September 19, 2008

Non-specific immune response due to intentional attribution error

GC unloads in the GNXP comment section. Yes, I know that the financial breakdown had lots of short-term causes, but we've got a long-term problem that people are only now waking up to that he describes with vivid overstatement here.

Consider the recent and ongoing financial meltdown. The forced borrowing and credit expansion makes our society like Wile E. Coyote. The standard of living which we're maintaining through massive borrowing is that of a 90+% Euro country, running further and further out in mid-air over an enormous gorge. At some point the Chinese will call in their chits -- and there will be a massive correction which drops us back to the economic profile of a ~67% Euro country with a 2% high IQ minority of immigrants and a 30% or larger proportion of restive NAM economic deadweight. A vertical drop on the regression line rather than a gradual degradation. ...

But can this fundamental demographic factor be mooted, let alone discussed? No.

- Yet can we discuss "greed"? Sure.

- The ineradicable evil of the Republicans and capitalism itself? Of course.

- The necessity of yet more government control over the economy, despite the fact that Sarbanes-Oxley did nothing to prevent this? Naturally.

So -- what happens when we can only discuss symptoms rather than causes? Well, do you know what nonspecific activation of the immune system can do? Some really bad things:

A cytokine storm. An immunologist contacted by New Scientist and who wished to be anonymous has commented that "You don't need to be a rocket scientist to work out what will happen if you non-specifically activate every T cell in the body."[25]

- Point: a nonspecific immune response can result in the death or incapacitation of an organism.

- Observation: our media systematically causes nonspecific responses via intentional attribution error.

1) Health Care -- have you seen these Blue Shield Ads? They go on & on about the "uninsured" without ever once mentioning that they are overwhelmingly Hispanic.

2) Collapse of our financial system -- compare Sailer's diversity recession article to current see-no-ACORN NYT coverage.

3) "Gun violence" in the US -- compare Bowling for Columbine to the FBI Uniform Crime reports. The Heller argumentation was a joke, a complete abstraction on both sides. Doesn't matter whether there are assault rifles in every house (like Switzerland) or gun prohibition (like the UK). Demographics is what determines gun violence.

4) Education -- international statistics show "Americans" at the bottom, causing NCLB. But whites and Asians are doing fine.

5) Terrorism -- compare PC Norman Mineta's screening procedures with the reality of the names on the terrorist watch list.

6) Racial profiling -- see "violence" above. Soon whites/asians will be pulled over at higher rates to match quotas, with blacks/hispanics pulled over at lower rates. This will be the effect of Obama's proposed national racial profiling prohibition in the Jena Six speech at Howard -- either increase spurious arrests or practice catch and release, or both.

7) Crime statistics -- FBI aggregates Hispanics into the white category as "offenders", vastly increasing the apparent white crime rate (this is how Tim Wise lies).

Every single one of these has the same form:

1) NAM group behaves badly
2) Media reports it as nonspecific problem of "society" and refuses to mention specific culpability
3) The government increases its power and forces non-NAMs to pay for their bad behavior
4) Refusal to address root causes increased rates of taxation, crime, victimization. Everything from airport security strip searches of grandma to gun seizures from law abiding citizens to forced busing into Rwanda-like schools is a function of this systematic attribution error.


  1. the Chinese will call in their chits

    Its worse, our 'best and brightest' are begging the Chinese to take our assents

    "Morgan Stanley chairman John Mack is believed to have already assembled a team to lead due diligence on Wachovia, whose chairman Bob Steel called Mr Mack on Wednesday morning to suggest the possibility of some form of combination.

    He is also understood to have approached China Investment Corporation, a sovereign wealth fund of the Chinese government, about it raising its stake in Morgan Stanley from 9.9pc to as much as 49pc."

    From the Telegaph UK

  2. I must say that blaming the ongoing collapse of Wall Street's business model of ultra-high-leveraged securitization and complex derivatives trading on immigrants and Latinos has got to be one of the most peculiar arguments I've ever read about anything.

    Maybe it should all just be blamed on "The Jews" instead. Given the ethnicity of so many of the top Wall Street people involved, at least this might have some remote plausibility.

    But I think I know the real culprit: its Bin Laden and his Islamo-Fascists!!!

  3. I suspect that the current economic woes have little to do with your "NAM" worry; they are the last fling of "Euro" America. The point you make, Steve, really governs where the floor is that you'll fall to.

  4. We can discuss "The ineradicable evil of the Republicans and capitalism itself"?

    What planet is this guy living on?

    Republicans, sure. We can talk about the Hitlerish nature of Republicans in the same kindergartenish laughably silly manner that we can talk about the Stalinish nature of the Democrats. That's not "discussing" of course, it's people with the mentality of two year olds calling each other a cocky-doody-face.

    But Capitalism? And some of the evils therein? Do we see this being "discussed" by anyone who isn't an anachronistic kook? Is this really a subject for mature conversation among the talking-heads in this country? among polite society folk? among anybody>?

    (Of course the dumber among our readership will get caught in the semantics (they always do) and will fancy themselves clever by rhetorically sputtering, "we don't see criticisms of the capitalistic system being discussed by people of intelligence in this country because only "anachronistic kooks" like you actually are so blind as to be critical!" but it isn't for the idiots that I bother to comment.)


  5. But anybody is allowed to mention all these things on many websites, it's just that, even if the author is prepared to pay the personal costs, nobody significant will pay attention to anything he says again after making attributions about groups. Yes, even if you moonwalk into it by talking about NAM instead of saying it directly.

    What we see is the effect of offensive realist perception by the NAM.(yup me too) Primed for offence a state --or group within a state-- ought to try to and alter to balance of power to give it more security in an uncertain future. The cultural aggression has been successful.

  6. Wow, he is now starting to sound angry. Good.

  7. a ~67% Euro country with a 2% high IQ minority of immigrants and a 30% or larger proportion of restive NAM economic deadweight.

    It's more like 60 % Euro right now, or even 55 %.
    More to the point, had us all thinking that the tiny minority of "Asian cognitive elitists" would more than make up for the loss of a White majority.
    Now GC seems to believe otherwise.

  8. Steve,
    Link to the thread, please.

  9. Once again the root of the problem is Hispanics, eh?

    How many times has this blog identified them as the cause of societal ill?

    What are your *solutions* gentlemen?

    Assuming you could stop any further immigration from now on, how would you remove 12-20M illegal immigrants and presumably return them from whence they came?

    Is there a practical and legal method? I haven't heard of one yet.

  10. Everything stated here seems obviously true.

    I think we have to examine why the Lib/Left/Dems are pursuing countervailing policies. Do they imagine themselves immune from crime and economic loss? Are they recruiting allies for their intra-race battles?

  11. Where is this in the GNXP comment section? I'd like to find the thread.

    GC is exhilarating to read.

  12. I can´t find this on gnxp - nor do you link to it.

  13. re: "GC unloads in the GNXP comment section."

    Why no URL? Some of us work for a living and literally don't have the time to wade through a blog to find the source. Please use hot links.

    re: "NAM"

    What does this code "NAM" represent?
    National Association of Manufacturers
    North American Motoring
    Non-Aligned Movement
    National Arbitration and Mediation
    (viet) NAM type RESTAURANTS
    Northwest Assistance Ministries
    Nam: Network Animator
    North American Meso Model Forecast Meteograms

  14. This is a dicey topic of conversation, especially in a crucially important election year, but I think a lot of these issues are finally bubbling to the surface.

    I don't think it would be prudent to say much more than that, but, by the morning of Wednesday, November 5, 2008, I think that things will probably have gotten pretty darned ugly in the domestic political arena.

    Heck -what am I saying? This is iSteve - I'll go ahead and indulge in just a little imprudence - the visuals on the new McAmnesty ad are pretty stunning:

    I am quite confident that we'll be hearing cries of "Willie Horton" from the DEMs no later than this afternoon [if the yelping & howling hasn't started already].

    After that, we'll see whether McAmnesty has the gonads to hold his ground, or whether he buckles under the pressure [hopefully Sarah can inspire him not to give up the faith].

  15. That's one of the reasons I like Seattle. Despite all the "liberalism" it's mostly white and asian. Blacks are about 6% and I don't know exact hispanics, but it's low in the city as well. What it means is that despite all the attempts by the city government to screw things up, taxes are relatively low, schools are fairly good, and crime is fairly low. Plus people are polite. What a change from CA.

  16. Rather like the recent Sandra Tsing Loh blog entry on education at the nyt. Over 600 comments but no one could bring themselves to say they don't want their kids to go school with the black - and emerging hispanic - underclass despite their love of Diversity.

  17. can you provide the link to the comment? I'm not looking through the entire blog.

  18. I could contribute a few typo fixes to my little comment, but the only thing that's really substantive is to correct my demographics -- the numbers are currently about 63% Euro, 2% Ashkenazi, 4% Asian, and 29% or more NAMs. Incorporating illegals, I wouldn't be surprised to see the overall Euro percentage drop to less than 60%.

    And these numbers are getting steadily worse. See Of US Children under age 5, Nearly Half are Minorities".

    One thing to keep in mind is that the mortgage crisis is unusual in that it's aggregated, sudden, and hence *perceptible*. To get a feel for just how this came about, read Ace's excellent posts to supplement Steve's diversity recession article.

    What's different is that in *this* case, we're seeing the concentrated effects of Hispanic immigration and leftist policies because they're all lumped together into a single multibillion dollar time bomb which is exploding in the middle of downtown New York. Kind of similar to the previous diversity-caused explosion which happened on 9/11/01, actually.

    By contrast, all the violent crimes by NAMs aren't being depicted on video tape simultaneously on every screen in Times Square. And all the costs of racial quotas aren't being simultaneously tabulated on big tickers in the trading pits. We have only the vaguest idea of how much leftist policies have cost us collectively -- from bilingual ed to gated communities, from broken homes to a culture of credentialism, from Bowling Alone to the increasingly unattainable ideal of affordable family formation.

    The costs are far greater than anything we're seeing on TV now. And we ain't seen nothing yet. In 10 years approximately 50% of people under age 18 will be nonwhite, the vast majority of them black and Hispanic. In 20 years that's going to be ~50% of the people under 30. In a very short time, those people aren't going to be yuppies or startup founders. They're going to be squabbling over racial redistribution a la Brazil. Just watch as issues like reparations for slavery mirror the emergence of gay marriage, moving from fringe issues to Democratic litmus tests in one election cycle.

    The US is still coasting on civilizational momentum, and that will carry us through for a while, but these costs are going to keep coming due and the results are going to be calamitous. The next generation isn't going to have much civilizational memory of stable nuclear families or the Protestant work ethic. Illegitimacy rates are already at ~25% among underclass whites, and overclass whites have swallowed the Sex and the City ideology hook, line, and sinker.

    The family structure and personal responsibility ethic of 50's America will have been entirely eradicated by diversity ideology, in the much the same way Communism shattered the work ethic of the Eastern Europeans and radical Islam took Afghanistan and Iran from the 20th century to the 15th.

    In the next 10 years or so a lot of world shattering truths are going to be coming out of genomics, but it's probably going to be too late for the US as we know it. If by some miracle McCain checks out early and Palin becomes pres before he can enact amnesty, things might proceed more slowly...but for those of you with the resources to do so, I strongly recommend looking East or else towards the far North, as is your wont.

  19. Uninsured citizens are not overwhelmingly Hispanic. 30% of the uninsured are Hispanic. And they're 14% of the population. Removing Hispanics would not eliminate the problem of the uninsured.


  20. The new Pat Buchanan column:

    "What we are witnessing today is how empires end..

    The Last Superpower is unable to defend its borders, protect its currency, win its wars or balance its budget. Medicare and Social Security are headed for the cliff with unfunded liabilities in the tens of trillions of dollars.

    What we are witnessing today is nothing less than a Katrina-like failure of government, of our political class, and of democracy itself, casting a cloud over the viability and longevity of the system.

    Notice who is managing the crisis. Not our elected leaders. Nancy Pelosi says she had nothing to do with it. Congress is paralyzed and heading home. President Bush is nowhere to be seen.

    Hank Paulson of Goldman Sachs and Ben Bernanke of the Fed chose to bail out Bear Sterns but let Lehman go under. They decided to nationalize Fannie and Freddie at a cost to taxpayers of hundreds of billions, putting the U.S. government behind $5 trillion in mortgages. They decided to buy AIG with $85 billion rather than see the insurance giant sink beneath the waves.

    An * unelected financial elite * is now entrusted with the assignment of getting us out of a disaster into which an * unelected financial elite * plunged the nation. We are just spectators.

    What the Greatest Generation handed down to us—the richest, most powerful, most self-sufficient republic in history, with the highest standard of living any nation had ever achieved—the baby boomers, oblivious and self-indulgent to the end, have frittered away."

  21. Yes, that's about it.

    In the sixties it was completely clear from the evidence that all men are not created equal. America chose to ignore that fact. For the next forty+ years we developed a large set of policies based on assumptions that were known to be false.

    Blacks have lower IQs and the reason is genetic. Since intelligence is the most important human characteristic, it follows that blacks are geneticlly inferior.

    Even to the audience on this blog that is well prepared for such a conclusion, such a statement is shocking. We simply aren't prepared to discuss black inferiority in polite society. People who simply state the bald truth that corresponds to a wealth of evidence are condemned as extremists.

    There is a price to be paid for believing a comforting falsehood. Stalin favored Lysenkoism because it was it was consistent with Marxist dogma. Many died of starvation. The Vatican favored a geocentric universe of unchangeable heavenly bodies. Their treatment of Bruno and Galileo cost the west perhaps a century of scienticfic delay. Semmelweiss' critics scorned his ideas that discomforted the physician class who refused to believe that they might themselves carry disease. Thousands died.

    We need some socially acceptable language to comminicate the undeniable truth that blacks are just not as bright as whites or asians.

    If that idea could be addressed publicly we could have avoided many stupid government actions of the last forty years.

    In the long run black inferiority is not likely to matter much. As mankind gains control of his biology, human differences in IQ and foot speed will no longer be fixed issues largely dependent on an individual's race. Smart or fast people will be those who have had the appropriate treatment. Indeed skin color and hair texture, traits that are currently racially determined, will become matters of individual choice and popular fashion.

    We know a good deal about what people will be like when the human race has more biological control. Men will be tall and muscular. No one will have acne or bad teeth. Few will be bald. Women will be thin but shapely. No one will be fat and clumsy. Finally everyone will choose to be smart. Parents will not choose to have short, ugly, stupid babies.

    In the future no one will choose to have a brain that operates at the approximately IQ = 85 level of current American blacks. So our current rather stupid black population will not be a problem - in the long run. Blacks will not be stupid forever. They will get treatment for IQ just as whites will get treatments that will allow them to compete in the 100 meter dash.

    Our problem is the present. Today in large part the reality is that the NBA is black, death row is black, and good homeowners are white.

  22. Doesn't matter whether there are assault rifles in every house (like Switzerland) or gun prohibition (like the UK). Demographics is what determines gun violence.

    Utah's 2007 murder rate was 2.2 per 100,000. Arizona's was 8.5 per 100,000. The European Union's was 2.37 with Britain at 2.03 and Sweden at 2.39.

    What's the difference between Utah and Arizona? And what are the similarities between Utah and the EU?

    Arizona is 59.7% white (I do not consider Hispanics white - they are mixed race, so "white non-Hispanic is a misnomer). Utah is 82.9% white.

    The site I got my EU/Sweden/UK data from claims the lower murder rates in Europe are a result of the lack of guns. Sure.

    And even here in Utah over half of our murders are committed by minorities, while they comprise 17% of the population. Eliminate the minorities and our rate would be 1.1/0.83 = 1.3 per 100,000 - about that of Australia and New Zealand. And what does Utah have in common with New Zealand and Australia?

  23. This movie ends badly.

    Kinda like Black Hawk Down. When do we get the armored division to escort us outta here?

  24. This movie may end badly, but we can be sure of a few things: there will always be NAM people like Obama who make nice-sounding, comforting speeches in the middle of the demographic slide. There will be all kinds if civil rights 'leaders' ready to take our money. There will always be people like Juan McCain ready to side with the rich and short-sighted. Unfortunately their power will only affect the shrinking non-NAM demographics and they will lose control over the third world slums - which will be left to their own devices. And then we will have the shrinking middle class looking to go somewhere else, like they always do. 'Liberals' will be the first to join the heavily secured, gated communities and the first to leave once it is really bad. It's always the same pattern.

  25. Holy Crap: that's like the unified field theory of Saileristics. That about sums it up.

    - Fred

  26. The late, great Sam Francis on Anarcho-Tyranny:

    What we have in this country today, then, is both anarchy (the failure of the state to enforce the laws) and, at the same time, tyranny—the enforcement of laws by the state for oppressive purposes; the criminalization of the law-abiding and innocent through exorbitant taxation, bureaucratic regulation, the invasion of privacy, and the engineering of social institutions, such as the family and local schools; the imposition of thought control through “sensitivity training” and multiculturalist curricula, “hate crime” laws, gun-control laws that punish or disarm otherwise law-abiding citizens but have no impact on violent criminals who get guns illegally, and a vast labyrinth of other measures. In a word, anarcho-tyranny.

    Source: Chronicles, April 2005 issue.

    Nice to see another take on it leading to the same conclusions.

  27. Extremely good article. Let me add others:
    • Problem with military recruitment, both quality and quantity.

    • Longevity (almost half the US-Europe gap)

    • The coming inevitable slowdown of US productivity growth. The right will attribute it to higher taxes and regulations, the left will say they knew all along cowboy capitalism didn’t work.

    • Decline in readership of high-brow media like NYT and LAT (Steve has written about this)

    It’s easy to accept that ideology was behind bad policy. But one thing I was wondering about the mortgage meltdown is if was also behind mispricing by the markets:
    So the government pushed for subprime mortgages to minorities with bad credit, banks and credit institutes went along. 49% of subprime loans were taken by to the 24% of the adult population that is Black/Hispanic. (I have never managed to find figures defaults rates by race). Groups that historically had bad credit were given lots of loans, in a country where it’s relatively easy to default on loans (an aspect of the story that is little discussed, by the way).

    This still doesn’t explain why Wall Street and all those foreign banks accepted the pricing of the mortgages. If markets worked in information processing they should have predicted the demographic aspect of the risk.

    Did they? Individually most of those people are completely oblivious to these issues, very PC environment. Certainly there was no public debate about this. Finance markets only work if there is information.

    Where there some experts who quietly took the demographic aspects of the mortgages into account, so that the people dealing with it knew? Or where the markets collectively blinded by PC ideology like the policy system?

  28. Lucius Vorenus: I am quite confident that we'll be hearing cries of "Willie Horton" from the DEMs no later than this afternoon [if the yelping & howling hasn't started already].

    Oh man, even I was being optimistic - turns out they were already crying racism last night [Rush Limbaugh just fronted this in the 1:00PM hour]:

    McCain Plays the Race Card
    Posted by Karen Tumulty
    September 18, 2008 9:45 [??? PM ???]

    ...When politicians interject race into a campaign, they seldom do it directly. Consider McCain's new ad, which the campaign says it will be airing nationally:

    This is hardly subtle: Sinister images of two black men, followed by one of a vulnerable-looking elderly white woman...

  29. mnuez We can discuss "The ineradicable evil of the Republicans and capitalism itself"? What planet is this guy living on?

    MN - that was my initial reaction as well, but on re-reading it, I decided that he was being sarcastic.

  30. Assuming you could stop any further immigration from now on, how would you remove 12-20M illegal immigrants and presumably return them from whence they came?

    Is there a practical and legal method? I haven't heard of one yet.

    I love it. Getting rid of aliens is implied to be impossible, but he's asking honest questions.

    Guy, the problem has nothing to do with way, and everything to do with will.

    What employer would take the risk of hiring aliens if doing so meant playing the bankruptcy lotto?

    How long would the aliens hang around with no work and no entitlements?

    The easy button's right there. The problem is the guy manning the easy button isn't the one who sees aliens as a problem because they're lining his pockets.


  31. "In the next 10 years or so a lot of world shattering truths are going to be coming out of genomics, but it's probably going to be too late for the US as we know it."

    If genomics blows up "equality of outcome" doctrine and things get as bad as you say over the next ten years or so, white Americans will still be able to change course.

    There are close to 200 million white Americans and they will still be the majority and socially dominant by 2020.

    The question of exactly "How" whites could take back the nation is for the future to answer, but I will merely note that white Americans (and white people in general) can do some pretty damned amazing things once they really, really, really, really, put their minds to it.

    As Yogi Berra said "It ain't over till it's over".

  32. Ha, Ha!

    I'm hardly surprised that the Pat Buchanan column on Wall Street's gigantic meltdown leaves out the obvious fact that illegal immigrant Latinos are the clear culprits...

    After all, everyone knows that Pat Buchanan is a hard-core pinko pro-La Raza Aztlanist!!

  33. Problem with military recruitment, both quality and quantity.

    Americans today are told that their children have no more right to this country than the child of someone from Guadalajara or Guangdong. Why die for such a place? No one washes a rental car, no one bleeds for a rental country.

    Uninsured citizens are not overwhelmingly Hispanic. 30% of the uninsured are Hispanic. And they're 14% of the population. Removing Hispanics would not eliminate the problem of the uninsured.

    The reason the problem doesn't appear larger is that the problem of "no insurance" is masked by government subsidies. Look at blacks in your link: 12% of the population but only 15% of the uninsured. Blacks tend to do even more poorly than Hispanics, but most blacks are eligible for Medicaid whereas about 1/3rd of Hispanics aren't.

    This issue was made clear by the latest data showing that the percent of insured Americans climbed last year by 0.4% even though those privately insured fell 0.4%. Why? Because 0.8% of Americans were addded to the govt insurance rolls.

    Assuming you could stop any further immigration from now on, how would you remove 12-20M illegal immigrants and presumably return them from whence they came?

    Are we really still having this debate?

    1) Large fines on businesses who hire them.

    1a) "Visit" enough businesses frequently enough so they understand that it is a crime, and they will be fined.

    2) Deny illegals driver's licenses and vehicle registrations.

    3) Deny illegals government subsidies that encourage them to come and stay, like education (i.e., "daycare") for their children.

    4) Long jail sentences for people who return to the US after having been deported.

    5) Financially reward states that help the feds enforce immigration laws. They'd face a citizen revolt if they turned down such financial aid from the government.

    There has never been a better time than now:

    1) Investments are falling and inflation is high, so some people who were out of the job market are now back in it, or soon will be.

    2) Cities and states are facing budget crunches and looking to cut costs - eliminating services to the illegal population will save them money.

    3) People are looking to cut unnecessary expenses like eating out and travel (two industries which employ lots of illegals).

    4) There is actually a housing surplus (construction - the third major employer).

    5) Even student loans are harder to get. Move college students back into the part-time/summer job market, where they belong, and they'll graduate with less debt and 15 pounds lighter.

    6) The money currently leaving the United States in the form of remittances will remain here.

    It was always a dumb idea to try to suggest that you could strengthen a First World economy with a Third World population - a bit like that John Belushi video where he's an Olympic champion who breakfasts on chocolate donuts and Marlboros.

    The EXACT same people who argued that we "needed" illegas to better our economy are the same people who lead us into this current financial crisis - Bill Clinton, George Bush, etc. Why should we keep listening to them?

  34. godless capitalist is back?

  35. BTW, Rush Limbaugh just had a caller who worked at Countrywide who said that CLUES [the Countrywide Loan Underwriting Expert System] automatically bumped the NAMs up from non-mortgage-worthy status to mortgage-worthy status.

    GOOGLE: Countrywide Loan Underwriting Expert System

    GOOGLE: automated underwriting program

    So apparently The Powers That Be were jiggering the system at its very foundations.

  36. It appears Western Civilization is currently in the grip of an extremist dogma. When has that been the case? Pretty much all throughout history, with the only difference being that "then" it was religious while now it is explicitly secular; but it's still dogma, you still can't question it, and you still get persecuted or even imprisoned if you do. But we will ride this dogma all the way to our demise, because when we are told not to question something for the most part we don't, and we shun those who do.

    The facts are overwhelming: Hispanics have lower IQs. They have higher crime rates. Thy have higher illegitimacy rates. They vote for totalitarian leftists. They have higher high school dropout rates. They have higher government dependency rates. And the final fact is undeniable: all these are largely genetically influenced so there is nothing any government program can do to change that.

  37. As a college student studying to be a teacher I'm getting a glimpse of how people in the education industry view politics. To most people on this blog, NCLB is an example of liberal government largesse, but to the teacher's unions, it was a tremendous disappointment. Some of them were arguing that teacher's salaries were the main reason why inner-city schools performed so poorly; if only every teacher were paid $80000 a year, all schools would perform just as well as the top tier of magnet schools! They also did not like Bush's idea of converting perpetually failing public schools into private charter schools and tightening up the hiring qualifications on new graduates entering teaching for the first time.

    Left-wing education analysts can come up with ideas you'd never dream of. So many ideas that I thought were left-wing extremist turn out to be discredited as outmoded conservative ideas in the textbooks I'm studying from right now.

    But they're right about some things; "teaching to the test" has done enough damage to our education system already; NCLB is causing schools to do it even more in order to make their school's test scores come out better.

    Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats seem to want to acknowledge the fact that there are problems good schools can't solve. No kind of school is going to be able to take a low-IQ student and turn them into a Rhodes scholar. Even the reddest of red states isn't going to touch this issue, let alone bring race into it; I think Bush made a lot of mistakes with NCLB, but that we can't really expect any better. I cannot imagine a school telling a family "your kids are dumb; we're going to do our best to educate them, but if they still get F's, just remember it's your fault for having kids in the first place!" Teachers will always be held responsible for the grades of their students; that's just part of the job. People who hope that schools will acknowledge differences in average intelligence between different income levels or different races are living in a dream.

    But that doesn't mean we couldn't do a lot worse than we are. Read the book Real Education by Charles Murray if you want to see an idea of how much worse things could get after a few decades of mostly Democratic administrations.

  38. While the overall belief that failure to address real behaviors in the NAM is accurate, Steve, the financial issues are more widespread and global, as "Spengler" points out.

    Roughly, there is not enough savings, globally, as there are too few old people to lend to young people.

    That's basically it. China can't generate enough savings on it's own, so went to the US for investments. Same with Europe and Japan. The emphasis on "diversity lending" made things worse, but the overall reality is too few old people to lend savings to young people.

    As for the ills of NAM, they are IMHO cultural, rather than genetic. A good dose of insistent, American culture is likely to cure those ills long term, provided strict adherence to them is mandated and diversity is thrown out and the numbers of new NAM are limited.

    Given the genetic bottleneck that seems to exist 50-70K years ago, there does not seem enough time for evolution to have provided radically different behavioral differences among racial groups on a deep, genetic basis.

    This makes the "culture wars" all the more vital, IMHO.

    [Buchanon as usual is an idiot. Bush is at least stopping the bleeding, and managing the crisis. Bailouts suck, the alternative is worse. Long term fixes will require a McCain admin using the issue to pummel Dems. Dems will only make the "diversity recession" worse, though as noted the biggest problem is not enough older people saving and lending.]

  39. This was recorded about a year ago.

  40. Cochran pointed out something that Im already seeing:

    The DELIBERATE lying by the media in trying to not only obfusciate "who is committing the crimes" but literally trying to give you the impression that whites are involved in crime upticks.

    We have a gentrifYING high-crime area in East Nasvhille. Recently a Vanderbilt professor and his wife were murdered there. Murders, robberies, a few rapes, a few muggings, et cetera, have been happening in this area for years, but even the liberals who live there are apparently talking of it TOO openly now.

    What does our local Gannett-syndicate-controlled-newspaper do? They run a photo-collage-online expose' with "voices" discussing the problem over pictures. They show a few lower-class whites in the pictures while crime is being audibly discussed. There are aren't many lower class whites even left over in East Nashville. You have white yuppies, immigrants, and the black underclass. The crimes---and I mean 90% of them if one views the police blotter, are committed by the black underclass.

    Anyone witnessing the Tennesseans' faux investigation of the matter would conclude rednecks with buzz haircuts and tribal tatoos on their biceps must be on home-invasion-meth-binge-sprees. The shooter in the murder of the professor, was black.

    The media is literally trying to get you to think that whites are "in" on this crime binge. They are not. Whites would probably commit more crimes if they were not so afraid of going to prison (where their lives would be miserable), so they toe the line and work multiple jobs if they have to in order to get by. This is the real sticks and bones reason whites are so resistant to committing street crimes even in very harsh economic conditions. Prison is a living death for them, and they know it.

  41. Yes...things are not looking too good. Unfortunately I think the only real solution is one that the left, right, libertarian, and traditionalist alike either despise or do not understand, probably a lot of both. America really should not be democratic. I believe that really, our only choice is an oligarchy of the upper middle class, with as many East Asians, Jews, (few) elite blacks and Hispanics co-opted into the movement as possible.

    Because really, as far as I can see, there are many Americanized upper-middle class minorities (mostly E. & S. Asian) who tend to see the proles in a way that would make even Goebells, Goering, Stalin, and Tojo flinch.

  42. "The family structure and personal responsibility ethic of 50's America will have been entirely eradicated by diversity ideology, in the much the same way Communism shattered the work ethic of the Eastern Europeans and radical Islam took Afghanistan and Iran from the 20th century to the 15th."

    I don't know about this prediction. If we get more specific with the groups we look at, we see that whiter people are positively dying out while conservatives are growing.

    Earlier today, I discussed for the very first time, Gene Expression, with my regular friends and family as a result of Godless Capitalist's post. For the past few months, I've been telling my husband to do whatever he can to get extra work (he has) so we afford to move up north (from Florida). The last two days I've been telling my close friends and family that a little time has been bought for them to likewise get their affairs in order to follow us.

    I've always been skeptical of panic and apocalyptic scenarios, but after a couple of family members, including my own little boy and my grandfather who had to kill in self defense, have been victimized, I've already become a statistic and don't care to stick around for more.

    This guy was scarily right:

    I was just a kid during the militia movement and they were a laughing stock, partly because the followers were pretty far out there, but at least this writer has gotten much right so far. Especially poignant because social scientists are notorious for mostly wrong predictions.

  43. So, the root cause of the current collapse of the economy doesn't have anything to do with policy failures, the massive orgy of deregulation that's been going on under Republican and Democratic administrations for the last 30+ years, or anything else like that. No, its actually all the fault of the darkies, just like everything else.

    This is quite possibly the stupidest thing you've ever posted Steve (and that's saying something). You should be ashamed of yourself. Just because you didn't write yourself (you just posted it without comment or criticism) doesn't let you off the hook.

    And "Rwanda-like" schools? come on...

  44. Tino: This still doesn’t explain why Wall Street and all those foreign banks accepted the pricing of the mortgages.


    (On greed & credit default swaps.)

  45. To blame blacks and hispanics for our impending financial collapse is utter idiocy. This crisis has two main causes: 1) cheap money - Alan Greenspan's Federal Reserve keep interest rates too low for two long, and 2) deregulation/lack of oversight - the SEC has been in a coma for nearly ten years. This environment fostered profligacy amongst financial institutions.

    Perhaps some are using this financial crisis as a metaphor for our general decline; thus, attacking NAMs seem quite justified. Unfornately, they reveal a lack of grasp of the issue in the process.

  46. As for the ills of NAM, they are IMHO cultural, rather than genetic. A good dose of insistent, American culture is likely to cure those ills long term, provided strict adherence to them is mandated and diversity is thrown out and the numbers of new NAM are limited.

    No, the culture allows the genetic differences to show through.

    Given the genetic bottleneck that seems to exist 50-70K years ago, there does not seem enough time for evolution to have provided radically different behavioral differences among racial groups on a deep, genetic basis.

    50k years is plenty of time for significant changes in behavioral genetics at the group level. In fact, given the nature of evolution, the burden of proof is on you to explain why there weren't any.

    Animal behavior can be radically altered in a handful of generations; what makes humans any different?

    Who imposed the right "culture" on Euros in the first place? Martians? And we're to believe non-whites still can't get it right, even with clear precedent, but it's all cultural?

    Want to know if T99's an idiot? Just imagine his arguments rephrased, with individuals in place of groups. How long would anyone believe that so-and-so "wasn't born stupid, he just needs some 'culture'"?

    Who cares if it's "cultural" or "genetic," anyway, in this context? The difference is inherent and persistent, obviously.

  47. No, its actually all the fault of the darkies, just like everything else.

    Fault of the darkies? Do you know what GC's ethnicity is? And actually, I think "darkies" are great, if you mean the elite ones...especially the Cantonese, Vietnamese, Filipina, Indonesian, Malaysian females. Now don't get me salavating here. And also there are *some* smart blacks and Mestizos.

    And don't pretend that some 5'2" 250 lb. lady with her 6 kids, 4 already in juvie for serious violent crimes, is no different than a beauty who is intelligent, industrious, friendly, and has some sense of individual rectitude. It's not about skin color, it's about who is an asset to the USA/humanity and who is a liablity. Cry out the evils of elitism all you want, but there's no getting around the difference people who are enjoyable to be around and productive, versus those who are downright dangerous and horrid.

  48. substantively and stylistically, GC is all right in my book. his mamet-ish testosterone-charged ugly truths deserve a bigger platform.

  49. "Because really, as far as I can see, there are many Americanized upper-middle class minorities (mostly E. & S. Asian) who tend to see the proles in a way that would make even Goebells, Goering, Stalin, and Tojo flinch."

    Have you considered the possibility of sexual jealousy?

  50. Look, it’s simply an objective fact that half of all the subprime mortgages and (almost certainly from geographic and historical data) more than half the defaulted mortgages were by African American and Hispanics.

    Even the NYT acknowledges that, although they use the code word ”hit hardest” for people who take out loans and don’t pay them back.
    The bad loans are the cause of the crisis, exacerbated by financial instability and moral hazard problem of intervention.

    I notice that not one of you even tries to use any rational arguments or fact to deny this. Just saying “as usual they blame the darkies, just like they blame them for crime and welfare dependence” is just emotional gibberish. Using sarcasm is not a substitute for facts, and will not help you escape reality.

    The question is, what kind of ideological disease is there where people are unable to logically debate issues this? Curing that illness is the core of everything.

  51. Mnuez:

    Yes dear, you are a fool if you think discussing ‘some of the evil’ in capitalism is somehow forbidden among the elite, say in academia or Hollywood. I especially notice the need to use this pathetic straw man. If pure capitalism was the norm 40% of the economy would not be government managed.

    Googling "evils of capitalism" produces 40.000 hits, “"evils of socialism"19.000

    Real dictatorship of the mind, especially given how well socialism has fared compare to capitalism.
    By the way, the idea that occasional crisis will destroy or refute capitalism is roughly 150 years old.

    The difference between capitalism and socialism or welfare-state managed economy is honesty. We admit our system has problems, one being recurring bubbles. The alternative systems also suffer from reoccurring crisis, except you live in an ideological utopia, so you get to pretend the problems can be solved by assuming perfect government.

    And when elements of your system screw up, like the government pushing to give poor incompetent people loans and them not paying back, you get to be EXTRA morally superior, and talk about loan delinquent minorities “being hardest hit”.

    Exit question:
    Someone should study to see how many of the bad mortgages were taken out by deadbeat Democrat voters. Just curious.

  52. Cochran nailed it.

    This kind of massive collapse has been on my mind for a long time.

    Meanwhile, a large swath of the country has its mind on government-subsidized health care. The government cannot even reform our other entitlements, but many whites are prepared to increase the load. Nobody wants to face the reality of where or what America is going to be in 2050. I can foresee a series of economic corrections that slowly bring America down to a level Lynn and Vanhanen might predict for a country of our ethnic composition as we move toward the future. Along the way, we will have politicians and pundits blaming everything but changing demographics for our meltdown and our inability to fully recover from economic crises.

    Technological developments on the horizon might radically alter our future in ways we cannot even imagine. That is always a possibility and it may be our only hope if we don't change course soon. But I'm not optimistic those developments will arrive in time--or that they will arrive by American hands.

    I don't know how much longer citizenism is going to be viable. The time may have already passed.

    It's more like 60 % Euro right now, or even 55 %.
    More to the point, had us all thinking that the tiny minority of "Asian cognitive elitists" would more than make up for the loss of a White majority.
    Now GC seems to believe otherwise.

    I think you and Cochran right. As I've argued before, it is the mean IQ of a nation that matters more than the presence of a cognitive elite. If all American Ashkenazim moved to Ethiopia, then Ethiopia might have a higher percentage of people with an IQ above 130 than Germany, but would the quality of life in Ethiopia even remotely resemble Germany? No, it would just resemble modern Ethiopia with a lot of Jews.

    A lot of those cognitive elitists who snicker at the average white guy with an IQ of 100 don't seem to fully appreciate this fact. But maintaining a population with a high mean IQ (by global standards) is far more important than gaining a few more of the geniuses that cognitive elitists tend to admire.

  53. About genetic augmentation: If what is now an IQ of 180 is going to become the new 100 at some point in the future, isn't it inevitable that some angry teenager will eventually go Columbine on his middle school with a home made nuclear bomb or genetically engineered super disease? Can anyone believe that the US wouldn't be a smoldering pile of radioactive fallout dust if the average Arab IQ were even just 30 or 40 points higher? I honestly don't see humans surviving on this planet for very long after everyone is given what is now a genius level IQ.

    I'm a lot more optimistic about red state whites, barring anything cataclysmic. While our numbers are decreasing in terms of the total population, we are still more or less holding our own in terms of replacement rate and are kicking the living crap out of our hated Whiter-American rivals. Bottom line, whatever the national boundaries might be in 2050 there will still be a lot of whites left in North America, and they will likely be a leaner, meaner group than the White People of today.

  54. alvertosaurus - our problem is also that to reach our trans-human future we need lots of Europeans (men mostly) to be doing science.

    That future will never emerge from the rainbow diverse wimmin n' minorities present.

  55. So, the root cause of the current collapse of the economy doesn't have anything to do with policy failures, the massive orgy of deregulation that's been going on under Republican and Democratic administrations for the last 30+ years, or anything else like that. No, its actually all the fault of the darkies, just like everything else.

    The ironically named "Appeal to Reason" starts the paragraph with the straw man of claiming Steve argues regulatory policy couldn't have anything to do with current financial troubles. He ends the paragraph with a classic example of a point-and-sputter argument: BLAME THE DARKIES, WHY DON'T YA!

    Maybe we should all just hop on board the PC Express with the politicians, the bureaucrats, the academics, the media, and all the right-minded people in society who couldn't have predicted this problem and stop mentioning the darkies. After all, what do the darkies have to do with subprime housing loans?

  56. If life for the bottom half of society weren't such a frustrating, hard-scrabble, losing proposition (bad schools, rough neighborhoods, no economic security, etc.) a lot of the racial tension between blacks, hispanics, and working-class whites would work itself out.

    Course, the trick is how to change this situation without taxing the top half to a degree to which they (the voting majority, keep in mind) will never agree. Is there no alternative to income redistribution and progressive taxation?

    In the short-run maybe not, but in the long-run it is possible to argue that our big cities and major metropolitan areas are not the most "efficient" places for the left-hand side of the bell curve to make a decent living, find a civilized, law-abiding community in which to live, and otherwise achieve a degree of social and material happiness. The mere fact that the masses gravitate toward big cities is not a consequence of supply and demand except in a very temporary and local sense.

    To borrow a metaphor from string theory, big cities represent a false vacuum: a local neighborhood that is in some sense best (lowest energy) but which is not the absolutely best possible. Or to borrow a metaphor from population genetics and evolutionary theory: big cities represent a local maximum in the fitness landscape, but not necessarily the best possible environment once you "go over the hill." (Forgive me, Lord, I really messed that one up.)

    So, what am I getting at? The possibility of a publically sponsored program to build new towns in the country in which the ordinary inhabitants would work only a twenty hour work-week, with time-and-a-half or even double time for any hours over 20. Then, in their free time, these people would be expected (would have no choice but) to build their own houses, cultivate gardens, raise their kids at home instead of in daycare, not retire, and take care of their old people instead of putting them in nursing homes. They would drive NEV's (neighborhood electric vehicles)that only go 25 mph instead of high-speed automobiles, and live much closer to the places where they work and shop.

    In other words, they would have a more efficient way to satisfy their basic human needs than is possible in a big urban environment with no sense of community.

    It would require a shove by the government and a lot of "economic planning," to be sure (just like a lot of other big changes in U.S. society: think railroads and freeways and the GI Bill) but this possibility is real, a consequence of modern communication and transportation technologies. Economic decentralization is no longer a pipe dream

    Of course the underclass will remain behind in the cities: there is only so much you can do for people who are totally disorganized and irresponsible, except maybe supply them with cheap drugs. The point is that ordinary, law-abiding working-class people would have a real choice for a better way-of-life, something they are completely lacking at the present time.

    I've worked on this idea for 40 years, and have written it up at my personal google web page. I may be a fool about other things, but I know economics. Look it up. Please forgive the typos.

    Luke Lea

  57. STFU and breed. Get off the computer, and go meet girls. If you have a girl, FOR GOD'S SAKE GET OFF THE COMPUTER AND GO PLOW HER FERTILE FIELDS.

    Saving the world through ZPG took hold among white people purely by fashion. Saving the world by having children can spread the same way. Do your duty citizens!

  58. I am Lugash.

    Off Topice:

    Is it possible that Sarah Palin was selected as VP candidate because she might make Michelle O. lash out? It sounds like Michelle might be a tad bit jealous, at least going from her recent comments at some women's economic round table.

    I am Lugash.

  59. there are many Americanized upper-middle class minorities (mostly E. & S. Asian) who tend to see the proles in a way that would make even Goebells, Goering, Stalin, and Tojo flinch.

    Oh, I really don't know about that...

    I've frequently thought that Old Joe would have some very shrewd advice on how to most efficaciously ameliorate America's endless "urban dilemmas."

    Betcha he'd also have some great ideas on how to solve our "neocon problem."

  60. America really should not be democratic. I believe that really, our only choice is an oligarchy of the upper middle class, with as many East Asians, Jews, (few) elite blacks and Hispanics co-opted into the movement as possible.

    Nice to see I'm not the only "heretic" who's come to that kind of conclusion. :)

    The Fourth R: Or, Why Johnny Can't Reason:

    "Only one-third of adults can reason formally [i.e., use abstract reasoning/logic, and understand how conceptual classes, contingencies, probabilities and combinations/permutations work]. That means that two-thirds of the citizens in a democracy cannot understand the more complex issues facing them both in life and in elections."

    That same majority cannot, even in principle, understand how evolution works, for example. (There, genetic lottery = probabilities and combinations/permutations of genes; and species = abstract classes.) Yet, they vote all the same in favor of what they can understand, giving us school board members and elected politicians who favor the teaching of creationism, etc.

    To borrow a phrase from Monty Python, "It's no basis for a system of government."

  61. "Cochran pointed out something that Im already seeing: The DELIBERATE lying by the media in trying to not only obfusciate "who is committing the crimes""

    'GC' is the Godless Capitalist, not Gregory Cochran.

  62. "Captain Jack Aubrey said...

    Americans today are told that their children have no more right to this country than the child of someone from Guadalajara or Guangdong. Why die for such a place? No one washes a rental car, no one bleeds for a rental country."

    Well said, Captain Jack. The military is now clearly the tool of an elite with imperial pretensions, so why should any young man want to sign up.

    And to your list of measures to reverse the mexican invasion (in answer to the Outlaw Josey Wales' question) I would add: 1.) jail time for recalcitrant and reprobate employers of illegal aliens, 2.) no hospital admittance without proof of citizenship for anything but immediately life-threatening conditions, 3.) an end to birthright citizenship - retroactively applied (Yeah, I know, it's unconstitutional. So are a lot of other things that have been shoved down our throats. We may as well have an offense against the constitution that helps us), and finally 4.) Lots of buses. Who says you can't move 12 - 20 million people forcibly. And instead of imprisoning returnees in our country, we should ship them to Gitmo and turn them loose. Let Cuba and Mexico sort it out.

    "Testing99 said....
    That's basically it. China can't generate enough savings on it's own, so went to the US for investments. Same with Europe and Japan. The emphasis on "diversity lending" made things worse, but the overall reality is too few old people to lend savings to young people."

    You know not of what you speak, Testing99. Europe doesn't have enough old people? Japan doesn't have enough old people? Japan? You have quite obviously never been there.

  63. testing99/evil neocon:

    "Given the genetic bottleneck that seems to exist 50-70K years ago, there does not seem enough time for evolution to have provided radically different behavioral differences among racial groups on a deep, genetic basis."

    Try reading Darwin on the Galapagos finnches. Evolutionary changes in behaviour can happen very rapidly; in humans as well as finches. 50,000 years is such a ridiculously long time to be even arguing about; in humans with ca 25-year generations you're talking about a few hundred years for noticeable behavioural changes, under sufficient selective pressure.

    In any case the fact is that different identifiable human races _exist_, and they show clear evolutionary adaptations such as lack of pigmentation for dwellers in high-latitude environments.

  64. "I strongly recommend looking East or else towards the far North, as is your wont."

    Could you be more specific please?

  65. Tommy said:

    "Along the way, we will have politicians and pundits blaming everything but changing demographics for our meltdown and our inability to fully recover from economic crises."

    That is truly said. In the normal course of a discussion I would not cite a reference from an overtly Xtian website, but in this case, the end justifies the means.

    "The Race Change in Western Europe.

    Historians have recognized that a tremendous change of attitude and/or temperament took place in the people of Italy, North Africa (and even Spain and Gaul) between the 2nd century B.C.E. and the 3rd century C.E. The truth is, it wasn’t that the native populations (that is, the early Latins, Etruscans, Celts, etc.) changed their basic temperaments. Something very different happened. There areas of western Europe were deluged by great influxes of peoples from other areas of the Roman Empire, notably from the east. It wasn’t the temperament of the people that changed, it was the race."

    Those lines are from Chapter 11 of "The people that history forgot" and can be read online at:

    What we see in North America is a continuation of "regression to the mean" enhanced by modern transportation systems and open physical borders. The most effective borders are psychological.

  66. pericles:

    >>""The Race Change in Western Europe.

    Historians have recognized that a tremendous change of attitude and/or temperament took place in the people of Italy, North Africa (and even Spain and Gaul) between the 2nd century B.C.E. and the 3rd century C.E. The truth is, it wasn’t that the native populations (that is, the early Latins, Etruscans, Celts, etc.) changed their basic temperaments. Something very different happened. There areas of western Europe were deluged by great influxes of peoples from other areas of the Roman Empire, notably from the east. It wasn’t the temperament of the people that changed, it was the race."<<

    So this eastern influx caused the empire to fail? Hmmm. What's notable though is that this eastern-derived 3rd century AD imperial population was then overwhelmed by an influx of invading northern European Germanic barbarians - the main ancestors of us northern-Europeans, and certainly the cultural ancestors of modern England, France, Germany, America et al.

    If this thesis has merit, then if Rome = USA, Rome's eastern migrants = Latinos etc, and Germanic barbarian invaders = ? The Chinese?

  67. The comment by the "anonymous" who fancied that she was "responding" to my own comment really isn't of sufficient worth to warrant any counter response from me but I would like to take the opportunity to hold her up as a classic (and unfortunately common) example of the prevailing intellectual dishonesty that one routinely encounters among partisan pundits.

    In her attempt to make some sort of point regarding the loquacious nature of capitalism-critics she notes that: Googling "evils of capitalism" produces 40.000 hits, "evils of socialism"19.000

    That, you see, is how the dissembling manipulator works. When Capitalism + Evil produced only 290K Google responses while Socialism + Evil produces well over 3 million, the partisan pundit spends the time required to find some string of words that would make the point that she knows isn't true but that will hopefully seem convincing to some idiot somewhere.

    Again, my point in this comment has nothing whatsoever to do with capitalism, socialism or anything else of that nature. I'm simply calling out a dissembler to let her know that her amateurish attempts at dishonest manipulation would probably work better in less intelligent venues.

  68. "I strongly recommend looking East or else towards the far North, as is your wont."

    Could you be more specific please?

    In a 2blowhards thread he talked about Hong Kong and it's admissions policy of skilled labor. Though, I'm guessing he is referring to high mean IQ East Asian countries generally.

    The family structure and personal responsibility ethic of 50's America will have been entirely eradicated by diversity ideology

    Then how come the same family structure has eroded in europe without nearly the same level of immigration or NAMs, or does diversity ideology cover encompass straight up narcissism too? And sorry if I'm rather dismissive of someone decrying the loss of the mores of the 50's who gleefully praises pick-up artists, gantsta rap, GTA, and calls himself "godless capitalist." Don't get me wrong, I'm down for nihilistic narcissism, it's the moralizing hyprocrisy I find irritating.

    I wonder if a narcissistic, low-fertility society is inevitable for a high mean IQ population, in a free, capitalist society atleast. When you have the information-processing capacity to appreciate more and more of the facets of the world around us, and not gullible enough to fall for religious norms or government propaganda about the need to procreate, it seems natural that you would be more inclined to enjoy life rather than saddle yourself with responsibilities (and risks) of children.

  69. How long would the aliens hang around with no work and no entitlements?

    And no schooling for their children.

  70. Steve, I couldn't find the thread you're referring to on gnxp.

  71. A spokesman for a Washington D.C theatre:

    “When [comedian] Sandra Bernhard warns Sarah Palin not to come into Manhattan lest she get gang-raped by some of Sandra’s big black brothers, she’s being provocative, combative, humorous, and yes, let’s allow, disgusting… [her] play wears its politically VERY correct heart on its sleeve with its indictment of America as "A Man’s World, It’s a White Man’s World, It’s a F–ked Up White Man’s Racist World" and can only be suggested to be racist in its content if one is hell-bent on protecting White Folk for Sandra’s blistering indictment.

    "The fact that the show has a few riffs like this does not — to my mind — make it a "disgusting show." there’s too much beauty, variety, vitality, and intelligence to label the entire show as "disgusting." I’ll agree with you that we produced this show because we did find it to be edgy — because we wanted to give right wing conservative Jews a good run for their money by being on the receiving end of some blistering indictments from Sandra. Does it go over the edge sometimes? On the gang-rape joke, yes. Sure. Not much else…"

  72. Could you be more specific please?

    Yeah, really. The entire Anglosphere is suiciding. Where the hell am I supposed to go? If there was an Anglophone country that made a clear commitment to political diversity by announcing it would remain white, permanently...I'd pull up stakes and move there. But we can't have that - the whole Anglosphere has to put all its eggs in the same rotting basket.

    Hell, I'd learn another language and pull up stakes if there was a non-Anglophone white country with such a policy.

    I'd love to leave our masters to lie in the bed they've made.

  73. And don't pretend that some 5'2" 250 lb. lady with her 6 kids, 4 already in juvie for serious violent crimes, is no different than a beauty who is intelligent, industrious, friendly, and has some sense of individual rectitude.

    Oh, she's different alright - she's "blessing" the next generation with lots of her genes, while the beuaty, more than likley, is not.

    So, what am I getting at? The possibility of a publically sponsored program to build new towns in the country in which the ordinary inhabitants would work only a twenty hour work-week...and live much closer to the places where they work and shop.

    Your town scares the shit out of me. "Live closer to where they work"? Lower-class folks in urban areas DO live close to where they work - restaurants, hotels, and all the other businesses in the service sector; they live quite close to the industrial parts of their towns, as well. Overwhelmingly, its the middle class suburbanites who make the hour-long commutes.

    Why are the lower classes violent?Because they want to be. Because they like being angry. Give them 20 hour work weeks and that just gives them more time to cause trouble. And you think they're gunna spend their free time taking care of granny?

    Only one-third of adults can reason formally...That means that two-thirds of the citizens in a democracy cannot understand the more complex issues facing them both in life and in elections...they vote all the same in favor of what they can understand, giving us school board members and elected politicians who favor the teaching of creationism, etc.

    Voting for teaching of creationism = white breeder. That's our problem - the really smart whites who believe in evolution(but not biology) are disproportionately voting for Obama. The whites who breed and who believe in and (mostly) practice the family values that have sustained civilization for millenia are the ones who believe in biology (but not evolution).

    Solving our political problems will be a lot more complicated than dividing the "smart" from the "dumb."

    Time to go plow some fertile fields.

  74. I have a hunch that the growing percentage of non-whites in this country helped create the mortgage crisis in more than one sense.

    Besides just the pressure to create more minority homeowners that resulted in lower lending standards, mass immigration probably heped to creat the perception that housing price increases were permanent because of increased demand due to population growth, and the perception that increasing home values in rich, white areas would be sustained by the desire of whites to escape living in Hispanic neighborhoods.

    Lowered lending standards (and less immigration enforcement) moved blacks and Hispanics into middle class white neighborhoods. Middle class whites responded by moving into upper middle class neighborhoods that they couldn't afford - and prices soared. The surge in the Hispanic population lead people to believe this would continue forever.

    It might have - if Hispanics were increasing economic output proportional to their numbers. Instead, Hispanics are mostly parasitic, filling jobs primarily in the service sector, with products that mostly aren't tradeable (restaurants, hotels, homebuilding), or heavily government subsidized (agriculture).

    The most effective borders are psychological.

    Effective borders seem to be inversely related to communications technology. If the Hispanic influx happening today had happened 120 years ago, the locals would have responded violently, and the Hispanics could not have picked up the phone, could not have dialed 911, could not have pressed "2" for Espanol, and no perky brain-dead blonde in a Wonderbra (TM) would have been standing in front of the television camera with tear streaked make-up crying about how horribly we're treating these poor little brown people.

  75. People who can't pay their loans should not own homes. It rhymes.

    If this is true about AA's & Hispanics (and as a class it probably is), then it follows that policies designed to encourage home ownership among this population is doomed to fail.

    Check out a white house press release from June 2002.

    I direct your attention to paragraphs 4, 5, and 6.

    How close are we to the goal of 5.5M minority homeowners? How much has GWB's stated policy screwed it all up for the white guys?

    I will never understand the allegiance to the Republican party here. They're the ones screwing you over.

  76. Sorry. I too made the mistake of attribute the comment to Gregory Cochran and not Godless Capitalist.

    That is what I get for not reading the original source.

  77. No, neither Europe nor Japan has "enough" old people, in the age ranges 38-55, who are the prime lenders. These are people socking away money in various retirement funds.

    Do they have enough? America? No. Sure there are more old people than young in each nation, but not enough in that age range to supply the demand for savings and investment money.

    The other issue, is of course, NIMBY and other over-regulation, political corruption in the West strangling business/capital investment. No new refineries have been built on the West Coast since IIRC 1979. What does that tell you?

    Business investment in solid capital investment choked off, and wild speculative stuff going on instead.

  78. Birch Barlow:
    "actually, I think "darkies" are great, if you mean the elite ones...especially the Cantonese, Vietnamese, Filipina, Indonesian, Malaysian females."

    I would think that a regular reader of this blog would know that South Asians tend to have rather low IQ scores, as well as high rates of poverty and welfare dependence. I don't think that that has anything to do with genes (not that it matters, anyway) but you should at least be intellectually honest.

    "Look, it’s simply an objective fact that half of all the subprime mortgages and (almost certainly from geographic and historical data) more than half the defaulted mortgages were by African American and Hispanics."

    It's also an objective fact that in 2005, the peak of the subprime boom, the majority (55%) of subprime loans went to those with credit scores that would have qualified for better loans. In 2006, the number jumped to 61%. (
    Obviously some people bit off more than they could chew, but a great many people were taken advantage of by financial institutions, who conveniently found it easier to do so because the deregulatory policies they had lobbied for for so long had been enacted under the Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II administrations.
    The fact of the matter is that "greed," "the ineradicable evil of the Republicans [not to mention the Democrats] and "even capitalism itself" (or whatever you want to call the ruling bipartisan "free markets for the poor, state protection for the rich" philosophy) has a hell of a lot to do with the problem. Needless to say, its very convenient for the people who pushed for and enacted these policies to blame the poor mores of the "underclass."

  79. appeal to reason - what you are outlining is the way in which the elites and the underclass attack the middle/working classes in a pincer movement. That seems to typify much of the present set up, with the MSM used to browbeat just enough of the middle classes into going along with it.

    More precisely the elites use the underclass.

  80. appeal to reason said
    I would think that a regular reader of this blog would know that South Asians tend to have rather low IQ scores, as well as high rates of poverty and welfare dependence. I don't think that that has anything to do with genes (not that it matters, anyway) but you should at least be intellectually honest.


    Audacious epigone has a table based on which immigrants are leeches and which are beneficial to the USA

    Hindus come on top of the list
    The immigrant Hindu stream into the US has an IQ in the jewish range, based on SAT

    The poverty rate and welfare rate for hindus is less than for whites

  81. anonymous said: "I wonder if a narcissistic, low-fertility society is inevitable for a high mean IQ population, in a free, capitalist society at least."

    One point on which I disagree with commentators such as Mark Steyn is that sub-replacement birthrates are indicative of a specifically European malaise or cultural decadence. Societies as culturally and economically various as Chile, Brazil, Barbados, Vietnam, Tunisia, Turkey, Algeria, Australia, Thailand, China, Taiwan, Kazakhstan, Iran, and Iceland all have a total fertility rate of less than two children per woman. Not to mention all the others that we might expect, such as Japan, the EU countries, Russia, and S. Korea.

    Some of these countries are Muslim, some Buhhdist, some Christain, some, arguably, post-religous. Some are economically advanced, others are treading water, at best. This phenomenon needs to be considered in a more comprehensive way.

  82. "testing99 said...

    No, neither Europe nor Japan has "enough" old people, in the age ranges 38-55, who are the prime lenders. These are people socking away money in various retirement funds."

    Japan has traditionally had a much higher savings rate than us, more than enough higher to make up any shortfall they may have in the 38-55 cohort of their population.

    "The other issue, is of course, NIMBY and other over-regulation, political corruption in the West strangling business/capital investment. No new refineries have been built on the West Coast since IIRC 1979. What does that tell you?"

    That people in California are stupid. They haven't allowed refiners to build new facilities because they think that gas comes from the same magical place that strawberries and busboys come from. They don't relize that their economic choices have lasting social consequences. And corruption isn't necessarily bad, provided the corrupt officials have a sense of honor, and even of patriotism. Japan is corrupt as hell, and it works pretty well. At least it works for the long term interests of its own people better than this country does for ours.

    "Business investment in solid capital investment choked off, and wild speculative stuff going on instead."

    I think the bigger problem is the loss of professionalism and the pervasive acceptance of greed as a motivator. It used to be understood that a company that makes tools was a tool company, a company that made cars was an automotive company, and a company that made refrigerators was an appliance company. They'd make some profit, not stellar perhaps, but enought, and they would take pride in their work. Now, the only thing that counts - the only thing - is whether they make as much money as some wall street analyst thinks they should be making.

  83. "So, what am I getting at? The possibility of a publically sponsored program to build new towns in the country in which the ordinary inhabitants would work only a twenty hour work-week, with time-and-a-half or even double time for any hours over 20. Then, in their free time, these people would be expected (would have no choice but) to build their own houses, cultivate gardens, raise their kids at home instead of in daycare, not retire, and take care of their old people instead of putting them in nursing homes. They would drive NEV's (neighborhood electric vehicles)that only go 25 mph instead of high-speed automobiles, and live much closer to the places where they work and shop."

    Wouldn't it just be a lot easier (and cheaper) to offer teenage girls $5k cash to get temporarily sterilized for 5 years? Then another $5k for another 5 years? That won't have much of an impact on white and Asian fertility, since educated whites and Asians don't have kids until their thirties anyway, but it will significantly reduce black and Latino fertility.

    "Yeah, really. The entire Anglosphere is suiciding. Where the hell am I supposed to go? If there was an Anglophone country that made a clear commitment to political diversity by announcing it would remain white, permanently...I'd pull up stakes and move there."

    I don't know if any country has announced that it will remain white, permanently, but why not go back to Poland? Is that country really in danger of becoming nonwhite? Also, although Australia isn't committed to staying white, it has very few NAMs, and will likely continue to have very few of them.

  84. Will someone PLEASE tell me what "NAM" stands for?

  85. Non-Asian Minority

  86. NAM = Non Asian Minority

  87. NAM = Non-Asian Minority

  88. "Some of these countries are Muslim, some Buhhdist, some Christain, some, arguably, post-religous. Some are economically advanced, others are treading water, at best. This phenomenon needs to be considered in a more comprehensive way."

    Is there not a version of the "red state-blue state" divide within every country? The notion of the city as Sodom and Gomorrha is universal among rural folks (And I'm sure all city slickers view country people as hayseeds). In truth, human beings are dreadful, and the more you're around them, the less you want to create more of them.

  89. Will someone PLEASE tell me what "NAM" stands for?

    Non-Asian Minority.

  90. "Anonymous said...

    I don't know if any country has announced that it will remain white, permanently, but why not go back to Poland? Is that country really in danger of becoming nonwhite?"

    No, but it's in danger of becoming uncomfortably black. Lots of Africans hanging around the trian station in Warsaw. And, remember, they will soon be fully integrated into the EU, which means that their destiny will be in the hands of Brussels. Soviet rule was not as destructive of polish culture as european rule will turn out to be.

    Goodbye, Poland.

  91. xMy guess is Non-Asian Minority

  92. Will someone PLEASE tell me what "NAM" stands for?

    Non-Asian Minority (i.e., lower class minorities)

    It's also an objective fact that in 2005, the peak of the subprime boom, the majority (55%) of subprime loans went to those with credit scores that would have qualified for better loans. In 2006, the number jumped to 61%.

    Nice bit of sophistry there, "Appeal to Reason." Credit scores are an incomplete metric to determine whether someone qualifies for a traditional home loan.

    Down payment? Mortgage as a percentage of income? Work history? Criminal record?

    Income is not included in credit scores, nor is ability to provide a down payment. A person with a credit score of 790 still can't (shouldn't) get a $500k loan if he only makes $60k a year.

    And why did the numbers of subprimes-with-decent-credit-scores increase so much from 2005 to 2006? Because homes got so much more expensive in that time frame.

    Obviously some people bit off more than they could chew, but a great many people were taken advantage of by financial institutions...

    Th government serves a useful role in protecting people from outright fraud, from making sure people are not deceived. After all, the only way lenders can recover their property is ultimately through the state, so the state has the right to keep those lenders honest. But it can't protect people from their own laziness or stupidity. It is the fault of the individual if they don't even puruse other options.

    I recall reading an article featuring a black lady who bought a car from JD Byrider or some other sleazy outfit. She didn't even know what the word "interest" meant.

  93. NAM means Non-Asian Minority. In future, you can run a google site search like this: NAM

    I don't know if any country has announced that it will remain white, permanently, but why not go back to Poland? Is that country really in danger of becoming nonwhite?

    I'd need some kind of assurances before I uproot my life, move halfway across the world, and learn a new culture and language. "It hasn't happened there yet" isn't really cutting it.

    Also, although Australia isn't committed to staying white, it has very few NAMs, and will likely continue to have very few of them.

    The NAM thing is between the iSteve citizenists and the GNXP cognitive elitists, and I'm neither. I don't want to live in Hong Kong any more (okay, much) more than I want to live in Niger.

  94. anonymous:

    "what you are outlining is the way in which the elites and the underclass attack the middle/working classes in a pincer movement."

    That's not what I'm outlining at all, actually. I'm outlining how the elites screw everything up, for the poor, the working class, and the middle class, and then blame it all on the poor. A nuanced difference, I know, but try to understand.

    I don't know where this nonsense about the elites "using" the underclass to destroy hardworking middle class folks comes from. Some scholars believe that the main constituency behind fascism, in both its German and Italian variants, was the middle and especially the lower middle classes, who felt themselves, during a time of great financial instability (as we see today) being destroyed by such a "pincer" movement as you describe, between big industrialists, bankers and landlords on the one hand, and the revolutionary working class on the other. In reality, of course, industrialists, bankers, landlords and other elites loved fascism, as Hitler and Mussolini crushed the labor unions and the socialist movement and delivered unprecedented profits and growth to businesses through state protectionist measures.

    The point is that wherever this idea comes from, its utterly stupid. Why would the most powerful (the "haves") align themselves with the least powerful (the "have-nots")? What could they gain? It would make much more sense for the "haves" to line up behind the "have-somes" to quash the threat of the "have-nots", all the while exploiting their "have-some" allies and confusing them as to their true interests. In fact, that's what we see, down through history.

    "The immigrant Hindu stream into the US has an IQ in the jewish range, based on SAT.
    "The poverty rate and welfare rate for hindus is less than for whites."

    Perhaps so, but as I'm sure you know, the average Indian IQ is much below the U.S. white rate. We are apparently getting the best and brightest Indian immigrants right now.
    As for welfare dependency and poverty, I don't know enough about Indian-Americans, but I do know that Southeast Asians (Vietnamese, Hmong, Cambodians, Laotians) have the highest rate of welfare dependency of any group:

    Or at least they did at the time the study this article mentions was conducted, which was 1995. Maybe things have changed since then. If you can show that they have, please do.

    It doesn't matter to me, because
    1) I don't think the mean intelligence (whatever the cause: genetic, environmental, or some combination) of some defined group should (or would) matter in a non-racist society, and
    2) I don't think we should base our immigration policy around increasing our average national IQ. But in light of what I presume (perhaps wrongly) to be your ideological preferences, your soft-spot for southern Asians is peculiar, to say the least.

  95. "NAM" = "non-Asian Minority"

    - Fred

  96. I'd need some kind of assurances before I uproot my life, move halfway across the world, and learn a new culture and language.

    A better alternative: join Lew Rockwell, Todd Palin, and myself in advocating state secession.

  97. Thanks for clarifying the "NAM" thing. I'm from the UK, where the word "Asian" usually refers to people whose family originally came from the Indian subcontinent. That includes underclass Mirpuri Pakistanis and billionaire Hindus like Lakshmi Mittal and the Hindujas.

  98. While no-one is talking about this in the MSM, there is a lot of talk on the Internet. More and more people are waking up to the danger's of NAM diversity, and this threatens the power of the elites.

    Because of this everyone here should understand that we're very close to having the right to free speech taken away from us. Multiethnic states have a very poor history of stability. The only way they can remain stable is through tyranny. The elites will not give up their privileged position, therefore, tyranny will be coming soon.

    Some of the new polices we can expect will be 1) hate-speech laws, 2)more forced diversity, which will entail making sure every community has an equal amount of NAMS, 3)universal health care,4) an intensified effort to push PC propaganda in the schools, 5) massive wealth transfers, 6) the demonetization of same-race marriage, 7) making any crime committed by a white against a NAM an automatic hate-crime, 8) and total loss of freedom of association that will entail making all organizations illegal, that don't have at least a 35% NAM membership.

    There will also be a major increase in violence and rape against whites, but it will be a "hate crime" to point this out.

    Its very much a mistake to blame the NAMS themselves for what's happening. They're victims in all this, as they're being used as tools by the elites to increase their power. NAMS cannot help what nature has provided for them, but the white elites can. This is purely the fault of the white elites.

    The only people who have a lower future orientation than the NAMS, are the white elites.

  99. I'm not sure why white (or Jewish if you want to make a distinction) women feminists think that they are immune to black violence. But I guess they do--I understand it's common in San Francisco for male gays to refuse to mention the race of an attacker if the attacker is black.
    I find this hilarious and insance. They are trying to screw the police investigation of a crime committed upon themselves by obscuring the race of the attacker. Someday people will look back on all this (PC) and wonder.

    I think Ms. Bernard should reconsider her little "joke" if she wants to appeal to women. Outside her gated mind, gang rape by blacks is too close to home. Check the FBI stats.

  100. Svigor,

    You seem to be looking for something that doesn't really exist: a country that is dedicated to maintaining itself as white, by your definition. There are movements to oppose ethnic diversity in certain Northern European countries, but by their definitions, you would be an outsider as well. What use would a Swede who wants Sweden for Swedes or a Dutchman who wants The Netherlands for the Dutch have for a Slav?

    - Fred

  101. Svigor,

    I'm very curious to know why you do not want to live in Hong Kong.

  102. appeal to reason:
    "I don't know where this nonsense about the elites "using" the underclass to destroy hardworking middle class folks comes from"

    Well that was the idea of Gramsci, Lukacs and the cultural Marxists - spread the values of elite bohemianism and underclass depravity to destroy the 'Christian soul' - the solid traditionalist moral values - of the European/Western middle & working classes.

  103. On Free Speech

    "While no-one is talking about this in the MSM, there is a lot of talk on the Internet. More and more people are waking up to the danger's of NAM diversity, and this threatens the power of the elites.

    Because of this everyone here should understand that we're very close to having the right to free speech taken away from us. Multiethnic states have a very poor history of stability. The only way they can remain stable is through tyranny. The elites will not give up their privileged position, therefore, tyranny will be coming soon..."

    This is what's happened here in Britain over the past 10 years, and to a lesser extent throughout the EU - while the EU govt (Commission/Parliament/ECJ) itself is highly totalitarian, the UK government is more enthusiastically oppressive than many national EU governments, and most EU nations were less free to begin with.

    Currently the USA is pretty much alone in being a culturally north-European-Protestant nation that still retains a commitment to free speech. There is definitely a severe danger that as the situation worsens it will follow UK, Canada, Australia et al in ending free speech; and knowing how the US tends to lurch from one extreme to another, the new regime could well be much harsher than in the other Anglosphere nations. Eg in the UK a 'respectable' commentator can get away with saying things (criticising Islam, say) that would get a BNP politician arrested, I can't see that level of 'discretion' in the US. Such a regime would for instance likely result in being banned.

    To all US readers: This is a serious danger. We didn't believe it could happen here, in the UK. By the time we (ie a politically aware minority) noticed it had happened, it was too late. Most of the population hasn't noticed, doesn't care, or feels helpless to change anything. Don't let this happen to your counntry.

  104. martin said

    4.) Lots of buses. Who says you can't move 12 - 20 million people forcibly.

    You don't even need the buses.

    Targeted crackdowns on illegals and traitorous biz-pigs would have (-and has had-) a "chilling effect." For every illegal arrested, many illegals leave on their own, figuring it's not worth it to come or stay.

    Major raids conducted regularly, ending in a fair number of summary deportations, would send 90% our little brown friends scurrying.

    Another "disincentive" would be a major depression. Less food in the kitchen.

    Another would be a real, physical wall. Congress authorized one and part of it is being constructed, I believe, but Congress is pretty close to killing it. We must keep pressure on the bastards.

    It's part of the trash talk of the elites to say "You can't fit 20 million people on boats! Your goal is hopeless, white boy. Hopeless." I say B---SH-T.

    Build that wall and crack down hard. Put some "libertarian free-market dollar-a-day scofflaw capitalists" IN JAIL.

  105. "It's part of the trash talk of the elites to say "You can't fit 20 million people on boats! Your goal is hopeless, white boy. Hopeless." I say B---SH-T."

    I second david's calling BS. A TON of what the leftists say is exactly that ... "History is on our side" trash talk from the leftist media commissars.

    The police have good reason to be wary of the media backlash that would happen if they tried serious enforcement of our uniform law of naturalization. That is why it is imperative that the anti-open-borders crowd be prepared to criticize, ignore, and/or route around the MSM when they start their teleological and Godwin-style putdowns.

  106. Oh along with plowing those fertile fields? You men need to prepare for the coming attack on free speech by SPEAKING. Do it loud, do it proud, and do it both on and off the internet. Hammer those crime stats like you're hammering your lady. Do your part to make sure that the name of Jared Taylor is known by all. Perhaps when your lady falls pregnant with twins, you can name one Jared and the other Taylor.

    The UK lost their ancient liberties because they were a pack of wussy men who were scared of what people would think of them. Do not be afraid. What's the worst that can happen? You'll get conjugal visits in prison. Then you can name the next one Enoch and the one after that Powell.

  107. anon:
    "The UK lost their ancient liberties because they were a pack of wussy men who were scared of what people would think of them."

    That's partly true. But partly we didn't notice what was happening ca 1998-2002. The media (BBC) successfully buried the news of a lot of thought-crime legislation going through, and there was no noticeable Conservative opposition. Conservative politician's fear of what bien-pensant leftists think of them was certainly a major factor, and that seems to be the case in the US too.

  108. anonymous:
    "Anonymous said...
    Oh along with plowing those fertile fields? You men need to prepare for the coming attack on free speech by SPEAKING. Do it loud, do it proud, and do it both on and off the internet..."

    I just realised this is a bit ironic coming from someone posting anonymously. >:)

  109. I'm not a man! I hide behind my burqa of anonymity!

  110. It's part of the trash talk of the elites to say "You can't fit 20 million people on boats! Your goal is hopeless, white boy. Hopeless." I say B---SH-T.

    Oh I love that trash talk. My first repsonse to the George Will, 200 thousand buses sort of nonsense is "What's 200,000 divided by 250?" - assuming each bus makes a round trip every 1.5 days?

    800. From 200,000 buses to 800 in one easy step - a step they could easily take themselves, were it just about any other problem in the book.

  111. What does NAM stand for?


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