July 26, 2008

SPLC is back protecting the world from me

A reader emails:

Southern (possibly) Poverty (of thought?) Law (!?) Center (?):


Nice spelling.

Here's the real story on the SPLC.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Dude, you made the big time. Congrats.

  2. The SPLC, a gangrenous appendix that needs to be disposed of as soon as possible. Dees and Potok are bigger enemies of Western Civ than any Bin Laden acolyte could ever be.

  3. steve, you didn't accompany this post with a picture of "uncle tim"? You're slipping :)

  4. Curious that they haven't mentioned, on either their blog or website as a whole, the 5 year high in "hate crime" violence that L.A. County is experiencing.


    I guess reporting on the evil Steve Sailer trumps commenting on a 28% increase in the very thing the SPLC claims to be combating--especially when the root of the spike in violence is inter-N.A.M. animus.

    Should we be anticipating a new "Diversity is Strength: It's also..." column from VDARE sometime soon?

  5. I say give the SPLC a taste of their own medicine: dig up their dirt and expose them for what they really are ( a bunch of marxist scammers, slanderers and agitators).

    Then let the Law and its prosecutors act, if needed.

  6. Call it a hit job if you like, but at least they didn't plumb the depths and reveal your middle name is Ernest.

  7. SPLC is amusing as usual. Notice that Virginia Dare wasn't just the first English child born in the Americas, she was the first "white" child. Never mind the facts (i.e. that the first white child in the Americas was probably a Viking), Virginia Dare's crime is exactly the same as Hillary Clinton's - she is white! Ooooh, gross yucky white people going around being white all the time. Just ask that "priest". Whitey makes me want to barf ... and barfing makes me feel guilt-free for being such a great leftist.

    SPLC is not against stereotypes, just the ones that are accurate. I love the way they make it sound like such a hate crime to note that Asians are shorter and less muscled than other ethnic groups. I'm sure if I were to mistake Tutsis for Japanese folks the Uncle Tims would laud me for "fighting racism".

    I do have to give the SPLC credit, though. On their website, they do mention the Zebra killings, once. Even that takes some guts, for a leftist. No mention of Cleaver or Baraka supporting rape of white women, though.

  8. Steve, did you really call Obama a "wigger"? Maybe I missed something but I always thought "wigger" was reserved for displays that identify not merely black but "ghetto," i.e. some combination of criminal swagger, pidgin english, tattoos, sideways cap, etc. Even if Obama were acting blacker than he is, wouldn't this be off the mark? He reminds me of someone who'd be selling shoes at Nordstrom.

  9. Even though the increase is because of latino on black and black on latino violence, it's all whitey's fault:

    perpetuated in part by as many as 110 white supremacist organizations nationwide.

    The rhetoric appears to be influencing other groups, Toma said. He cited law enforcement reports that some Latino gang members who targeted blacks in the Harbor Gateway area of Los Angeles were found with neo-Nazi material and some Latino gangs were forming alliances with white supremacists in prisons to prey on blacks.

  10. french uhalt: Steve, did you really call Obama a "wigger"? Maybe I missed something but I always thought "wigger" was reserved for displays that identify not merely black but "ghetto," i.e. some combination of criminal swagger, pidgin english, tattoos, sideways cap, etc.

    Yeah, I was surprised by that mis-use of the term as well.

  11. The one thing that must keep the folks at SPLC up at night is the thought of whites organizing and developing a collective concsiousness. They seem perfectly OK when LaRaza,MALDEF, or the NAACP does it but they wet their pants if someone ever openly speaks from a "white" view point.

    The irony is that nothing will doom these guys more than if Obama becomes President. Much like Jesse Jackson, the SPLC is an organization that has passed it's prime. They are trying to extend their lease on relevance by jumping into immigration as sort of Juanny-come-latelys but they seem to be indistinguishable from La Raza.

  12. A wigger is one of those white people--usually men--who excessively act black and have that as the basis for their identity. It's a term that many people have independently arrived at when confronted with white boys acting and talking like they grew up in the ghetto.

    Here is a short scene from HBO's "The Wire" that illustrates the type:


    I remember when, in middle school, a friend and I thought ourselves clever for having invented it to describe some kid.

    It is never used in reference to a black person who has white mannerisms. Steve dropped the ball on that one.

  13. You know I revere you Steve, but this business of me taking time out of my self-absorbed day to post helpful (and often witty) comments here only to see that they've somehow vaporized in transition never to reappear, has just got to stop.
    God bless Blogger, but you do get what you pay for.

  14. "steve-salier"

    Not everyone can be Mozart.

  15. Have they sicced hiddeous Heidi on you yet (picture sent separately)?


  16. Almost Salieri.

  17. Steve, this guy who wrote the story is a real psycho:

    " A Westword reporter was arrested during the weekend for allegedly stalking the subject of one of his articles - a man who he says raped him 26 years ago in Alaska.

    In his May 13 article "Stalking the Bogeyman," David Holthouse wrote about plotting to kill the man but said he dropped the idea after talking with his parents. "

    "n the story, David Holthouse describes buying a Beretta 9 mm with a homemade silencer in a Phoenix gang barrio and having the inside of its barrel scored to throw off ballistic tests.

    He writes of his fantasy of stalking the man on a late-night walk through a baseball field near the man's house, of walking up to him and shooting him in the groin.

    "I would watch him writhe like a poisoned cockroach for a few seconds, then kick him onto his stomach and put three bullets in the back of his head," he wrote. "

    from From:
    Rocky Mountain News (Denver, CO)
    June 2, 2004
    Crecente, Brian D.

  18. This is rich. Thought crime enforcer David Holthouse claims that he was arrested because of thought crime denying that he was a stalker.

    DENVER, June 1 (UPI) -- A Denver journalist who wrote about being raped and then was charged on suspicion of felony stalking says he was arrested for "thought crimes."

    David Holthouse, a writer for the Denver-based alternative weekly Westword,was arrested Saturday, two weeks after he wrote a cover story detailing his rape as a young child and how he planned to kill his rapist, the Denver Post reported Tuesday.

    Holthouse, 33, told the Post he was arrested in the suburb of Broomfield after a friend followed the alleged rapist and staked out his home.

    But, Holthouse said, the real reason behind his arrest was the story he wrote.

    "Any charges against me are essentially charges of thought crimes," he said, telling the Post he has "absolutely no intention" of harming the man.

    Broomfield detectives said their investigation was continuing.

  19. http://www.zianet.com/web/dees1.htm

    Read about Morris Dees divorce there..............(he cheated on his wife blatantly for years).

    His net worth was 3.8 million with a 230K income and 160K a year derived from tax-free bonds.

    This guy literally makes his living scaremongering about white hate groups and recieving donations from wealthy liberals who figure they are giving Bubba, the Southern Redneck, some static so he can't keep on oppressing protected groups, etc. The fact that Bubba isn't doing so well these days doesn't enter these whiterpeople's calculations. They have no one else to demonstrate moral superiority over. Dees is a sort of white Jessie Jackson in a quasi-legal way. He has made himself pretty wealthy fearmongering about barely existent southern white antagonism against mascot groups.

    For some people Ive found out (think about that feminist professor who painted swastikas on her own car so she would be percieved a victim of a hate crime when she only recently converted to Judaism), its all about being a victim so they can stay on an endless moral offensive against the rest of the whiterpeople. Its a strange kind of narcissicm of the ugly in my opinon, but people have to compete at something.

  20. Is this another Sailer influenced article in the MSM, it is about Obama's brother and appears to be quoting the same extracts that have been published here regularly:


    You don't get the SPLC on your back if you don't acknowledge the source I guess.

  21. Blode:

    Maybe, but since no records were kept of your hypothetical Viking child, it's still safe to refer to Virginia Dare as such.

  22. I LOVE the SPLC. What other single organization makes the corruption of the MSM as apparent? They still quote this thoroughly discredited organization with a straight face.

  23. You are a great American Steve keep up the good work

  24. The way to fight these guys is to use fire with fire. Hopefully, we will start to see some pro-white anti-hate groups spring up once Obama becomes Prez.

    I don't think these groups will be able to compete. They are under the rubric of Anti-hate but they are really ethnic boosters. Once they start getting pressure to start condeming Latino and Black hate their donor base will shrivel up and they will go away.

  25. Whenever I hear of the SPLC, I can't help but think of that guide to hate on the internet they published, that listed among it's "hate groups" a seller of dried beans, (Apparently because he'd advertised in a survivalist magazine.) and a link to Google search results on "Y2K".

  26. "frenchy uhalt said...

    Even if Obama were acting blacker than he is, wouldn't this be off the mark? He reminds me of someone who'd be selling shoes at Nordstrom."

    He reminds me of someone who SHOULD be selling shoes at Nordstrom.

    Instead he is openly campaigning for President of the World for Life - witness his recent triumphal procession through the mideast and the capitols of Europe (this must be the first presidential candidate to campaign overseas). I was surprised that he did not enter Jerusalem riding a donkey. And he apparenly forgot to crown himself with a wreath of Laurel leaves, as befits the conquering hero.

    I will not vote for Obama. But I'm sure that someday, I will. We All will. Or else.

  27. its all about being a victim so they can stay on an endless moral offensive

    Exactly. Designated Gramscian "victim classes" are given a license to commit aggression against the community.

  28. The SPLC blog is notably more tolerant of views fundamentally opposing its racial views than a supposedly more race-rational blog like Takimag. Pracically evEry comment in that thread is supportive of Sailer and critical of the SPLC.

    Ironic then that one of the Sailer supporters links to a Takimag article on the SPLC by Paul Gottfried - the same joker who preferred to shut down race-realist debate @Takimag when it was focusing too much for his comfort on his own tribe.

  29. I tried to post a comment pointing out that the SPLC is itself a hate organization and Morris Dees is a bigot if you employ the impoverished SPLC tactic of guilt by association. Needless to say, the comment was not approved by the moderator of Thoughtwatch.

  30. Anon, Takimag's in a hard spot. They're dedicated to free speech, presumably for the same reason WNs are so dedicated; they suffer under censorship.

    On the other hand, they feel the inevitable pressure to denounce the guy just to their right to suck up.

    And free speech is very uncomfortable if you don't have your ideological ducks in a row, which Takimag readers and writers do not vis-a-vis race-realism.

  31. Well, Lucille, I haven't seen the records myself, but http://leiferiksson.vanderkrogt.net/ among others has a name and patronymic to go with this hypothetical(?) child: Snorri Porfinnsson. (Or Snorri Guðríðsson, if you use the matronymic.)

    Side note: Should his or Virginia D's name ever become household, it will be fun to watch the leftists squirm about how we also need to remember the name of the first person of any ethnicity to be born in the Americas. They will cheerfully ignore the fact that (a) with no written languages, the information is lost, and (b) there is no evidence that that person is related to any current tribe. Maybe the Umatillas can sue for a court order declaring her or him to be one of theirs.

  32. > Ironic then that one of the Sailer supporters links to a Takimag article on the SPLC by Paul Gottfried...

    Not ironic, just a dig. And one that might have gotten caught in moderation. If it posted, I thought the link might provide a starting point for a True Believer or two, if so inclined (whatever roads Gottfried may have travelled since).

    But you're right, happily, that the SPLC moderators have passed many comments critical of that august institution. Good for them.

  33. zvxesIf you listen to the SPLC's Mark Potok speaking just last year, you will be astounded at how prominent the "militia movement" remains in the thoughts of Potok:


    That's number 2 of three videos of the same speech, and you should find links to the other parts at Youtube.

    Anyway, if you watch him speak you may start to wonder about whether the SPLC might have had foreknowledge of OKC bombing:


    A recently [as of January 2004] declassified FBI memo obtained by an Oklahoma newspaper contains several revelations concerning the Oklahoma City bombing investigation that could give attorneys for co-conspirator Terry Nichols ammunition to argue in his next trial in March that there were more than just two people involved in the crime.
    The memo, transmitted electronically, was sent to the OKBOMB investigation task force and a select group of FBI offices around the nation eight months after the devastating 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, reports the McCurtain Daily Gazette.

    One of the revelations was the involvement of civil-rights attorney Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center in an informant operation. According to the memo, the SPLC was involved in monitoring subjects for the FBI believed to be linked to now-executed bomber Timothy McVeigh, the neo-Nazi compound at Elohim City and the mysterious German national Andreas Carl Strassmeir.


    The involvement of the SPLC is mentioned in the following quote from the memo:

    "(Name redacted) telephone call from (name redacted) on or about 4/17/95, two days prior to the OKBOMB attack, when (name redacted) of the SPLC, was in the white supremacist compound at (redacted), Oklahoma, notes the director."

    The Daily Gazette reports, "References to an informant working for the SPLC at Elohim City on the eve of the Oklahoma City bombing raises serious questions as to what the SPLC might know about McVeigh's activities during the final hours before the fuse was lit in Oklahoma City – but which the SPLC has failed to disclose publicly."

    Dees confirmed the presence of an informant at Elohim City at a recent press conference, the paper reported.

    "If I told you what we were doing there, I would have to kill you," Dees replied when asked to explain.

    Dees has been critical of the so-called right-wing militia movement in the U.S., having written books and articles about the subject. His critics believe the attacks have been exploitive and designed to raise donations for his tax-exempt foundation.

    "A lot of hate groups don't like me," Dees said. "I'll tell you … when you put them out of business and take their double-wides (mobile homes), they don't like it. We've sued a lot of these vicious hate groups over the years."

    Attorney Stephen Jones, who represented McVeigh at trial in Denver, Colo., told the Daily Gazette he was not provided this information from the government despite repeated motions filed with the court.

    "We filed motions with the judge specifically asking for details of surveillance activities at Elohim City and other places. We were told by prosecutors that they had no records. Now you have some of them," Jones told the paper.

    "Also, as you know the FBI kept saying they had no information linking McVeigh to Elohim City beyond the one phone call on April 5. Well, as you can see, there's much more than that here."


    I like the phony implied "ohwhwaawahhwahhwhhwaw" after the virtually factual claim Asians genetically have less sexual dimorphism than other human populations. You know, it's like Asian guys don't have verifiably smaller shlongs as long as nobody measures them. I mean, no way, that stereotype is true, as long as we put out proud hands over our ears and sing, LALALALALAALLA.

    You might as well notice native Australians physically resemble our closest conception to homo Erectuses and also have the lowest IQs on Earth. What total insane nonsense.

    Steve Sailer is an extremist. Everybody knows mankind's not just some random sick bacterial phenomenon that happened out of nowhere, and weirdly as hell, with a bunch of moral garbage mucking up every intellectual advancement ever.

  35. The problem is, the Weimar Republic had [hate speech laws]. It used them freely against the Nazis. Far from stopping Hitler, they only made his day when he became Chancellor. They enabled Hitler to confront Social Democratic Party chairman Otto Wels, who stood up in the Reichstag to protest Nazi suspension of civil liberties, with a quotation from the poet Friedrich Schiller:

    "'Late you come, but still you come,'" Hitler pointed at the hapless deputy. "You should have recognized the value of criticism during the years we were in opposition [when] our press was forbidden, our meetings were forbidden, and we were forbidden to speak for years on end."

  36. I LOVE the SPLC. What other single organization makes the corruption of the MSM as apparent? They still quote this thoroughly discredited organization with a straight face.

    Well, Dees isn't alone. They still allow discredited con-artists Jackson and Sharpton on the air waves regularly.

  37. Anon:
    Hopefully, we will start to see some pro-white anti-hate groups spring up once Obama becomes Prez.

    Not a chance. How many people really want to lower their status like that? How many want to make themselves unemployable?

    There'll be some private grumblings, and some pseudonymous outbursts on the web, but that's it, at least until China's eugenic supermen begin conquering the world.

  38. Ahhh, Hatewatch. A few months back I was watching a trivia show called History IQ. One of the contestants was a stereotypical oh-so-thoughtful liberal lardo (with goatee, of course) who happened to be an executive with Hatewatch. He was a complete idiot, of course, and lost.

    According to the big boys, the world is this close to the return of flaming, pogroming, goosestepping Hitlerites who will burn the synagogues down

    The irony is how the paranoia repeatedely backfires. I watched The Passion all the way through without once ever thinking "those G-ddamn Jews." If anything surrounding the movie was inclined to make me anti-Semitic, it was the allegation by Jewish groups that we "gentiles" are just hairtrigger anti-Semites, willing to slaughter Jews on the slightest provocation. Events like that, which ultimately reveal what groups think of you, are the true causes of anti-Semitism.

  39. "'Late you come, but still you come,'" Hitler pointed at the hapless deputy. "You should have recognized the value of criticism during the years we were in opposition [when] our press was forbidden, our meetings were forbidden, and we were forbidden to speak for years on end."

    Thank you. I didn't know anything about such laws in Weimar Germany.

    First, they came for the Nazis and I did not speak out because I was not a Nazi...

  40. There was a white child born in St. Augustine before Virginia Dare:


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