October 23, 2008

Bill Ayers and his lovely fork-appreciating wife have new book coming out

Mr. and Mrs. Ayers have a new book listed on Amazon.com.
Product Description
White supremacy and its troubling endurance in American life is debated in these personal essays by two veteran political activists. Arguing that white supremacy has been the dominant political system in the United States since its earliest days—and that it is still very much with us—the discussion points to unexamined bigotry in the criminal justice system, election processes, war policy, and education. The book draws upon the authors' own confrontations with authorities during the Vietnam era, reasserts their belief that racism and war are interwoven issues, and offers personal stories about their lives today as parents, teachers, and reformers.

About the Author
William C. Ayers is a distinguished professor of education and a senior university scholar at the University of Illinois–Chicago. He is the author of To Teach: The Journey of a Teacher and Fugitive Days, a memoir about his life with his wife, Bernardine Dohrn. Bernardine Dohrn is the director of the Children and Family Law Justice Center and a clinical associate professor of law at Northwestern University. She is the coauthor of A Century of Juvenile Justice and Justice in the Making. They live in Chicago.

Product Details

  • Paperback: 192 pages
  • Publisher: Third World Press (June 1, 2009)

Where's Rev. Wright's book?

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. These two are the secular "whiter-people" equivalents of Tony and Susan Alamo.

    What preening moral vanity! A disgusting little-pretentious-duo. White people are being outnumbered demographically all over the world and project to be a minority here in the 2030's when they were 89% of the populace as recently as 1965. Does that sound "dominant" to anyone. They are the one racial group that can be mocked openly with no fear of reprisal.

  2. I never thought I'd say it on isteve, but OMG!

    Bernardine Dohrn must be on the level with the Whore of Babylon. Children and Family Law Justice Center gynocrat married to a guy publishing something on smashing white supremacy?

    This is just too provocative. Guess we're all going to be eating some stinky sandwiches for at least the next four years.

    Let's all shout out a big "THANK YOU" to the neocons for that.

  3. For what exactly Bill?

    White men are not voting for Obama, save the tiny fraction that are liberal yuppie latte drinkers. Married women are not voting Obama.

    His base is Blacks + Latinos + White Yuppies + College Kids + SINGLE WOMEN.

    Who respond to his Alpha Male stuff like it's catnip. Celebs worship and pray to the guy, he's Black and thus considered higher testosterone/more aggressive (probably not true, but there you go, it's a social perception game) and he's pushed as the new JFK by the Media which also worships him.

    REAGAN would have lost to this guy.

    Because of DEMOGRAPHICS. Urban living in job centers = unmarried women, single mothers, replacement of the nuclear family. Which means an Obama victory. We could have had Al Gore in for the last two terms and Obama would be the victor.

    SINGLE WHITE WOMEN are the margin of Obama's victory if he wins. He's not getting Blue Collar White men, who are sticking with McCain 58-32.

    BTW, Gateway Pundit has more Obama race-baiting stuff about White Folks greed etc. from 1995. Comedy gold.

  4. I guess "white supremacy" is the problem holding the Blacks back in Liberia as well.

    Can't wait to read the really professional reviews posted on Amazon, so don't bother Steve.

  5. SINGLE WHITE WOMEN are the margin of Obama's victory if he wins.

    Where I live young and single White women overwhelmingly choose black men for sex, dating and reproduction.

    So it's not surprising that they would choose to vote for a black male born of a White woman over a short, elderly White man.

    My urban neighbor is a White woman who is forever flirting with random black men and having them over to the house.

    And yes she has an Obama sign in her small front sidewalk garden.

  6. I hope Steve got at least a mention!

  7. I'd say it shows that Ayers has had zero effect on Obama, which is the only thing that counts.

    Are you still in denial, Steve? Obama is not the secret monster you think he is. He had an identity crisis, came in contact with a bunch of lefties, as was inevitable given the world that he lived in, and came out the other side. It is called learning from life.

    You can do it too.

  8. I forgot about Wright's book! I wonder if someone got to him, or if he's just holding out for a bigger advance.

  9. Well, Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dohrn (born Ohrnstein) are both Jewish, aren’t they?

    The whole Weather Underground was about solidarity with “people of color” and “hating whitey.” Vietnam was just the excuse.

    And btw, Jews favor Obama in the latest polling by 57 percent to 17 percent for McCain. By contrast, Protestants (including black and brown and Asian Prots) favor McCain by 51 percent to 38 percent. See the poll in the Investors Business Daily.

  10. I'm disappointed, he should have sticked with his first title:

    "The Protocols of The Elder White Males"

    -- How one brave White male managed to overcome his privileged class, gender and "race" and turn against it, because his conscience couldn't bare to take part of this oppressor class any longer.

    Ayers and his wife reveal the chilling hidden truths, selfish principals and dark mechanisms that make this country and world such an unequal and unfair place. It's all in there.

    Join Bill Ayers in his journey against prejudice in AmeriKKKa and vis-a-vis the rest of the world. Read his revolutionary, yet timely, new masterpiece.

    Overthrow comrades! Enough!

  11. Where's Wright, indeed?

    The Rev Wright's book seemed like the best bet McCain had for a useful October surprise. The sales window is rapidly closing, though, and the publisher knows it.

    Apparently either the publisher or Wright values an Obama win higher than a massive $$ windfall, whether for reasons of conscience or personal gain...unless of course the project fell apart due to sheer human (all too human) incompetence or sloth.

  12. "new JFK"; oh no, he must be a better man than JFK, surely? Even Nixon was a better man than JFK.

  13. I'd say it shows that Ayers has had zero effect on Obama, which is the only thing that counts.

    You might be fooled, but I'm not.

  14. "Born Again Democrat said...

    He had an identity crisis, came in contact with a bunch of lefties, as was inevitable given the world that he lived in, and came out the other side."

    Yes, but his idendity crisis has lasted approximately his whole life, and he just came out the other side (i.e., began to distance himself from his old friends, such as Jeremiah Wright) last February.

    And why not? It's worked. He's fooled a sizeable fraction of the electorate into thinking that he's just Cliff Huxtable in Washington.

  15. Maybe Bill Ayers can be shipped to Africa so he can enjoy the benefits of living under Black Supremacy and their dominant political culture.

    And a college system has given Bill Ayers a job. How nice. I'm a conservative, former US. Marine, but since I am politically INcorrect, the Academic system persecutes me and won't give me a job. We see how it is.

  16. White supremacy might be less of a problem if white left-wing terrorists from the seventies didn't insist on murdering up and coming blacks who dared "sell out to the Man."

  17. So my gang rape post has been censored?

    Too controversial even for iSteve?

    Well, guys, to read the gang rape story that Steve seems determined to suppress, go here.

    [PS: If my gang rape post is still buried in the LIFO stack, then ignore this post.]

  18. Born Again Democrat,

    I don't need a weather man to know which way the wind blows.

  19. Where I live young and single White women overwhelmingly choose black men for sex, dating and reproduction.

    You either live in (a) Hollywood fantasy land or (b) the ghetto.

    I live in a large city and black male/white female miscegenation is rare. It's limited to fat chicks and white trash. I don't know a single woman in my social circle that has ever dated a black.

  20. "So my gang rape post has been censored?

    Too controversial even for iSteve?" - LV

    You too, LV? I'm not certain why I didn't get past the censors but I have a problem getting past censors in general.

    Anyway, this Bill Ayers guy scares me even more than Obama. I see him as an enforcer who will justify the most extreme acts against those he considers white supremacists b/c by his reckoning it would be all to easy to fall into that category.

    How did this man escape prosecution and go on to a career in education? Even worse, as I searched for books at two different bookstores today, there were four or five about neo-nazis and the coming backlash. We have blatant communists and terrorists infiltrating all our institutions while successfully diverting attention from their revolutionary activities by making all the rest of the whites out to be potential white supremacists.

    I'm sure sometime far in the future if I'm in a form capable of remembering this life this will all be hilarious but right now it's anything but.

  21. You are all revealing your class and your age. Black male-white female is something you almost never see if you are professional class and/or older than 25. It is pretty normal when either of those things is not true. I wouldn't say it happens *all the time,* but it isn't out of the ordinary. And you also have to remember these are no-father families, so details about durable relationships are irrelevant.

  22. I wonder if/when the guys who raped Patty Hearst are going to get a book published. I'm thinking the title will be Sexual Assault: How Smelly Rich White Males Perpetrate It Against Black Women All the Time and the F.B.I. Hasn't Gotten Wise. Then Amazon can list it as "better together" with a book named something like Cleanly and Viciously Popped: How White Girls are Learning to Relax and Enjoy it With the Amiri Baraka Method.

    I cannot understand how people can look back at the 50s and come to the conclusion that J. McCarthy was the bad guy. I cannot understand how people can look back on the 60s and 70s and not be at least a little dismayed that the people they only reluctantly (and temporarily) considered bad guys are now infiltrating our national institutions, spreading their filth. McCarthy is a "bad guy" for calling communists "communists" and their friends "fellow travellers"; Ayers and his ilk were (briefly) "bad guys" for trying blow people up. Names can break our bones but sticks and stones can never hurt us?

    The left won't stop until every white person is so thoroughly humiliated and/or traumatized that they become Uncle Tims. The left is terrified that the right will vomit out the neocons and set up a couple of decent media outlets, and tell the story. I don't really give a GGD about the ties between Obama and Ayers. I'm hopping mad that the University of Illinois would hire Ayers, and that Yale would hire Baraka, and that anyone would think someone who thought a woman like Dohrn (who thought it was really cool and groovy for Manson's whores to cut a fetus out of a woman's belly) would make a good advocate for women's rights.

    How about we extend our cultural "statute of limitations" on terrorism by a few more decades?

  23. On black male - white female pairings:

    Let's look at this for a second. How old are the people involved? Very young, still mentally in high school. Who do high school girls look up to? The rebels who "get away with it". What sort of boys get away with anything and everything?

    Well, I don't know either. If only I could put my finger on a group of people, usually recognizable on sight, that the liberals who run our schools would have difficulty criticizing or, perish the thought, punishing. What group would that be? It's not like there's a whole press corps out to explain away and excuse anything and everything that some certain race of males do, no matter how violent or unprovoked (Jena 6, anyone?) Or that the same press corps would fabricate tales of young males of another race being violent scum (Duke?)

    Sure, the interracial pairings aren't overwhelmingly common now, but they'll get more common. And the lonely white men will get lonelier, more leftist, more creepy, and less attractive. The only thing limiting the process will be monogamy, since no one in this society would ever tolerate an African-style "big man" who kept many girlfriends, and invested nothing in the raising of his children.


  24. Better book:

    The Terrorist Next Door: The Militia Movement and the Radical Right

    by Daniel Levitas

    Pretty much the same topic, a really good history of the fringe that can be traced to the modern day GOP. And best of all, no controversial author to obscure the facts.


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