December 11, 2008

OMG, we just elected a Chicago politician to be President!

As John Kass of the Chicago Tribune points out, the media in 2008 devoted far more attention to a Vice-Presidential candidate's career in a small town in Alaska than to a Presidential candidate's career in the transportation hub of the United States.

The best antidote for the media miasma about the next President of the United States is ... my book, America's Half-Blood Prince: Barack Obama's "Story of Race and Inheritance," which you can buy here. I get a really nice cut of out of each book sold, so I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd pick up a copy or two.

My published articles are archived at -- Steve Sailer


  1. The book is self published. Why the wouldn't you rake in the entire cut!!??

  2. Waiting 'til payday, Steve!

  3. Anonymous: because he's going POD (publish on demand). The unit costs are higher. Steve, I assume you've looked into CreateSpace. I'm surprised that isn't a better deal for you. Plus it's much more convenient for buyers (Amazon Prime applies, etc.). I did a comparison here.

  4. Is a Chicago poitician that much different than one from anywhere else. From the bridge to nowhere in Alaska to the Karl Rove machine in Texas to Duke Cunningham in California, isn't it pretty much the same in Washington as it is in Chicago? The problen that Chicago has, I think, is that it is to blunt and not subtle and sneeky as it is on other states.

  5. Anon: Lulu (the publisher) keeps a cut.

  6. Steve, I bought a copy even though I'm only nurse will read it to me.

  7. Steve, what do you do during the day? For God's sake post a little more- this is the only site I check religiously and I want more content. Sullivan posts 35x a day and he has a man to take care of... Are you chipping golf balls in the front yard? Playing World of Warcraft? Watching Tyra? I say more breadth less depth.

    BTW if you are playing World of Warcraft find me in Azeruth world Area 4 and we'll fight some Orcs.

  8. Steve, That skank from DC married that Blumenthal dude you wrote about the other I'm doing your job for you....and that Blumenthal guy changed his first and last name

  9. Why not start an affiliate program so any blogger who sells your book through their blog gets a cut of a couple bucks? Actually, that may already be possible through Amazon, but it might be a good idea to let people know how to do it.

  10. Certainly we would have been better served had the major media examined Mr O's background and views thoroughly before the voting started, but I think you and Kass choose the wrong contrast. That someone whose career had largely been confined to "a small town in Alaska" would be a major party nominee for Vice President was quite a story.

    Not only was there some likelihood that Governor Palin would have succeeded to the presidency had she and Senator McCain won, but the selection of a running mate is the single biggest public decision that a presidential nominee makes and the clearest indicator of the sort of people that nominee would be likely to appoint to top jobs as president. Mr O's choice of Biden showed us that he was likely to staff his administration with pro-war Washington insiders who had never shown much capacity for original thought. Senator McCain's selection of Palin showed us that he was likely to staff his administration by opening The Almanac of American Politics to a random page.

  11. Brian Ross at ABC broke the following stories, off the top of my head:

    *Reverend Wright's sermons during the primaries

    *Jesse Jackson Jr. is senate candidate #5 who offered a bribe to Blago

    and either broke or at least brought to a wide audience the drivers' license scandal of former governor of Illinois, George Ryan.

    As far as I know, he seems to be a straight shooter but it seems he's under-appreciated.

  12. Jeff Burton said...
    Anonymous: because he's going POD (publish on demand). The unit costs are higher. Steve, I assume you've looked into CreateSpace. I'm surprised that isn't a better deal for you. Plus it's much more convenient for buyers (Amazon Prime applies, etc.). I did a comparison here.

    Neither CreateSpace nor Lulu are necessary if you can do your own editing and formating -- or hire someone to do it for you! (hint hint)

    Just go straight to the POD printer and distributor and you get pure profit minus printing and shipping costs, which turns out to be a much better deal than offset and traditional distribution. In fact, traditional publishing houses contribute to deforestation and global warming. Only a really bad person would resort to such a primitive publishing method these days.


  13. "That someone whose career had largely been confined to "a small town in Alaska" would be a major party nominee for Vice President was quite a story."

    I'm not a Palin fan (except in the context of the other three losers who would be king), but her career obviously branched out beyond that 'small town.' It just so happened that her experience as Governor was actually praiseworthy, especially in the context of this post, so they spent their time trailing for hearsay on rape kits and book burnings in Wasila.

  14. OFF TOPIC:
    Sorry to ask an off-topic question, but this is the place where I'm assured of having it read by people who know the answer. Leaving aside the "On Genetic Interests"/Frank Salter aspect of the question, what is the relative degree of relatedness between Man A and his half-brother, and Man A and the son of his full-blood brother? Thanks -

  15. Drudge is pounding the Rahm Emanuel connection to the Blagojevic scandal.

    Steve, how about a big post on Rahmbo. He is the poster boy for the New American Elite:

    - multiple passports

    - enlistment in a foreign army

    - makes $15 million dollars in a very short time at a Chicago investment house

    - brother of an agent in Hollywood who acts as PC commissar enforcer against uppity gentiles like Mel Gibson

    - strategic brain behind the least popular congress in American history

    - known to have known Governor Blago

    etc etc etc etc etc

  16. what is the relative degree of relatedness between Man A and his half-brother, and Man A and the son of his full-blood brother?

    A parent, a sibling, and a child are all of equal "worth"; you share half your genes with them (for the sibling, that's an average).

    A half brother is worth half a full brother; you share, on average, 1/4 of your genes with him. Your full brother's child is also worth half a full brother -- unless he isn't really your brother's child, in which case he is worth zero.

  17. Mendel - a man and his nephew by his full brother, and a man and his half-brother share on average one quarter of their genes, and all have the same Y-chromosome in particular, assuming no cuckoo's eggs.

  18. Robert, to your question whether Chicago is any worse than other places - an FBI agent was quoted as saying Illinois is the most corrupt state of all.

    So yes, Chicago could be worse.


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