August 6, 2008

September 2001: The Month of Comic Book Bad Guys

In September 2001, America was first terrorized by a rich supervillain who lives in a cave, then by a genuine mad scientist.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. Lots of interesting points from a very credible anthrax vaccine scientist:

  2. Here is a report in the media, based on what the federal government has released. I’ve also seen information that Ivins wrote the Congress about various issues over the years, and liked to send mail with fake names or anonymously.

    Per the International Herald Tribune:

    A few days before the anthrax attacks of 2001, the scientist who has emerged as the suspect in the case sent e-mails warning that Osama bin Laden's "terrorists for sure have anthrax and sarin gas" and have "just decreed death to all Jews and all Americans," according to documents released by the government on Wednesday.

  3. Well of course. Technology enables that sort of comic book supervillain.

    Ben Franklin -- well, Osama already had extensive efforts at the founding to get biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons. As detailed in Lawrence Wright's "the Looming Tower." This was in 1989. Osama's chief, for that department, recently killed in a US missile strike, conducted Sarin experiments but had little success in the other areas.

  4. Good commentary, Steve.

    And the worst part is, the US, despite all the brave, gung-ho (I’m using the phrase positively) fellows serving in her special forces of its super-capable army (and I don't, at least don't want to, doubt what they are capable of doing), despite all the millions of poor suckers -- most of whom, although none of us reading this blog may want as drinking buddies, would still not do any harm to outsiders were they left alone -- whose lives have been rendered useless and whose homes have been turned into a wreck... despite all that, that cave-dwelling SON OF A BITCH, who should have been seized and brought to Washington and publicly decapitated, is STILL OUT THERE.

    In the meantime, the rest of us who are "guilty" of having been born with the label of "Muslim," are reading everyday nonsense like VDARE writer James Fulford mumbled just yesterday (about a Chinese whom he suspects is a Muslim because, you see, he has cut the head off of someone, and don't you know that once you're born Muslim, that's a favorite pastime pretty much every Muslim practices in their backyards every week), and put up with it. We have to listen to thousands of blowhards curse and malign us, our families, our ancestors none of whom has ever engaged in any crime, led decent lives, and are as at least as honorable as some of my fellow commentators in this forum who never miss any opportunity to imply that driving-while-Muslim is some kind of insult directed at them, that we're all natural members of a global crime gang, and what have you.

    If only they knew how much sadness this puts in our hearts.


  5. Shouldn't that read "Rich Super Villans." and not "villan."

    Could be a misprint.

    Either way, it's interesting. Cause I didn't know Israelis and Neocons lived in caves.

  6. But Steve, every enemy of (our) democracy has been a comic book bad guy.

  7. As I have noted in a previous comment, life imitates art more than vice-versa.

  8. In the movie version, Osama will be altered to be a Nordic-looking white guy with slicked back hair and a Neo-Nazi agenda. The mad scientist will be his American cousin. If Bruce Ivins had even the slightest of traditional Christian religious background, it will get 20 minutes in the movie. If he was anything else, it'll get no mention at all.

    In the meantime, the rest of us who are "guilty" of having been born with the label of "Muslim," are reading everyday nonsense like VDARE writer James Fulford...

    I'm not about to demonize Muslims. I just don't want any more moving into this country until this little tiff is over and their own countries display at least a shred of modernity and toleration for others, m'kay?

  9. "Anonymous said...

    In the meantime, the rest of us who are "guilty" of having been born with the label of "Muslim," are reading everyday nonsense like VDARE writer James Fulford mumbled just yesterday (about a Chinese whom he suspects is a Muslim because, you see, he has cut the head off of someone, and don't you know that once you're born Muslim, that's a favorite pastime pretty much every Muslim...."

    Just the paragraph before, in your own post, you wrote this:

    "despite all that, that cave-dwelling SON OF A BITCH, who should have been seized and brought to Washington and publicly decapitated, is STILL OUT THERE."

    Now, why would anyone get the idea that muslims like to decapitate people? We don't behead murderers in the U.S. Traditionally, we hang them, or electrocute them. It's the american way.

    I don't want Bin Laden beheaded. I just want him to be quietly shot, or noisily vaporized where he lives. Then I want the americans who did it to come home.

    I don't want the US involved in muslim affairs. And I don't want you muslims involved in ours. You already have your own countries - just stay in them. You can behead people to your hearts content there, for all I care.

  10. In September 2001, America was first terrorized by a rich supervillain who lives in a cave, then by a genuine mad scientist.

    Can you believe that there are these krazy konspiracy kooks out there who don't buy this story? Even though it was on television and everything! Amazing.


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