July 27, 2008

Ward Connerly's initiatives and Presidential politics

My new VDARE.com column is up: "Obama hands McCain the quota issue. Will he use it?" It's about Ward Connerly's anti-racial preferences initiatives in three states including John McCain's Arizona. Obama opposes them, but today McCain finally said he supported them.

Here's an excerpt:

When asked whether his daughters should benefit from affirmative action, Obama routinely makes a head fake in the direction of supporting adding class-based preferences to the mix.

But he's not serious about this.

Nobody has ever adequately explained how class-based quotas would actually work, since class is a hazier concept than race. What class was Obama as a young man? For that matter, what class was McCain as a youth? Economically, McCain wasn't particularly well off, but within his caste, he was a prince of the finest blood—the son and grandson of admirals.

Moreover, you can intentionally lower your kid's class through your bad behavior. You can write the cartoon caption: "I'm drinking my kid into Harvard."

Finally, Obama knows perfectly well that his closest friends in Chicago's black corporate business elite benefit hugely from affirmative action. The plain truth is that, the farther up the social ladder a black person is born, the more money affirmative action puts into his pocket.

Consider Obama's friend John W. Rogers Jr., founder of Ariel Capital Management, who manages eleven-figures worth of Other People's Money. Obama knows Rogers through his brother-in-law Craig Robinson, who was Rogers's teammate on the 1979 Princeton basketball team.

I've followed Rogers' career since the early 1990s. He's a smart, cautious, responsible investor.

But let's not kid ourselves: Rogers profits from "minority set-asides"quotas. To take one of many examples, Black Enterprise reported in 2000:

"Raytheon looks to NCM, Ariel and MDL Capital to oversee pension fund monies. An $800 million deal via the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition's Wall Street Project has set up several minority-owned money management firms for a big payday.

"The Raytheon Co., which had $19.8 billion in revenues in 1999… will now entrust 5% of its pension fund assets to women-owned and African American-owned capital management firms during 2000. The Fortune 500 firm employs 105,000 and has $14 billion in its pension plan. Among the minority-owned firms chosen by Raytheon…Ariel Capital Management, based in Chicago …"

The Rainbow/PUSH Coalition is, of course, the shakedown racket run by the Rev. Jesse Jackson.

What's the human connection between John W. Rogers and Jesse Jackson? Well, let's see … Rogers's old teammate and former employee Craig Robinson has a sister who used to be named Michelle Robinson. Long ago, Michelle was Rev. Jackson's babysitter. She became a lifelong friend of the Rev.'s daughter Santita Jackson, who is the godmother of the first daughter born to Michelle Robinson Obama.

Are you starting to see how it all fits together?

John W. Rogers is not a poor kid from the streets who needed a break. He's the scion of perhaps the most upper crust black family in Chicago. His father was a judge. His mother, Jewel Stradford Rogers LaFontant Mankarious, was a third generation Oberlin graduate who served as Deputy Solicitor General in the Nixon Administration and Ambassador-at-Large in the first Bush administration. Rogers's mom was on the boards of directors of Mobil, Equitable Life, TWA, Revlon, Harte-Hanks, Hanes, and Bendix.

To see why affirmative action benefits blue-blooded blacks like Rogers most, think about it from, say, Raytheon's perspective. Jesse Jackson has badgered us into establishing a racial quota for our pension fund management. Okay, fine, we can afford a quota, just as long as the quotees don't lose all our money. So, are we going to hand millions over to some guys we never heard of operating out of a storefront on the West Side? No, we're going to find somebody who seems trustworthy, like this guy Rogers, whose mother was on all those boards of directors.


My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. I like the phrase "voter educators" that voter intimidators call themselves.

    "Come here and let me educate you with my knife."

  2. If your organization is opposed by something called "By All Means Necessary", that alone would justify concealed-carry permits.

    The most productive initiative-referendum for the native poor would be one raising the state minimum wage to $25/hr. or so-- for non-citizens only. Let's see ACORN and BAMN-BAMN turn those tables over!

    ...mid-term Election Night 2006 was a dreary experience.

    It was dreary, but it wasn't "midterm". We need a moratorium on this dreadful term. November 2006 was an end-of-term election for every office on the ballot.

    This is a "midterm election."

  3. "Obama routinely makes a head fake in the direction of supporting adding class-based preferences to the mix."

    Hows that going to work? I guess I need to show photos of my ma and if she is too stylish and pretty, and has some bucks from home I'm toast. Or is money the meter? There are plenty Niveau Riche who desperately need an education so they could be a little more bearable. I would even consider letting them have a state-sponsored education so they can be understood.

  4. Brilliant analysis Steve! There is an even larger pattern here which reeks of cronyism and corruption but is largely ignored by the MSM, even though it’s so obvious:

    -Kofi Annan and his son’s helping themselves to UN funds and Sadam’s oil money. The Ghana elite’s (aka Kofi’s ext. family) pocketing of the vast gold reserves of that country.
    - Mandela is sitting on a huge personal fortune amassed through his “Mandela’s Children Fund”. It is a known fact that the tuition of his kids and relatives at elite US and UK institutions is being paid through this fund. Ditto that beacon of morality, Bishop Tutu.
    -The new black elite in South Africa number only a few hundred, the top dogs are in their 10's. These people have become billionaires through the AA rackets there which are just a misnomer for cleaning out government funds. During Apartheid South Africa had to balance its own budgets and the government was notoriously stingy. Nowadays the country depends on foreign aid and investment since the government coffers are considered private property of the top politicians in the ruling ANC. The western world is expected to balance the budget. Whenever the ruling party runs out of money, thy set up front companies and initiate huge white elephant project such as power stations or weapons acquisitions which invariably run through these companies.
    -Mugabe's clique of 2000 control most of the economy and use the central bank as their private till. Their budgets have been dependent on foreign aid since the outset of black rule in Zimbabwe.
    -African dictators with Swiss bank accounts and gold-plated bathrooms, who are forever at the receiving end of development aid are a symbol of what that continent stands for.

    But this fits in with the traditional African mentality: to them all property within their realm belongs to the chief and his extended family. Members of the tribe must regularly pay tribute. So Jesse Jackson probably views the property of the US as ultimately belonging to him and his crony buddies. I can accept this attitude as a sociological African reality but the fact that the MSM ignores the hypocrisy of these black “liberators”, and is more worried about potential racism in white toddlers whilst missing these elephants strutting around is incredibly biased, unprofessional and maddening.

  5. Nice work, Steve. I didn't know you were aware of Rogers.

    Another prominent African American in the investment business who has benefited from quotas is Chris Gardner, the fellow who had the movie "Pursuit of Happyness" made about him. What the movie didn't mention is that the firm Gardner started benefited from minority set-asides in municipal bond underwriting.

    - Fred

  6. Ward Connerly for our first black President!!


    Just in case we haven't told you how much we love you lately. The old God, Eric Clapton, is even cooler than I thought, though:

    Clapton performing live at the Eishalle theater of Wetzikon, Switzerland, 19 June 1977
    Clapton performing live at the Eishalle theater of Wetzikon, Switzerland, 19 June 1977

    On 5 August 1976 Clapton was placed in the centre of controversy when he spoke out against increasing immigration during a concert in Birmingham. Visibly intoxicated, Clapton voiced his support of controversial political candidate Enoch Powell and announced on stage that Britain was in danger of becoming a "black colony".
    In a 2004 interview with Uncut magazine, Clapton called Enoch Powell "outrageously brave".[27] He also stated that "My feeling about this has not changed really. We have always been up to some funny business in this country, inviting people in as cheap labour and then putting them in ghettos."
    In an interview with Melvin Bragg on The South Bank Show broadcast on 2 December 2007, Clapton reiterated his support for Enoch Powell and denied that Powell's views were racist

    Token on-topic take: Excellent in depth post. McCain coming out against AA is the best news I've heard in American politics in a long time. Yeah, it's a small step, but awfully welcome.

  8. While I am sympathetic to the goal, the problem with ballot initiatives banning affirmative action is that their intent is subverted by the policy elites. From what I have read, this is exactly what has happened in California.

    The damage done by this subversion is often even worse than the original policy it overturned. Let's face it: if you must have X minority representation, then the most efficient way of achieving this representation is by a straightforward quota. That way, your standards remain intact.

    Take away quotas, and the policy elites start manipulating the standards until they achieve X representation anyway. Except now, the quality of the admits goes down across all races.

    What we really need are new policy elites.

  9. If your organization is opposed by something called "By All Means Necessary", that alone would justify concealed-carry permits.

    But think about it: a man larger and stronger than you, or a group of such men, start yelling and gesticulating in your face, but don't actually assault you. The law wouldn't authorize the use of deadly force, even if you had it. And the police won't be very effective in helping you when they don't want to be (remember, the government opposes you, too).

    Meanwhile, their goal is achieved: it becomes impossible for you to gather signatures in such circumstances.

    I have to admire the fortitude of Connerly's people.

  10. Maybe Obama is being honest when he says that he wants class based affirmative action. Since defining class is so hard he can have the definitions twisted to get his friends and supporters even more preferences. The class based preferences also may be administered in the usual Chicago way, with standards ignored for those who are connected.

    As a general rule Obama will probably say yes to any government program that he can manipulate in typical third-world fashion, just like the pols who mentored him did.

  11. Ward Connerly is a cool guy. I've met him when my College Republicans group, of which I was Treasurer, invited him to speak at our Ivy League university.

    To the above poster whining about how goals are subverted by elites, this may be true (probably more true in California than in Michigan, for example), but I still think it's a laudable goal. The response to subversion is not to chicken out, but to continue the fight.

    Obama is the poster boy for privelaged, lazy affirmitive action. On the TV the other day, the played a clip from his audio autobiography where he bragged about never going to class, always being drunk or stoned, and partying constantly his last two years of high school. And this is the guy they let into Columbia!

  12. I think Ronduck has it right. A government program which attempts to concretely capture what is by nature fluid, is honey to the best-chance manipulating bees.

    I wonder how working-class whites would have responded to preferences if they were a)temporary and b)directed towards, y'know, actual poor blacks. We claim to be standing on principle in not supporting AA, but I do wonder if it is the ease with which it is manipulated that we really object to.

  13. You can write the cartoon caption: "I'm drinking my kid into Harvard."

    And the sequel to that cartoon would be "I'm bibimng my kid into Oxford"

    BTW, I don't think that McCain's endorsement of initiatives ending AA means squat. Republicans have coasted along for too long pretending to be conservative on social issues, while always maintaining that "now is not the time" to do anything about them.*

    If the GOP wants the white working class back, they're actually going to have to start working for them. Extending the Bush tax cuts for the rich and expanding them for coastal lefties isn't the way to do that.

    * And yet, in the rare case where they do actually do something about them, as with welfare reform, the party benefits immensely.

  14. "-Kofi Annan and his son’s helping themselves to UN funds and Sadam’s oil money..."

    You forgot a few there, how about:

    -Bill Clinton getting a percentage of the Southern US cocaine trade by looking the other way as drugs were shipped through Mena Airport.


    -Dick Cheney giving the most expensive government contract in the history of the world to the firm he was CEO of and owns millions of dollars of stock in.

    -The EU today freezing 800 million dollars earmarked to Bulgaria over concerns of widespread graft from the Bulgarian royal family.


    -Slobodan Milosevich and the billions of dollars with which he lined his own pocket in trying to corner the Central European drug and prostitution trade (which was of course the real reason Billy Boy bombed the country to smithereens.)

    -Tony Blair and his millions of dollars of secret loans.


    And of course I could go on until this time tomorrow with scandals involving other (lighter-skinned) congressmen, governors, and minor EU officials, but these stories do not carry quite the cache of 'the Afican big man sending his kids to private school on WTA funds!' now do they?

    "Obama is the poster boy for privelaged, lazy affirmitive action. On the TV the other day, the played a clip from his audio autobiography where he bragged about never going to class, always being drunk or stoned, and partying constantly his last two years of high school. And this is the guy they let into Columbia!"

    Well now, that's funny! let see, Obama was "always being drunk or stoned, and partying constantly his last two years of high school. And this is the guy they let into Columbia!" Whereas his opponent was a hard-working : conscientious student who burned the midnight oil nightly and FINISHED 894th IN A CLASS OF 899.

    Of course this qualified him to earn a coveted slot as a pilot in the Navy (instead of, say a semaphore operator on a swift boat which is what he was probably mentally qualified for; during which time, he wrecked four million dollar jet aircraft, the last one being shot down at which point he was captured and sung like a canary about plans, troop positions and whatever the Vietcong wanted to know...So much so, that he earned the title "the songbird."

    Of course not reported in the media, is that fact that he once caused a missile to explode on an aircraft carried by 'wet firing' a jet to show off, which resulted in the deaths of 168 crewmen and the destruction of 20 aircraft.


    But there is good new for Juan-Pablo, he's running against the legacy/intellect of George W. Bush: Nuff said.

    I see your "poster boy for privelaged (sic), lazy affirmitive (sic) action." and I raise you two poster boys half brained, incompetent, simple minded, doddering caucasian mental midgets who are not only a danger to themselves but us all.

    An African-American could never get away with the level of incompetence/criminality whites have been running this country into the ground with for 30 years; I think we all know this.

  15. assistant village idiot:

    I think it was almost inevitable that AA would mostly benefit wealthy blacks, because they're a self-aware group who can see the benefits, and can lobby for them effectively. And people at the bottom are not usually worried about whether their kids get into Harvard--they're more likely worried about whether their kids will graduate high school, and maybe at the high end will get into some kind of college. Essentially nobody who is poor is worrying about whether he'll ever get a piece of the Federal contracting action. Those are only concerns at the high end. This is independent of race, of course.

    If you care about the plight of poor blacks, my guess is that you should care a lot about fixing the public schools and social services in poor black neighborhoods, and about making sure kids bright enough to make use of them get scholarships that take all the financial burden of college off their families, and maybe even help their families out a bit besides.

    But frankly, there's not much of a coalition for that stuff. The people who would benefit are mostly very poor, just getting by, not too educated or bright, not at all politically connected. The kids who would benefit from it aren't voting right now, and if they manage to get to college and become middle class, they'll likely care more about getting their brightest kid into Harvard than about shitty public schools in downtown Baltimore, which won't be their problem anymore.

  16. On a somewhat related note, Tom Wolfe's Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers can now be read online.

  17. Steve, this morning The Wall Street Journal is writing what you have been researching during the last year. Prof. Boskin is appaled by Obama's economic outlook. When Obama was a neighborhood agitator, his economic views could be tolerated, but he would be unpalatable as President. American capitalism may have fallen into a trap: Soros et al promoted and financed Obama, and now The Wall Street Journal discovers that he is not the merchandise they paid for. You'll soon have a Third World "appropriate technology", ie Indonesian blacksmith technology populist leader in the White House. The Chinese Communists, fanatically developing their high tech industry and GNP, must be rejoicing.

  18. Steve, McCain according to the latest poll is dead even among likely voters.

    Recall, youth don't vote. They vote less than half of their percentage of registered voters, seniors vote 75% of their registered voters.

    Moreover, McCain was not "lucky" to survive five lost planes. Rather, he was skilled and cool and kept his head under extreme life-or-death pressure. Something few people can do.

    He may not have done particularly well at Annapolis (like Grant at West Point) but he was reasonably effective as a pilot, POW leader, and later squadron Commander post-Vietnam. Even Pappy Boyington, one of the greatest fighter aces of all time, got shot down.

    McCain is still close because Obama has no experience, skill, or ability (and neither do his staff) to appeal to middle class and working class white voters. The downside of the ability to coast on the media is that Obama has no instinctive sense of what works and doesn't among that group of voters who hold the key to 50% + 1.

    Look at his response to gas prices (not high enough he says) or drilling (never!) or even going to Europe to party like a rock-star. How many senior voters are impressed that Euros treat him like Bono or David Hasselhof? How many middle aged ones?

    McCain may be horrid on Open Borders, Outsourcing, La Raza, and the rest (Obama is even worse, he'd not feel any constraints that McCain would have). But he's more than just lucky, just like beating Rudy, Mitt, Fred, who were not political tyros and had won several tough elections.

    McCain's first instinct was likely to oppose the Connerly-style initiative, BUT he or his staff or both reconsidered and realized this was indeed a wedge issue to win votes and elections. No matter that his pals at the NYT will frown on him.

  19. Good points Phi!

  20. "Truth",
    The stuff you mention is within the context of functioning economies. And the corruption there is on a miniscule scale compared to the rackets typical with black leaders. In addition Clinton did not kill people on the scale that Kabila, Mugabe, dos Santos, Taylor, or Bashir do. If Bill Clinton pockets a few hundred thousand that’s OK if the economy runs and there's money for the rest. In Africa the rest literally starve whilst all the money that's come in through aid or whatever white enterprises are left is sucked up by the elites. Black leaders are typically amongst the wealthiest people even though their countries are basket cases. You really need to stop denying the mess that Africa is on account of several generations of black leaders. And its getting worse. In addition there is no money for research, healthcare, infrastructure etc., whereas in European countries these things function so that others can live (well), including blacks who get lots of aid. [I've never heard of an African country helping out others with aid]. I don’t condone Clinton and Blair’s corruption but it is insignificant compared to typical black political corruption.

    The previous poster only scratched the surface of what's going on in Africa. Mugabe alone stole 18 billion USD of private property in the last 8 years with the result that about half of his population now lives in South Africa, to feed off what whites have remained. Mugabe leaves 200000 dead.

    I read yesterday that 250 former white Zimbabwean farmers now operate in Zambia (who invited them after Mugabe chased them out) and since they started Zambia can again export food. All it took was just 250 whites! They are now selling to Mugabe. How's that for justice! In South Africa the ANC has cleaned out an estimated 1.2 trillion Rand of the assets which belonged to the Afrikaners (I have no idea what's that in USD since the currency has tanked ever since Mandela took over). In the Congo 4 mio. people have died because Mugabe and the other geezers have slugged it out over the mineral wealth there. Suffice it to say that apart from dealing in blood diamonds, they have cashed ALL the development aid so far. In Angloa basically all the oil wealth is going through the coffers of dos Santos, another mulatto elite. Ditto Nigeria.

    Apparently the equivalent of 5 Marshal plans have been poured into Africa and the place is worse of than before. You can find most of that money in Switzerland, on the personal accounts of the latest set of "freedom fighters". Africa is a byword for corruption and senseless killing.

  21. "Testosterone99 said.......

    McCain may be horrid on Open Borders, Outsourcing, La Raza, and the rest (Obama is even worse, he'd not feel any constraints that McCain would have). But he's more than just lucky, just like beating Rudy, Mitt, Fred, who were not political tyros and had won several tough elections."

    Yeah, luck. That and the millions of dollars stuffed into his campaign by business interests who favor free trade and cheap illegal alien labor. Remember that McCain was just about flat busted last summer. So McCain beat out a Mormon, a guy who occasionally dresses like a woman, and an old man who looks even older and more tired than McCain himself. I'm impressed.

    "McCain's first instinct was likely to oppose the Connerly-style initiative, BUT he or his staff or both reconsidered and realized this was indeed a wedge issue to win votes and elections. No matter that his pals at the NYT will frown on him."

    Oh boy, that's a ringing endorsement. His instincts are to screw us, but he's just enough of an opportunist to know better. Yeah, he's the right man, alright.

    McCain's defeat is the punishment that the Republican party establishment deserves. It is not necessary for McCain to win. It is necessary for him not to win. Otherwise, Republicans will continue to take conservative voters for granted (they may anyway, in which case, why bother with that party anyway).

  22. truth,
    There is plenty of black imcompetence(and violence, misbehavior and idiotic behavior in general) that is tolerated and even celebrated, excused and covered up in the US. I can name a few: New Orleans, Detroit, the MLK Hospital in LA, Washington DC, Jena, LA riots, Cincinnati riots. We even have our own versions of African tribal chiefs: Dinkins, Nagin, Barry, Jackson. You are the pot calling the kettle black, uh I mean African American. Get a grip and stop whining about whitey and racism.

  23. Steve said:
    "Nobody has ever adequately explained how class-based quotas would actually work, since class is a hazier concept than race. What class was Obama as a young man? For that matter, what class was McCain as a youth? Economically, McCain wasn't particularly well off, but within his caste, he was a prince of the finest blood—the son and grandson of admirals."

    I would say that "class" is far more quantifiable than "race" because the household income of parents can be measured by objective standards - the size of their bank accounts. You can also take into consideration the fact that many students come from families that have never had a college graduate.

    "Race," however," is defined emotionally as a mixture of "blood," phenotype, ethnicity, caste and presumed discrimination. These criteria often contradict each other. For example, if Bliss Broyard (the daughter of the late NY Times book critic and author Anatole Broyard) decides to call herself a "black" woman and claim affirmative action benefits, she may legally do so. The fact that, until a few years ago, she identified solely as a wealthy pure white WASP with no knowledge whatsoever of her "inferior" black blood is beside the point as far as affirmative action policies are concerned.

  24. For those who didn't understand my comments on Bliss Broyard and affirmative action, see this web site:


    Affirmative Action also requires a certain Nazi-like commitment to forced racial classification and a presumption of white racial purity - the idea that whites with some racial intermixture are too inferior for the honor of their own European ancestry.

  25. You have to wonder whether Obama, an intelligent guy who has lived in both the white and black worlds, hasn't noticed hbd-type differences. Does he just rationalize it to himself?

  26. "The stuff you mention is within the context of functioning economies."

    'Functioning' is a matter of opinion. That's how the game works

    "Yeah Bob, the politicians here are terrible, criminal, corrupt, cowardly morons but they are sooooo much better than they are in the third world!"

    Do you not think our economy wouldn't function a whole lot better without the nefarious contribution of the gestapo that runs it?

    "And the corruption there is on a miniscule scale compared to the rackets typical with black leaders."

    Well, let's see, Dick Cheney has changed himself from a third rate politician to one of the wealthiest men in America; by murdering over a million people. I wouldn't consider that 'miniscule', but again read the first part of this post.

    "If Bill Clinton pockets a few hundred thousand that’s OK"

    So it's OK with you if the future president of America pockets 'a few hundred thousand' by ENCOURAGING AND FACILITATING THE CRACK COCAINE TRADE THROUGHOUT THE SOUTHERN UNITED STATES huh? I don't think further comment is necessary here.

    "You really need to stop denying the mess that Africa is on account of several generations of black leaders."

    I did not deny anything. If you can point to any point in most where I did please do so.

    Africa was a mess when it was run by whites, and guess what, it is a mess now that it is still run by whites, although as an Indian philosopher I can't currently identify once said, "somewhere along the way, whites discovered that it is much easier to run exploit a country when the face at the top matches the faces at the bottom.

    ALL African countries are simply puppet governments with figureheads installed, as were Kadafi, Bin Laden, the Shah of Iran, Hussein, and even Ahmadenizhad.

    Africa is in a total, constant mess because there is a dictator installed and he receives x-number of weapons to allow European/American businesses to loot and plunder, at the same time his opposition receives x-y number of weapons, enough to ensure an ongoing constant state of war but not enough to supplant him.

    When he is no longer convenient they simply increase the opposition share to x+y and the original leader receives asylum in Switzerland or loses his head. This game has been played, in one form or another since the slave trade days.

    "I don’t condone Clinton and Blair’s corruption but it is insignificant compared to typical black political corruption."

    Well I hope not, sport; they're stealing from you and your family.

    I could go on for easily another 45 minutes off the top of my head, but in closing I will give you the same advice I gave a friend of mine who came into a little money yesterday:

    If there is something you have wanted to do; travel somewhere, create something, etc. do it before the end of the year because the option may not be there that much longer. We are under the thumb of stupid, dangerous people and we have (not by coincidence) become too stupid ourselves to realize it.

    You sheep had better wake up, the slaughterhouse is only around the corner.

  27. Africa is in a total, constant mess because there is a dictator installed and he receives x-number of weapons to allow European/American businesses to loot and plunder...

    Then surely this insidious Anglo/European business model could be deployed to impoverish Lichtenstein, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, the Baltic states, etc. And Jamaica, which has no military to speak of and has been ruled by the natives for years, must surely be as prosperous and peaceful as, say, the Bahamas.

    And what's the deal with Haiti? Must be all those white guys in seersucker suits sipping juleps on the porches of their Low Country mansions, laughing their asses off at how insanely profitable their machete factories are.

    --Senor Doug

  28. Martin:

    (Talking about McCain.)

    Oh boy, that's a ringing endorsement. His instincts are to screw us, but he's just enough of an opportunist to know better. Yeah, he's the right man, alright.

    Hey, that's only true on half the important issues. On the other half, his instincts are to do the right thing, but he's just enough of an opportunist to screw us anyway.

  29. Regarding the typical corruption of African governments, Roger Sandall makes some interesting observations:

    Dereliction Express.

  30. Martin--

    You'd rather have reparations for Slavery? Since the House passed the apology (required for reparations) and Conyers under Obama plans to introduce a new bill next year requiring reparations.

    Given how the press swoons literally for Obama like he's their own personal Jesus, I'd rather have McCain.

    He's not JUST lucky, he's good. Better than Bush (not ticking off the press). Better than Ron Paul (a fringe lunatic who'll never get anything done). He beat "America's Mayor" and Mr. Clean Romney (SLC Olympics, MA Governor), Fred, and Huckabee. Each had their own bases, and did it as you note with no money last summer.

    He may not be a super-genius, but he can at least add up 2 and 2 and get 4. As in $4 a gallon plus gas -- hitting Obama hard on that where he's vulnerable. And AA. Already Obama is whining because they're both working. Dead even in the polls. After all those Germans cheered for Obama too!

    Yeah McCain's a RINO, a Conservative Democrat. That's preferable to Obama and the Kool Aid he's got on offer. McCain ties Obama to Reid-Pelosi and no drilling, high gas prices, higher taxes, and endless apologies and reparations, he wins.

  31. Truth sed:
    'Functioning' is a matter of opinion. That's how the game works.

    It’s "opinion" whether I can fill my stomach once a day or have to starve? Its "opinion" whether I get my bones crushed by the police with an iron rod because I voted for the opposition? It's opinion whether I have a life expectancy of 34 because my "dear leader" has cashed all the development aid.
    It's opinion whether I can keep my property or have it stolen by state-sponsored hoodlums who are either drunk, taking drugs, raping or murdering?
    It's opinion whether I see this as criminal activity or gloss over it because it does not suit my power-political aims?

    Let me just know which country you're currently trying to screw up so I can make sure I don't live there.

  32. gf,
    Great link! This is where the problem starts. Even before you get to big politics the train is a wreck. That's why whites in southern Africa did not want to live amongst their black "brethren". There is simply no way to make headway with all the dereliction around, no matter how good your intentions, and there were/are plenty of white people who tried to help the blacks out, even if it was only in their own interest. But to no avail.

    The article points out that the so-called black "intellectuals" are really being kept alive by western aid. Coming back to the point of Steve's post, I would think that AA is keeping a great number of black "intellectuals" in the US afloat. People that do not really help the system but act as sand in the gearbox.

  33. "testing99 said...

    Each had their own bases, and did it as you note with no money last summer."

    Christ, you don't even read other people's posts, do you? I noted that he was flat busted, because people hated him, and his campaign was about ready to fold. It wasn't pluckish perseverance that helped him bounce back. It was money. Money that started to flow when the National Chamber of Commerce types realized that their preferred candidate was a closet transvestite who mostly comes across in public as an a**hole. They only started backing McCain after Guiliani flamed out.

    And what makes you think that McCain wouldn't support a blanket apoplogy for slavery, and even reparations if it came to that? I have no reason to suppose he wouldn't.

    Just for his sneaky attempt to ram through the immigration bill last summer, McCain deserves to never win another election again.

  34. "Anonymous said...

    And what's the deal with Haiti? Must be all those white guys in seersucker suits sipping juleps on the porches of their Low Country mansions, laughing their asses off at how insanely profitable their machete factories are.

    --Senor Doug"

    Good point. When leftists reflexively lay a country's misery down to western exploitation, they seem never to notice that many of those countries have nothing, produce nothing, and aren't even worth exploiting.

    However, I wouldn't waste my time arguing with "Truth". In the past, he's expressed the belief that cars can be made to run on water.

  35. "here is plenty of black imcompetence(and violence, misbehavior and idiotic behavior in general) that is tolerated and even celebrated, excused and covered up in the US. I can name a few: New Orleans, Detroit, the MLK Hospital in LA, Washington DC..."

    Washington DC is our fault? Granted, I'm no Alan Keyes fan but come on!

    "Let me just know which country you're currently trying to screw up so I can make sure I don't live there."

    Well, I did leave the toilet seat up in a public john in Denmark last year. Does that count?

    "However, I wouldn't waste my time arguing with "Truth". In the past, he's expressed the belief that cars can be made to run on water."

    I did not 'express the belief' I simply posted a link, like this one:


    And this one:


    And if you don't like those, here's one by some smart people: If you don't understand it maybe Michael C. Scott can translate for you!*


    *Don't worry about it folks, it's an inside joke between us' White Nationalists. Nothing to see here folks move on.

  36. ""However, I wouldn't waste my time arguing with "Truth". In the past, he's expressed the belief that cars can be made to run on water."

    I did not 'express the belief' I simply posted a link, like this one:


    And this one:


    And if you don't like those, here's one by some smart people: If you don't understand it maybe Michael C. Scott can translate for you!*"

    You did indeed express a belief that there is something to a water-powered car. You had said, in effect, "Well, why do so many people believe it". Well why do they? Why do you think they do? Presumably because YOU believe it to be so. Then you posted the link. A quote, therefrom:

    "Technically, the car isn't running on water, because the H20 is converted to HHO gas. This is said to provide the "atomic power of hydrogen", while maintaining the "chemical stability of water.""

    The video states further that it runs on water.....provided you use some electricity too, or gas. I see.

    By the way, there is no such thing as HHO gas (unless he means by it, steam). Mr. Klein's scheme violates the second law of thermodynamics (in which I place much more trust than I do in Mr. Klein or you) and he is a fraud. None-the-less "Truth", I would advise you to invest in his scheme. Invest heavily. Bet the mortgage.

    Oh yes, and I am quite confident that I am smarter than you. There are many people who are smarter than me. Many. But you are not one of them.

    You may not be aware of this, but your style of argumentation - simply replying that something is white when someone else says it's black - is tiresome for anyone who was educated beyond junior high.

  37. "Oh yes, and I am quite confident that I am smarter than you..."

    Well, bully for you.


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