September 11, 2008

The 2008 iSteve Panhandling drive!

I usually run two fund-raising drives per year, but this year I hadn't gotten around to it all summer -- too much blogging, I guess: this is the 659th post of 2008. And, there's been about 70,000 words between VDARE and American Conservative.

Then, my mechanic called to say, no, the problem causing my car to lurch alarmingly wasn't the solenoid like he thought it was yesterday, it was the entire transmission, and do I want the $1950 used transmission or the $2150 rebuilt transmission? (What should I get? It's a 1998 Accord with 104,000 miles and a lot of dents.)

So, it's time for the midyear 2008 panhandling drive.

I know the economy is lousy, but I really do appreciate anything you can spare.

I was trying to think of something I could promise in return for contributions, such as no more track & field analyses until the 2012 Olympics, but, nah, my plan is to keep on writing whatever I feel like. That's how I get motivated and avoid writer's block. Your generosity makes it possible for me to make a living writing whatever I think is right.

There are four ways to give me money. (All four appear to be working, for once.)

You can make tax deductible credit card contributions to me here (click on the first "Make a Donation" button you come to on the screen); or fax credit card details here (please put my name on the fax); or you can snail mail checks made out to "VDARE Foundation" and marked on the memo line (lower left corner) “Steve Sailer” to:

VDARE Foundation
P.O. Box 1195
Washington, CT 06793

Second: You can send me an email and I'll send you my P.O. Box address.

Third: You can use Amazon. Just click here.

Fourth: You can use Paypal, either by just using any credit card or if you have a specific Paypal account. Just click here.

Fill in your your Paypal ID on the right or click "Continue" on the center-left to fill in your credit card info. on the left (scroll down to bottom left-center to go on).

Thanks. I appreciate it, deeply.


  1. Hey Steve,

    I just contributed again. I find your web site to be the most interesting web site on the web.

  2. what? no more west african male worship thinly disguised as legitimate track & field analysis? come on man, don't live a lie. embrace your nearly homosexual admiration for black sprinters.

  3. "Then, my mechanic called to say, no, the problem causing my car to lurch alarmingly wasn't the solenoid like he thought it was yesterday, it was the entire transmission, and do I want the $1950 used transmission or the $2150 rebuilt transmission? (What should I get? It's a 1998 Accord with 104,000 miles and a lot of dents.)"

    You'll get your donation after I get my own car repaired. ; )

    I can't believe the transmission went out in your Accord. Only 104,000 miles, is it a lemon? Why don't you come up with $4000 for a newer used vehicle? You could get $500 - $1000 for the "junk" Accord or a nice tax deduction for donating it. See the local bargain paper for buyers.

    Since you'll drive a sedan, it's obvious you really don't care what kind of vehicle you're seen in. So get a newer used one. Ever thought of one of those compact SUVs. As long as you avoid purple, it will greatly improve your status in the neighborhood.

  4. If Steve wrote books, you would buy them, right?

    He blogs more than a book's worth per year, so I think he deserves at least a book's worth of monetary reward.

  5. Steve, about the Accord, why don't you become an insurance defense lawyer? 200K/yr. for chanting "objection: burdensome."

  6. The promised "high hurdle" vs. "low hurdle" analysis from an evolutionary/cultural standpoint actually would have been pretty interesting. Where else could we read an informed opinion about something like that and why?

    The hypothesis of the fast cattle-ranching background and subsequent running prowess of some groups vs. the distance abilities of others was unique indeed. I'd never thought of it.

    I try and drop in a magazine subscript's worth a couple of times a year. This blogspot is at least as good as two subscriptions to various political/cultural magazines----two of the best ones for certain. M

  7. OK, I kicked in $35. Steve's way to liberal for me, but he does add original thought to the mix (which is rare) and graphically demonstrates how someone reading a book or sitting at a computer (with Google of course) can send out the tentacles and see some things for what they are. Well done.

  8. It's a 1998 Accord with 104,000 miles and a lot of dents

    Somehow I read that first as "a lot of deaths"

  9. sent check via snail mall to VDARE Foundation.

  10. I just dropped USD$50.

    Steve is one of the few realist thinkers out there. He is a select member of that vanishing breed -- the scientific empiricist.

    Other than Steve's blog, a few related and descendant blogs, and selected sources like, there really are few people who look at things as they *are* rather than how they wish they *should* be based on the arbitrary criteria that they were spoonfed in elementary school and college.

    Keep up the good work, buddy.


  11. You'll get your donation after I get my own car repaired. ; )

    Nice try. That was my excuse last time.

    Is it legal to mail lottery tickets across state lines, Steve? Even if they're used?

  12. Since you'll drive a sedan, it's obvious you really don't care what kind of vehicle you're seen in.

    I don't know. I happen to think that the G35 sedans look way better than the coupes. And this is iSteve, not DailyKos - any car looks better with kids in it. (And any car with an Obama sticker looks better without kids in it).

  13. What you really need is a motorcycle. That way when it comes time to flee LA you'll have no trouble weaving through all the traffic, like Elijah Wood and Leelee Sobieski in "Deep Impact."

    I'll kick in $100+ as soon as my last expense reports go through. Might be a week or so.

  14. Steve's way to liberal for me

    Wow. Never thought you'd be called liberal, eh?

  15. good luck with your car.

    and keep up the good work!


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