January 18, 2009


From 1984:

... the speculations which might possibly induce a sceptical or rebellious attitude are killed in advance by his early acquired inner discipline. The first and simplest stage in the discipline, which can be taught even to young children, is called, in Newspeak, crimestop. Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity.

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. http://www.oregonlive.com/news/index.ssf/2009/01/in_a_changing_world_portland_r.html

    Portland's dominant media organ begins/continues to flog its readership over its whiteness. Awesome.

  2. In "1984" brainwashing was official government policy. But now, if brainwashing is happening at all, it is taking place in a free society, which seems counterintuitive. I think of brainwashing as something forced upon people in some kind reeducation camp. It's true that the media reinforces irrational ideological views regarding race, diversity etc. Perhaps as often as not people don't really believe this tripe, they just fear being socially ostracized by the gatekeepers of truth. Or does fear of social ostracism itself incur brainwashing?

  3. in december we went to the f.y.e ? video store and asked for the title 'brave new world' and they said it was out of print!

  4. "Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity."

    When the MSM is not just downright misleading and wicked (which is most of the time), I guess they see their mission in getting us reactionaries to become "protectively stupid".

  5. Hey, whatever works.

  6. Methinks the socialists have spent the last 5 decades perfecting their techniques. Consider that nearly 2 in 3 voters under 30 voted for Barack Obama. They control the media. They control the bureaucracy. They control education. They pushed academic admittance based on "resumes" rather than just test scores and gpa so that they could find a reason to keep out conservatives and let in more liberals.

    It is game, set and match for the socialists. Anyone who wants to continue fighting this battle is going to need a very big sense of humor and a well-supplied bomb shelter.

  7. Did Orwell gain inspiration from experiences of the English class system?

  8. Awesome catch, anon. Don't miss the readers' comments on "In a changing world, Portland remains overwhelmingly white." Eg:

    wow, it's an all-purpose, free-floating smorgasbord of racial angst! i've got an idea. downtown detroit and new orleans are mostly black, so let's trade our white people to them for some blacks. we offer free chevys to detroit-bound white people and free crawdads, ramos fizzes and strip shows to those who want to relocate to the "big easy hurricane". in order to lure more black people here, we offer them free blazer tickets and marijuana! it's win-win-win all around! you're not an individual, you're just a demographic and we frankly don't care what's beneath your skin.

    And most of them are like this. Whiterpeople Erwache! Obama: God's gift to neoreactionaries.

  9. Portland, Oregon is also the location of Lewis & Clark College, home of many editors of Rethinking Schools magazine and famous in the field of elementary education for such enlightening observations as the idea that Three Little Pigs is a racist children's story because it implies that brick houses are superior to straw houses and that the Oregon Trail is also racist because it depicts white settlers and Native Americans getting along quite nicely.

    Further investigative research by the dedicated taxpayer-funded scholars at this distinguished institution of higher learning has uncovered proof that Wikipedia is racist because it devotes more pages and longer articles to biographies of white males than to blacks or Hispanics, and that traditional world maps need to be replaced immediately by Peters projection world maps because only the Peters projection crushes Europe into a space so small that teachers are forced to instead focus their history lessons on events occurring in Africa.

  10. First anonymous, that Oregonian article indeed is awesome. Here's my favorite quote, explainign why Portland started out and remains "overwhelmingly" (78%) white:

    At the time, whites in the South thought the solution to racial strife was to enslave blacks, but he says whites who came to Oregon didn't want to possess blacks, they wanted to escape them.

    In other words, Oregon's settlers were evil because they didn't want to own slaves!

    And what does it say the the 5th least diverse big city in America today is only 78% white? To me it says we're in for a world of trouble.

  11. In contemporary American English this concept is now referred to as 'Education'. The higher one's level of education, the firmer the grip of Crimestop on one's thinking.

  12. re: Consider that nearly 2 in 3 voters under 30 voted for Barack Obama. They control the media. They control the bureaucracy. They control education.

    I'm under 30 and genetically lean conservative, but I vote Democratic in national elections because I'm a scientist and candidates like Obama seem substantially more intelligent than creationist candidates like Bush & Palin.

    As I see it, young people just need to plan their careers so that they'll be able to afford higher taxes in a country that's demographically drifting left. In the end, I think reprogenetics will remedy many of our concerns

  13. "In "1984" brainwashing was official government policy. But now, if brainwashing is happening at all, it is taking place in a free society, which seems counterintuitive."

    no it's not counterintuitive because as you hint later in your post: we don't actually live in a "free society". it's a highly sophisticated soft dictatorship. across a wide range of careers in 21st century america you will get fired for speaking your mind on many issues. incidents like larry summers hounded out at harvard for speech crime represent the tip of the iceberg. there are many many more career positions in society where strict political correctness is required in order to keep your job. start with everyone in government at the federal state and local levels. other sectors of the economy where PC adherence is required is anybody dependent on government contracts. also most high profile industries are required to tow the line. the most recent advancement of the marxists has been their penetration into corporate america. political correctness is enforced throughout the fortune 500.
    retailers are especially vulnerable to the PC commissars. look at the absurd politically correct big retailer advertising that saturates the country. I see this in the other western nations also. political correctness is a global program of course. even the weather has been politicized by the PC police. they are pushing for a global CO2 emissions tax. CO2 is what humans exhale. it's a breath tax. how many global warming skeptics have had their careers derailed shortened or ended in the past decade? LET'S ALL WAKE UP TO REALITY. the usa is not a free society. it's free in name only. people are not free to speak their mind and maintain their careers. and speech censorship has entered the hard phase in places like canada uk and the european union. steve sailer would be under arrest in many of those countries.

  14. I'm under 30 and genetically lean conservative, but I vote Democratic in national elections because I'm a scientist and candidates like Obama seem substantially more intelligent than creationist candidates like Bush & Palin.

    And McCain. I have to agree with you somewhat. If the Republican Party continues to nominate last-in-their-class sorts then it's all over for the GOP. We need a top-rater who also connects. If the GOP nominates Huckabee or Palin in 2012 then thy're finished for me. If Romney then hope revives. And the odds are it will be one of the 3 - Republicans almost always nominate a former leading candidate (McCain, Dole, GHW Bush, Reagan).

  15. In contemporary American English this concept is now referred to as 'Education'. The higher one's level of education, the firmer the grip of Crimestop on one's thinking.

    Well if you're wlling to believe the bullshit then it's easier to climb higher up the degree ladder, because you're not spending all your time questioning what you're being told and because teachers LOVE to have what they believe parroted back to them.

  16. "in places like canada uk and the european union. steve sailer would be under arrest in many of those countries."

    Can anybody cite any statements by Sailer and corresponding laws that would support this assertion?

  17. Mthson said...
    "As I see it, young people just need to plan their careers so that they'll be able to afford higher taxes in a country that's demographically drifting left. In the end, I think reprogenetics will remedy many of our concerns"

    Mthson, I'm a PhD educated white with 3 masters’ degrees from South Africa. So I don’t' really fit the NYT concept that white "bigots" are knuckle draggers. You are dreaming man. Third world takeover of a country also reduces the political system to that of a Third World country. Period. If u don't understand what that means look at Mexico. That's your future. You can kiss all the scientific stuff good bye because as they get into power they either shut down the labs or make them so dumbed down its a punishment to work there. I can name a ream of South African labs that were no. 1 in Africa for decades which have either closed or become sheds full of old equipment with a few caretakers.

    Recently there was thought of revamping the Atomic Energy Agency in South Africa, u know the one that built 6 nuclear weapons under Apartheid. I have a sneaking suspicion the black lads down there want a nuke too, after Rice had the Apartheid devices dismantled immediately prior to Mandela coming in (so much for that brothally love). Do u think they found anybody even remotely interested? Not even those white racist bastards who worked there before were wiling to come out of lousy retirement (because their pensions are worth s by now), leave alone the few white science grads left. Blacks become pols, lawyers, clergymen, businessmen, doctors and hustlers, not stupid f scientists. If you voted for Obama because of science it seems foolish to me.

  18. "steve sailer would be under arrest in many of those countries."

    In Germany there are laws against incitement to hatred against foreigners. Those are intended to stop the events prior to WWII from unfolding again. The EU is tabling and will adopt similar laws Europe-wide. Pundits assume the purpose is to quell anti-immigration voices prior to the EU-planned unleashing of 50 mio black immigrants from Africa. Post 1968 radicals are now in power in the western world. And they are turning out to be pernicious, dictatorial little bastards in office. They were throwing stones and Molotov’s on the streets in protest at those fascists in power. But they themselves are far worse. And wimps to boot. But I tell you, they are going to give us hell.

    I have a suspicion Steve would have been at least under surveillance here in Europe. Maybe even in jail by now. I guess that's what makes him interesting too.

  19. Anon,

    The only policy difference
    between Republicans and Democrats that might mildly affect these kinds of issues is immigration, but Republicans can't be too different because they fear they'll forever lose the vote of Latinos.

    The US will have plenty of smart Whites and East Asians to fill its science labs for a long time into the future.

    Latinos aren't as resistant to academia as African Americans, or as South African Blacks, who are a different story all together.

    There's isn't likely to be any kind of collapse of US civilization from ethnic demographic changes in the next hundred years, and that's more than enough time to start improving the cognitive abilities of our children and eventually even ourselves through reprogenetics.

    It's inevitable (barring an end to civilization as we know it) that eventually the entire game will be changed... Latinos will be like Jessica Alba, Blacks like Halle Berry, and Whites like Angelina Jolie etc.

  20. I'm under 30 and genetically lean conservative, but I vote Democratic in national elections because I'm a scientist and candidates like Obama seem substantially more intelligent than creationist candidates like Bush & Palin.

    Disregarding the canard about Bush and Palin, ask yourself this question: does "intelligence" lead to good government? Two of the supposedly smartest Presidents (Wilson and Carter) were dreadful failures as Presidents. One heard a lot about how smart Clinton was in the 1990s, but the overall competence of his administration certainly didn't reflect it. Now we've got another supposed "genius" about to take office, and frankly I am skeptical that this will result in good government. We're about to be governed by what amounts to an Ivy League student council - lots of brains, no experience, little in the way of common sense. Uh oh...

  21. "Mark said...

    In other words, Oregon's settlers were evil because they didn't want to own slaves!"

    Yeah, that's a hoot. Reminds me of that old southern joke: "Why I like black folk so much, I'd like to own a few." Obviously there is no crime worse in the Oregonian's view than simply being white. Of course, it is primarily white people who buy and read newspapers, so when they get the diversity they so ardently desire, they will also likely go out of business.

    "Mthson said...

    I'm under 30 and genetically lean conservative, but I vote Democratic in national elections because I'm a scientist and candidates like Obama seem substantially more intelligent than creationist candidates like Bush & Palin.

    As I see it, young people just need to plan their careers so that they'll be able to afford higher taxes in a country that's demographically drifting left."

    Well, good luck with that. Let us know how it works out, from whatever caribean tax-shelter you end up living in. By the way, Lenin was "substantially more intelligent" than Tsar Nicholas. Castro was "substantially more intelligent" than Batista. If given the chance, would you have voted for them too? I'm not equating Obama with Lenin or Castro - just pointing out that there is more to the ability to govern wisely than apparent smarts.

  22. Artist "Gregorious Neckshot" was arrested for a cartoon ridiculing Islamists in the Netherlands. Conservative leaning MEP are being arrested for speeches they gave on the floor of the European Parliament by Belgian police (Vlams Belang members). Gert Wilders faces extradition requests by Jordan which wants to put him to death for "Fitna" and various Swedish civil servants have been fired and arrested for publishing "secret" crime data with racial/ethnic breakdowns. Others have been assaulted by the "antifa" or Muslim groups, or killed (like Van Gogh and Pym Fortune). AT BEST Steve would be under arrest or indictment. At worst, in Britain, or other European nations, he would be dead. [Only Denmark, Poland, Italy, and Austria seem to resist Islamization, mass immigration, and terminal PC. These are all nations with institutions separate from government, economies not controlled by the EU, and less feminized societies.]

    You can find these at Gates of Vienna or Brussels Journal.

    As for today's crimethink, people are missing the obvious. It is the result of a society dominated by women. It's the nation as the View. With social pressure to conform and be part of the "mean girl" clique. A reflection of market power of female consumers, women in key information-media-entertainment roles, female skewing of things such as advertising, law, medicine, politics, entertainment, and education.

    Once women dominate a profession such as education, for example, it turns hard-left. Women post 1965 or so changed dramatically, in a gradual process, from valuing independence and opportunity to a soft, Princess-like existence (or desire for that hierarchical social stratum) with government creating and taking away opportunities based on ideology, social conformity, status, social standing, and the like.

    The advantage of this to young and pretty women, and "popular" older women (think Oprah) is huge -- no competition for achievement in the marketplace, merely being "pretty" and/or thinking and expressing the socially conforming thoughts. Even a relatively ugly and lame woman like Whoopi Goldberg can lever that into lucrative bucks.

    Men, of course, have most of the male population lacking status and looks, and so favor a society of opportunity, where even a "loser" can create enough wealth/power/status to attract a woman.

    I suspect that winning politics would be attracting men and women with sons (marriage is of course dead since women prefer single motherhood). Argue to women that their sons will grow up bitter, alone, angry because the Obama-esque "Big Men" of more wealthy women will hog all the women like an episode of "Gossip Girl" meets say, "Chuck." That the key for their own son's happiness is a society where they can create opportunity and level down the government created "Gentry" in the halls of power and wealth.

    In that instance, selecting "smart" leaders like Romney is a non-winner. I like Mitt, voted for him, but Palin or Huck are better choices because they hammer home the message that under Obama-nomics, a few well-connected men win, pretty and socially connected women win, and EVERYONE ELSE LOSES. It's a pure class-based argument, and there are still more White Men + Mothers of White Men/Boys than any other demographic segment.

  23. Everglade:

    It's "TOE the line."

  24. Argue to women that their sons will grow up bitter, alone, angry because the Obama-esque "Big Men" of more wealthy women will hog all the women like an episode of "Gossip Girl" meets say, "Chuck."

    You mean that modern high schools and middle schools aren't like that already?


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