October 31, 2008

Somebody gets it

The latest screwy email rumor is that Barack Obama Jr. isn't really the son of Barack Obama Sr., he's actually the son of the elderly Communist poet Frank Marshall Davis!


Obama Jr. is clearly part East African.

Just look at him.

Obama Sr. was quite likely the only East African in Honolulu in November 1960.

Therefore, Barack Obama Jr. is the son of Barack Obama Sr.

More generally, try to notice the common denominator in the various Obama Origin rumors:

- He's a secret Muslim!

- His father was 7/8ths Arab!

- His real father was a member of the Communist Party USA!

- A white terrorist wrote his autobiography for him!

Notice a pattern?

We've reached a point in 2008 in when political correctness has so suffused the mental atmosphere that even people making up rumors are convinced that Obama's Secret doesn't have anything to do with him being half black. No, it's really about Muslims or Arabs or Communists or Weathermen, but it can't possibly have anything to do with (horrors!) race. We've all evolved so far beyond that trivial details like that!

But with Obama, it really is all about "a story of race and inheritance."

If anybody actually wants to understand who Obama really is read ... my ... book.

Here is an email from a reader who has read it.

Read your book all the way through this evening: can't sleep tonight ...as a result. Congratulations on its completion. I hope it will be purchased and referenced. I donated again. In return, I'll open up and rant a bit.

IMHO, although you address Rev. Wright in some detail, I still think you underestimate his influence on Sen. Obama's politics. I agree that the Senator is likely to be agnostic, wrapping the cloak of religiosity around himself only as needed to insulate himself against criticism of insincerity: he certainly doesn't appear to have the religious gene, either phenotypically or by judging his paternal or maternal DNA. He is too bright to take Islam, especially the Black Muslim stuff, seriously. However, his personal and political philosophy appear to be compatible with the teachings of Christianity: alms for the poor (at least certain groups of them), a rejection of materialism (at least for others; he also appears to be comfortable with the belief that some animals are more equal than others), and a need for a meaning and community based on a shared value system and unspecified higher good. Unfortunately for you and me, and as you point out, the main values in his system are being black and poor.

This is where the black liberation theology comes in. If you strip away the religiosity and view it as simply a political position - it is the appropriate function of the state to impose Christian virtues on the citizens of the state, whether it be alms (forcible redistribution of wealth), pacifism, a call for personal responsibility, health care as a natural right (as a physician I have somewhat different views on this), glorification of the poor and rejection of materialism (in the form of antipathy towards capitalism), all tending toward special privileges for Africans - it comes much closer to defining his political philosophy than Socialism.

He doesn't seem that interested in economics or proletariats: he is all about emotions. He wins converts like any evangelist, by first empathizing with, then amplifying, their frustrations and fears, then promising them salvation if they embrace his message, although this part could be as much from Alinsky as from Wright. The liberation theology part justifies the compulsion, by the force of the state, to serve their interests. From Trinity and Rev Wright then, and again as you and others point out, all he does is substitute more politically conventional and less inflammatory terms for the subjects and objects of the sermon: the structure of the argument, the rhetorical style, the romantic and religious promise of it all remain intact and create his Messianic image. So call it black liberation politics.

My points are that belief, or at least an acceptance of, black liberation theology as taught by Wright 1) explains his political positions quite well, better than a belief in Marxism, 2) explains just why he sat in that pew all of that time, and 3) is antithetical to a belief in the American idea of limited government as expressed in the Bill of Rights (as confirmed by his recently discovered radio comments).

All of the other people and needs in Sen. Obama's life come together in Wright as well: his father's blackness and will to power without the character flaws, his mother's rejection of traditional American ideals, his earlier and concurrent influences, his own need to be approved, his need to express himself, and his need to prove to himself (and Michelle) his blackness. Compare the power and rhythm of his current speeches, heavily influenced by Wright, with the plodding and complex prose style that you slogged through and that he still reverts to verbally when caught off guard. He really did rip off the Rev.: I almost feel sorry for the guy.

What this suggests about a President Barack Obama and his administration does not reassure me in the least. I hope your dispassionate take proves more correct than mine.

Or maybe he is just another crooked Chicago politician with an odd history. That fits the data pretty well, too.

I don't know either. But I do think it shames our Republic that a candidate can spend 20 months running for President without being seriously examined on his "deepest committments" just because they're all tangled up in his race.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. If by ''elderly'', you mean deceased, then I suppose Davis is elderly.

    Today is the first time I came cross the Davis rumor: just in time for the ''October surprise''. Now Davis was in Honolulu at the time Obama was conceived - and he was known to her family. So I don't understand why we should immediately dismiss the idea. In terms of genetics, Davis's (long) face looked very much like Obama's face, above his nose at least. In contrast, Obama senior had a round head, which admittedly, when blended with his long-skulled mother could have given Obama his long skull shape.

    Davis, a performing poet, was also gifted with a mellifluous baritone speaking voice.

  2. Obama Sr. was quite likely the only East African in Honolulu in November 1960.

    Not true.

    "At the same time many haole youths flip over the local dolls of various strains and combinations, for Paradise has some of the most lushly beautiful women on earth. Many local studs are frantic to bed a soul sister who is not a pro; propaganda painting their passion and horizontal ability has fallen on receptive ears. Afro-American brothers make out with all kinds of dolls. One pure black African student from Ghana wreaked havoc among co-eds at the university, and the wife of a prominent while local politician considered shucking her husband for him; another student from Kenya split leaving two pregnant blondes."

    -- Frank Marshall Davis, Livin’ the Blues (318)

    I finished your book and it's clear that you're way ahead of anyone else currently writing on Obama. If Davis or some other black man is, in fact, Obama's father, I don't really see how it would invalidate anything you've reading. You understand the man and his ambition.

    "Except for a few places like Boley, Oklahoma and Mound Bayou, Mississippi, there were no black mayors in my youth. From the Reconstruction era until 1928, when Oscar Depriest was elected in Chicago, there was not a black congressman anywhere and pitfully few judges. That, too, has changed for the better. Until the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt, we could aim our hope no higher than selection for what was termed the president’s “Kitchen Cabinet.” Since then we have been inching our way slowly toward the Oval Room."

    -- Frank Marshall Davis, Livin’ the Blues (332)

  3. The real question: Is he more Zelig, or Chance the gardener?

  4. Well, If he screws up the country that bad we can take care of it at the midterm elections. Seems to me were getting screwed over about as hard as possible *right now*. Only the money being inflated away from us isn't even going to help the poor or pay for medical care - it's going straight into the pockets of bankers who already make $50+ million per year. Two Trillion Dollars spent on the various bailouts so far. Two thousand billion dollars. I'm so pissed, and I doubt Obama could make things much worse than they are today.

  5. An AP story just out on his aunt recently discovered living in the slum in Boston now claims she's an illegal immigrant, since her asylum petition was rejected by a judge 4 years ago. You gotta add this to the book. Obama's like the perfect storm of all iSteve obsessions!

  6. "another student from Kenya split leaving two pregnant blondes."

    I'm betting either Frank Davis invented this story or he's embellishing Barack Sr. by turning one homely brunette baby mama into two pregnant blondes.

  7. Hey steve, have you checked out mencius' recent posts about Barack and Columbia?

    Wanted to know your thoughts on the posts and the comment threads. the comments especially raise some interesting points and questions.

  8. I'd guess that a large percentage of Kenya's population will end up living illegally in the US as a result of Obama becoming President.

  9. Do you think at some point, whether Obama wins or loses, we will get to see his "vault" birth certificate from Honolulu? Whether he is a US citizen or not, he has refused to release his actual birth certificate, either because he was born in Mombasa, Kenya, as some claim, or because his full name is "Barack Hussein Muhammed Obama" as others claim. This latter claim is NOT all that far-fetched. In many Muslim families, EVERY male is given the name "Muhammed" as one of his names, just as many Hispanic families used to give every girl "Maria" as one of several Christian names.

  10. Offtopic.

    Did you notice that Obama finally has a " European & Mediterranean Americans for Obama" section?


    I'm frankly too afraid to examine what horrors lie beneath.

  11. "...amplifying, their frustrations and fears..." That seems to be a leitmotif of Obama's campaign in recent weeks. A left that has to use economic, financial and pension panic-mongering will surely elicit a big backlash from the voters. Reason shall prevail; panic-mongering to get one's side into power is illicit, and the more it is amplified and seconded by the major media, the greater the popular reaction against it.

  12. The election of Obama will be America's Bob Geldof moment.
    When the fading Irish pop star created the biggest pop concert at Live Aid in 85' it was nothing to do with famine, Ethiopia or anything else.
    It was about everyone feeling good about themselves and being able to pat themselves on the back.

  13. Steve, I challenge to watch this video of Frank M Davis and tell me that there is absolutely, positively no way he could Obama's father. His extraordinary verbal ability is apparent.

  14. In many Muslim families, EVERY male is given the name "Muhammed" as one of his names, just as many Hispanic families used to give every girl "Maria" as one of several Christian names.

    Sir, why do you write easily debunkable third rate anthropological nonsense like this -- and end up discrediting the conservative position?

    I'm of Muslim descent and NOBODY in my extended family (counting 60-odd individuals) has the name "Muhammad" as one of his names.

    Why do you have an aching desire to identify someone you don't like with anything-Muslim to feel entitled to object to him? Since when has this become a prerequisite for objecting to a man of black descent in polite society?


  15. Davis the father of our dear Obama?? But that would mean that Stanley would have had to---EEEEEEEWWWWWWW!!!!!! But I have to agree with the Stever,Obama does not look like the typical black,he is a marathoner,not a sprinter. (BTW I heard that they had a marathon in Mexico City that was won by an African and the Mexicans got mad and said we want a Mexican to win!Now they want to ban the Africans from their marathons.That makes perfect sense to me-can we try that here???) BTW just because Barack Sr. was the lucky devil to impregnate Stanley,it doesnt mean that Stanley and Frank didnt,uhm,you know. Frank has a long histoiry of preying on younger girls,he recounts one time when a 13 year old joined him and his wife; He really was a sick,low down animal. That Barry would count him as one of his best friends--maybe thats why Barry was so screwed up. (you dont think Frank and Barry---???)

  16. Steve,

    Could you tell us more about Obama's NPR commentary on the Bell Curve? You gave us a few lines in the book but I'd like to knpw more. The truth of HBD is so obvious to me and it amazes me when obviously intelligent liberals are faced with it and deny it.

  17. My folks are in town visiting, so I offloaded the kids onto them and read your book this morning. I like the combination of exposure and analysis. It's hard to believe you put something so meticulous together in two months, but I recognized a lot of the material, so I know you didn't start cold.

    I enjoyed Brimelow's skewering of the freeper types in the foreword, and the conclusion had the gutsy pragmatism I've come to expect from reading your blog.

    Perhaps the most remarkable thing about the book is that it spells out in a very detailed, intellectual manner what a great many of the "wrong kind of white people" already know. When they express their misgivings, they are routinely disparaged as ignorant or for their sense that this really is about race, but whoever wants to mount an intellectual argument against the book will have to explain the overwhelming racial emphasis in "Dreams," thereby making your point. This being the case, I predict that people won't make a serious intellectual effort to argue against the conclusions of the book, but rather will resort to the usual ad hominems.

    I really hope the book opens some eyes, but I'm afraid that those who know the truth have for some time, while others are so ideologically committed to ignoring it that they will simply shut their eyes.

    The suggestion that we need a new elite is right on, but how?

  18. The folks spreading the "Davis is Daddy" rumor make one unimpeachable point: Obama resembles Mr. Davis more closely than he resembles his putative sire (from what I can tell from their photographs).

  19. Offtopic.

    Did you notice that Obama finally has a " European & Mediterranean Americans for Obama" section?


    I'm frankly too afraid to examine what horrors lie beneath.

    A lot of insular pure-blooded "Old World" whites such as Armenians and Greeks are just as reliably Democratic, if not more so, than blacks. These are often the kind of people that do not like to be called "white" because they identify with their nationality above all else and find "white" to be an insult, as if their ethnic heritage isn't important.

    Democrats don't have to work hard to convince these people to vote Democrat ... they just have to tell them to get out and vote because it can be taken for granted that they're basically all Democrats.

    Gore did the same sort of outreach ... I'm half Greek and I remember reading literature that my cousin, a campaign worker, had gotten from an organization named "Greek Americans for Gore" back in 2000.

  20. Why do you have an aching desire to identify someone you don't like with anything-Muslim to feel entitled to object to him?

    It's mostly scapegoating encouraged by the neocons. They don't want the spotlight turning toward them so they're always conniving to have it pointed elsewhere, especially at those whom they would see destroyed. As for myself, I'm not a Muslim but its earning my respect more and more.

  21. Steve,
    Your work is great. Especially the detail and the quality. But I have to tell you that as an Afrikaner from South Africa I am only mildly interested. Its because we have been through all this about 15-20 years ago. Back then there was all this analysis about Mandela. The MSM hyped him as a Messiah but we knew knew he really was just a second rate tribal chief obsessed with black power. We knew this because we understand African culture. Everything since then has confirmed what we beleived and predicted. Its bascially history now.

    You Americans are only now grappling with the stuff we dealt with 15-20 years ago, though you liked to look down upon us. Many Afrikaners in the know also wrote volumes about the ANC and Mandela, but the western MSM was not interested. The international jetset wanted the Mandela they dreamed up, not the second rate tribal chief obsessed with black power and basically a open racist. That's the reason why in spite off the volume of your work and its quality I am just skimming it. It just confirms what I expected from Obama.

  22. proceeding through half blood prince, it's too bad that Marc isn't running for president. The difference between the two is that Marc evidently had a rational white mom, where Barrack had a strong-feelings lefty mom. hence, barrack's black identity soul searching and verbose rationalizations--which suggest rational consideration, but always end in feelings-driven 100% liberal left policy views.

  23. A couple dates are missing from your timeline: a) when did Obama's grandparents and mother move to Hawaii? b) when did his mother meet Barack Sr?

  24. One pure black African student from Ghana wreaked havoc among co-eds at the university, and the wife of a prominent while local politician considered shucking her husband for him; another student from Kenya split leaving two pregnant blondes.

    This sounds like the kind of rubbish reported by black men everywhere about how white babes are just awaitin' in line to breed with them. And really, why wouldn't you believe everything they say? It's not as if they have a higher crime rate or anything...

    Most of the black/white marriages (or couples) I see (and I've seen plenty) involve undesireable white women. Even Barack Obama's mother wasn't all that attractive, though apparently quite intelligent. And who did she get jiggy with? One of Kenya's more intelligent men, not Darnell from the wrong-side-of-the tracks.

    White women who marry black men tend to be low on the attractiveness scale or the intelligence scale, and usually on both. Most of the guys I've met who get really worked up about mixed race marriages are white men who are pretty loathesome themselves, upset to be competing with black men for the low-hanging fruit. They're opposition is mostly an emotional one. My only opposition is intellectual - I am not opposed to it, but I would be nervous about breeding with, or having my children breed with, a member of a race known for so much dysfunction.

  25. I don't think there's anything about Barack's ancestry that we don't already know. One of the Atlantic bloggers recently posted a picture of BHO as a kid with his maternal grandparents. Except for pigmentation, he's a dead ringer for his granddad.

  26. The claim that many Muslims name their sons "Muhammad" is "easily debunkable ... nonsense"? What? It's one of the most popular names in the world:



    I would provide more, but I can't find all that much documentation for Islamic countries.

  27. We've reached a point in 2008 in when political correctness has so suffused the mental atmosphere that even people making up rumors are convinced that Obama's Secret doesn't have anything to do with him being half black.

    Or could it simply be that there is no longer any purchase in arguments/rumours of "being black", but being communist, marxist, arab, muslim, etc., still counts against you.

  28. I wonder if the "Muhammad" naming convention varies regionally. My impression is that most Muslim countries (certainly the Arab ones) long ago started using Muslim/Arabic names. But there may be exceptions. Iranians seem for the most part to have what sounds like Iranian names to my ear — Ghotbzade sticks out in my memory. And I have a feeling that a lot of Turks retain Turkish names. Maybe our anonymous is of some nonarabic muslim descent. And when he says "descent" I'm wondering if the family members are still Muslim. I'd think nonMuslims of Muslim descent would not at all be inclined to use Muslim names.

  29. The original of Frank, Anne and (Anne's mother) is easily found on the web. I tacked Anne's chin over Franks. Gives one pause, no?

    Obama's real Dad?

  30. headache,
    Mandela wasn't raised by white relatives on an island with a nominal black population. Yes, Obama seems to be all about black power, but Obama is a much more plausible racial healer as long as you don't read his book.

  31. Steve, I find your literary analysis impressive. How about taking a shot at this?

  32. Obama's "Pop" is a better poem than his one about fig-eating apes.

  33. Obama's poem "Pop" shows that his maternal grandfather Stan, an alcoholic blowhard salesman, was a lot like his father Barack Sr. turned out to be, another alcoholic blowhard. Obama has crafted his adult personality in reaction to their failures. He stays away from the booze, is a very good listener, and doesn't make his opinions too clear.

  34. As for myself, I'm not a Muslim but it[']s earning my respect more and more.

    Before you step too much farther into that steaming pile, you should check out Robert Spencer's Jihad Watch, and his Blogging the Qur'an.

    If you're up for being scared out of your wits (so soon after Halloween, itself a verboten celebration) about what that religion is doing to Europe--and what they'd love to do to North America--I would direct you to the Gates of Vienna blog.

    Or, if you only have time to read one short blog entry, please read this: Give a Muslim an Inch.

    Of all the religious fairy tales in the world that deserve no "respect" at all, those involving the violently anti-Semitic, pedophilic adventures of Mo, and the contemporary cartoon-riots and fatwas spawned by his insane teachings, top the list.

  35. Steve,

    Good read. I see Obama as 1/3 con on the make, 1/3 south side Chitown pol, and 1/3 salon commie.

    He believes what ever it takes to rise. I don't take his race baiting too seriously. While he's obviously a master manipulator of the race card, he knows he's full of shit. He doesn't care about the black community. He cares about Barack. That's why he was such a crappy community organizer--all sizzle and no steak with the morals of a south side thug--just like the good Rev. Wright.

    Here's my take on his Presidency (God forbid). The guy is plenty smart and he watches his back. He has no qualms about using the shiv, but he's cautious by temperament, and he's now playing in a league that is way above his pay grade. He's playing smarter, slicker, nastier thugs than he's used to--Congress and the UN.

    He won't make the same mistakes that Clinton made coming out of the gate. He'll tack left of center, and shmooze, and obfuscate.

    I don't think he intends to do shit. He doesn't know how. He got the best resume padder that a Columbia climber could hope for. I see a dismal but uneventful one term followed by a long and comfortable retirement playing the first black POTUS.

  36. "Perhaps the most remarkable thing about the book is that it spells out in a very detailed, intellectual manner what a great many of the "wrong kind of white people" already know."

    If they knew as much as you ascertained they knew, they wouldn't be the "wrong kind of white people."

    "And who did she get jiggy with? One of Kenya's more intelligent men, not Darnell from the wrong-side-of-the tracks."

    At least, not that time.

  37. clem,
    I didn't mean to imply that Islamic extremists don't exist, neither did I mean to imply that mass non-European immigration from anywhere (including Arabia) to Europe is good. Nevertheless I meant what I said, which is that there is a lot to admire about Islam. It keeps its own house in order and has its own immune system (i.e. Dhimmi law). From the point of view of sustaining a conservative order, it is preferable to Christianity. Muslim Imams do not undermine Muslim countries the way Christian clergypersons undermine western countries.

    I didn't say I was going to become a convert. For one thing I don't believe in God, and when it comes down to it, I don't share some of the values enunciated in the Quran, but as I indicated, I noticed that after 9/11 it became common for freeper types to say things like "goddam muzzies" whereas before 9/11 they obeyed strictly the dictates of political correctness, and this new behaviour became permissible because their neocon overlords gave it their blessing, as rant after rant about Islam began to appear in neocon websites. The neocons make a big fuss about how its radical Islam that they are against, and not civilised Islam (however they define it), but then they arranged for a war on one of the most secular countries in the Arab region (i.e. Iraq). What the neocons really want is a Zionist-friendly Islam.

  38. Old Dad said...

    I don't think he intends to do shit. He doesn't know how. He got the best resume padder that a Columbia climber could hope for. I see a dismal but uneventful one term followed by a long and comfortable retirement playing the first black

    Why should Obama do anything? The leftist media has been doing his campaigning for him, ACORN stuffs ballot boxes for him and the Left generally does everything for him. Once he gets in office he can name a few leftists to run his administration for him, and then sit back as the media lies, lies, and lies.

  39. JD, don't pretend Sailer said "most" Muslim families name all their sons Mohammed. He said "many" do. It will take more than one example to debunk that.

  40. Hey, I didn't come up with this "Muhammad" theory. Some commenter did.

    It seems unlikely, since Obama Sr. was some kind of atheist. His high school wasn't Muslim, it was Anglican, because the Anglicans had the best high schools.

    If you want to run a reality check on that theory, then you would look to see if other males in the Obama family have Muhammad as a name. If other Obama males have Muhammad in their name, well, then it's not completely silly.

    But nobody seems terribly interested in doing reality checks.

  41. I remember posting a few months ago on this blog that I had heard that "those named Muhammad will be first in line for salvation". In fact the only Google hit for that exact phrase is that post (I was called Sleep then). Perhaps I was wrong; however I've talked to enough people Muslim and otherwise, who can tell me that there are areas of the world where almost every male has Muhammad somewhere in their name, although their names are not structured the same as Western names and I imagine that ... oh hell, never mind, let me just look at Wikipedia.


    No evidence for my "those named Muhammad will be first in line for salvation" theory, which to be honest I think I picked up in a chat room somewhere. I take it back.

    However, given the way Arabic names work, it makes sense that if there is a father named Muhammad, all of his sons will have Muhammad in their name, as will all of their sons, and their sons, and so on, for as long as the family chooses to keep expanding the patronymic system. Arabs aren't the only ones who do this ... the Irish and Welsh do too, at least in their native languages. I'm not sure how often these long versions of their names get used though; you don't really hear them very often.

  42. Why should Obama do anything? The leftist media has been doing his campaigning for him, ACORN stuffs ballot boxes for him and the Left generally does everything for him.

    Indeed. Here's a game: go to Google News and type in McCain + Russia and see what comes up. The results you'll get include 5 or 6 major news outlets - Reuters, AP, BBC, WaPo and some others - about how the McCain campaign sent a fundraising letter to the Russian ambassdor to the UN - as if they were actually trying to raise campaign money from them.

    Next: Obama + AVS. The links you'll get are entirely conservative news sites and blogs, with 1 or 2 small town papers thrown in.

    So, the McCain camp accidentally sends out a letter, millions of which of which have been mailed, to the address of the Russian ambassador and it's major news. Obama is deliberately fishing for illegal campaign contributions and it gets mentioned nowhere. That's as solid a proof you need to demonstrate the clear media bias in this race. Any self-respecting conservative who continues his subscription is selling the rope to hang himself with.

  43. Captain Jack Aubrey said...

    ...Any self-respecting conservative who continues his subscription is selling the rope to hang himself with.

    I stopped watching TV about 5 years ago because of work, the internet and lack of interest. 5 years later I realize that it was one of the best things I have done. I don't watch shows such as medium, I don't have to see constant enforced PC and I can spend more time looking up sites like this.

  44. Obama's mother was no Angelina Jolie, but she was cute. As far as Barack Sr.'s other white wives we've never seen pictures of them. That said, I agree that most bm/wf pairings fall into three categories: rich black men who attract women that most blacks cannot, thrill-seeking white women who want to "try it" w/ black men have no intention of making babies or settling down, and women who welcome attention from any man. Not all such relationships are like that and I have an attractive middle class friend w/ a black husband but I think she's the exception rather than the rule.

  45. ...thrill-seeking white women who want to "try it" w/ black men have no intention of making babies or settling down...

    Yet they may still end up settling down - with a bad case of the God-Knows-What.

    When you sit your child down to give him or her "the talk," make damn sure you show them a list of STD rates in the general population, and make damn sure that list (just conveniently...) breaks out the rates by race. Make sure they see a list of child abandonment, also conveniently broken down by race.

    "But daddy, why do blacks have higher STD rates than whites?"

    "No idea, honey. Does this list show that? Hmmm, never noticed."

    I have an attractive middle class friend w/ a black husband but I think she's the exception rather than the rule.

    Of all the data I've never seen, I think the demographic data on mixed-race marriages would be quite fascinating, the downside being that so many long-term child-bearing mixed-race relationships (besides white/Asian) never turn into marriages anyway, or wind up in divorce in short order.

  46. "Obama's mother was no Angelina Jolie, but she was cute."

    I'd say she hit the bottom quartile of white female facial attractiveness, easily, and her body did nothing to compensate for her face. If Stanley A. Dunham was "cute" then that word has no meaning. She was young and white. That's about all that can be said for her.

    "As far as Barack Sr.'s other white wives we've never seen pictures of them."

    Yes we have. And, for some reason, the name Jimmy Durante floats into my consciousness when I view her photo. Also, Barack Sr.'s second homely white wife divorced him after seven years. If SAD "carried a torch for the rest of her life for the black ex-husband
    who abandoned her" as Steve claims, it was most likely because he was absent, not because "white women being more sexually attracted to black than East Asian men" would have kept her more permanently in thrall to a non-abandoning Barack Sr. than to Lolo anywhere outside Steve's imagination.

    The article below spells out SAD's likely motivations in becoming involved with foreigners, whatever their race.

    The Journal of Sex Research Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 207-213 November, 1966
    Dating Between American and Foreign College Students
    Gloria was a slightly heavy blond girl, extremely active in the International Relations Club, an ardent religionist, believer in the brotherhood of man. Beginning with her sophomore year she dated "foreign" students almost exclusively. She married an Egyptian Moslem. Four years later we visited her in Alexandria. She was divorced. Due to her husband's brutality her genitals had suffered serious injury. She remained in Egypt in poverty because she could not take her children out. * * *
    Naomi (Jewish) was a junior when we first met her. She was less attractive than most. She had found she could assure herself dates by turning to foreign students. She was attracted to Negro students with strong British accents. She also had a strong mothering instinct. Her parents were happily married, and Orthodox. A Jamaican Negro became involved with the police because of petty thefts. She bailed him out and took over his rehabilitation. She decided to marry him, with or without her parents' consent. A talk with the father revealed a mature, sensitive, and understanding individual-no edicts of disowning, only a request for time so the mother could understand, and proper wedding arrangements be made. The marriage was post- poned to graduation. The young man settled down to his studies, went on to graduate school, and became a teacher. Ten years later they remain happily married, with three children.
    The above two cases are picked from the hundreds in our files because they represent some typical motivations and two extremely different outcomes.


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