July 25, 2008

MSM starts to notice Obama's biography gap

Gabriel Sherman's article "End of the Affair" in The New Republic recounts a lot of gripes reporters have with the arrogance and secrecy of the Obama campaign. Most of it is the usual dull whining, but this is interesting:

"Reporters who have covered Obama's biography or his problems with certain voter blocs have been challenged the most aggressively. "They're terrified of people poking around Obama's life," one reporter says. "The whole Obama narrative is built around this narrative that Obama and David Axelrod built, and, like all stories, it's not entirely true. So they have to be protective of the crown jewels." Another reporter notes that, during the last year, Obama's old friends and Harvard classmates were requested not to talk to the press without permission."

Better late than never, I suppose ...

By the way, can you imagine being asked not to talk to the press about some guy you went to school with without his permission?

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Could be Nixonite paranoia in the early stages.

    - Maxwell

  2. Obama's people have managed an incredible feat of concealment. They are rightly afraid that they can't get away with it forever if there is too much scrutiny.

    For example, he has a Muslim name. His mother and father were Muslims. His brothers and sisters were Muslims. His uncles and aunts were Muslims. He attended Muslim classes because he was registered as a Muslim boy from a Muslim family.

    Yet, Obama's people have managed to convince the public and John McCain that it is impermissible to suggest in any way that he is now or ever was a Muslim.

    I don't think that he is a "Manchurian Candidate" who was secretly implanted by Muslim terrorists but surely his attitudes toward Islam are relevant especially when we are currently at war in two Muslim countries.

    If I were on a jury panel for a case involving Roman Catholic priests and child molestation I would expect some tough questions in the voir dire. My name sounds Irish. My parents and all my relatives were Irish Catholics. I went to Catholic school.

    Its true, I quit the Catholic church, but could I now say that not only was my Catholic upbringing irrelevant but that it was impermissible even to allude to it. Would the attorney's or the judge accept that?

    Because of my early Catholic background I am probably less sympathetic to the offenses of Catholic priests that would be a typical non-Catholic. I would just like to know if Obama, as an ex-Muslim, is today more or less sympathetic to the offenses of Islam.

    It appears that Obama has rather more sympathy for Islam especially radical Islam than I am comfortable with.

    Anything that uncovers Obama's Islamic roots and sympathies will not be welcome to his campaign. I could understand a spin that promoted Obama as a world leader because he as a former Muslim knew and understood Islam. But no. They have taken the amazing tack that Barrack Hussein Obama is not now and never was a Muslim.

    Such a daring political concealment must make his staff very nervous.

  3. Let us hope it is not in any sense "Nixonite." Remember, Nixon actually got to be President.

  4. In Nixon's case, somebody really was out to get him.

  5. "his problems with certain voter blocs"?

    Which problems? which voter blocs?

  6. This confirms my suspicion that Obama has something to hide--or perhaps he has nothing to show! His track record of actual achievements is awfully slight, e.g. his attack on the asbestos in the run-down district of Chicago where he worked as an "organizer," i.e. agitator. The very idea of forbidding former classmates, over whom he has no legitimate authority, to discuss him is evidence of the kind of control he would attempt to exert if he is elected.

  7. Maybe the MSM will find their balls now that the Silky Pony has been found to be a fallen angel.

  8. By the way, can you imagine being asked not to talk to the press about some guy you went to school with without his permission?

    Have you considered the possibility that the particular classmates asked not to speak to reporters are also old friends? The article did not feature a direct quotation and the journalist who supplied this tidbit was not necessarily precise or accurate in his characterization to his fellow reporter.

    And were it me, I would politely refer the reporters to the candidate's press agents and say nothing at all. A prudent man loyal to his friends would not have to be asked.

  9. "By the way, can you imagine being asked not to talk to the press about some guy you went to school with without his permission?"

    Especially if he's running for President?

    But this points to something else.

    What does Obama have in common with the rest of the Country?

    Two things.

    1 - A refusal to talk about the Family.

    But, since that's almost impossible, it leads us to number two.

    2 - A willingness to lie about ones Family.

    But there's something more. I believe that the issue of the Family runs so deep most people simply do not have a language with which they can talk about beyond the usual platitudes. And this in spite of the fact that today we have more precise information, knowledge, about the subject.

    On top of that we have something just as, or even more, disturbing. And that is the refusal of those in Family Systems Psychology (who are actually working in the tradition of Darwin as their thinking is specifically Ecological) to address the issue of Political Correctness.
    For those not aware Family Systems makes it clear that dysfunctional families are anti-democratic and promote the No Talk Rules of both the Patriarchal and Matriarchal Systems. Both of which promote and foster Blind Obedience.

    I once asked the man considered to be the leading figure of Family Systems,

    "How do you reconcile Deep Democracy with Political Correctness."

    I have yet to hear an answer. My guess is that he's never been asked the question and doesn't know what to say.

    Having said that, I would not want to turn the word "Family" into something sacred that terminates every explanation of everything we experience, the way Communists and Socialists and Capitalists and Christians and Jews and Muslims, Blacks, Mexicans, etc. do with their explanations. But the word Family as a way of understanding behavior IS important, useful and extremely relevant and deserves our attention. I think, indirectly, Obama will actually help us see the light in this regard. Maybe some hope can be found in the very title of this article - "MSM starts to notice Obama's biography gap."

  10. In University days, Gordon Brown, current British PM, bounced a cheque on me. Ask permission, indeed!

  11. I saw the following on the web - i haven't been able to verify it

    has anyone else been able to confirm this?

    the former
    Guidance Counselor of Obama's private Hawaiian school
    has supplied The Washington Post with a certified copy of
    Obama's Stanford-Banai IQ Certification, one of which was taken in 1966 when he was a kindergardener in Hawaii before moving to Indonesia, and one which was taken as entrance protocol as a freshman in his private (extremely exclusive) Honolulu private highschool.

    His IQ was clocked at 172 and 166 respectively

  12. Anon -- Obama is not that Bright.

    I think what is significant is that Obama's "staffers" are quoted as being "terrified" of the press poking around in Obama's personal life.

    Now, the "staffers" being "terrified" is significant. Most of them likely know very little about the candidate's background, positions, past comfort with Islamic radicalism, Marxist Radicalism, anti-American feelings/statements, and so on. Or birth records, and things like that. Most of his staff are late adds, who probably joined him in the last two years and did not ask many questions or conduct deep background checks.

    Instead, they are "terrified" about the press's scrutiny in Obama's background. Past non-achievements are irrelevant (and the staffers would not know of them anyway). Far more likely is behavior that they see every day from the candidate, that is hard to conceal if the press has regular access (and is behavior that his long-time friends and associates also know well).

    Note again, restricted press access to the candidate.


    Two things come to mind: sex and drugs.

    Obama might be a womanizer, ala JFK, Edwards, and Clinton. It's hard to conceal, and such a reality would tarnish (though not IMHO fatally wound) the candidate and campaign. To me heterosexual sex would not be fatal. Edwards' problem is cheating on his dying of cancer wife, not the cheating in and of itself.

    Gay sex? That's a killer though frankly I doubt it. Such actions are hard to conceal but I see no indications of it.

    DRUG USE? I'll note that unlike others on the campaign trail, Obama is not getting fatter (as McCain, Hillary, Clinton, and others have all struggled with bad, fatty, unhealthy food on the go have detailed). If anything, he's getting thinner. Drug use would be nearly impossible to conceal from long-time associates and staffers, and would account for both the press at bay and weird stumbles over obvious things (don't bash blue collar whites, be patriotic, don't say Citizen of the World, etc.)

    Drug use to combat the weariness of the campaign, and/or as Steve has noted the manic-depressive nature of Obama must be a great temptation, and Obama has admitted drug use in the past. [Self-medication as he put over racial anxiety / identity crisis.]

    JFK was a walking pharmacy, so there is precedent. As well as concealing it.

    IF it's true (it might well not be and the story simply false) then Obama cannot afford to FIRE anyone, lest tales be told out of school.

    It might also be the "bombshell" that Hillary and her campaign claimed to have on Obama. Electing an open drug addict to the Presidency is not a step most American will take.

  13. By the way, can you imagine being asked not to talk to the press about some guy you went to school with without his permission?

    Judith Giuliani warned her own parents off talking to the press, when Rudy was running for President. do you think McCain hasn't put the fear of God into anyone who has the dope (no pun intended) on Cindy? I don't think any party has a monopoly on paranoid, controlling behavior, esp. this close to an election.

    dearieme, Twenty years ago, I lived in the same block of flats as Gordon Brown, who often had to be chased down to pay his share of the block fees. Are we seeing a pattern here?

    testing, Obama is a high strung, nervous man, who doesn't look as if he's ever weighed 150 lbs dripping wet in his adult life. He's also 20+ years younger than the other names you mentioned, which makes a big difference. He could simply have a high metabolism, and be a control freak.

  14. I thought I read somewhere the suggestion that opposition researchers were trying to turn up white former girlfriends of BHO. (I haven't heard whether there really are any out there or if this was something they were just hoping to discover.)

  15. According to his autobiography, he had a white girlfriend of the WASP upper class, and they were getting serious, but then he dumped her because she was white.

  16. testing99: Gay sex? That's a killer though frankly I doubt it.

    I would be very, very surprised if Obama weren't at least bisexual [and frankly I would be surprised if his bisexuality didn't begin to blossom in his teenaged years, under the tutelage of Frank Marshall Davis].

    On the other hand, I agree with you that drug use is [also] very likely. Now whether they would illegal drugs that he's taking - like coke or meth - versus prescription drugs, like, well, meth, or prozac - versus a combination of both illegal and prescription drugs - I don't know.

    As for his weight, in fairness to Obama, he's the offspring of a white girl from Kansas and an East African from Kenya, and there can't be a whole lot of people like him in the world, so who's to say what his body type really "ought" to be?

    But by the standards of the descendants of the former slaves in America who trace their stock to West Africa, Obama would be in the bottom 1% of 1% in terms of body fat - I can't think of a brutha in his late 40's who's that skinny [unless maybe said brutha had AIDS].

    I don't know if I've ever seen a picture of Obama Sr after the [circa 1970] photo from the airport:



    So I don't have any idea what Obama Sr looked like as the alcoholism was killing him [and if Obama II is a druggie, then obviously he could have inherited the addiction "gene" from his father].

    Now one of Obama Sr's sons from his first "marriage" was tracked down recently by the UK Sun, and he looks like he's been downin' the fish-n-chips:


    And Stanley Ann Dunham had ballooned into a holstein before the cancer got her:


    [I guess they feed those peasant-blacksmithing grad students pretty well at the University of Hawaii.]

    Anyway, given what we can see of Obama Sr, Stanley Ann Dunham, and Bernard Obama [the half-brother], Obama II certainly does appear to be of a completely different body type.

  17. "According to his autobiography, he had a white girlfriend of the WASP upper class, and they were getting serious, but then he dumped her because she was white."

    WTF? Really? Why do I have to learn everything from Steven Sailer?

    Could you provide the quote?

  18. Anon -- Obama is not that Bright.

    How would you know? From reading his two books (neither ghost-written) it's clear he must have an extremely high verbal IQ, several standard deviations above the norm. Both books are extremely well written. (And I might add that they contain no examples of random capitalized adjectives in the middle of a sentence).

  19. Electing an open drug addict to the Presidency is not a step most American will take.

    Until quite recently, Obama was definitely a confirmed drug addict. He smoked cigarettes. He *claims* to have quit...but nicotine is a notoriously hard habit to break. COULD HE STILL BE HOOKED?

  20. "Could you provide the quote?"

    Sure. From Dreams from My Father:

    I went to the refrigerator and pulled out two green peppers, setting them on the cutting board. “Well…there was a
    woman in New York that I loved. She was white. She had dark hair, and specks of green in her eyes. Her voice
    sounded like a wind chime. We saw each other for almost a year. On the weekends, mostly. Sometimes in her
    apartment, sometimes in mine. You know how you can fall into your own private world? Just two people, hidden and
    warm. Your own language. Your own customs. That’s how it was.
    “Anyway, one weekend she invited me to her family’s country house. The parents were there, and they were very
    nice, very gracious. It was autumn, beautiful, with woods all around us, and we paddled a canoe across this round, icy
    lake full of small gold leaves that collected along the shore. The family knew every inch of the land. They knew how
    the hills had formed, how the glacial drifts had created the lake, the names of the earliest white settlers-their ancestorsand
    before that, the names of the Indians who’d once hunted the land. The house was very old, her grandfather’s house.
    He had inherited it from his grandfather. The library was filled with old books and pictures of the grandfather with
    famous people he had known-presidents, diplomats, industrialists. There was this tremendous gravity to the room.
    Standing in that room, I realized that our two worlds, my friend’s and mine, were as distant from each other as Kenya is
    from Germany. And I knew that if we stayed together I’d eventually live in hers. After all, I’d been doing it most of my
    life. Between the two of us, I was the one who knew how to live as an outsider.”
    “So what happened.”
    I shrugged. “I pushed her away. We started to fight. We started thinking about the future, and it pressed in on our
    warm little world. One night I took her to see a new play by a black playwright. It was a very angry play, but very
    funny. Typical black American humor. The audience was mostly black, and everybody was laughing and clapping and
    hollering like they were in church. After the play was over, my friend started talking about why black people were so
    angry all the time. I said it was a matter of remembering-nobody asks why Jews remember the Holocaust, I think I saidand
    she said that’s different, and I said it wasn’t, and she said that anger was just a dead end. We had a big fight, right
    in front of the theater. When we got back to the car she started crying. She couldn’t be black, she said. She would if she
    could, but she couldn’t. She could only be herself, and wasn’t that enough.”
    “That’s a sad story, Barack.”
    “I suppose. Maybe even if she’d been black it still wouldn’t have worked out. I mean, there are several black ladies
    out there who’ve broken my heart just as good.” I smiled and scraped the cut-up peppers into the pot, and then turned
    back to Auma. “The thing is,” I said, no longer smiling, “whenever I think back to what my friend said to me, that night
    outside the theater, it somehow makes me ashamed.”
    “Do you ever hear from her?”
    “I got a postcard at Christmas. She’s happy now; she’s met someone. And I have my work.”
    “Is that enough?”

  21. By the way, can you imagine being asked not to talk to the press about some guy you went to school with without his permission?

    I would definitely find that an incentive to talk to the press.

    For example, he has a Muslim name. His mother and father were Muslims. His brothers and sisters were Muslims. His uncles and aunts were Muslims. He attended Muslim classes because he was registered as a Muslim boy from a Muslim family.

    Heh, this would go straight into my Republican 527 ads. But they're too big a bunch of sissies to do that, I think.

    The Republicans get to decide who will be president; unfortunately, I think there's a good chance they'll choose the guy named Hussein. The fact that McCain is a total douchebag makes this pill easier to swallow.

  22. One can imagine him being rather daunted by the milieu in which this young woman lived. Provided that she was not alienated from her own background, and depending on some unspecified contingencies, he would have faced the prospect (eventually) of having to provide for someone accustomed to luxury or being (even though gainfully employed) something of a kept man in the home of a woman of means. Neither prospect is particularly appealing. It is not clear from the passage that he was thinking in these terms, rather than the more self-centered terms of being an 'outsider'.

    The wretched irony is that the world he grew up in had little to do with the black urban archipellago or small towns in Alabama. She could not be 'black', but neither could he. His world was that of Honolulu's haolie bourgeoisie. For whatever reason, he does not seem to have ever wanted to live in it.

  23. Uh, I don't see anything in the excerpt that Steve just posted ["icy lake full of small gold leaves that collected along the shore" - are the leaves IN the lake, or are they ON THE SHORE of the lake???] which would lead me to believe that Obama has an IQ of "172 [or] 166", nor do I see any evidence of "an extremely high verbal IQ, several standard deviations above the norm".

    Instead, I see normal, prosaic, run-of-the mill blather which any college grad with an IQ of 115 could have hacked out in about ten minutes.

    I do, however, see plenty of evidence of some really deep-seated hostility and antagonism, and, quite frankly, racial hatred [assuming he's being honest in what he's writing, which, given my opinion of Obama, might not be a good assumption].

  24. PS: If Obama has an IQ of 115 [which would be my best guess - 120 max], then he would most definitely be "several standard deviations above the norm" for American blacks who are the descendants of slaves of Western African stock.

    However, he would be only about one standard deviation above the norm for all Caucasians, and merely average for e.g. the Ashkenazim or the Zoroastrians or the Lebanese Christians [etc etc etc].

  25. Steve!

    You're messing with religious people!

    Don't you get it? Obama is Jesus!

    He is the Chosen One, come to save us all from racism! Uh...I mean, from unaffordable health care. Yeah, that's the ticket.

    You don't mess with Jesus, man. Especially black Jesus. White Jesus might forgive you, black Jesus don't be forgivin' NOBODY.

    When you mess with Jesus, his followers start screeching evil and hate.

    It is a wholly religious (irrational) phenomenon, which can be understood, but not entirely mitigated. Look at the dummies who voted for Bush...the SECOND time...

  26. Steve,
    I read the section of Obama's book you posted and it sounds very literary to me, i.e., like he slanted it and exaggerated elements of truth to make some sort of point rather than describing something that actually happened. Taking his white girlfriend to an angry black play reminds me of the scene in "Taxi Driver" when Travis Bickle takes Cybill Shepherd to a porno movie. Also, what play was that that attracted a mostly black audience? Maybe a comedy show or a hip-hop concert, but a play?

  27. It's curious how Obama's life, as he describes it in "Dreams from My Father", seems so neatly organized into a series of morality tales. Slick parables.

    Self-awareness is one thing ... but here there is a kind of claustrophic self-regard or narcissism. One doesn't sense the heartbreak he refers to ... but perhaps it's just well hidden behind the coy smile he allows himself as he scrapes the peppers into the pot.

    Afterall, the young hero of this picaresque novel that is his life was on the road to greater things ...

  28. Wow, it's hard to believe Steve hasn't written about that before. It's probably the best textual evidence of some things he's been saying about Obama. More significant than his meeting his half-brother.

  29. "Gay sex? That's a killer though frankly I doubt it. Such actions are hard to conceal but I see no indications of it."

    Really? Who was the black commenter who claimed Bill Clinton had had sex with more black women than has Obama? You should hone your powers of observation. Or you might just be one of the dozens of Obama bloggers attempting to throw the true seeker off the scent.
    I'm female, but long before I, and others of my acquaintance, heard the "allegations" my radar detected something icky and sicky about him, but I wasn't sure it had anything to do with sex.

  30. "Her voice sounded like a wind chime"

    That's funny.

    His account of his WASP girlfriend with her families house on the "lake full of small gold leaves" sounds made up. He says he is a fan of Hemmingway, but he writes like a fan of F. Scott Fitzgerald.

    And of course the break up is connected to Obama's "issues" of racial identity, instead of some mundane reason.

  31. Has Obama's white ex-girlfriend from "Dreams from My Father" been identified?

    Of not, she could be completely made up or at least extremely embellished by our young author. She just sounds too perfect. Too much like Eric Segal's "Love Story" in reverse in that he was the boy of uncultivated pedigree meeting the parents of an Optimate daughter.

    The whole passage strikes me as though Obama's imagination ran wild and came up with this "I ascended the pinnacle of white man's world and ultimately rejected it" narrative.

  32. PS: If Obama has an IQ of 115 [which would be my best guess - 120 max], then he would most definitely be "several standard deviations above the norm" for American blacks who are the descendants of slaves of Western African stock.

    I am not sure how you can, by inspection, estimate his scores on psychometric examinations.

    The score you cite would be about the median for a pool of baccalaureate degree holders from institutions of average selectivity. The Senator received his juris doctor, magna cum laude, from the Harvard Law School. There are quite a number of curios in the Senator's career as a lawyer, among them a lack of scholarly publishing and an absence of interest in clerking for a judge. His academic excellence, however, is not a matter of dispute.

  33. Also, what play was that that attracted a mostly black audience? Maybe a comedy show or a hip-hop concert, but a play?

    I seem to recall reading an article about the playwright August Wilson a decade ago which discussed a whole subculture in regional theatre run by and for blacks but within which Mr. Wilson's name was not well known at all. The article may have been in New York magazine. It is possible that Mr. Obama took his girl to a production like that.

  34. The comments this time around have produced a dismal showing.

    Before you guys start frothing at the lips, I have a masters degree from a prestigious university.

    This crap about "self-destructive" low IQ people is deliriously stupid and ugly.

    The middle class culture of America is revered throughout the world, i.e., especially American music.

    This ugly explosion of "high IQ" arrogance... well, Jesus, I'm glad I don't know the bastards who felt obliged to comment in this manner. What self-infatuated, not to mention delusional, sons-of-bitches!

    And, yes, I ride a Harley.

  35. Obama looks stick thin because of his East African genes.

    I used to live in Columbus, OH, where - for some bizarre reason - the U.S. government has a policy to resettle tens of thousands of Somalian refugees. These Somalians are all immediately discernible from American (West African) blacks. Also, every single one of them is stick thin, with the same "Starving Somalian" appearance despite obviously not starving here in the U.S.


  36. I'm female, but long before I, and others of my acquaintance, heard the "allegations" my radar detected something icky and sicky about him, but I wasn't sure it had anything to do with sex.

    Oh wow, a gay, half-black president of the US. What could be more perfect. I imagine that everyone at the NY Times would orgasm on November 11 at midnight.

    In other quarters, like Pandagon, it would make up for the Silky Pony being caught dipping his wick outside the marital vagina.

  37. Re Hillary knowing something damaging about NoBama:

    rumors of a viedotape of the Missus making inflammatory remarks aboiut whites.

  38. I don't see anything in the excerpt that Steve just posted ["icy lake full of small gold leaves that collected along the shore" - are the leaves IN the lake, or are they ON THE SHORE of the lake???] which would lead me to believe that Obama has an IQ of "172 [or] 166", nor do I see any evidence of "an extremely high verbal IQ, several standard deviations above the norm".

    LOL. Well, it's definitely far better writing than you see in the comment section of this website, so he must have a higher IQ than some of the folks around here who hate him. That excerpt is sort of precious (the funniest conceit is that he's spinning all this Masterpiece Theatre voice-over prose to his old aunt who asked him casually about an ex-gf). But anyway, you can't really judge IQ very precisely from writing, but I used to do quite a lot of grading of college essays, and his books would put him in the top 5 percent of American white college students for sure. It's not just the prose style but the depth of thought -- agree or disagree, he's got a lot going on, those are pretty self-aware books.

    Anyway, as I always say here, IQ is a very small part of the measure of a person. But I'd be willing to bet Obama's verbal IQ is at least 2 SD above the American population mean, perhaps more like three. I'll bet Steve would agree with me -- although he appears to detest Obama personally, Steve's too clever to confuse IQ and morality.

  39. 170 IQ? It's possible. We'll never know, though. President Obama is smart enough not to release his test scores no matter what they are.

    He's obviously a hell of a lot brighter than McCain, but the people who are impressed by that (like Mr. Sailer, for example) can already see it. Releasing a stratospheric score like 170 would make him come off like a braggart and egghead. Who doesn't have an annoying friend who constantly harps on his high IQ score? On the other hand, if it's lower than expected (say, anything under 130), it'd be a let-down for those who think he's the perfect man.

    Whatever the case, he's obviously more than smart enough for the job, which is a damn good thing because it's as good as his.

  40. We tend to get the leaders we deserve. Obama is JFK and Mandela and Bono and some rapper (sorry, I don't know their names) all rolled up in one. There's even a touch of F Scott Fitzgerald about the boy's literary style. He's the ultimate celebrity! What could be more appropriate than a celebrity president for a celebrity obsessed culture?

  41. 1) Magna cum laude from Harvard Law can't be easily faked. There's no way Obama has just a 120 IQ. One of the reasons Steve is credible is that he readily admits factual points like this. Lucius Vorenus, I've quietly read and agree with a lot of your other posts (especially re: "the situation is hopeless") but I do think you're incorrect on this one.

    2) Shouting Thomas equates the "middle class" with the low IQ. Well, hate to break it to you ST, but the middle class is not the underclass.

    The problems associated with low IQ are real and they are terrible. Low IQ whites may not have the same levels of aggression and libido that low IQ NAMs have, but they're still high enough to cause you to keep your children out of those neighborhoods. Who wants to live near meth heads or Boston's Southies, or send tax dollars to them?

  42. LN, I stopped following football a couple years ago, but didn't everyone think the Superbowl last year was "as good as theirs," and didn't they go home without rings?

    Just saying, that's why they play the games. And the media isn't the best scale for this, what with using their own thumb and all.

    Personally I think the Republicans control this election. If they play hardball they win, if not they don't.

  43. Shouting Thomas - Harleys are shit. Go ride a real bike.

  44. "I seem to recall reading an article about the playwright August Wilson a decade ago which discussed a whole subculture in regional theatre run by and for blacks but within which Mr. Wilson's name was not well known at all. The article may have been in New York magazine. It is possible that Mr. Obama took his girl to a production like that."

    I believe actor/writer Tyler Perry (now an auteur of black-oriented films and TV series) got his start in such plays.

  45. You guys who think Obambi has an IQ of 170 have drunk the koolaid.

    And you're also misunderestimating McCain - granted, I'm not crazy about the guy, but he was the clear winner of the GOP debates, and Mitt Romney [who has a far, far higher IQ than Obambi] looked, by comparison, like a deer in the headlights.

  46. David Davenport said...
    "Re Hillary knowing something damaging about NoBama:

    rumors of a viedotape of the Missus making inflammatory remarks aboiut whites."


    If I was some ruthless Political Strategist working for McCain, I would try to get Michele riled - by any means necessary - so as to get her to go off on "Whitey."

    and I mean, get her to go off in a way that would even make the blood of a die hard Obamautamaton curdle.

    I don't think it will take much, and I'm sure she will not disappoint. She might end up doing it like so many Blacks do, by completely letting herself go, and always without the slightest concern of ever being stopped, even by Whites who are there with their children. Like in Subways, Subway Stations, Bus stops, Bus stations, Public Schools, Hospitals, Concert Halls, Street Corners...wait, I'm not finished, Public Libraries, Museums, Open-Air Atriums, Waterfront Vistas, Tourist Attractions, National Parks, National Preserves, Restaurants, Restaurant Parking Lots, Sporting Events, Sport Centers, Sport Center Parking Lots, Casinos, yep, Casino Parking Lots, Major Cities, Small Towns, Foriegn Countries, Airports, Airplanes, Shopping Malls (how could I forget that one?) and Nightclubs.

    But never in an Aligator Swamp.

    Now THAT would be a good place for them to go off on Whitey. In fact, an Aligator Swamp should be the designated place for all non-stop, anti-White, ranting by people like her.

    But first, we've got to get her to go off. I think it can be done.

    Either way, you've got to admit, the thought does have its charms.


  47. 170 IQ? No, that's Einstein or Gauss.
    120 IQ? No, that's slightly above your average college grad.

    Obama has an IQ comparable to top Harvard Law School grads. Which is to say: on the level of Bill Clinton and verbally focused.

    Romney is probably smarter than Obama. So is Wes Clark. But Obama is highly intelligent. Of course, since his premises are bad, he will reason the country into a black hole. (Ooops, was that racist?)

  48. Actually, I think one interesting thing about Obama is that he's kind of unashamedly intellectual. I suspect this is required, to defeat the stereotype of blacks not being smart. But it's kind of nice anyway, seeing someone who's not pretending to be dumber than he is, so he can avoid offending voters who don't like smart people.

    I don't worry about his intelligence at all. About his policies, some, about his worldview, quite a bit, and about his utter, breathtaking lack of experience suitable for the job, a great deal, but not his intelligence. He's surely as bright as any of the last half dozen folks we've had in the white house.

  49. Richard H,
    I read somewhere that Levantine Christians are of European stock. Maybe settlers from Italy or white ex-slaves? That would be an interesting study. No wonder the Israelis like cooperating with the Christians in Lebanon.

  50. "dearieme, Twenty years ago, I lived in the same block of flats as Gordon Brown, who often had to be chased down to pay his share of the block fees. Are we seeing a pattern here?" Hats off to you, sir. It was a rent cheque that the bugger bounced on me.

  51. "I read somewhere that Levantine Christians are of European stock. Maybe settlers from Italy or white ex-slaves? That would be an interesting study. No wonder the Israelis like cooperating with the Christians in Lebanon."

    My dad is from Israel and his family for the most part perfers the Jews to the Palestianians. My dad is also an engineer though so that means he's been to college and took in the leftist indoctrination and sees the Americans and Israelis as colonialist oppressors. He's caught Obamamania.

    My mom on the other hand grew up on a farm and has a much healthier attitude towards Muslims and our minorities here. I remember a conversation I had with her while she was watching an Obama rally.

    Mom: Why are all the whites going crazy for the black? After all the stuff that his church and wife say? Don't they notice that he hates them?

    Me: Mom, you don't understand. That's the point. That's how they prove how un-racist they are.

    Mom: WTF? No, they're just afraid of them.

  52. Mr. O, a 170 IQ? Do you realize how rare that is, Mr. O bloggers? Even Einstein is usually estimated at 160 or so, although Einstein is now considered somewhat overrated and not really the best reference point for higest IQ.
    170 is about one thousandth of one percent even among whites. Among blacks is, well, even less, and even less than you'd think because their curve is narrower. An occasional one comes along, but with extraordinary rarity.
    With 170 IQ he'd be the Douglas McArthur of black Ivy League graduates.
    No. I don't think so, especially considering the rather mediocre-intelligence person he married. He's smart enough--certainly he appears smarter than the current occupant of the White House. But 170? No way. The Obama bloggers are all over the place with their propaganda and they're very clever, inventing former guidance counselors and invading places that care about stuff like IQ.
    And you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool them all, all the time.

  53. He's verbally adept, and he had good editors.

    This gives him a high IQ?

    Does wearing a suit mean a defendant is respectable?

    A bit more skepticism, please. Aren't blacks, as far as they go, strong on average at the spoken word? And coming to the written word: when you have powerful editors and nests of well-placed well-wishers grooming you...connect the dots.

    There is no evidence Obummer had a ghostwriter (and some interested testimony to the contrary), but neither is there any *evidence* he penned his tomes all by himself. After all, who does? JFK the young warrior, savior and genius didn't (revealed later).

    The truth is we have no idea what Obama's intelligence is. Being graduated from Harvard and serving as the law review's unpublished mascot or masthead requires no IQ over 115, the testimony of self-identified professional academics to the contrary notwithstanding. (One wonders what some of these Harvard-worshippers might say about Yale graduates, by contrast.) I was graduated from NYU at the top of my class without ever studying, cheating, or schmoozing; and could with only a little effort pen an application essay to make words fall away and my thoughts wiggle in all their freakish and fascinating variety. Means nothing. I may be as dumb as a rock (many graduates, including from Harvard, are, at least in some significant area of life). What counts in measuring IQ is an actual IQ test. Proxies are only that; and a college education is a poor one, in my opinion, regardless of which grove of academe we're puzzling over.

  54. 170 is about one thousandth of one percent even among whites.

    One in a hundred thousand isn't so ridiculous; the USA is huge and Sen. Obama's a pretty special guy. Sure, it's probably just propaganda, but 170 is not outside the realm of possibility.

    Among blacks is, well, even less, and even less than you'd think because their curve is narrower.

    You're forgetting that he's half white.

  55. 170 IQ? No, that's Einstein or Gauss.
    120 IQ? No, that's slightly above your average college grad.

    Obama has an IQ comparable to top Harvard Law School grads. Which is to say: on the level of Bill Clinton and verbally focused.

    Romney is probably smarter than Obama. So is Wes Clark. But Obama is highly intelligent. Of course, since his premises are bad, he will reason the country into a black hole. (Ooops, was that racist?)

    The best post on Obama's IQ in steve's comments ever, from what I've seen. Yeah, he's probably in the 145 range. Smart, much smarter than the average person, smarter than most of our recent presidents, present politicians. And with his bad premises and values combined with his apparently excellent speaking ability, that makes him extremely dangerous if elected. I'm rooting like crazy for split government next year, as impossible as it seems.

    It's really annoying following posts here: you get great, informative ones which you wouldn't get anywhere else, but there are so many racist, pathetically unfair posts that the whole mass is just a chore to wade through

  56. For Minister Farrakhan I would prefer to vote:

    Minister Farrakhan
    Who Are The Neo-Conservatives?

  57. Isn't all this "how clever is he?" stuff a bit beside the point? Here in Britain our newish PM, Mr Brown, is evidently distinctly more intelligent than his predecessor, Mr Blair, and much good it's done him, or us.

  58. "Richard H",
    Your ma got it right. In the old South Africa Afrikaners were known to be unafraid of blacks. They would take them on even when outnumbered. In Angola South African troops often punched thorough battles at odds as high as 1:35 coming out with only a few bleeding noses and trashing the opposing black armies. We used to call it “houding”, which is similar to “attitude”, something black Americans instinctively understand and respect. It’s actually not what sissies call racism nowadays, but rather group animus. Call it being street-wise. You can compare it to the rivalry between Israelis and Arabs. Afrikaners were fighting against blacks on an equal level for resources, power and survival. It’s not that colonial or Southern Plantation elite condescension but the will to get down and dirty for survival. The toughest group wins. That kind of attitude is way of the meter in our crazy modern PC world but it is the attitude which blacks understand on a gut level. That's the level at which the Obama campaign really works.

    Whilst portraying him as an intellectual, they are really intimidating the soft pussy whites. Blacks know a lot about intimidation. During the Apartheid unrests, intimidation was the major way in which the ANC coerced the other blacks to toe the line and join the protests. They killed a lot of people that way. In Zimbabwe, Mugabe's violence is really just voter intimidation. That's why it’s so ludicrous that the NAACP sues any state governments for voter intimidation. What voter intimidation really means you could study recently in Kenya (Obama's hinterland), and Zimbabwe. That's the real deal and your mom is right that most whites don't have the stomach for it. It is gruesome, bloody and very primitive and you have to fight for a long time to come out on top. The old Rhodesians and the Afrikaners had the stomach for it because it concerned their direct survival, however the western elites turned off the oxygen. Obama understands that he can intimidate whites along this line. It is very subtle now but will become more overt later on. In a way it’s Schadenfreude for Rhodesians and Afrikaners because we know the American whites don’t have the stomach for what’s coming. They are going to try and buy off or co-opt the black elite but it will not work. Some poster somewhere before called it “karma”, though I’m not sure that word gets used in the original Buddhist context.

  59. "170 IQ is not so ridiculous... America is a big country...You're forgetting that he's half white."

    How could I do that, what with his typical white grandparents who raised him, and all that jazz.
    170 IQ is ridiculous because we all now know a little about him, and his 57 US states.

    He's no genius and he's being run by Brzezinski & Co. He has speechwriters that worked for Clinton.

    By presidential candidate measures, the only thing that makes him out-of-the-ordinary-mediocre is his color, and that's wearing on people. In any case, it's irrational to consider his African ancestry a plus for any reason other than the black vote. This ancestry has no common precedent for creating creating just, efficient government, or for creating anything much at all really. Well--music I guess,but the past couple decades, even that's become a dirty joke,not a creative endeavor.


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