figures. But those sites are written by vile anti-Spainairdites, of course.

    Criticism = unwelcome evil. Abject fawning = minimally acceptable.

    Funny how you only seem to notice how 'that's how it works' when there are Jews in the picture.

    Funny, mnuez, how it seems 'that's how it works' whenever there are Spaniards in the picture.

  13. mnuez,
    Funny how you mostly only pop up on posts with relevance to Jews.

  14. We swept this whole thing under the rug at last month's Elders of Zion meeting. The kugel was delicious.

  15. "1/ There was no subpoena. So why should anyone go anywhere. If Waxman sent me a letter I might keep it as a souvenir, but nothing else."

    Fine, then if Waxman makes a hasty announcement and then lets the whole thing die what could his motive be? If nothing else it makes Waxman look look an ineffectual camera chaser. At worst it contributes to the views you are "shocked, shocked" to encounter here. This affair has the smell of fish, as does Waxman's role in it. He spent political capital and undermined his credibility, why?

    "2/ It should be easy enough to find out if the Diveroli's donated money to the Democrats. Of course it would be even easier to make comments saying they did that with no proof."

    Why on earth do you think that monetary rewards are the only things motivating people? I could list a dozen other equally likely motives, none of which would be acceptable to you. What proof do you offer for anything?

  16. Diveroli is nothing. It is Waxman's failure to investigate Sibel Edmonds claims (that is investigate again after he had power) is the crime.

  17. I have a special request for the Elders. Can they a find rabbi to miraculously discover that the Promised Land is actually in Dade County or somewhere else not surrounded by angry Muslims?

    It would make life much easier for everyone.


  18. "Waxman looks like an ineffectual camera chaser"

    Waxman is a camera-chaser. He throws a million things up in the air and if someone catches something he gets facetime. If not, not. No political capital was spent in the making of this nothing.

    And I mentioned money because that's what a number of commenters mentioned.

  19. Anonymous: Diveroli is nothing. It is Waxman's failure to investigate Sibel Edmonds claims (that is investigate again after he had power) is the crime.

    The Sibel Edmonds stuff is almost certainly a Muslim counterintelligence operation.

    But if there were any truth to it at all, then it would be the biggest espionage case since the Rosenbergs:

    Is this why Sandy Berger needed to destroy those documents? [Marc Grossman & Nuclear Espionage]

    Is this why Sandy Berger needed to destroy those documents? PART II: MEET ERIC S. EDELMAN

  20. "The Sibel Edmonds stuff is almost certainly a Muslim counterintelligence operation"

    Is that an oxymoron?

    Seriously, if it was a "Muslim counterintelligence operation" then why would it not be a huge story? Its not like the Muslims own the NY times.

    As to Sandy Berger, the important part is the Bush justice department let him get away with it.

    It's not like the rosenbergs, its planting evidence on the perps (axis of evil) and then arresting them later. And making money along the way.

  21. Anonymous: Seriously, if it was a "Muslim counterintelligence operation" then why would it not be a huge story?

    Because Sibel Deniz Edmonds is a Muslim.

    And the first assumption everyone makes when dealing with Muslims is that the Muslims are probably lying.

    And that is the correct and good assumption to make [cf al taqiyah, al taqiyya,
    al taqija, etc].

    On the other hand, like I said before, if there is any truth to what Sibel Edmonds is saying, and if Berger/Grossman/Edelman/England et al are [or were] involved in some hanky-panky which made its way through the Turkish desk, and if that hanky-panky was not itself a sanctioned counter-op, then it would be the biggest scandal in US history since the Rosenbergs.

  22. cthulhu,

    Sorry, that decision didn't come from the board of directors. It came straight from the CEO.


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