June 3, 2008


I bought the latest book by Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA), A Time to Fight. It has a lot of good things in it, but the prose style is mediocre, and downright terrible when compared to Barack Obama's The Audacity of Hope, which was published at about the same time in their Senate careers. I was wondering if Webb's prose is usually mediocre, or did he rush this out without polishing the prose because he's being paid by the taxpayers to be a Senator, not a writer working for his own profit?

Also, Greg Ransom has found another reporter who went to Hawaii (it's a tough job, but somebody has got to do it) to interview Obama's prep school classmates. They've tracked down the third black student at Punahou, and like the second (who was also half Japanese), he says:
"Peterson and other buddies say Obama never spoke of the turmoil he revealed in his memoir, "Dreams from My Father," in which he wrote about wrestling with his racial identity and using drugs — including marijuana and cocaine — to "push questions of who I was out of my mind.""
Similarly, the Los Angeles Times reported back in March:

Obama appears to know the value of striking such contrasts. When he wrote his memoir, which he invokes on the campaign trail as the key to his thinking, he used literary devices to create several characters that were quick to see racial injustice. In the narrative, they serve as his foils.

Some of Obama’s friends who appear as composite characters with fictional names said he gave them far sharper and more militant attitudes than they recall having.

Kakugawa, identified in the book as “Ray,” the resentful black high school friend, is a part Japanese, part Native American former classmate who says he was nowhere near as angry as the character Obama portrays.

It makes me a very bitter person,” Kakugawa said. “I wasn’t that bitter.”

The same is true for a Chicago activist who encountered Obama in his years as a community organizer.

The activist is identified in the book as “Rafiq al-Shabazz,” a Nation of Islam follower who encouraged Obama to challenge the city’s white power structure rather than work within it.

Obama writes of working with “Rafiq” to open a job training center, but recoiling when his more militant colleague railed against whites. “Rafiq” told Obama that, growing up in the projects, “I’d soaked up all the poison the white man feeds us.”

But black nationalist teachings “contradicted the morality my mother had taught me,” Obama wrote.

Activist Salim Al Nurridin says Obama’s description fits him in almost every way – except that he was never a black nationalist.

I wasn’t promoting a black nationalist agenda, and I’m not promoting one now,” said Al Nurridin, now a Chicago healthcare advocate, who confirmed in an interview last year that he resembled “Rafiq.” “I think … his interpretation of where I was coming from was probably skewed by his own position rather than what I was saying.”

Al Nurridin said he actually agreed with many of Obama’s conclusions about how some aspects of black nationalism could be counterproductive.

You can be for your people without being against other people,” Al Nurridin said. “The whole idea is to have relationships with all walks of life.”

By that time, Obama’s way of reacting to outspoken activists was not a new development.

Obama wrote of being deeply impressed by the autobiography of Malcolm X, whose “repeated acts of self-creation spoke to me; the blunt poetry of his words … promised a new and uncompromising order.”

In other words, by projecting his own inner racial anger onto real people who didn't, actually, share it, Obama was doing two things:

A. Allowing himself to express one side of himself, a side that he didn't actually express to his friends because that might make them not like him, and they'd at least laugh at how self-pitying he was.

B. Positioning himself to whites as the moderate savior who could keep all this pent-up black rage roiling the ghettos of Hawaii from blowing up on them.

In summary, Obama is best perceived as a gifted fiction writer who has found a more profitable outlet for his talent in politics. He can be compared to Disraeli, a bestselling novelist before becoming Prime Minister. He can be contrasted with Gore Vidal, another fictioneer who felt he deserved to be President. But while Obama has been jet-propelled by being part black, Vidal was frustrated in his political ambitions by being homosexual.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. If he's as good as Dizzy, you've got yourselves a winner there.

  2. Gore Vidal wasn't frustrated in his political ambitions for being homosexual. He was frustrated for being a craptacular blowhard.

  3. Another possibility is that both those people have developed more positive images of themselves as they have matured. Sometimes a person does not see how angry he seems to other people. I have experienced this and it has always surprised me to hear friends describe their impressions about how I felt about an issue in the past.

  4. Carl Zimmer's father, Dick Zimmer, won the Republican nomination for the New Jersey Senate seat. Carl's a writer, Dick's a politician.....

    Zimmer Sr. faces Frank Lautenberg in the general election.

  5. Health care advocate. what kind of job is that? Health care when needed is pretty much 100% supported bhy the public. The advocate part is probably advocating someone else pay for it. As we get more and more a mixed state (half capitalism half government directed) we'll see more advocates. A jobs advocate to make sure the local mfg jobs do not disappear because the carbon allotment needed is too expensive or unavailable. Sorry didn;t mean to change the subject - just venting.

  6. I have not read "A Time to Fight", but I've read some of Webb's other stuff, and it was pretty good. Obviously, being a Senator has not helped his prose style...

  7. Vidal always had a weirdly elitist/leftist view of this country which was obviously internally contradictory and never really made sense. He was also constantly accusing anyone and everyone of being homosexual, always trying to make his club seem larger than it was. But he was popular (once upon a time) because he was so archly clever at expressing his inner bitchiness. He may also have been one of the few writers who was an out and out sociopath, thanks to his mother, whom he himself described as a monster. (Most sociopaths prefer to spend their lives more actively screwing others, they don't have the temperament/patience to sit alone in a room pecking away at a keyboard.) His sociopathy may have been key to why he was capable of (and uninhibited about writing) such lines as: "It is not enough that one succeed. Others must fail." Classic Vidal.

  8. I read the last chapter of Webb's book in Barnes & Noble yesterday. Yawn. Was it me or did that chapter, entitled something like "What is to be done?" seem like a whitewash; no specifics? Immigration? Nothing. Get out of Iraq? ***crickets*** Did he cover the specifics in other chapters. Someone get him an editor. Better yet, get him Pat Buchanan's editor; close with bullet points in your last chapter. Give me the executive summary.

  9. I've donated to Steve before but I'm going to consider boycotting this blog until he stops trying to psychoanalyze Obama.

  10. Getting a bit strident here Steve. Psychoanalysis from afar is a dodgy game at best. Obama is winning because he is different from all the losers who have been driving us into the ground for the past eight years. If he's better remains to be seen, but the voters are willing to take their chances, and for good reason.

  11. I'm getting to the point where I wish Obama would just be prez and get it over with. Then everybody can see for themselves that blacks are just underwhelming or at best as boring as the fly-over whites the MSM likes to deride. Instead blacks are being made out to be the new world elite in direct contradiction to all the facts on hand. The media obviously needs the facts spoon-fed like little babies. They are unable to extrapolate from the experiences of 50+ African countries and their governments of "Hope".

  12. "It is not enough that one succeed. Others must fail."

    I believe that is a praphrase of Rochefoucauld

  13. The article I've linked to reveals that Obama was turning his life into fiction even as he worked as a South Chicago "community organizer."

    I'm wondering how much of this material made it's way into his "memoir".

  14. >consider boycotting this blog until he stops trying to psychoanalyze Obama<

    analysis of the writings of candidates is crucial. but why not also simply respond to obama's own words and plainly stated ideas in the here and now?

    end of his speech last night obama declared he will "remake" the nation. why not delve into that bottomless pit of left wing pathology? declaring an intent to "remake" the nation is unprecedented in american presidential politics. it is outside politics.

    bush was the decider. obama is the remaker. he has told us that in the clearest terms.

  15. did he rush this out without polishing the prose because he's being paid by the taxpayers to be a Senator, not a writer working for his own profit?

    Or...did he rush it out in order to raise his profile for consideration as a possible VP? Webb seems to be in a very good position - a (supposedly) conservative Dem with Southern roots and an unquestionable record of heroism in Vietnam (Navy Cross)

    I read the last chapter of Webb's book in Barnes & Noble yesterday. Yawn. Was it me or did that chapter, entitled something like "What is to be done?" seem like a whitewash; no specifics?

    Which only further proves my point - the best books by politicians (especially potential Veep picks) are ones that say nothing.

    No, Webb is not always that bad a writer. I haven't yet read Fields of Fire (it's on my to-do list) but by all reports it's one of the best fictional accounts of the Vietnam War ever.

    Gore Vidal wasn't frustrated in his political ambitions for being homosexual. He was frustrated for being a craptacular blowhard.

    Yes but for all of that (and all of his general leftishness) you have to credit him for saying this:

    "A characteristic of our present chaos is the dramatic migration of tribes. They are on the move from east to west, from south to north. Liberal tradition requires that borders must always be open to those in search of safety or even the pursuit of happiness. But now with so many millions of people on the move, even the great-hearted are becoming edgy. Norway is large enough and empty enough to take in 40 to 50 million homeless Bengalis. If the Norwegians say that, all in all, they would rather not take them in, is this to be considered racism? I think not. It is simply self-preservation, the first law of species."

    He not only said it, but he said it way back in 1999.

    It certainly helps our argument against immigration when even committed lefties like Vidal start acknowledging the problem.

  16. I've donated to Steve before but I'm going to consider boycotting this blog until he stops trying to psychoanalyze Obama.

    anonymous, you will be missed. I always look forward to your comments.

  17. Meanwhile, Hillary: "We shall not flag nor fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall campaign at the Convention and on TV and radio; we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength via the internet and specifically YouTube. We shall defend our reputation and my husband's reputation whatever the cost may be; we shall protest on streets, airport lounges, book signings and stereotypical middle american fast-food establishments. We shall never surrender and, even if, which I do not for the moment believe, we get kicked out of the convention and ignored by the main stream media, then our contacts beyond the scenes, rich and famous, will carry on the struggle until in good time White Middle Class America with all its remaining power and might, sets forth to the liberation and rescue of the me, and Bill, and, er, yeah, America!"

  18. Steve, the leap from writing to politics is irrelevant and no indicator of success. Writing demands a lot of time alone organizing thoughts and language to communicate a deeply personal set of feelings or thoughts.

    Politics? The need to form winning coalitions based on shared enemies, allies, spoils, objectives, and emotions.

    Bill Clinton was not a particularly good writer but a gifted politician.

    Obama is thankfully doomed, along with the Democratic Party, because his explicit electoral coalition is based on South Side Chicago racial politics, with working class whites, the biggest electoral group, as the enemy. He can't help make whites the enemy (well working/middle class ones) and his coalition of blacks + yuppies is too small outside of South Side Chicago.

    McCain is ... McCain, but he's not Alan Keyes. Hopefully the Media and Dems will get a good dose of reality.

    Obama's psychoanalysis is less important than the mood and urgings of the media and Dem Party insiders, who have handed him the nomination. It suggests a profound hatred of America, ordinary Americans, their values, and a desire to punish them along with remaking them (good call) to exert total control over their lives.

    The alliance of Louis Farrakhan and Michael Dukakis has never been sharper.

  19. Heard Obamas victory speech last nite,and as usual I was bothered by his "black" accent. I wish he would just speak normal!! At one point he made the comment,something like,"I have great respect for Sen. McCains accomplishments...even if he doesnt appreciate mine!" The self pity!!! We may be seeing a lot of that.

  20. bush was the decider. obama is the remaker. he has told us that in the clearest terms.

    If Obama is the "remaker" in the same sense that Bush is the "decider," then what does that really make him? The Detonator?

  21. Webb's Born Fighting was well written. The little I've read so far of ATTF did seem clunky.

  22. Disraeli, Vidal and Obama all appear to me to be snobs.

  23. At one point he made the comment,something like,"I have great respect for Sen. McCains accomplishments...even if he doesnt appreciate mine!"

    I hope Obama says that in a debate. I have the perfect comeback for McCain:

    "Which accomplishments have I denigrated?"

  24. One good reason I don't want Obama as president is because he'll be the first "black" president.

    I don't want a mulatto passing as the first black president. If we're going to have a black president, he should be black.

    Wesley Snipes for president. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.

  25. One good reason I don't want Obama as president is because he'll be the first "black" president.

    I don't care that he's black, or half black. I care that both his parents and at least one of his grandparents were pretty much unreconstructed anti-American communists (or very near).

    He is very much a post-American and anti-white working class American. He may not have any military experience, but in The War Against White Trash he is a 5 star general.

    The problem is, so is John McCain; but unlike Obama, McCain is too stupid to know it.

  26. And speaking of McCain/Obama: one thing I've noticed about the two is the diference in speaking voices.

    Barack Obama speaks with a very authoritative voice, like John Wayne or Mel Gibson. When McCain talks (as in his speech defending himself from allegations of being Bush the Third) he talks very defensvely. Does he do that all the time? What does it say about his chances that in almost every speec he gives he comes off sounding defensive?

  27. O is an empty suit. A big 0. Of course if anything should happen to this suit we'll be forced to worship the remains for at least 300 years, after the remains of our cities have been destroyed, a thought so depressing that I am decamping from this country asap. I will have none of my meager assets grasped by reparations rip-offs making six-digit figures as a result of affirmative action.

    Comparing Disraeli to Obama? Only as writing forgettable, long, fiction.

  28. Maybe Obama was inspired to write his book by JFK's "Profiles In Courage", which was very well received during the time he was running for President.
    Many believe it was ghost written by Kennedy family friend,
    Theodore "Ted" Sorensen.

  29. "Wesley Snipes for president. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat."

    First he's got to settle up on his taxes.

    - Fred

  30. "Zimmer Sr. faces Frank Lautenberg in the general election."

    Lautenberg is a strange animal: His pre-Senate background was as impressive as his Senate career has been lackluster.

    Lautenberg came back from WWII, went to Columbia on the GI Bill, and then went on to co-found ADP, which today is a $22 billion company and one of less than ten companies in the world to have a AAA credit rating (credit ratings for actual companies weren't given out as easily as they were for complex securities recently).

    Including this current term, Lautenberg has spent about 24 years in the Senate, and I can't think of anything significant he accomplished besides getting smoking banned on domestic flights years ago. He always seemed to me like a guy who went into politics not because he had any passion to affect policy but because he had more money than he knew what to do with and was bored.

    - Fred

  31. Folks who are whining about Steve's Obama-journalism...please quit.

    This is the next President we are talking about, likely one of the most destructive in the country's soon-to-be-concluded history. The inner man and his formative experiences are absolutely relevant, and Steve's thinking on the issue is the best anywhere. This is specialization at work. Keep it up Sailer.

  32. B. Positioning himself to whites as the moderate savior who could keep all this pent-up black rage roiling the ghettos of Hawaii from blowing up on them.

    And it's that hope which particularly appeals to the white people of Vermont and Oregon and other states with a miniscule black population. I think the white people of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Missouri are less hopeful.

    I say forget Webb. Obama needs someone who gives him a chance in those 4 purple states (Rendell, Gephardt, Strickland). If McCain sweeps those states, he'll be our next POTUS.

  33. William, Obama only speaks "authoritatively" when he has a set speech memorized and a teleprompter. When he has to answer questions he's full of "uhs" and pauses and incomprehensible words that make Dan Quayle look decisive and learned.

    McCain, when he's offering cutting remarks, can be fairly funny in a nasty sort of way. His remarks on the Woodstock Museum, aka the "Hippy Museum" were pretty funny. "It was a counter-culture event. And I'm told a pharmacological event. But I wasn't there. I was tied up at that time."

    The difference is that Obama is a BS artist, who thinks enough BS thrown around can solve everything. McCain despises any effort to make a speech since he finds the whole thing tedious and pointless, but can be deadly cutting and funny. Probably honed in the pilot ready room and then the Hanoi Hilton, baiting his torturers.

    Obama can only go on so long doing speeches. It's why McCain challenged him to Town-Hall style debates.

  34. I think the white people of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Missouri are less hopeful. I say forget Webb. Obama needs someone who gives him a chance in those 4 purple states (Rendell, Gephardt, Strickland). If McCain sweeps those states, he'll be our next POTUS.

    He doesn't need a chance in Pennsylvania & Michigan - he needs Pennsylvania AND Michigan, full stop. PA and MI have gone solidly Dem in the last 2 elections (at least). If he loses there he's toast. I doubt there's a scenario where he loses PA but picks up some major state(s) that the GOP has generally taken.

    As for whether Webb's the right guy or not to hold those states and sway others - politics today is more about personality than geography. There are 3,000,000 working class whites in Michigan and Pennsylvania who would be more drawn to a Jim Webb than to, say, a Carl Levin or Bob Casey, Jr.

    Lautenberg is a strange animal: His pre-Senate background was as impressive as his Senate career has been lackluster.

    Ah, yes - Senator Lautenberg. The guy who wouldn't hold his seat if the New Jersey Supremes hadn't played their dirty tricks.

    There was a furious debate on The Corner several years ago between John Derbyshire and John Podhoretz on whether US immigration policy had the right to take ethnic balance into consideration, with each taking you-know-which side. I always wanted to intervene in that debate by asking Podhoretz what he then thought the Lautenberg Amendment - the amendment that "didn't take ethnicity into account" when it specifically gave favor to hundreds of thousands of Russian Jews.

    The entire debate Podhoretz was pretty much dancing around the position that America would basically suck if it weren't for his people. Of course he threw in Catholics, Italians, Irish and so on to make himself sound so very enlightened.

  35. Obama is thankfully doomed, along with the Democratic Party, because his explicit electoral coalition is based on South Side Chicago racial politics, with working class whites, the biggest electoral group, as the enemy. He can't help make whites the enemy (well working/middle class ones) and his coalition of blacks + yuppies is too small outside of South Side Chicago.

    While taking a talk this evening in our quiet, well kept, San Jose neighborhood I spotted a bumper sticker bearing 'Obama for Change' imposed on a Vietnam era peace sign and immediately visualized 'Obama for Change' imposed on the symbol of 1960s Black Power, the single defiant upraised fist.

  36. "Ah, yes - Senator Lautenberg. The guy who wouldn't hold his seat if the New Jersey Supremes hadn't played their dirty tricks."

    Just to clarify for the uninitiated (and this is from someone who voted for the other guy, the hapless Doug Forrester):

    Lautenberg won three terms in the U.S. Senate (including one against a Heisman Trophy winner/Rhodes Scholar/retired Army general) and then retired in 2000. In 2002, Bob Torricelli was running for reelection against an uncharismatic Republican named Doug Forrester, whose whole campaign was centered around hammering Torricelli for his corruption (there were allegations that The Torch had taken bribes from a Korean businessman in return for political favors). Forrester would have won the election if the NJ Supreme Court hadn't allowed the Dems to swap out Torricelli for Lautenberg (who they had begged out of retirement) after the state's official deadline to switch candidates.

    A few years later, Jersey Dems pulled a similarly dishonest, though probably more technically legal stunt to keep the governorship in Dem hands after McGreevey's gay corruption scandal.

    As for the Lautenberg Amendment, I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for the link. So I guess that makes two significant accomplishments for Lautenberg's Senate career. If that cohort of Russian immigrants includes a handful of Sergei Brins or Lautenbergs (one of whose parents was Russian), it will be a boon to this country's economy.

    - Fred

  37. If that cohort of Russian immigrants includes a handful of Sergei Brins or Lautenbergs (one of whose parents was Russian), it will be a boon to this country's economy.

    Not if it also includes a handful of Emanuel Cellers, Emma Goldmans, Gloria Steinems, Bill Kristols, Paul Wolfowitzs, Bernie Sanders and Howard Zinns.

    If you're gunna take credit for the upside then I damn sure have the right to debit you for the downside.

    As I pointed out in another thread, there are plenty of economies in this world doing very well without lots of Jews.

  38. (this might be slightly off topic, but it was so absurd I had to bring this up somewhere.)

    Wait, Steve, wait. Haven't you been reading Andrew Sullivan? Sullivan's got this guy all figured out on this race thing. Check it out:

    "part of what appealed to Obama about Trinity was precisely its occasional lapses into separatism and black nationalism. Why? Because Obama knew those elements were part of the urban black experience and also understood the need to include them in a dialogue in order to overcome them.

    So, Obama joined that church, not because he agreed with them on hating whitey, he joined that church because he wanted to heal them of their hatred, and in healing them, heal the country. Obama joined that hateful church not for him, Steve, but for all of us.

    /cue soaring violin music and women wiping away tears/

    On a side note, I've decided to join a local chapter of the neo-nazi movement. Because I know those are elements of the rural skinhead white experience and also because I understand the need to include them in a dialogue in order to overcome them.

  39. "While taking a talk this evening in our quiet, well kept, San Jose neighborhood I spotted a bumper sticker bearing 'Obama for Change' imposed on a Vietnam era peace sign..."

    That's a scary thought all right. But it really is still a white working class country and testing99 is right: they will crawl across broken glass and vote for John McCain's corpse if they have to.

    This is one more way that the liberal elites just do not get it. If Colin Powell were to run as a Democrat and tell his fellow blacks that welfare is poison and the victim account is used up, the white working class would line up ten deep to vote for him. It would be a master stroke and the Democrats would have the White House for as long as they wanted it. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party is dominated by urban anti-whites. They are not going to get much more mileage out of white guilt in an increasingly Hispanic/Asian/Hindu country.

    BTW, there was an interesting mayoral race in Atlanta some years ago. The light-skinned black incumbent, Bill Campbell, was challenged by the black-as-the-ace-of-spades Marvin Arrington. Arrington preached fiscal prudence and personal responsibility and got the solid support of whites and the blue-blood bankers and lawyers. Of course, Campbell gave out the goodies in the housing projects that Atlanta's urban black politicos have reliably drawn upon for votes for the past 30 years.

    In a recent interview, now-Judge Arrington condemned the light-skinned black elite (New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin is a member of this group) for their failed urban policies and for sabotaging his campaign. Interesting stuff.

    Senor Doug.

  40. "He always seemed to me like a guy who went into politics not because he had any passion to affect policy but because he had more money than he knew what to do with and was bored."

    Lautenberg only went into politics so he could get a train station named after him. I liked the name Secaucus Junction just fine though.

  41. "Not if it also includes a handful of Emanuel Cellers, Emma Goldmans, Gloria Steinems, Bill Kristols, Paul Wolfowitzs, Bernie Sanders and Howard Zinns."

    Do you even know what Kristol, Wolfowitz, Sanders, and Zinn stand for? About the only thing they all have in common is that they are American Jews. Sanders is a socialist who was against the Iraq war and is enormously popular among his mostly non-Jewish constituents in Vermont for advocating for policies like free dental care for poor whites. Zinn was against the Iraq War and pretty much every other American foreign policy intervention. He even had misgivings about the bombs he dropped on Germans toward the end of WWII.

    If you want to claim that the net contribution of Jews to America has been negative, knock yourself out, but you're pissing in the wind.

    - Fred

  42. Born Fighting was influenced by Albion's Seed, by David Hackett Fisher, a great book cited many times by Steve Sailer. It is a good read. So are the three or four novels by Webb I have read, including Fields of Fire.

  43. If that cohort of Russian immigrants includes a handful of Sergei Brins or Lautenbergs (one of whose parents was Russian), it will be a boon to this country's economy.

    Sergei Brin: business with $184 billion market cap.

    Paul Wolfowitz & Bill Kristol: war costing us $1 trillion plus.

    When you take into account the fact that much of the economic contributions of immigrants are being sent to relatives overseas, not being taxed (due to lower taxes on the rich), or (thanks to the charitable proclivities of the elite) being spent outside the US or pushing left-wing causes, actual Americans are benefitting less and less from what economic growth they do generate.

    The cost of that damn war is ll ours, though.

  44. The Russia mob in America is mostly Jewish. The Russian mob is is costing millions each year in law enforcement costs. There are better ways to spend this money.

    I also don't want Christian towns and cities across America demgraphically transformed by Russian Jews.

    Downside of Russian Jews:1965 immigration refrom act which if allowed to continue much longer will very likely reduce Euro-Americans to a racial minority.

  45. "Paul Wolfowitz & Bill Kristol: war costing us $1 trillion plus."

    Bill Kristol = Co-editor (with the non-Jew Fred Barnes) of a small circulation weekly opinion magazine. Paul Wolfowitz = former deputy Defense Secretary. The Iraq War was authorized by overwhelming majorities in the House and Senate. One of the other Jews you used before as a negative example, Bernie Sanders, voted against the Iraq War (as did other Jews, such as Wellstone, Boxer, Levin, Feingold, etc.). Which suggests, as I implied before, that you were completely ignorant of Sanders's politics when you wrote your previous post. It's incoherent to slam Wolfowitz & Kristol for supporting the Iraq War at the same time you slam Sanders and Zinn for opposing it.

    "When you take into account the fact that much of the economic contributions of immigrants are being sent to relatives overseas"

    ADP and Google have created tens of thousands of high-paying jobs in the U.S. How many jobs have you created? And how much money have Sergei Brin and Frank Lautenberg sent to relatives overseas?

    "(due to lower taxes on the rich)"

    The top 1% of tax payers pay almost 40% of all income taxes. The two anti-Iraq War Jewish leftists you hate, Sanders and Zinn, would agree with your anti-rich populism, but all three of you are ignorant. The rich carry the rest of us on their backs in this country; the bottom 40% of American tax payers pay no net income taxes.

    - Fred

  46. My local newspaper didn't even mention the Tony Rezko convictions (though they managed to post a story on the conviction of Rep. William Jefferson's family members (though he's not anywhere near our state).

    So the lead story on Yahoo? The presidential fist-bump (It's All the Rage!) between Obama and his wife, and all the intense analysis of "what it means."

    It's one of those days where you realize that the world has truly gone mad.

  47. One last thing: can we just accept that Jews built our remarkable film and television industries, and we owe them a huge debt?...It's curious how "race-realism" only goes so far for some, before race-resentment and its attendant conspiratorial fantasies take over.

    There is acknowledgement of the facts and there is exaggeration of the facts. I favor the former and loathe the later.

    Fact 1) Jews contributed greatly to the entertainment industry.

    Fact 2) Lots of non-Jews also helped build that industry, which would still exist and be pretty decent sans Jews.

    Fact 3) Jews contribute greatly to our economy.

    Fact 4) Even white countries without many Jews do quite well ( Germany probably has one of the highest per capita trade surpluses in the world).

    Fact 5) Jews have contributed greatly to the intellectual and political world.

    Fact 6) Some of those contributions - the complete inability to deal rationally with immigration - are on the verge of destroying the West.

    Fact 7) Fact 1 means that getting the information out about Fact 6 is well-nigh impossible to do.

    Fact 8) Facts 3 and 5 do not make Fact 6 any easier to swallow.

  48. "I also don't want Christian towns and cities across America demgraphically transformed by Russian Jews."

    A few hundred thousand Russian Jewish immigrants are going to demographically transform "Christian towns and cities across America"? That sentence wonderfully combines paranoia and innumeracy.

    "Downside of Russian Jews:1965 immigration refrom act which if allowed to continue much longer will very likely reduce Euro-Americans to a racial minority."

    How are the Russian Jews that immigrated here post-1989 via the Lautenberg Amendment responsible for the 1965 immigration act? Are you suggesting that one of them invented time travel?

    "My local newspaper didn't even mention the Tony Rezko convictions (though they managed to post a story on the conviction of Rep. William Jefferson's family members (though he's not anywhere near our state)."

    Rezko isn't a Jew, Willy. Maybe you can read up on his background after you educate yourself about how the respective political views of Bill Kristol and Howard Zinn are diametrically opposed to each other.

    - Fred

  49. Rezko isn't a Jew, Willy.

    Get thee hence, troll! Did I say he was?


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