November 3, 2008

Wiki proofing new version of AHBP: Chapter 1. "Introduction"

This is a comment thread for Chapter 1. "Introduction" in the revised version of Steve Sailer's America's Half-Blood Prince: Barack Obama's "Story of Race and Inheritance" that was posted online 11/3/08:

In the comments below, feel free to list typos, errors, and other comments.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. Page 37 should read, "In emulation of Obama’s hero, the late Harold Washington, the first black mayor of CHICAGO . . ."

    It currently reads, "In emulation of Obama’s hero, the late Harold Washington, the first black mayor of Washington . . ."

  2. I read the book - very insightful.

    Two suggstions:

    (1) a minor update to state that toot died just before election day that she probably had terminal cancer when Obama drew a moral equivalence between her racism and the good Rev Wright.

    (2) a major update (next edition) to discuss Obama's leg tingling race speech in Philadelphia as either another chapter or appendix. This is the main familiarity readers will have on Obama's views of race and is a perfect case study to disassemble his Alexrod-image from his long history.


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