September 14, 2008

Best. Election. Ever.

The New York Post has reported that the 67-year-old Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.'s 2007 affair with a 37-year-old church lady employed by a black Texas megachurch headed by one of Wright's proteges has led to her divorce and firing. (And, yes, she's not black.)

Payne's husband, Fred Payne, 64, said he learned of the affair in late February, when he discovered e-mails between his wife and Wright. "There must have been about 80 of them, back and forth," he said. "Wright said things like he was going to leave his wife for Elizabeth."

Wright has been married to his second wife, Ramah, for more than 20 years. The preacher reportedly wooed Ramah away from her first husband in the 1980s, when the couple came to marriage counseling at Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

After discovering he had been cuckolded, Fred Payne, who had married Elizabeth in October 2006, headed straight for divorce court. "I was downright mad about this bull- - - -," said Fred, who said he is "in the oil and gas business," belongs to a hunting club and makes his own bullets in his garage.

"People wouldn't be happy to know that my wife was sleeping with a black man." He added, "Rev. Haynes doesn't like the interracial thing, either. This was quite an issue for him." [Rev. Haynes is black.]

Elizabeth Payne said she has been banished by Haynes and the flock at Friendship-West. "I'm not a member of the congregation anymore; I'm not even allowed on the premises," she said.

Ms. Payne has filed a charge of wrongful dismissal.

That big house being built for Sen. Obama's long-time spiritual adviser in an almost all-white gated golf course community is owned by Trinity United Church of Christ. I assumed at the time that there was some tax-avoidance reason for this, but perhaps when Wright made these arrangements, he had community property issues in mind, too.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. Elizabeth Payne is not a White woman. In this case maybe interracial means black and Mexican Latina. I don't know but she clearly isn't White.

    And if Fred Payne thinks she is then that's another example of him being tricked.

  2. "Elizabeth Payne is not a White woman. In this case maybe interracial means black and Mexican Latina. I don't know but she clearly isn't White.

    And if Fred Payne thinks she is then that's another example of him being tricked."

    9/14/2008 Dyork

    She doesn't look particularly White to me, either. But she could be nominally White; I would say she is probably a mixed White-Brown Mexican, or a White, with about a quarter Cherokee ancestry.

    I have heard Whites, with a quarter or eighth Cheerokee ancestry are not uncommon in Texas and Oklahoma.

  3. The international financial system is in the midst of a Republican-enabled meltdown, and this is what you find to be an important election issue? Are you kidding me? Wright's a jackass, get over it. Republicans have wrecked our economy and need to be evicted post haste. The Republican party is monumentally, epically corrupt, and stupid in equal measure. Offensive and brutish as he is is, Jeremiah Wright means nothing in that context.

  4. I read this somewhere before last week. The fact that it only appears on obscure websites shows you how the total media blackout w.r.t. any bad news about Obama is being implemented. I must take my hat off at the discipline of the MSM. It’s well documented that many of the people in the MSM have lifestyles which do not further personal discipline. But when it comes to their ideology, boy do they tow the line.

  5. "I have heard Whites, with a quarter or eighth Cheerokee ancestry are not uncommon in Texas and Oklahoma."

    "Cherokee ancestry" is usually either made up or a cover up for black ancestry.

  6. >>>>She doesn't look particularly White to me...

    For that matter, Jeremiah Wright doesn't look particularly black to me.

  7. Elizabeth Payne didn't even wait a year before cheating on her new husband with an even older man. Here's guessing that her father was either remote or completely mising during her girlhood and that ol' Jeremiah was more lavish with the Viagra than ol' Fred.

  8. Cherokee ancestry is not a cover for black ancestry. I come from Kansas and 1/8 or 1/16th Indian (usually Cherokee) people are a dime a dozen there. You can't barely tell the 1/8 Indian people from purebred whites, and you can't distinguish the 1/16th people, even if you're looking for it. Contrast with "octaroons," who are completely, obviously part black, and who look completely different.

    Why should Cherokee ancestry be surprising in people who are from areas near Oklahama, which was a giant Indian reservation 120 years ago?

  9. Half breed, that's all I ever heard
    Half breed, how I learned to hate the word

  10. "The international financial system is in the midst of a Republican-enabled meltdown, and this is what you find to be an important election issue?"

    Why is the international financial system melting down? Look up the term "moral hazard" for part of the answer. I agree the Republicans are less than ideal. I posit that the Democrats are also partly to blame. I disagree that Mr. Wright's failings and his relationship to Mr. Obama are completely meaningless in context but, rather, should rightfully be taken into consideration when evaluating Mr. Obama's fitness for the office of the presidency. Plus it's just a blast to hear about the s*** these guys try to pull.

  11. anon said: "Cherokee ancestry" is usually either made up or a cover up for black ancestry.

    It isn't just a cover. The Cherokee owned slaves, with whom they produced offspring, and there were free men of color who married into the Cherokee tribe.

    Admittedly, people often claim(ed) part-indian rather than part-black ancestry because it was viewed more favorably, but in fact there is some African ancestry among a significant portion of the Cherokee population, and among the Southeastern tribes generally. The desecendants themselves are not always aware of this.

  12. Anonymous DYork said...

    Elizabeth Payne is not a White woman.

    That works out well, because Wright isn't a black man, either!

  13. "Why should Cherokee ancestry be surprising in people who are from areas near Oklahama, which was a giant Indian reservation 120 years ago?"

    Ignore them, c23, they could care less about the truth of the matter. Linking Cherokee and black ancestry is a way to insult a certain individual they know is part Cherokee. The target is no mystery but the reason, as in "have I done something to upset you, lately?" is more complex.

    In response, I can only say that I am neutral on the matter of having traces of either African or American Indian/mongoloid DNA. And that those who are most antagonistic about non-white ancestry on this blog tend not to be white or African...

    "Elizabeth Payne is not a White woman.

    That works out well, because Wright isn't a black man, either!"

    You beat me to it, Svigor. : p

  14. Can't wait to see Steve's take on L'Messiah soliciting Iraqi pols to take a dive on a timetable. I'm surprised he hasn't blogged it yet.

  15. That works out well, because Wright isn't a black man, either!

    Not to put too fine a point on it, but if I was being cuckolded and it was a black guy, it would definitely be adding (grievous) insult to injury (hi Truth!); but if it was Wright, that would turn a frown upside down.

    (Kudos btw to the cuckold for having the stones to express flat-out rejection of miscegenation, over and above infidelity. To the media: loved the reference to his ammo press, good job, keep up the good "work")

  16. "The international financial system is in the midst of a Republican-enabled meltdown"

    Check your partisanship and look up some facts. Look up who ran the government-sponsored mortgage behemoths that inflated the real estate bubble -- here's a hint: you'll find a couple of them on Obama's economic team.


  17. "Cherokee ancestry" is usually either made up or a cover up for black ancestry.

    In my experience, here in Texas, it is usually plausible, and it has never been a cover for black ancestry.


  18. The international financial system is in the midst of a Republican-enabled meltdown....

    A commenter here still doesn't recognize that the Dems and GOP are in cahoots on everything?

  19. "The international financial system is in the midst of a Republican-enabled meltdown, and this is what you find to be an important election issue? Are you kidding me?"

    Not kidding, exactly, but it's pretty clear from the title that Sailer thinks of this as an amusing side-note. He's written plenty about the financial crisis ... and he's also written plenty about interracial relationships ... and about movies.... Sounds like a pretty fair mix of the substantive and the entertaining, if you ask me.

  20. "Not to put too fine a point on it, but if I was being cuckolded and it was a black guy, it would definitely be adding (grievous) insult to injury (hi Truth!);"

    Hey Svig, right back at ya!

    And just to show that Truth is magnanimous, and deferential to the sorrows of his fellow man, I sincerely hope that all of your wife boyfriends are white.

  21. "The international financial system is in the midst of a Republican-enabled meltdown, and this is what you find to be an important election issue? Are you kidding me?"

    I second Blode. Steve has written on the affirmative action recession before.
    Rev. Black Power's multiracial affairs of the heart and the MSMs ignoring of it add to an all ready hilarious election cycle.

  22. Black Sea It isn't just a cover. The Cherokee owned slaves, with whom they produced offspring, and there were free men of color who married into the Cherokee tribe.

    Admittedly, people often claim(ed) part-indian rather than part-black ancestry because it was viewed more favorably, but in fact there is some African ancestry among a significant portion of the Cherokee population, and among the Southeastern tribes generally. The desecendants themselves are not always aware of this.

    That reminds me of what is maybe my runner-up all-time favorite Affirmative Action story:

    Cherokees eject slave descendants
    Sunday, 4 March 2007, 09:47 GMT

    Cherokees Pull Freed Slaves' Memberships
    By MURRAY EVANS, Associated Press Writer
    March 4, 2007

    Of course, this is my all-time favorite Affirmative Action story:

    Low-caste tribe riots in Delhi for right to be 'untouchable'
    By Andrew Buncombe in Delhi
    Friday, 30 May 2008

  23. to headache

    It's not "tow the line", it's "toe the line". Royal Navy tradition.

  24. Cherokee as code for black, hmm I've heard that before. David Reynolds wrote an amazing book about 15 years ago called Rich Relations: The American Occupation of Britain 1942-45.

    Its amazing that black GIs would be shipped straight from bases in the Jim Crow South to camps in the UK where there was no color bar. Indeed, blacks were perfectly free to date white women if she'd put up with him.

    Naturally this caused some tension among the less progressive of the white GIs also serving in Britain (the husbands of said women, languishing in POW camps or fighting overseas, weren't big fans either).

    Anywho, that was a common line black GIs would give naive English farm girls-- their skin was dark because they were Cherokee Indian.

  25. To cher,re "half-breed". Remeber Burt Reynolds as 'Quint' the 1/2 Indian 1/2 white blacksmith on Gunsmoke? He loved parading around town with his shirt off wearing that black leather blacksmiths apron!! I am sure there were no gay writers involved in that show,and no humorous intent. It sems like in every episode someone would call him a half-breed,and Burt would proceed to beat the hell out of the guy! So yes,I would agree half-breed is unacceptable in polite company.You dont suppose a young Stanley Dunham developed some type of erotic connection between brooding,brawny dark men and...blacksmiths,do ya?

  26. Despite Campaign Claim, Obama Told Paper He Attended Trinity Church ‘Every Week’.

    "President-elect Barack Obama said in 2004 – while he was a state legislator running for a U.S. Senate seat – that he attended services at Trinity United Church of Christ every week.

    This is in contrast to what Obama, as a presidential candidate, said this year after controversial anti-American remarks by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright surfaced. Obama then told news outlets that he did not attend the church frequently and was not aware of Wright’s comments."

    - - - - -

    Who could have guessed?

    And how surprising that Chicago Sun-Times reporter Cathleen Falsani's March 2004 interview emerges in Mid-November, 2008.


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