November 4, 2008

Looks like I'm in business for next four years

Unlike my previous book (my 900-page, but never-released, psychobiography of the subtle childhood dynamics that made John F. Kerry who he is today*), interest in the topic of my new book looks like it will remain strong for the next four years.

* Just kidding.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. That marketing background finally pays off!

  2. Marketing research, actually.

    I was so bad at marketing that I thought I should I volunteer as a one person negative test market: If I like a product, it's sure to be wildly unpopular.

    Half my favorite products of all time have gone out of business.

  3. "Half my favorite products of all time have gone out of business."

    Just goes to show what a maverick you are!

  4. When they announcet it I thought:

    1. Well, that means no riots tonight.

    2. Steve Sailer's book will still be relevant.

  5. "Anonymous said...

    When they announcet it I thought:

    1. Well, that means no riots tonight.

    2. Steve Sailer's book will still be relevant."

    1.) Not tonight. Give it a year or so.

    2.) Relevant, yes. But will it be allowed? Steve may have to give half of his website over to Tim Wise, in order to meet the requirements of the new "fairness" doctrine.

  6. One very nice fact about tonight's outcome: McCain lost Nevada. He lost Virginia thanks to heavily immigrant Northern VA. H elost New Mexico. And he only won his own home state of Arizona - now less than 60% white - by 54-45. Karl Rove's myth is dead and it's starting to stink. It's time to bury it.

    Relevant, yes. But will it be allowed? Steve may have to give half of his website over to Tim Wise, in order to meet the requirements of the new "fairness" doctrine.

    In which case there will be riots. If Limbaugh and Hannity are shut down, there will be riots. This is America - we respect the outcome of elections. But, if we are not to be sheep, we do not surrender our God-given rights.

    OTOH, if they wanrt to hand over half of the New York Times, half of CNN, half of CBS and NBC and ABC and the Washington Post...

  7. Well, if the attitudes of black kids in a local school today are consistent across the nation, there will be problems sooner than a year.

    The black kids were going around saying that now blacks are on top and whites are going to get it.

  8. Right now, even though I'm a conservative, I feel thoroughly liberated. For the last eight years conservatives have been getting screwed with increasing frequency - by the people who were allegedly our allies. I have no doubts we will spend at least the next 2 years getting screwed, but at least there will be no pretenses about what they're doing or who they're representing. Meanwhile, "our guys" will have a good long time to think about who they were supposed to be serving and how they can regain the majority.

    There is very little that politics can do to really change your life. Blacks are poorer than average whether they run the government or not; Jews and Asians are richer than average whether they're preferred party wins or not. Most of it is up to you and the culture you embrace, live in, and surround yourself with. In an age where whites are becoming a minority in so many of our own countries, I am reminded of Jews and the way they handled minority status over thousands of years. They did not surrender, they held out and developed cultural habits and institutions that preserved their way of life and their distinctiveness as a people.

    It is time for white conservatives, for those of us who believe in the invaluable cultural traditions of the West, to develop cultural institutions - and not just religious ones - to preserve the way of life that served us so well for hundreds of years, and to reject the nihilism of modern culture. Only then will we truly be able to regain political power and to do anything worthwhile with it when (if) we get it.

    Whether we're winning elections or losing them, conservatism has been an army in retreat for as long as I can remember. Retreat from neighborhoods when minorities move in; retreat from government service, retreat from teaching, retreat from journalism and letters, retreat from the culture almost altogether - and, quite often, silently surrendering to it. Living in Utah, a place filled with Mormons who aspire to be "in the world but not of the world" I can tell you that they have thoroughly become of the world, much to their discredit.

  9. Steve, I don't plan on buying your book. I've had quite enough of BHO. But, I donated 100 clams to vdare in your name. Good luck in teaching the masses...

  10. Steve, any chance the book will sell a million or two copies to end the pathetic panhandling drives?

  11. I think Steve should pre-empt the new order and invite Uncle Tim to share his platform post haste.

    More seriously, there's been a lot of paranoia in the Rightosphere as of late and some of that appears to have spilled over into this here space such as with serious suggestions of Steve being carted off to some hidden prison camp for his ideas. Let me therefore be the first to say that I a) find this to be a paranoid delusion that Nixon squared would never consider and b) would consider it to have been an awesomely huge mistake to have voted for Obama should any actual curtailment of speech take place (even falling far short of arrests).

    On an even seriouser, possibly seriousest, note, the world is a very very lonely place for the economically left-leaning race-realist. Witness the conversation here (assuming the offending comments haven't been expunged) .


  12. But will anyone outside of your small cult following actually buy it? (I hope so.)

  13. Steve,

    Did Wolfe have anything to say about what happens when the flak-catcher is black? Sounds like a novel premise for a four-year comedy of black politics on a grand scale.

  14. "my 900-page, but never-released, psychobiography of the subtle childhood dynamics that made John F. Kerry who he is today*"

    It was the wrong the wrong the wrong time!

  15. "Half my favorite products of all time have gone out of business."

    Cheer up Steve-O, you can always resell all those pairs of parachute pants on e-bay.

  16. Has it occured to any of youthat Sailer is a malicious android?

  17. If everyone keeps ignoring Cashill, that is.

  18. My feeling is that Americans have voted for State Socialism, and that is exactly what they will get.

    For this to have happened, i.e. for the US to elect a socialist President, there must have been serious underlying demographic change.

    (Or else people really do not realize that Obama is extremely left wing - I am assuming here that democracy works, and - despite the media - people do realize that Obama is a socialist.)

    If this analysis is correct it means that this is not a pendulum-swing election, to be corrected in four or eight years by a return back to Republicans; but a result indicating a long-term change in the nature and direction of US politics.

    Usually the mass of middle people carry the US elections and define the essence of American-ness - but now the top and bottom of the social distribution has beaten the middle.

    America is now defined by the liberal elites at the top and their dependents at the bottom.

    So, instead of being an essentially modernizing, dynamic, open, high-growth middle class society; the election seems to recognize that the US has apparently undergone a transformation into a more static, pre-modern, low growth, isolationist coalition of the ruling class and their dependents.

    This change may not be reversible in practice.

  19. al - the flak catcher always has to be white. If he is black the onus of fudging a decision shifts a rung up (or down) the ladder to the next white guy. In effect the black flak catcher just becomes another one shooting the flak.

  20. First of all, I felt deeply satisfied that Obama won. The entire North vs South conflict of the centuries being redressed in this not inconsequential manner. Oh and the white/black thing. Yin and Yang. All those pure, innocent all-get-out black faces lighting up the night. Looking for to seeing the glow of black as the new day comes. Blacklight is so charming. It's not the end of white people. Too many good things achieved by white people to overcome the bad. I speak as an Asian, here.

    Steve's book is probably brilliant in thought, but constrained in heart. Also his association with Derbyshire will just kill it.

  21. Steve. Your book will not sell well with the "half-blood prince" title because those words make it too easy to mock dersively by the media, and too uncomfortable to have lying on the coffee table for the majority of Americans.

  22. captain jack: thanks very much for that. Your words are the most hopeful I have seen in months (except for that last paragraph about the Mormons in Utah).

    Given the potential end result of total capitulation, wandering through the wilderness for 20 centuries doesn't sound that bad.

  23. >>>>the world is a very very lonely place for the economically left-leaning race-realist.(mnuez)

    I thought you comported yourself pretty well. The problem with your fellow leftists, evidenced by that site, is that they think everything is given to people. They take no stock in earning your way. Thus they are all mad to be the Big Man and distribute the goods.

    I take issue with one of your statements: "[I] care deeply about the wretched suffering of millions of African Americans" Over the top. Life is not that bad.

  24. mnuez

    the world is a very very lonely place for the economically left-leaning race-realist.

    hear, hear. Is it possible to calculate

    1. The percent of african americans (like Obama) who are not descendants of slaves.

    and, more, importantly

    2. The percent of US citizens whose ancestors were not slave owners in the USA. This percent may be quite high.

  25. Captain Jack Aubrey: In an age where whites are becoming a minority in so many of our own countries, I am reminded of Jews and the way they handled minority status over thousands of years. They did not surrender, they held out and developed cultural habits and institutions that preserved their way of life and their distinctiveness as a people... It is time for white conservatives, for those of us who believe in the invaluable cultural traditions of the West, to develop cultural institutions - and not just religious ones - to preserve the way of life that served us so well for hundreds of years, and to reject the nihilism of modern culture.

    Your description here is a little bit internally inconsistent, in that for the last century or so, Phariseeism has been [far and away - even more so than Popery] the primary source of the nihilism which went into shaping and molding [what passes for] modern American "culture".

    Which, among other things, this begs the question of just what the future portends for Phariseeism [like all nihilisitic traditions, eventually it will consume itself and disappear].

    Also, the sort of defeatism you are advocating would not be consistent with the intellectual [and moral] traditions which created America.

    While nihilism will always be our long-term enemy, our immediate problems right now are demographic in nature - we need to be searching for the kinds of demographic hot spots around which we could find sufficient allies to build a new Republic which would be a worthy successor to the Republic we just lost last night.

    And Steve Sailer - enjoy the wine & brie & champagne & caviar with Peggy Noonan and Christopher Buckley and Ken Adelman and all the rest of your traitorous friends who worked so hard with you to destroy the Republican Party.

    Congratulations - you won!

    Now go and enjoy your victory.

  26. I might buy two copies of your book. Who knows? It may be a collector's item one day.

  27. And Steve Sailer - enjoy the wine & brie & champagne & caviar with Peggy Noonan and Christopher Buckley and Ken Adelman and all the rest of your traitorous friends who worked so hard with you to destroy the Republican Party.

    What was Steve supposed to do, push for McCain?

    And how did Steve collude with Noonan, Buckley, and Adelman?

  28. Steve. Your book will not sell well with the "half-blood prince" title because those words make it too easy to mock dersively by the media, and too uncomfortable to have lying on the coffee table for the majority of Americans.

    No, no, no. The last line of the book is a real kicker -- "It's time for new elites." Be bold, Steve. Or, to put it another way, don't change so you're book can sit comfortably on someone's coffee table next to David Brooks' latest on our emerging post-racial, high-tech nation.

  29. Look, chaps, he saw off the foul Clintons, and he's not a bloody Kennedy. That's surely two good things about him.

  30. And Steve Sailer - enjoy the wine & brie & champagne & caviar with Peggy Noonan and Christopher Buckley and Ken Adelman and all the rest of your traitorous friends who worked so hard with you to destroy the Republican Party.

    Is this meant to be a joke?

  31. Also, the sort of defeatism you are advocating would not be consistent with the intellectual [and moral] traditions which created America.

    I am not advocating defeatism. I am advocating taking the long view, which is in fact the antidote to defeatism. There are some things politics can do to change the future, but we can push only so far in our preferred direction. We have to mentally accept the limitations of political solutions, and realize that much of the future is already written, including the forthcoming white minority. If that is to change, the answer will have to be as much (if not more) cultural as political. That is the very opposite of defeatism, because political choices are made for you by 100 million idiots you don't even know; cultural choices are yours alone.

  32. "Captain Jack Aubrey said...

    I am reminded of Jews and the way they handled minority status over thousands of years. They did not surrender, they held out and developed cultural habits and institutions that preserved their way of life and their distinctiveness as a people."

    Unfortunately, the way that europeans (and by extension, us) have preserved our way of life and the distinctiveness of our people was through the nation-state. That IS our survival mechanism. And we are well on our way to losing it.

    "Lucius Vorenus said...

    And Steve Sailer - enjoy the wine & brie & champagne & caviar with Peggy Noonan and Christopher Buckley and Ken Adelman and all the rest of your traitorous friends who worked so hard with you to destroy the Republican Party."

    Steve didn't destroy the Republican party. Nor did Lawrence Auster or Peter Brimelow or John Derbyshire. The Republican party was destroyed by George W. Bush, John McCain, Ken Mehlman, Karl Rove, Rich Lowry, etc., and by all those republicans who blindly went along with anything they did.

    The Republicans deserved to lose. I'm glad they lost. Now for the purge. I vote that we start by reading the National Review and the Weekly Standard out of the pantheon of conservatism.

  33. Unfortunately, the way that europeans (and by extension, us) have preserved our way of life and the distinctiveness of our people was through the nation-state. That IS our survival mechanism. And we are well on our way to losing it.

    Decay is the fate of humans and everything we create. The institutions we created to sustain us have now become victims either of irrelevance - churches, at least for some people - or outright betrayal.


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