October 6, 2008

Names in the News

For my American Conservative review, I'm doing background research on the new Jonathan Demme movie "Rachel Getting Married," which is about sibling rivalry between two sisters, the sensible one who is getting married (to a gentlemanly black man from Hawaii ... hmmhmm ... sounds familiar ...) and the sexy irresponsible one (played by Anne Hathaway) who shows up to steal the spotlight from the bride. So, I start Googling on participants in the movie like the star Anne Hathaway and screenwriter Jenny Lumet to find out who her real life sister is. And ... holy moly, this is the funniest chain of Google connections I've ever seen, total high comedy synchronicity. It's like what Mickey Kaus calls The Undernews all rolled up in one.

If you've got the time, try Googling on various combinations of:

Anne Hathaway

Raffaello Follieri

Bill Clinton

Ron Burkle


John McCain

Jenny Lumet

Sydney Lumet

Lena Horne

Amy Lumet

National Review

I pointed to my John McCain hat

P.J. O'Rourke

Weekly Standard

500 beautiful women sailors

John McCain

There are actually two separate stories here, with McCain being the only common element in them. He does seem to get around.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Jenny Lumet is Sydney Lumet's daughter and the granddaughter of Lena Horne.

    Her sister was married to writer P.J. O'Rourke for a minute or two.

  2. Yes, but where does John McCain fit in?

  3. This is probably what Steve is getting at: http://gawker.com/5058219/did-john-mccain-and-pj-orourke-share-a-love-triangle-with-this-lady

  4. Steve, look for the piece on Hathaway in this month's Vanity Fair. It includes Burkle, Clinton, and even has a McCain/Montenegro reference.

  5. http://www.boston.com/ae/movies/articles/2008/10/04/in_family_screenwriter_sees_true_colors_of_connection/?page=2

    You'd think an interracial wedding in a staid Connecticut suburb might be noted in conversations there. Discussed, even. In "Rachel Getting Married," which opens Friday, it doesn't muster a mention.

    "I was really relieved that the movie never touched on race," says Anne Hathaway...

    "Personally, I think that's what a family and America looks like. I think the other stuff - where everyone looks the same - is just a myth. That being said, the only time I ever thought about the race issue when writing the script was when I thought about making the characters of Rachel (Rosemarie DeWitt) and Kym (Hathaway) the children of an interracial couple. But I decided not to because I was afraid people would say that that was the reason Kym became a crazy drug person. And of course, that's not the reason people use drugs...

    One thing that did turn out exactly as Lumet planned was the movie's long-awaited wedding. The ceremony is inexplicably Indian (the bride and bridesmaids wear saris) and Brazilian dancers entertain wildly at the reception. Just as the mixed-race status of the bridal couple is never addressed, no one in the film questions or explains the reason for the wedding's multicultural trappings.


    If you want to change the behavior of an audience or a country, if you want to replace their deeply held values with your own, you don’t tell them what to do or what to believe. They might resist. We do not like getting orders. No, you show the things being done – over and over and over. In the beginning you only imply the desired behavior or point of view, leave it in the background so that it is hardly noticed. Over and over and over you imply it. Gradually you make it more explicit. It takes years, but people come to accept whatever they see, and then to imitate it.

    They cannot resist any more than a paralyzed caterpillar can resist being eaten by a wasp’s larva. They cannot do without the electric babysitter, cannot toss the damned thing out the window.

    They cannot not watch a screen.

  6. Our culture centralizes the marginal and marginalizes the central.

  7. Steve, can you please just tell us the story?

  8. But what happens when propaganda wildly mismatches what is encountered in reality?

    Communist nations tried this for nearly 80 years, and it failed. No one believed much of anything.

    Rates of intermarriage are very low, about the only interracial couples you'll see are in military base areas, with obviously military couples.

    It's like showing Black computer/science whizzes, when the reality of Gangsta Rap smacks people in the face -- it undermines any credibility.

  9. Another name in the news: Quienten Joey Watts, the (drunk) driver of the bus that crashed in California on the way to a casino. A black guy (almost assuredly, given the name) driving a bus filled with Laotians.

    Welcome to America!

  10. Hmmmmm
    Does the Fred Reed conjecture explain the apparent statistical overrepresentation of certain types of couples on the DIY and HGTV shows.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Is everyone in Washington separated by two degrees? Can't we throw out all the bums?

    Speaking of which, I thought Spengler's latest column is his best yet.

  13. Jenny Lumet, the writer, is a mixture of ancestries: Jewish, non-Jewish Caucasian, Native American, and African American. "Rachel" is traditional a Jewish name. The last names of the characters are not mentioned. Is the audience to assume the bride and her sister are Jewish or part Jewish? I would be curious to know if Hollywood would suggest such a thing.

  14. It would be awesome to see McCain play the interracial affair card against the race card. Now that would be truly maverick. :)

  15. Spengler is a rambling idiot, or rather he rambles in a way that fools idiots.

    Once you try to follow what he is saying you realize he contradicts himself regularly and places bizarre importance on trivial or obscure parts of history.

  16. Jenny Lumet, the writer, is a mixture of ancestries: Jewish, non-Jewish Caucasian, Native American, and African American

    So now as well as being non-hispanic whites we are further downgraded to non-jewish caucasian status.

    You know, its like we barely exist at all!

  17. The Spengler column is interesting:

    "Laws depend on the will of the people to enforce them. It is the initiative of ordinary people that makes America's political system the world's most reliable."

    In discussing why Asia lacks the capital markets of America, it basically says that it's because they lack - well, they lack more people like the kind you're apt to find in the Minutemen (though it doesn't mention immigration).

    Since another post mentions personality traits WRT Bill Clinton, one personality trait noticeable in infancy is adaptability. It describes how an infant adjusts to changes in environment, like when a parent leaves the room. In adulthood people who weren't adaptable as infants tend to be more challenging of authority.

    Which, perhaps, sums up the problem: to a degree, society needs more unadaptable people to flourish. It needs people willing to challenge those in power, without regard to the costs to themselves.

    People who are adaptable (many of them) grow up to game the system for the benefit of themselves. People who are unadaptable (some of them) grow up to challenge unfairness in the system. They might be equally smart, but one's more likely to graduate form college. Perhaps that's why Asia is home to so many smart, well-adjusted people - who live in dictatorships.

    Of late, the financial rewards for adaptability have gotten so disproportionate that we may all be headed for that future.

  18. There is a lot of monkey see, monkey do out there. Not just on military bases. Around the three college campuses (campi?) that I have observed in the last 4 years, the sight of white women with black boyfriends is fairly common. Women are particulary impressionable, and every voice in the culture is telling white women constantly (by example and strong hint) that black boyfriends are the way to go.

    Who runs our culture, and why would they have an interest in pushing this near-ubiquitous meme? I seem to recall Ben Wattenberg's proposing that the cure for American racism is black-white interbreeding. No mention of the necessity for Jews and blacks to interbreed, of course. That would be a betrayal of the Jewish people's identity.

    And Steve has commented on an implication of the Obama campaign that the Great Black Hope is counting on, namely the narrative of black-white reconciliation through interbreeding: the races become reconciled in the figure of an omnicompetent mulatto Jesus.

  19. The Fred Reed article posted in the comment above illustrates why I have high hopes that P2P will do to the TV and movie industry what it did to the music industry.

    A smart Republican administration would do absolutely nothing to enforce anti-piracy laws for that reason.

  20. david..
    Yea lots of that going on in Europe too. Many German girls running around with Turkish and black boys. Turkish and black boys are much more cocky and in-your-face than pacified and guilt-ridden German boys. Girls are looking out for fun and sex and social jockeying (and obviously are impervious to long-term thinking), and as the EU push for "integration" and shower these "minorities" with the bucks, girls are going to migrate to them. Then even having an islamic Kebap-shop-owning uncle in the family becomes acceptable. I also wonder whether this is just a sociological phenomenon (many bad decisions by policymakers over the decades aggregating and kids being in the same class in school) or whether it is the result of a deliberate policy by certain interested groups. Beats me because I don't have the birds-view.

  21. Has it not been proven repeatedly that white males intermarry much more often than white females?

    Is that, for some reason, acceptable?

  22. The reification of the media meme David mentions goes beyond military bases, campuses, and the big cities - dig deep into occupied Europe and you'll find weird gems like the fact that Lithuanian or Polish girls are always hooking up with dusky Albanian men, to the dismay of the pathetic locals.

    "Is the audience to assume the bride and her sister are Jewish or part Jewish? I would be curious to know if Hollywood would suggest such a thing."

    I remember the predictably boring buzz surrounding Todd Haynes' film "Far From Heaven". Set in the 50s, you had a gee-whiz American family (non-Jewish Caucasian, LOL), living their normal lives...only with - gulp - dark secrets. Interracial liasons. Closet gayness. Yawn. Yawn. Had seen the theme forever by that point. It was then that it struck me if he'd simply made the family Jewish, instead of some garden variety WASPs, it would have been much more "subversive" than the snorer he'd just helmed. Lenny Bruce would've agreed - right?

    The next generation of filmmakers, to really rock the boat, should portray psychologically healthy, Euro-descended families with three or more bio-culturally conscious children. They'll be swimming against the stream, the new avant garde. Or they'll go to prison for some speech code transgression.

  23. "There is a lot of monkey see, monkey do out there. Not just on military bases. Around the three college campuses (campi?) that I have observed in the last 4 years, the sight of white women with black boyfriends is fairly common. Women are particulary impressionable, and every voice in the culture is telling white women constantly (by example and strong hint) that black boyfriends are the way to go."

    I promised myself I wouldn't comment on this blog again but since I get the impression that I am often punished for what gets posted here due to some sort of guilt by association censorship procedings carried out by the local diversity squad, I might as well commit the crime.

    I think the emphasis on interracial dating has more to do with the expectation of an all-nothing type response, either you are completely willing to date outside your race (meaning especially whites wiling to date blacks) or you are an evil white supremacist. I compare it to the altar call after an evangelical sermon. Choose eternal life or choose hell. ; )

    In response to our shared audience of race theory conscious critics, I'd like to suggest that like Kant or some such philosopher they are committing the crime of forcing everyone to make the same choices and respond to circumstances in exactly the same way. Carried to its logical conclusion such thinking will eventually dictate that if a lighter skinned person dates a darker skinned person then the relationship can only end if and when the darker skinned person chooses. Such an expectation of mindless conformity regarding interracial relationships also means that a lighter skinned person must either be able to adroitly hide an attraction for other lighter skinned people or else repress their natural proclivities in order to keep from being labelled racist or god forbid, neo-nazi.

    Also note the old adage "once you go black, you don't go back" is actually an implied threat that if you do once date a black person as a white person all of your subsequent romantic relationships must be with people who are black or sufficiently dark skinned.

    As a "white" person you are in no way allowed to express the desire to date within your own race. Any non white who suspects that you are racist has the right to ask you out using the phrase "you won't date me b/c I'm not white". Your immediate disavowal of any racism followed by promptly accepting the date is cumpulsory. Any other response will get you expelled from your school or fired from your job.

    Because in this era, the white person isn't allowed to like his own race/culture or want to propagate his own kind in an attempt to keep the race alive along with its history and traditions. Any white who isn't sui-genocidal is a threat to all other races and will lead to the establishment of a fourth reich and all that follows. The only safe white is one who doesn't want to be white.

    If you are white you must sacrifice your own desires for the good of the post racial state.

    Do not be confused. Concepts of freedom and democracy no longer apply to the white race. It is just a social nicety that the slave status of whites isn't being broadcast daily. Still, remember your place or the velvet gloves come off.

  24. apologetically white chick,

    Why not reply, "I'm not racist - I can't stand YOU, you creep." Or, "I'm not dating." Or, "I have AIDS." A stall tactic to get away until you can report the sexual harrassment.

    Hooking up with a number of white or just non-black toughs is an option, too. If a black suitor presses his case too persistently, he should be given to understand that there are consequences which may displease him. You may have to date skinheads. At least until you can get out of whatever hellhole you seem to be living in.

  25. "As a "white" person you are in no way allowed to express the desire to date within your own race."

    That's funny, 95% of all whites seem to negotiate this perplexing conundrum.

  26. Truth as usual deliberately not quite getting it.

    Did you read what she wrote?

  27. "Why not reply, "I'm not racist - I can't stand YOU, you creep." Or, "I'm not dating." Or, "I have AIDS." A stall tactic to get away until you can report the sexual harrassment."

    All great retorts and it would be nice if you could disseminate this to high school girls throughout the US. I'm retired from dating myself but did go through a period of being more afraid of being racist than concerned about getting what I wanted. Many girls override their own desires in order to be kind or avoid being called racist. There was little need to prove that you weren't a latent racist when I was younger but now I think it is an issue.

    Years ago I had a black co-worker suggest that I should date her probably illegal and illiterate hispanic brother-in-law because he was a good worker. Then she insulted me by saying I was too racist and elitist to do so. Talk about emotional blackmail and this was in the early 90s just the beginning of the multicultural madness.

    And don't forget the influence of multiculturalist indoctrination at the university level. I had a professor in an education course describe this relationship she had with a guy who worked behind the meat counter at a grocery store. The story got convoluted as she described him as being her equal despite not having a formal education. Perhaps this influence when I was a little younger would've led to my insisting on having a blind date with the illegal brother-in-law just to prove I was neither a snob nor a racist.

    "That's funny, 95% of all whites seem to negotiate this perplexing conundrum."

    Interesting percentage, Truth. I doubt it's factual. However, the point is that there is a lot of pressure to date outside your race depending on where you live, where you go to school and where you work. And black males aggressively pursue women in a way white males don't. A younger white female who isn't very educated or self confident can be vulnerable.

    Our cultures are very different when it comes to interaction between the sexes. Black women learn from observation how to field the unwanted attention of their men. Whites are often more subtle in their approach and a white male typically won't ask for a date without already having been given much reassurance. With regard to younger teens, whites typically mature later as well so may have quite a few years of crushes that never end in an actual date though the feelings may well be reciprocated. I know I myself had my last of these almost relationships my senior year in high school though fortunately I'd had a few real boyfriends before that point.

    The biggest issue is that a white who doesn't have good social skills and/ is very young might well get into a dating relationship more out of fear of being racist than from a real desire to have a romantic relationship with someone from another race. In this regards, I especially envy Asians more authoritarian parenting style. This and the fact that as nonwhites they don't have to prove they aren't racist allows them to protect that precious extended latency period that encourages academic achievement at the expense of romance.

    Maybe the resolution will be somewhat Darwinian. Higher status whites aren't vulnerable for various reasons. Hot chicks possibly aren't as vulnerable b/c the more aggressive white males will monopolize them. So though there will end up being fewer whites in the future those who are left will either be very smart or very sexy. And then Testing99 can get rich or buff and date several of these women at the same time.

  28. "Interesting percentage, Truth. I doubt it's factual."

    Thank you, and actually it is as about 95% of all whites marry whites.

    "And black males aggressively pursue women in a way white males don't. A younger white female who isn't very educated or self confident can be vulnerable."

    I don't know that I've met 5 'younger' females of any race in my life that I would describe as 'self confident'.

    For all of the hand wringing that you may like to do, understand that women almost invariably do the choosing. When a white woman choses a black man that's because he appeals to her. Period.

    As to the young lady. who is wondering what to say to one of these horny overbearing black males who continually comes onto her, I have a little advice; how about 'no.'

    You do not have to explain but if you choose to you simply say 'you are not my type, but I can see where many other women would find you attractive.'

    If he persists and says 'are you prejudiced' you say 'I would rather date someone who looks like me, again, no offense you can definitely get someone better than me.' The rule of success in business is 7 compliments to every criticism.

    Easy quick and to the point. Just be honest and straightforward and you are fine, as I say, 95% of whites negotiate this intense phalanx of pressure successfully.

    The only pressure any human being is ever under is that which he CHOOSES to accept.

  29. "For all of the hand wringing that you may like to do, understand that women almost invariably do the choosing. When a white woman choses a black man that's because he appeals to her. Period."

    You are making declarations with no basis but your own opinion. It's more complicated than that. Even at my age I've received a certain amount of pressure to date someone (not black) who isn't appropriate. I find the situation more interesting than tempting because its internet based and the guy's probably married. But due to circumstances it's the only offer I've received lately.

    I can't believe you think it's simply that women do the choosing when men are the ones who do the asking. Relative isolation and more aggressive suitor courtus interruptus in a larger group can play a major role in determining who gets the dates. Of course, you are only concerned about your ego, Truth. White women must think you are hot and secretly prefer you to their own men.

    Let's note you indicate that 95% of whites MARRY other whites. We aren't talking specifically about marriage. Contemporary mores don't require relationships that produce children to end in marriage. They also don't allow us to delve too deeply into the different assumptions we make based on our upbringing/culture.

    I don't think people like David would be so upset about the interracial dating meme if it didn't have more a component of destroying traditional cultures than of unifying races. For instance, the wedding in the movie includes multicultural elements that have nothing to do with Christianity or weddings for that matter. Ultimately, we are being encouraged to abandon our heritage not because we've seriously evaluated other traditions and found them superior or even as good as the ones we're leaving behind but because "it's all good".

    This suspension of judgment that is encouraged by popular culture can lead to a white woman embracing the social pathology of promiscuity and illegitimacy that has been more typical of blacks in this country than of whites. What good comes of this for anyone except of course that it's no longer statistically more a problem for one race than for others? No matter the original intent of screenwriters who attempt to change society through what amounts to propaganda in their work - the consequence has been to encourage youth to live for the moment and fulfill all their desires without consideration of the long term results. A component of the iSteve blog is devoted to countering the effects of this propaganda in the entertainment industry not because it encourages racial mixing but because it encourages wanton abdication of personal responsibility. Charge too much on your credit cards end up poor. Have children you can't afford and/ don't have time to raise. You end up having to rely on the state.

    "If he persists and says 'are you prejudiced' you say 'I would rather date someone who looks like me, again, no offense you can definitely get someone better than me.' The rule of success in business is 7 compliments to every criticism."

    You've got to be kidding. I have in fact rebuffed an African by letting him know that I wasn't interested in dating outside my race. I did this subtly by saying I preferred a feature that isn't typical of blacks but was antagonized mercilessly for the strategy by the group I was with in Europe.

    As a white, you are not allowed to reject a nonwhite by stating that you only date within your race, no matter how tactfully you make this statement. And this guy didn't deserve any tact. Reassuring as your arguments sound. The reality is very different. Any indication that you prefer your own kind is blood in the water.

  30. If you look at the P.J. O'Rourke and John McCain love triangle closer you can add Sharon Osbourne to the list.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Apologetic white chick, you picked an apt moniker.

    It seems as though you are in pain, and I probably should not have made light of this as I do not like feeling the pain of others, but I will give you my 2 cents.

    I made this point before, and it is very difficult to understand, but the truth is that people can EXERT pressure upon you to do things, but whether you choose to take it on is totally up to you.

    For instance if a stranger walks up to you and slaps you across the face, you make a conscious decision to either get angry or not. He may slap you but if you decide to enjoy it, there is nothing he can do to FORCE you not to enjoy it.

    I do not know how old you are and maybe you are under pressure to date someone who you do not like. So what? Women have been under pressure since the beginning of time. Fifty years ago women were under pressure to 'put out' and to save themselves for marriage simultaneously; do you think that was easy? Nowadays you are under pressure to be colorblind in a world that isn't. I'll bet there are millions of American women who would trade your pressure for theirs in a heartbeat, as it seems you have many more options, don't you agree.

    You are right when you said that men do the asking. Yes, men ask and run the risk of getting rejected, women CHOOSE. There is a whole carload of difference there.

    Some men are more aggressive than others and yes those men may achieve more success with women, do you know why? because women CHOOSE to be with them. Some men are overly agressive, overbearing jerks, they do not get CHOSEN as often.

    As far as my personal appeal, I am tall and very good looking (I'm not bragging, most people would agree). Some white women do prefer me to white men, but I would say the majority do not. To some white women it doesn't matter what you look like, dark skin makes you unattractive in their eyes. That's quite OK. I don't have a great deal of trouble getting attention.

    As far as the relative morals of whites and blacks, I don't know, I don't buy the fact that whites are any looser than blacks and on a middle class scale, from my opinion, black women are probably more difficult to bed. The ghetto is a whole different story, but ghetto blacks and trailer park whites are probably more similar in this respect than different.

    Maybe you were antagonized in Europe, again, so what? You, once again CHOSE to let the criticism effect you. Just remember that your mother always gave you medicine in a spoonful of honey when rejecting guys, stop thinking about yourself all of the time and think of the poor guy:

    He sees the (white) woman of his dreams across the room, summons up his best phony-confident-player act in order to win her attention, his hands sweating the whole time and bam! like a left hook, the woman, once again tells him to get lost. That had to be hard. Yes, he was probably hurt but did you consider that? No, because right or wrong you were to busy thinking about yourself and what your gossipy friends were going to say.

    As a white (or black), you are allowed to say, whatever you want to you may have consequences, but that comes with being an adult. Sometimes you may find these consequences unfair, but if you don't want to ever deal with consequences, I would suggest you go over to your mother's house, ask her to get naked and find a way to crawl back into her womb.

    As the bible so aptly (and truthfully) says:

    The truth shall set you free. The most beautiful 6 words ever written; I did not choose my screen name lightly I chose it because I live it.

    And remember the serenity prayer:


    Please give me grace to accept with serenity the things that I cannot change,

    The courage to change the things that should be changed,

    And the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.

    I hope that helps my Darling.

  33. I love it. Troof argues (1) White women should man up and start acting like Stoic philosophers while (2) being sensitive to the tender and easily crushed feelings of black men.

    At the individual level, I'm all in favor of personal responsibility. I have little sympathy for the white woman who involves herself with non-whites and fucks up her life.

    But it's undeniable that outside pressures and incentives influence human behavior. Addressing the wholesale societal promotion of undesirable behavior does not necessarily mean absolving individuals of responsibility for their actions.

    I also love the lack of comprehension apparent in the claim that "women choose men". Obviously, there can be no relationship without both parties "choosing" to be involved. Men choose to approach or ignore. Women choose to accept or reject. (Men also choose: stay/leave; provide/withhold resources.) Men can't force women to accept them and women can't force men to approach them (much less shower resources on them). That there ultimately is a balance here should be obvious from the fact that basically everyone manages to find someone eventually, lowering standards where necessary. (Black men, of course, being masters at having low standards.)

    While I agree with Troof that there is no epidemic of wf/bm dating (black-white pairings may register as a greater assault on the senses, but considering current marriage and immigration patterns, mestizos and Asians are larger long-term threats to white racial cohesion), it should be obvious that even fewer white women would "choose" black men in the absence of assists from Jewish and white boosters (including television/movie/advertising depictions of blacks, public schooling, AA, anti-freedom-of-association "civil rights" laws, and so on).

  34. For all of the hand wringing that you may like to do, understand that women almost invariably do the choosing. When a white woman choses a black man that's because he appeals to her. Period."

    No--brain washing happens. I know people who are absolutely in dismay about some of their dating/mating choices made when they were much younger. Many young girls are coerced in many ways. However, corny as it may sound, I do notice that girls/women who had no relationship with the fathers, or a bad one, are way more likely to go with men of another race. That really does seem to be the case. Usually they outgrow if they're lucky enough not to get sucked in. I say "lucky" because from my vantage point, few such datings/matings end happily or would have been chosen at a later age.

  35. I've been on this site, amren.com, stromfront.org and a few other white nationalist/racist/race realist type sites, and I have noticed the weirdest phenomenon, maybe someone could explain it to me.

    white racist types, no matter the age, experience or political leaning seem to have the utmost difficulty properly spelling the word 'truth'.

    My initial assumption was that is was genetic, yet whites on more moderate sites don't seem to suffer from the malady.

    Here's the strange part, it is always spelled with two 'o's and an 'f'.

    Maybe it's an archaic English thing I'm unaware of.

  36. "The truth shall set you free. The most beautiful 6 words ever written; I did not choose my screen name lightly I chose it because I live it."

    Yes, the truth is that black males aren't held to the same standards as whites so it's way past time for women of all races to recognize this fact and stop dating them.

    They will generally sexually harass you in the process of asking you out then viliify you if you treat them with the same disrespect they have shown you. So stop indulging in fantasies of cultural relativism. We women need to take the risk and show a unified front by absolutely refusing to accept dates with the type of black man we would reject if he were white.

    For everyone's sake, we women should stop treating black males as if they are retarded and therefore can't be expected to meet the same standards of respectful behavior that the average white male exhibits effortlessly. The soft bigotry of low expectations is unfair to everyone!

    "I have an IQ of about 125 and I have no college degree at 25, and work a menial job. I essentially dropped out and will never attend a state school. Maybe later in life I will attend ITT Tech or Devry but I have no intention giving money to the enemy. That is also the same reason I do not have premium cable or go to the movies often. The result of my dropping out is that I drive 1996 Ford Escort that I bought for $1650 and live in a cramped apartment, but I have no student loans and no mortgage payment to make. "

    I went ahead and got my degree because I knew that if I didn't I would live the rest of my life believing it would've made all the difference. It didn't but at least I don't waste time wondering what might have been.

    You'll do fine, Ronduck. Do some research before you get further training though. I imagine you could get a degree at a local university or even community college that would have similar value to one from Devry but cost about half as much. Also, you could probably test out of some of the freshman and sophomore level courses to save some money while avoiding the school's PC indoctrination.

    The fact that you didn't buy into the myth that college guaranteed success or sign up for debt to pay off what might well have been a useless degree sets you apart - unlike truth here who obviously got one of those designer liberal arts degrees and had his ego over-inflated along with his grades. ; 0)

  37. Here's the strange part, it is always spelled with two 'o's and an 'f'.

    The people who believe that 9/11 was an inside job are often derisively called "troofers."

  38. "I have an IQ of about 125 and I have no college degree at 25, and work a menial job. I essentially dropped out and will never attend a state school."

    Well, I guess you showed them!

    "it's way past time for women of all races to recognize this fact and stop dating them."

    Dang, girl; you want to take the sistahs away from us too?

    "We women need to take the risk and show a unified front by absolutely refusing to accept dates with the type of black man we would reject if he were white."

    So you don't like it when other white women criticize you for your choices, but you reserve the right force your morals upon others?

    "unlike truth here who obviously got one of those designer liberal arts degrees and had his ego over-inflated along with his grades. ; 0)"

    You're half-right sweetie, I got a Journalism degree (just like Sailer) but my ego was over-inflated WAYYYY before college!

  39. Truth said...

    Well, I guess you showed them!

    No, I didn't show anybody. I tried going to a college for awhile and decided it wasn't something I wanted to do. I rather enjoy my job, I don't have to deal with other people during the day, I can say what I want, and I usually don't have to worry about dealing with management. As for having a lower standard of living, well I really don't worry about it so much, but I may have to leave AZ soon because of the Mexivasion.

  40. Rates of intermarriage are very low, about the only interracial couples you'll see are in military base areas, with obviously military couples.

    Low, but they exist. Now, extend the fact of their existence out one hundred, two hundred years, more. Like what you see?


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