September 26, 2008

If McCain drops out ...

If, by any chance, McCain gets even more erratic and drops out of the race (which seems like a low probability, but not out of the range of possibility) and the GOP needs a replacement in a hurry, they already have an experienced, reasonable, respected steady hand who is totally on top of current national security issues, and would probably do about as well with economic issues as anybody else they've got: Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

I'm just tossing that name out there to go along with the Romneys and Powells.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. I never believed he actually wanted to be President. When I first heard he picked Palin, I thought he was throwing the election. Turns out, she's more popular than he is...

  2. Maybe he knows more about his health condition than we do and does not want to die in office. Even for an eccentric like himself I do believe the job is stressful, although Bush actually proved the opposite.

  3. Alternatively, the Repubs could go with the candidate who predicted this mess (though he was ridiculed for it), and who was the most vocal opponent of the "Invade the World, Invite the World, In Hock to the World" Republican Party Slogan of the Bullshit Years. His name is Ron Paul.

    Then again, knowing that the Republican Party is the Evil Party (tip to Dr. Francis) perhaps they should tap Joe Lieberman. Itll do wonders for party funding, and he'll certainly stay true to the McCain / Likudnik foreign policy track.

  4. I nominate Buchanan/Sailer. We'll lose by a landslide squared -- with the help of the MSM -- but at least we'd get a few ideas out there.

  5. anon#1, Palin is NOT popular. She's an airhead and people have started to see that.

    Sarah Palin's "favorability" has declined to 37%, lower than McCain's 40%. [latest CBS poll].

  6. No way: Sailer/Buchanan instead.

  7. 911 is not a topic that you address. For many of us, no one serving in the current administration is acceptable since we regard them as unindicted co-conspirators and war criminals.

  8. Gates, as the man who has so far prevented war with Iran, certainly gets my vote.

    I don't think Sailer would make a good VP. There are much better places for a policy wonk. Buchanan/Webb would be nicely bipartisan. >:)

  9. Buchanan as prez and Sailer as vice. Sailer is too intellectual as prez. We'll end up having too many discussions about everything and trying to get down to the bottom of things when simple decisions need to be made. Palin could also be in there somewhere, maybe as Def. Sec.

  10. Robert Gates is an excellent suggestion, he's really restored a sense of competence to the Pentagon.

    If it were anyone other than McCain as the GOP ticket then nominee then I think Gates would have been a superb running mate.

  11. 911 is not a topic that you address. For many of us, no one serving in the current administration is acceptable since we regard them as unindicted co-conspirators and war criminals.

    Yeah, Steve—how's about letting out your "inner troother" for a bit? You know you wanna....

    For example, what do you think the typical IQ of the 9-11 hijackers might have been? Answer: Not too high.

  12. Sarah Palin is doing exactly the task she was assigned by the GOP. After two years of campaigning to the hard right, McCain clearly showed he was unable to fire up the Republican voter base. The right-wing masses were demoralized. So, the decision was made to bring in a VP who would do that chore, while McCain went back to his old role as reach-across-the-aisle moderate who would appeal to undecided centrists in this election. Palin has done her job perfectly. She has fired up the voter base. Sure, she's embarassingly naive. But don't blame the GOP. Where are you going to find a person who believes in fictional characters like Jesus and at the same time is grounded in reality?

  13. " said...

    911 is not a topic that you address. For many of us, no one serving in the current administration is acceptable since we regard them as unindicted co-conspirators and war criminals."

    And many of us regard 9/11 false-flag conspiracy proponents as raving wack-jobs.

  14. "...believes in fictional characters like Jesus and at the same time is grounded in reality?"

    I wish I had your time machine so I could be as sure of myself as you. But I'll have to do my research the old fashioned way. Jesus is not a "fictional" character. At least no more than Buddah or Moses or Mohammed.
    His teachings have provided inspiration for that western culture, the remains of which you are now partaking. The only argument is how much inspiration.
    By "fiction", I think what you mean is, the "salvation" theology around Jesus and the personal line people claim to have with him. Here is where "faith" enters, and you either believe or you don't.
    A great many profoundly intelligent people have believed in this theology and the personal line, so I don't assume that a religious person believes in "fiction" or is unintelligent.

    It is indeed a fiction that the government is on our side, pulling for the taxpayers. That's not true anymore, but it doesn't make George Washington or the Constitution fictional.

    btw, don't believe the polls at at face value. Learn how use them. When they said Palin had 50% approval, she probably had 80%. When they say she has 37% approval, she probably has 47%. This is just a belief, but one bolstered by the undeniable viciousness and bias of the media in the last couple weeks, proving the Brzezinski is on the offence.

  15. charlotte:

    If this sort of bias in the poll results were happening, the Republican candidates for office would routinely win in landslides, when polls were predicting a tight race. That's not what we see.

  16. M.Martin,
    I am in good company.
    August 2004 poll results.
    [Half] (49.3%) of New York City residents and 41% of New York citizens overall say that some of our leaders "knew in advance that attacks were planned on or around September 11, 2001, and that they consciously failed to act." Overall results have a margin of sampling error of +/-3.5.

    On May 26th,2004 the Toronto Star reported a national poll showing that 63% of Canadians are also convinced US leaders had 'prior knowledge' of the attacks yet declined to act.

    As of 2006,The New York Times / CBS News poll with margin of error of 4 per cent asked:"When it comes to what they knew prior to September 11th, 2001, about possible terrorist attacks against the United States, do you think members of the Bush Administration are telling the truth, are mostly telling the truth but hiding something, or are they mostly lying?" Only 16% responded that the Bush administration was telling the truth.

    THOMAS HARGROVE, Scripps Howard News Service, 08/01/2006. "More than a third of the American public suspects that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East, according to a new Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll."

    The ongoing MSNBC poll asks:"Do you believe any of the conspiracy theories suggesting the U.S. government was somehow involved in 9/11?" YES: 67%

  17. Didn't Hillary channel Eleanor Roosevelt?

  18. "For example, what do you think the typical IQ of the 9-11 hijackers might have been? Answer: Not too high."

    Are you kidding?

    Their IQ was high enough to turn a planes headed from Boston to Ohio around 270 degrees to New York and fly smack-dab into the middle of a building without help from ground control (or a pilot's license.)It was high enough force the USAF to issue a stand down order when jets are scrambled when a plane veers more than 5 minutes of course, and it was high enough for them to crash another jet into the Pentagon without leaving one iota of airplane wreckage.

    The Arabs involved outsmarted, outfoxed and outwilled the whites trying to catch them with an IQ advantage that almost made the game unfair.

    They must have been South Indian Brahmans! (HAHA)


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