October 28, 2008

Notice how the GOP gets denounced for racism even when they absolutely won't mention anything touching race?

Let’s be honest here: All the hate over the topic of race is on the left.

The obvious fact is that the GOP is totally terrified of being accused of being racist. McCain categorically denounced the mention of Rev. Wright in GOP ads back in April. Wright’s name wasn’t mentioned at the GOP convention or in any of the debates. That’s why he’s ranting on about William Ayers, whose connections to Obama are much more tangential than Obama’s connections to Wright. (Indeed, Sen. Obama gave over $53,000 to Wright’s church in 2005-2007 according to Obama’s tax returns.) But, Ayers is white, so he’s okay to attack, but Wright is black, so he’s off-limits.

Of course, the GOP isn’t getting any credit for their restraint. They are still being denounced as racists.

In fact, this anti-anti-black mindset even extends into the emails from the fever swamps. Consider the popular one that claims that Obama isn't black, that he's 8/16th white, 7/16th Arab, and only 1/16th African. Obviously, if you take one look at a picture of his father, you can see that's not true. (He might have a tiny bit of ancestry from an Arab slave trader that his African ancestors sold black slaves to, but it sure isn't 7/16th.) Obama calls his father "black as pitch" and refers to his father's tribe as "as ink-black Luo."

Or consider all the emails about Obama being a Muslim.

Now, the truth is that Obama has had far more sympathetic contacts with Muslims than most Americans. But his sympathy for Muslims has had zero to do with their religion and everything to do with their being, in his mind, anti-European white. As he admits in Dreams from My Father, he tended to get Muslim and Black Muslim (whom he liked a lot) mixed up in his mind.

For example, here's what Obama wrote at age 33 about his visit around his 28th birthday to Kenya, where he learns from his step-grandmother, to his horror, that his Muslim grandfather Onyango Obama had worked as a servant for British colonists:

I knew that, as I had been listening to the story of our grandfather’s youth, I, too, had felt betrayed. My image of Onyango, faint as it was, had always been of an autocratic man-a cruel man, perhaps. But I had also imagined him an independent man, a man of his people, opposed to white rule. There was no real basis for this image, I now realized -- only the letter he had written to Gramps saying that he didn’t want his son marrying white. That, and his Muslim faith, which in my mind had become linked with the Nation of Islam back in the States. What Granny had told us scrambled that image completely, causing ugly words to flash across my mind. Uncle Tom. Collaborator. House n*****.

With Obama, it's always "a story of race and inheritance." That's what it's all about. That's where his leftwing ideology comes from. But the GOP can't mention race, so they haven't been able to explain to the public that Obama, according to his own autobiography, isn't the man David Axelrod has been selling you.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. "Let’s be honest here: All the hate over the topic of race is on the left."

    You aren't on the left, and yet the bug you have up your ass about Jews comes out later in this comment of yours:

    "(Do you get the impression that Jews are pushing these email campaigns the hardest?)"

    Which Jews would these be, the 80% who are voting for Obama?


  2. Concerns over Obama's pro-Muslim sentiments are not exactly confined to Jewish voters. Given Iran's near-breakout status to nukes and Pakistan according to the NIE falling into Taliban/AQ control. Along with it's 100+ nukes.

    Given the erosion of deterrence, this is not a marginal concern. Technology moves on, and society with it.

    Moreover, the net response to the racialist rules -- OK for Black, Max Obama supporter Jones-Kelley to paw through Joe the Plumber's computer records, illegally, and even more illegally, release the information to the Press, right after the third debate, but not for any White person to criticize her ("racist!") is instructive.

    It pretty much as removed those barriers. McCain win or lose will be a marginal figure in the Republican Party. The Palins, the Joe the Plumbers, the populists who come afterwards will simply ignore the cries of "racist!" and appeal to the populists.

    The response will be more Wright, Father Eminem, Obama race-baiting of Whites, transfer of wealth/redistribution, from Whites TO Blacks, and other populist measures.

    It will be the Jessie Helms "Hands" ad and the Lee Atwater Willie Horton ad.

    The Palins, Joe the Plumber, etc are not interested in being part of the Beltway elite. Their path to power is not through the salons of DC. It is through populism. Telling the majority of the country, still White, that they are getting a raw deal with most of the benefits going to Blacks and Hispanics.

    The Jacobins beat the Girondins, because the former were more bloody and ruthless. But Napoleon beat the Jacobins because he understood real power. As a provincial he cared less about what Parisian salons thought of him ... and he mobilized the peasant armies to seize power and distribute among his followers. The Jacobins had no recourse because they could not match Napoleon's offers. Making all those landless peasants into property holders was a stroke of genius, and I expect much the same thing from a Palin-Joe type.

    Political power is about assembling voter/money/power coalitions. The way is completely open with McCain gone one way or another to pursue that power. Someone will take it.

  3. Talk about a stacked deck. If you object to Obama's tacit acceptance of Wright's racism, you're the one accused of racism.

    Most whites have no idea how common the belief is in the ghetto that white scientists invented AIDS as a way to wipe out blacks. (This is one of Wright's themes.)

  4. It is rather surprising that not only legitimate race issues like Wright weren't brought up, but that general race-baiting didn't have a more prominent role in this election. Implicit race bias is good predictor of voting Republican, (see here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/29/AR2006012900642.html),
    so an overall campaign playing to these biases could have really turned out the base, perhaps even better than Palin has. I'm not personally inclined to such an approach, and somewhat glad to see it didn't happen, but I figured it would be on the menu given the ruthlessness that seems to have characterized the last few presidential elections. I suspect the party feared a backlash from a media that are on a heightened lookout for such tactics this election and how it might stigmatize the party in the future given changing demographics.

    I think the best and safest way for the McCain to have gone after Wright was to present it as concern about Wright's racism, as opposed to his ant-americanism, and how that has influenced Obama, in effect that they were playing the part of the anti-racist. It would have been thoroughly criticized as cynically ploy, but if they got enough of Wright's vile statements out there, it would be clear the campaign had a real issue and would seriously harm Obama's non-divisive image.

  5. "With Obama, it's always "a story of race and inheritance."

    Judging from the reaction, he, and especially his wife have received here during this election, is that any secret?

    There is no such thing as a 'Post Racial BlackMan' in America, no matter how hard one may try. That is why you people are still burned about OJ and have forgotten who Blake and Spector. That's why Shatner and Robert Wagner's wife drowned under mysterious circumstances, no one batted an eyebrow.

    This is why you continually focus on the intellect of a candidate's WIFE, while blatantly disregarding what would appear to be the the most meagerly endowed (in terms of brainpower) ticket in the history of modern American politics...and on a website that claims to believe that IQ is destiny.

    "There is an excellent Taoist parable that goes like this:"

    One should first seek to understand, then to be understood.

    There is an excellent 4th grade parable that also applies generously here:

    "I know you are, but what am I?"

    Stuff white people like #368: Blatant hypocricy!

    You good folks may wake up someday, obviously I care as I haven't given up yet.

  6. "Concerns over Obama's pro-Muslim sentiments..."

    Oh my god, I laughed until my side hurt on that one. Obama is so pro-Israel, I expect him to do his coronation speech in a Yarmulke.

    You've got to give Barry one thing:

    He's the first politician in the history of this great nation who has been considered a Christian, a Muslim (two varieties) and a Jew.

  7. Steve,
    You bring up an interesting point that I haven't heard before, but definitely sounds plausible: Obama's allegiance with Muslims is due to anti-white animus. I've thought all along it was due to anti-Jewish animus.
    What, exactly, are your thoughts on this?
    Oh, I know Obama has little love for whites, but I have felt he feels the same way about Jews, too.

  8. Truth said: "That is why you people are still burned about OJ and have forgotten who Blake and Spector."

    Did white people jump up and dance a jig when Blake was acquitted? I don't recall that happening.

  9. "Oh, I know Obama has little love for whites, but I have felt he feels the same way about Jews, too."

    Well, look at how Jews have treated blacks over the years. What do you expect Barry to do, bomb Syria and Iran so they can take over that territory too?

  10. "With Obama it is always a question of race and inheritance."

    With you, too, Steve -- except in those moments (your best moments) when you transcend this claustrophobic obsession.

    I long for more posts like the ones you used to write, which drew me to you in the first place: that are sympathetic to "the left-hand side of the bell curve." I want to hear more about your color-blind democratic philosophy of "citizenism."

    Would you change your mind about Obama if he took this approach?

  11. Chaim and SFG need to re-take math class.

    "Most of the people pushing issue X are Jews" does not imply that "Most Jews pushing issue X."

    80% of Jews could support Obama, while the remaining 20% could form 50%+1 of those pushing the "Obama is a Muslim" scare.

    I don't know if it's true, and neither does anyone else -- that's why Steve asked. But it's a separate question from the obvious one of "Who are most Jews supporting?"

  12. I've thought all along it was due to anti-Jewish animus.
    What, exactly, are your thoughts on this?
    Oh, I know Obama has little love for whites, but I have felt he feels the same way about Jews, too.

    While I was over at Jack Cashill's site reading his articles on why he thinks Ayers was the ghostwriter on Obama's first book, I came across an article where Cashill makes a point that I haven't seen made any place else (forgive me, Steve, if you have point the following point). In Obama's speech given in 2002 in opposition to the US invasion of Iraq, he stated “What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other arm-chair, weekend warriors in this Administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne." Cashill doesn't believe Obama wrote that and neither do I. Why would Obama single out two Straussian Jews when he could have named Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld, Rice, or any number of other possible villians in the Bush administration?

    Cashill seems to think Ayers is responsible. I disagree. I suspect David Axelrod is more likely than Ayers to have come up with the names of Perle and Wolfowitz. The Jewish Axelrod is, by his own admission, the son of "classic New York Leftists." He graduated in 1977 with a degree in political science from the University of Chicago, so clearly he's familiar with the influence of Leo Strauss.

    There is a split between Zionist Jews and Marxist Jews. The latter group blames the former for betraying the communist/civil rights movement in the US. I believe this explains Obama's mixed feelings for Jews.

  13. Stop trying to play the game of "You can't win no matter what you say or don't say, do or don't do". Don't be afraid to know what you know, believe what you believe, trust what your eyes and ears, life experience and common sense tell you. We have the power, we just need to realize it it.

  14. I'm still waiting to see Obama's REAL birth certificate. Yes, I know it is racist to ask him to prove that he is qualified to serve as President

  15. A great opportunity was lost during the whole Obama is a Muslim/Arab kerfluffle. Democrats basically said that calling someone a Muslim or Arab is a SLUR. By definition, that means being these things is BAD. They are saying that what these people are is bad and to identify someone as one of them is a put down. It doesn't get any more racist than that. This could have opened the door to pointing out the obvious racial hypocrisy on the Left and exposing them as political opportunists who care nothing for equality but only for securing a voting bloc. The point could have been driven home by highlighting the fact that historically it was the Democrats who were pro slavery. Sum it all up by showing poor minority inhabited city ghettos and explaining "This is what the socialistic 'help' from Democrats will get you". If anyone but McCain were at the top of the ticket you could also add the ultimate irony of a black president opening the borders, and bringing in massive numbers of immigrants which will drop the percentage of blacks in America from 12-13% to 7-8% nearly halving their meager political capital, as well as pushing them out of their neighborhoods and competing with them for both jobs and "assistance".

    On The Audacious Ones whiteness... ignoring silly theories, but something struck me the other day when I saw this pic. His feet are white (or light). This seems odd because the rest of him appears tan, yet politicians probably spend the least amount of time in the sun after only computer geeks. So... is he tanning artificially, because he wants to be more black?

  16. truth,
    I usually enjoy your comments, but you've been slipping today. You neglected work in the John McCain "wetfiring" allegation this time. Anyway, never underestimate the power of the Dark Side. Oh, wait, wrong movie...

  17. "Oh, I know Obama has little love for whites, but I have felt he feels the same way about Jews, too."

    That's interesting, that's the second time I've heard that point made this week. The other reference was in fact, pro-Obama.

    Yesterday, a white businessman told me that he could vote for Obama because the only people who dislike Jews more than he did were blacks and Muslims, so he felt he could trust Obama to keep Israel in line.

    Had to scratch my head over that one. It reminded me of that great line from Lone Star, "it's always heartwarming to see a prejudice defeated by a deeper prejudice".

  18. I wish this were true.

  19. Speaking of racism as the province of the Left: Bill Maher's crappy anti-religion documentary "Religulous" pokes fun at black and Hispanic Christians using racial stereotypes that would be considered beyond the pale if they were used by someone on the Right (or used to make fun of the "wrong" blacks or Hispanics).

  20. It seems like much "anti-racist" crusading on the Left is a psycho-drama involving a great deal of projection. Many right-thinking progressives are fighting the racism within themselves by projecting it onto anyone they can.

  21. "I merely ask for the opportunity to openly advocate for my own [White] ethnic interests, as every non-white on earth is allowed to do."

    Agreed - when is the "White survivalist" movement going to be started by someone instead of the much less PC and very often racist "White supremacist" and/or "White nationalist" movements?

  22. I haven't seen any evidence that Obama is particularly anti-semitic. He seems to share the same social engineering outlook that most Jews do: pro-abortion, pro-wealth redistribution, anti-Christian, etc.

    Also I haven't seen Jewish folks in the media pull out as big a hammer as when they went after Palin. The attacks have been truly nasty, beyond what they usually even wield against Republican candidates. And if you go back - you'll find that some of the absolute nastiest, meanest spirited statements come from Jews.

    The Jews really see her as the next Hitler. I don't know how much they like Obama, but their AIPAC people have sufficiently forced him to toe the pro-Israel line, no different than any other U.S. President in the 20th century.

  23. "Well, look at how Jews have treated blacks over the years."

    I second Ronduck's question, Truth. Aside from founding the freaking NAACP, getting ourselves lynched to help you get voting rights in the South, helping you win Civil Rights, helping OJ get away with murder, making you look smarter and nicer than you are in real life in movies, and bankrolling your current presidential candidate, what else have we done to piss you off?

    I just goes to show the truth of the old saying, if you want someone to like you, don't do him a favor -- ask him to do a favor for you.


  24. That is why you people are still burned about OJ and have forgotten who Blake and Spector.

    On the contrary, I remember vividly how, when Blake was acquitted and Spector got off with a mistrial, white audiences erupted with whoops of glee. Oh, wait, white people never did anything like that.

  25. "Excuse me, did you column say "Arab slave trader"? Shame on you, Steve! Don't you know, only Europeans traffic in slaves? Specifically, Englishmen. And maybe Germans. (I'm quite certain Irishmen and Spaniards are completely innocent.) No other nationality has ever trafficked in slaves and you're forbidden by Political Catch #147 from saying that they did. You see, the slave trade is caused by a gene that only Europeans carry, making Europeans different from other ethnic groups."

    Aw, geez Steve, do some QC on these nutbar Dave Barry attempts at satirical commentary. Anyone can Wiki Atlantic Slave Trade and find that the Portuguese, Spanish, French, Dutch and English were the primary slave-trading powers. The black population of S. America is much greater than N. America--did they immigrate there after the WWII? Speaking of WWII, the landlocked Germans had little to do with Slavery, though I suppose ceaseless Anti-German Allied/Hollywood propaganda has turned them into an all-purpose scapegoat (not unlike another group we seem to digress upon constantly on this blog).

  26. What I found interesting in the Obama quote is the level of extremeness he demonstrates - once again. He would rather his grandfather was 'autocratic' and 'cruel' - respect - than someone who worked with white people - contempt. The thought of such cooperation alone brought out absolute disgust in Obama and made him label his grandfather nothing less than traitor. This is a good attitude to have for a guerrilla fighter or someone at war. But is this man not running to be the president of a majority-white country? Hmmm...

    And yet most whites are either happily ignorant of this sort of attitude or nonchalantly unconcerned. They are about to be led by a man who shows contempt for them, thinks they are morally deficient, and unworthy to cooperate with and yet they show no reaction. Hmmm....

    What is this saying about the current white majority in the US? That they are oblivious to the environment around them? That they like being dominated and submissive - the M in S&M? Or maybe they don't view Obama and what he represents as a sufficient enough threat to be concerned because they are all-powerful in their minds? Or maybe they think all these things but the only thing that gets articulated is the controlled media's message?

    Interesting times we live in....

  27. "That's interesting, that's the second time I've heard that point made this week. The other reference was in fact, pro-Obama.

    Yesterday, a white businessman told me that he could vote for Obama because the only people who dislike Jews more than he did were blacks and Muslims, so he felt he could trust Obama to keep Israel in line.

    Had to scratch my head over that one. It reminded me of that great line from Lone Star, "it's always heartwarming to see a prejudice defeated by a deeper prejudice"."

    Jews may support leftism but they can at least in theory become an overall plus to Western Civilization. Blacks are destined to rape our women, fill up the welfare roles, lower standards of behavior for everybody and destroy every institution they're a part of.

    To put it another way, I think blacks are more hard wired to be violent and poor than Jews are to deny racial differences and support homosexuality.

    Side with the Jews.

  28. weston pleaded: I merely ask for the opportunity to openly advocate for my own ethnic interests, as every non-white on earth is allowed to do.

    I suggest you just start doing it, nicely asking for the opportunity will get you nowhere.

  29. I have a theory that looks like it is about to be tested. Race baiting is like heroin use. Those that engage in it need to either keep shooting higher doses or more frequently to keep getting the same high. Eventually the doses become too toxic and the user dies.

    With a President Obama it will be much harder for blacks to automatically shut up whites by just claiming "racism" or the threat of such or simply doing the angry black woman routine. In fact, once whites find their voice again I think that there will be a torrent of criticism that will be accurate and will put blacks on the defensive. Issues such as affirmative action, black on white crime, and who is really paying taxes and who is benefiting from CRA will be vetted. I fully expect for the left to put forth their rear gard but the question will arise as to how much black advocacy the public can stand before the user suffers from toxcisity.

  30. "Did white people jump up and dance a jig when Blake was acquitted? I don't recall that happening."

    Mr. Carter, you do realize that this has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with my point, right?

    "There's no such thing as a "post-racial" black man in America because blacks are obsessed with race."

    As are you, correct? Your posts would certainly seem to indicate that you are obsessed by race.

    "Blacks celebrated when OJ was acquitted of killing two whites because they value racial loyalty over abstract notions like "justice".

    Or maybe they celebrated because they felt that he was not guilty; as did all three non-black members of the jury.


    What do you mean "how Jews have treated Blacks"? Jews helped the Civil Rights movement succeed. Please provide a link for this claim."

    Actually Ronduck, I didn't write that comment, but it is kind of nice having a Doppelganger...kind of like Bizarro Superman. I wonder what the weather is like on Htrae today.

    "Blacks are destined to rape our women, fill up the welfare roles, lower standards of behavior for everybody and destroy every institution they're a part of."

    Yeah but white people can't dance and have small penises; so there!

    "I merely ask for the opportunity to openly advocate for my own ethnic interests,

    Advocate away! Why not, Duke, Rushton, Taylor and Don Black do; of course they are CIA stooges and they get paid more than you will.

  31. The obvious fact is that the GOP is totally terrified of being accused of being racist. McCain categorically denounced the mention of Rev. Wright in GOP ads back in April. Wright’s name wasn’t mentioned at the GOP convention or in any of the debates. That’s why he’s ranting on about William Ayers, whose connections to Obama are much more tangential than Obama’s connections to Wright. . . . But, Ayers is white, so he’s okay to attack, but Wright is black, so he’s off-limits. Of course, the GOP isn’t getting any credit for their restraint.

    I actually read one pro-Obama site specifically claim that the Republicans' use of Ayers was racist because it was obvious that they were doing so to avoid pointing to Wright. So I guess that if the GHW Bush campaign, instead of making an issue of Willie Horton, had found some white murderer who took advantage of his furlough from the prison where he was serving a life sentence to escape and commit armed robbery and rape, it would *still* be guilty of racism, since everyone would know they were *really* talking about Horton.

  32. Check these:



    Remember these blasts from the past?

    Willie Horton
    Harvey Gantt
    Harold Ford Jr

    Say what you want, but if you ask 100 randomly selected people which party has the most racist undertones, you get the GOP.

    If conservatives could figure out how to exist without what is the modern Republican party, then you we might actually have some political discourse in this nation.

    But as long as thoughtful and practical conservative solutions to problems have to come wrapped in Limbaugh, Rove, Savage, DeLay, Helms, Nixon, Luntz, Schmidt, Atwater, Thurmond, Wallace, Lott, Allen, et al, then the problem continues.

    Conservatives need to find a way to dump what the Dixiecrats brought to the GOP so many years ago.

  33. But McCain is guilty of a fundamental racist act: he is on the ballot against Barack Obama.

    The only non-racist thing he can do is abdicate.

    This is consistent with Obama's first election, in which he methodically had every other candidate removed from the ballot. (And they were black.)

    Never mind the "first African-American president". Obama will be the first African president.

  34. "though I suppose ceaseless Anti-German Allied/Hollywood propaganda has turned them into an all-purpose scapegoat (not unlike another group we seem to digress upon constantly on this blog"

    What planet are you on? I do not recall ever seeing Germans unfairly blamed for anything in the media, the schools, or pop culture. Certainly not anywhere near enough for the possibility of such a trend to occur.

    Even the official Soviet line during WWII was that the innocent German people are being oppressed by their capitalist-imperialist dictatorship and they are really our friends. And this was while the German army was carrying out a program of racial extermination against Soviet citizens. Meanwhile in the West, west Germans were Cold War allies while east Germans were seen as victims.

    Do you have any evidence whatsoever for this purported "ceaseless Hollywood propaganda"? (I seriously doubt it.)

  35. @"truth": This is why you continually focus on the intellect of a candidate's WIFE, while blatantly disregarding what would appear to be the the most meagerly endowed (in terms of brainpower) ticket in the history of modern American politics...and on a website that claims to believe that IQ is destiny.

    Well, here's something for you to chew on, Gomer:

    Sarah Palin's a Brainiac

    She's smarter than you could ever hope to be. Seriously.

    Stuff white people like #368: Blatant hypocricy! [sic]

    Another thing white people (and probably Thomas Sowell and Ward Connerly, too) like: Spelling words correctly.

    As always with you, "truth," it's "affirmative in action."

    Here's a helpful hint: If you view these pages in Firefox, the red line under a word in the comment box before you submit means you've just made another innovative, Ebonic contribution to the English language. That other great wordsmith, William Shakespeare, salutes you!

  36. "Well, here's something for you to chew on, Gomer:"

    Oh, a former editor of Ms. saying that Palin is smart; sign her up for Mensa right away!

    Actually, Palin proved her superior intellect by taking part in this clusterfuck a month before the election.

    "Here's a helpful hint:"

    Apparently, you missed my "Stuff White People Like #367", from just last week:

    "Persnickety Grammar/Spelling Flames."

  37. That damn hyperlink thing!


  38. testing99 sed:

    "The Palins, the Joe the Plumbers, the populists who come afterwards will simply ignore the cries of "racist!" and appeal to the populists."

    You have a good point there. This is what's beginning to happen in Europe as well, still under the MSM radar of course. As a foreigner observing the US from afar I get the impression the GOP is being turned into a white mans party from the inside out, regardless of the leadership's attempts to appear non-racial. It had to eventually since the Dems and black caucus are so overtly race-based.

  39. Headache,

    Is it that they're race-based? If by your tactics you abuse those you say you want to reach out to, should it be a surprise if no one from that group wants to join?

    The GOP had a chance pre 9/11 with Hispanics. They had an excellent chance to bring a good number of them over to the GOP side. But the expedience of needing to win in 2004 meant that they had to use the same people as whipping boys for immigration "reform".

    Is it a surprise few Hispanics are supporting McCain/GOP?

  40. I have to concur. I have never seen Germans blamed for the slave trade, or much of anything outside of the WWII era, not even in wartime propaganda materials.

    By the way, Germany is not landlocked; it has coasts on the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Go look at a map.

  41. Uh, how many German speaking countries are there in Africa?

  42. "Aw, geez Steve, do some QC on these nutbar Dave Barry attempts at satirical commentary. Anyone can Wiki Atlantic Slave Trade and find that the Portuguese, Spanish, French, Dutch and English were the primary slave-trading powers. The black population of S. America is much greater than N. America--did they immigrate there after the WWII? Speaking of WWII, the landlocked Germans had little to do with Slavery, though I suppose ceaseless Anti-German Allied/Hollywood propaganda has turned them into an all-purpose scapegoat (not unlike another group we seem to digress upon constantly on this blog)." - Anonymous

    If you know it's satirical, why do you pretend it's serious? Satirizing attacks on Germans is not the same thing as attacking Germans, brainiac.

    And why do you redirect something about the slave trade in general to the Atlantic slave trade only? Afraid to admit that the Mediterranean slave trade was dominated by Muslims and took mainly Christian, European victims? Does it make you proud to deny crimes against Europeans?

    (And Truth, if you're really curious, there are no mainly German-speaking African countries today but there were several German colonies where that language was commonly spoken, before 1918.)

  43. I looked it up, you are right, there was more German involvement in colonial Africa than I had thought.

    Good Show Mate!

  44. "Even the official Soviet line during WWII was that the innocent German people are being oppressed by their capitalist-imperialist dictatorship and they are really our friends. And this was while the German army was carrying out a program of racial extermination against Soviet citizens. Meanwhile in the West, west Germans were Cold War allies while east Germans were seen as victims."

    So, why were 13 million ethnic Germans expelled from Eastern Europe, 4 million slaughtered and countless millions raped after WWII, out of all proportion to other ethnicites? Coincidence?

    And, perhaps I should have said "mostly landlocked", the jist of it being that the Germans access to open waters were severely restrained by countries on the Western periphery who dominated the Slave Trade. As to the point about my not mentioning the Barbary pirates as denying crimes against Europeans; well, I also didn't mention the modern-day sex slave trade--does that make me sexist as well?

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