January 12, 2009

"The End of White America?"

Here's my VDARE.com column on The Atlantic's cover story, "The End of White America."

My published articles are archived at iSteve.com -- Steve Sailer


  1. Good read!

    Steve sed:
    "but, uniquely, a minority that is supposed to pay for other minorities’ privileges.

    How in the world is that supposed to keep working?"

    A consciously overlooked test case for this is South Africa. The hype over Apartheid makes it easy to dismiss. Whites there have been net payers since forever. Under Apartheid they financed elaborate schemes along the much touted 2-States solution in the ME (Bantustans which were prohibitively expensive due to the vast corruption of the black puppet regimes). Under the ANC they are consciously being milked by incompetent and corrupt black racist politicians. Whites either become impoverished or figure out new schemes to make even more money so they can afford the shakedown. Basically they have no choice. Civil war would mean many dead whites and what little is left destroyed. After that you'd have the usually liberal suspects stacked up against you with sanctions and what not so there’s little chance of an economic recovery. Until PC's back is broken whites all over the world, including the EU, are simply going to be increasingly milked by their non-white fellow men.

  2. 'The End of White America?'

    The fundamental societial formula (as prescribed by the U.S. Constitution,) has called for a 'melting pot.'

    When was there ever a 'white america?'

  3. Malaysia is another country where a very tentative social peace has been bought by an affluent, market dominant minority (overseas Chinese) essentially paying for affirmative action for the (native Malay) majority. Unlike Indonesia, though, the Malaysian Chinese are a pretty big minority, so the system sort of works, though no one will be including Malaysia as an Asian economic tiger anytime soon.

  4. The Washington Post has an end-of-Bush article about how there has been little economic progress over the last eight years.

    One contributor to this is, I think, that much of white America's productivity has been poured into taking care of minorities ... paying taxes out of proportion to their numbers, and, perhaps most importantly, pouring energy, creativity, and emotional energy into the impossible task of raising minority (NAM) achievement to white levels. All that productivity into a pit.

  5. That'll be that day

  6. RobertHume,
    if so WAPO took a f long time coming round. But I guess the stakes were high. They basically destroyed 2 functioning countries without regard to the cost in lives (South Africa and Rhodesia). And they set the US, which is like the centre of the universe, on a path to destruction. Well, they and their bedfellows.

    That's a pretty steep achievement in just 50 years since WWII. That was about when liberalism started. Amazing what some jerks spend their lives doing. If you're an engineer or technician, and think of your working life as doing something useful and making things, its just disgusting that these talking heads sit around for 50 years doing nothing but produce propaganda and blather. How can these shits feel OK with themselves? What a waste of a life.

  7. his observation of “the obvious material advantages that come with being born white—lower infant-mortality rates and easier-to-acquire bank loans, for example …”

    One Sailerian invention the MSM should (but will not) adopt is the NAM concept. Somehow the pernicious effects of white privilege do not seem to affect the minority Hua Hsu himself belongs to.

  8. OK Steve, whites still rule but the article (written by an East Asian of some sort, probably Chinese) triumphantly heralds the day when whites don't, due to demography.

    We ignore this at our peril.

    One thing I am seeing increasingly: the number of E. Asian woman/white man breeding couples.

    I think we may well see a time when the ruling class has two races: a dwindling white class, and a prolific Eurasian class.

    White women are the new black (woman); deserted and usurped.

  9. So, headache, what will happen when Jacob Zuma takes over?

    What conclusions can we draw?

  10. Well, the white conservatives always have your blog to complain on, Steve.

    White America is over (that can not be disputed), and I do agree that there will be more problems than the Atlantic article believes, but the people predicting dooms-day senarios for America because of this are full of shit.

  11. As long time subscriber to the Atlantic I'd love to hear your wife's opinion of the 'new' Atlantic, introduced with the November issue. The portion of the magazine once devoted to literature, art and travel is largely gone. Besides James Fallows' articles, they seem to be following a very warm, fuzzy and confused course. It puzzles me who they think they are going to win over in order to survive. Not me!

  12. that was an excellent read, vintage sailer

  13. Best. Post. Ever.

  14. It would be truly wonderful if there was a book-length treatment (not to be too presumptuous about your scarce time) of your idea about this being, more than just an affirmative-action lending recession, indeed a declining human-capital recession.

    The relevant question, and one you are surely more able to answer than I am, is how to prove cause and effect. A chain could go something like this: immigration -> lower iq; lower iq -> lower productivity; lower productivity -> second or third world future America.

    The IQ stuff could be shown via the Bell Curve and IQ and the Wealth of Nations. It would be very useful not to ascribe, at this point, the low IQ of Mestizos to genetics, but merely to assert and prove that the lower IQ exists regardless of its cause. This will make yet unconverted readers care about IQ, and they will then find the genetic component on their own. It will also make people angry, as they see the tsunami of decay heading their family's way. The only way that PC will be defeated is if enough people are willing to endure the sanctions against the un-PC, and only rage will generate that courage.

    California is a perfect test case, and can prove the pernicious effect of third world immigration without, yet, touching the third rail that is HBD. I think this could be more important--and much more effective in the near term--than even your work on Obama.

  15. Steve, you ought to consider a complete cross-posting to your blog here. This would be a wonderful service for those of us who, whilst at work, find the vdare sight banned by the PC (a couple meanings there, I s'pose) corporate firewall. (It says something about "extreme politics". So, while Jenna Jameson and Vdare are both to hot for the bots to handle, the iSteve blog thankfully remains free to peruse... at least for now.

  16. Ottoman Empire? I think it's more like Yuan America.

    Whites, like Yuan Chinese, are the geese laying the golden eggs, so they'll be kept around for tax purposes.

    The Mongols, BTW, introduced affirmative action on a massive scale. Even Marco Polo got a job as an official under the Kublai administration.

  17. Do you mean this melting pot, or this one?

  18. Of course, adding to volatility is the fact that no one will really want to know the answers to questions like, "how long are whites going to put up with it?" or "how long before this becomes a kitchen table issue among whites in general?"

  19. "White women are the new black (woman); deserted and usurped."

    Fine, more for me!

  20. SS notes that most of the ideas of the 20th century and most of the movies from Hollywood were written by whites. I agree. But I'd point out that a huge disproportion of those whites were Jews. Fair's fair, SS.

    Of course, it's a God damn shame what's happening to America. Simply beyond belief really. But Americans are so greedy. A good Episcopalian friend of mine doesn't like the Hispanic invasion of America but he got Hispanics to build his house. 'Hey, what's one house on the sly?' Well, add that up and you get the current disaster. But my point is: Who isn't complicit in this circus? A few of us. A few.

    e.g. It's all prefigured in Tom Wolfe's 'The Bonfire of the Vanities'. Not only are so many people complicit in the downfall of the WASP protagonist, Sherman McCoy, the symbol of an older America, so is Sherman McCoy himself, because he's a lying degenerate sack of shit, only slightly better than the sacks of shit who bring him down, and a pale reflection of his truly genteel WASP father.

  21. It seems to be over, at least in CA. Leave while you can!


  22. That young Chinese-American journalist is so full of arrogant hostility and contempt for white America. These angry smug types seem to be out there now all over the place. All white achievement is viewed as illegitimate and oppressive.

    His parents probably came to America as big fans of the USA and probably remain big fans of the USA. Meanwhile Junior is essentially cheerleading and agitating for a demographic flood - a transformation of the USA - to do what exactly? To cure the inherently evil white country that was so attractive to his parents?

    What must Mom & Dad be thinking?

    The moral of the story is that never does a good deed go unpunished. Meaning only those nations with open door immigration policies get this withering critique of their societies by unhappy resident aliens.

  23. Steve always says that NAM's are props used by SWPL whites to advance themselves, and he is right.

    But in a larger, tribal-conflict picture, voting results prove that the greater SWPL tribe (Northeasterners, New Yorkers, Jews) has allied itself with the NAM's. This alliance seeks to rule America, allowing no seats at the table for middle Americans or white Southerners. You can look at Obama's appointments for more proof: a few middle Americans have been appointed to military jobs, but otherwise they have been shut out; and Obama has appointed no whites from the deep South to any high-ranking jobs.

    In my view the SWPL crowd merely consists of people in the Northeast/New York culture who are ardently proving their tribal loyalty by constantly promoting the grand Yankee/NAM alliance. They advance themselves by being the most gung ho tribal loyalists.

    Their agenda is the subjugation of the rest of America.

  24. Concerned --

    White women don't like the "nice guy nerd" type and won't put up with: lower testosterone associated with higher IQ, nebbishy behavior, low-status occupations (engineering, science, etc.), lack of success with other women.

    White women in the main prefer the "playa" type Alpha male who other women want and have. The geeks you see with Asian women don't have the high testosterone and social dominance to score with their White peers.

    Asian women have a higher tolerance for intelligence and nerdiness (which all women heartily dislike) than Whites, and find even fairly nerdy White men having more testosterone, dominance, and things like height over Asian men. Who in turn complain bitterly about being frozen out of the sexual marketplace.

    White women are not being abandoned, it's WOMEN who do the choosing and men who are chosen, or not. Rather it's the complexities of the sexual marketplace among women. Good times and status obsessions have allowed in particular White women to practice "soft" polygamy among the few Alpha males. [Think Bill Clinton or Tony Villaraigosa or Gavin Newsome.]

  25. At 1900 almost everyone believed Islam was a force of the past. Look at them now.

    A sudden reverse of White decline, already happening in France and Sweden, could be _the_ black swan nobody saw coming, Steve!

  26. Concerned wrote: "One thing I am seeing increasingly: the number of E. Asian woman/white man breeding couples. "

    That's LOL funny. I'm 34 and that's been a remarkable fact since college - well, not the breeding, but the dating anyways. I'm no fan of immigration, but in this case it might help put some competitive pressure on white women (and the mothers of white women) to tone down the feminism a bit. Or the Asian women might adapt to the habits of their new country. Hard to tell.

  27. The relevant question, and one you are surely more able to answer than I am, is how to prove cause and effect. A chain could go something like this: immigration -> lower iq; lower iq -> lower productivity; lower productivity -> second or third world future America.

    You've ignored more than half the problem. It's not merely that each worker has lower human capital; it's also that the population as a whole goes from being worth more than the sum of its parts to being worth less than the sum of its parts.

    The decrease in cooperation and the increase in conflict are at least as important as the decrease in the average IQ.

  28. Whites in America may become a minority by mid-century, but may come back as the majority thanks to the growth of 2 of the fastest growing subgroups in America, both of them white (anony-mice passem).

    BTW Steve, what did your wife think of The Atlantic dumping its old obits writer, M.Steyn?

  29. Meanwhile Junior is essentially cheerleading and agitating for a demographic flood - a transformation of the USA - to do what exactly?

    To maximize his inclusive fitness.

  30. Take your pick kemosabe, it's all been grafted.

  31. Blacks voted 71% for traditional marriage in Florida, and there was no Mormon campaign.

    So they are good for children's rights in that regard. I believe they're is an proportional relationship between social liberalism and receptivity to more traditionalist aliens. Pat Buchanan was right. In "Death of the West" he wrote that Nature hates a vacuum.

  32. To Steve Nicoloso and anyone else whose employer blocks vdare: Simply type cache:http://vdare.com/sailer/090111_hsu.htm into google.

  33. One thing I am seeing increasingly: the number of E. Asian woman/white man breeding couples. "

    actually i am seeing the reverse now with younger (20s) white women and asian men - my guess - white males are effectively *unless gay* completely marginalized out of any graduate school program except mbas and law - thus white women, in their marrying years, are in a pool of non white males.

    I can't help but think this is how the ADL, AJC,et al want it...except for their white women, of course.

  34. Blacks voted 71% for traditional marriage in Florida, and there was no Mormon campaign.

    So they are good for children's rights in that regard.

    Good in theory, not so much in practice. Isn't their illegitimacy rate hovering around 70%?

  35. There is one little problem with the Atlantic's analysis:

    Most of the demographic changes we are seeing will show up in the Democratic Party first. Because SWPL's have the lowest birth rates and happen to live very near large urban minorities, they will be the first pushed out of power by the Demographic wave. Once the white liberal is no longer in control of the Democratic Party, that Party itself will fall apart, as the natural limitations of the various minority groups erupt in intra-party warfare.

    The Democrats will be the first victoms of this minority nightmare. From there, you will be able to build a counter-party.

  36. Oh...and a nuclear bomb will eventually take out New York City, thinning the population of Democrats.

  37. "actually i am seeing the reverse now with younger (20s) white women and asian men"

    I see a trend here in San Francisco. The American born Asian men are marrying outside of their race at a high rate (almost always white).

  38. "white males are effectively *unless gay* completely marginalized out of any graduate school program"

    I can testify from personal experience (at a university generally regarded as liberal) that this is not true.

  39. Thanks to the commenter who posted this link above:

    Go East, young man? Californians look for the exit

    "I don't think the California dream, per se, is over. It has become and will continue to become grittier," says New America Foundation senior fellow Gregory Rodriguez. "Now, perhaps, we have to reassess the California of our imagination."

    That quote is one for ages. Yes we'll just have to "reassess the California of our imagination" according to the New America Foundation!

    Just like we have learned to "reassess" much of the NYC area, Philly, Southern Florida, Southern Texas, Southern California, Detroit, Houston, Dallas, Washington D.C., Chicago, Memphis, Minneapolis, and most other large American cities.

    In fact, all of America seems to be up for reassessment and the conclusion is: "grittier" and "grittier" still.

    One wonders how long until the competing interest groups of the New "gritty" America are putting the heads of policemen on the courthouse steps and such?

    Gotta love the way the radical transformation of California and the rest of America is presented to the citizens as an unstoppable, irreversible fait accompli. It's just the way it is! Nothing can be done! We're dealing with the forces of nature here! Our national progression is as inescapable as global warming!

    "...it will become grittier."

    Hmm, Jorge Castañeda is a fellow at the New America Foundation. What a surprise.

  40. As an Asian male I can sometimes find comments about Asian/white relationships amusing. Particularly when the observations bear many exaggerations:

    "lower testosterone associated with higher IQ, nebbishy behavior, low-status occupations (engineering, science, etc.), lack of success with other women"
    I've noticed engineering type white males display a greater affinity for Asian women but the pairings are quite mixed. You will often see Jim Webb types too. I suspect that some white men are attracted to Asian women because of a preference for their looks and perceptions of purer femininity.

    Am I bitter? Not really. But I do disagree that Asian men are as highly bitter as portrayed by one commenter. I think instead that exaggerated observations such as calling engineering as a "low status occupation" and spitefulness towards rivals in the mating game indicates an feeling of inferiority in the commenter.

  41. "testing99 said...

    White women don't like the "nice guy nerd" type and won't put up with: lower testosterone associated with higher IQ, nebbishy behavior, low-status occupations (engineering, science, etc.), lack of success with other women.

    Asian women have a higher tolerance for intelligence and nerdiness (which all women heartily dislike) than Whites,...."

    And yet engineers and scientists used to have no problem finding dates, and even wives. Richard Feynman was one of the smartest men of the last century, and....a babe-magnet.

    I partly agree with you - many white men are probably a turn-off to white women. But it isn't the intelligence, it's the emasculation (increasingly imposed by a feminized society) and (and this is the guy's fault) their increasing childishness. It's the fanboy mentality - the obsession with adolescent trivia - the latest comic-book movie, the lastest video-game, Star Wars, Star Trek, South Park, etc. It is the worldview of those guys who post at Ace-of-Spades HQ (the likes of which have also helped cripple conservatism).

    In short, if men want to be treated as men, they should act as such.

  42. evil neocon (testing99): your head is full POA industry nonsense. if you keep reading that stuff you'll end up miserable. you are obsessing about the top 1% of the best looking white women. yep it's true that that cohort usually passes over the geeks for alpha males. but normal looking white women date and marry geeks all the time. you sound like a guy in NYC or LA chasing the damaged hotties in the club scene that have flocked in from broken homes all over the country to pursue their actress/model careers.

  43. It has been obvious for decades that Asian women, as a group, are (let's say) "one standard deviation more desirable". What has changed is the greater exposure of white men to Asian women, due to immigration, mastery of English language and American behavior by the second generation, mingling at college and in non-Asian-owned workplaces, decrease of ghettoization (living outside Chinatowns). TV newscasts and ad agencies noticed this quite some time ago. Men of all races tend to prefer Asian women to some degree, though there are exceptions and they are not necessarily as preferred physically as, say, blondes.

    Thus, Asian women get to pick from the upper end of the male social desirability hierarchy: white/Jewish, highly educated, professional. Naturally this depopulates the largest source of mates for Asian males, who then have to marry late (and down) within-race or look outside.

    There are some secondary phenomena that seem to be happening.

    One is that many second- and later-generation, suburbanized Asians suffer some degree of desire to "reconnect" with some culturally distinct pseudo-Asian identity. Witness the large number who speak only English but taking Chinese/Japanese/Korean language classes at college, or make a point of dating endogamously.

    Another is that the racial dating preferences of Asian women (and men, to the extent they have a choice) differ in predictable ways according to educational and economic stratum, but the strata seem to be separating to a sufficient extent that patterns become very clear. The degree of interest in black/hispanic men rather than the usual suspects (elite whites and superelite Asian men) varies strongly by ethnic group and educational accomplishment. This is partly but not entirely explained by the peer group the Asian women find themselves in as a result of their jobs, schooling and so on.

  44. White American women are putting themselves out of the market by being overweight and overconfident. Really, they are becoming Black women. In comparison, having an Asian woman is a great idea for a high IQ white man -- she is not as likely to get fat and almost guaranteed to give your children a high IQ mother. I am a white American who just married a Japanese woman and intend to give our children the best of both worlds culturally -- anything less would be to shortchange them.

  45. "Another is that the racial dating preferences of Asian women (and men, to the extent they have a choice) differ in predictable ways according to educational and economic stratum, but the strata seem to be separating to a sufficient extent that patterns become very clear."

    Japanese in Japan seem to have a fetish for white men in Europe and America:


    September of last year to find out which country’s citizens would people most want to marry. It is not stated whether or not the people interviewed were single or not.

    The Asia versus the West split is quite noticeable in the men, but really striking amongst the women. I previously translated statistics regarding international marriages in Japan that shows that the ideals being expressed here do not seem to be realised.

    On a slight tangent, I watched the last episode of an NHK English learning program which features an English-speaking Western blonde angel that prods a clueless office worker along the path to success at her job getting a date with her transferred from New York colleague, the ideal tall, muscular, tanned, well-coiffured white executive. The angel’s job was done because the glaikit Misaki finally pulled her man.


    First, looking at the East-West split - or more accurately, perhaps, the caucasian-Asian split (I’m not aware of any black Western role-models in Japan) we see that for men, 36% of the total votes were for Western wives versus 26% for Asian women, favouring the West (I’m including Russia, with Maria Sharapova as the popular image of the country) by just over a third. However for women there is a marked difference; about 74% in total choose the West (over 40% for the USA alone) versus a mere 7.4% for the East, a massive ten to one vote for Europe and the USA.

    Next, looking at the detailed age breakdown, it’s only in the teenage girls group that the USA fails to top the charts, losing out to France and Korea, and equal with the UK. For men in their twenties, American women are preferred over the second-placed Korean women by almost 60%, and the Chinese are back in fifth, gaining just over a third of the number of votes of the USA. However, the older men get, the stronger the charms of the Asian neighbours become, with the gap at its smallest being just a mere three votes. Similarly, for men in their forties and over, Chinese women cut the gap from a third to about a half of the USA score.

    For women, as they get older (ignoring the over sixty bracket which has a very small sample size, so may be rather inaccurate) the attraction to American men only get stronger; in their twenties, Americans get just under a quarter of the vote, but by their fifties, it surpasses three in ten. Despite the charms of the disturbingly Harry Potter-like Bae Yong Joon Korean men do not seem to be particularly favoured by the middle-aged demographic.

  46. I find Asian fetishists incredibly pathetic. If you can't find a mate of similar background you are a loser evolutionarily speaking. It makes no difference how high your wife's IQ or how thin she is. You're a loser. And no most white men don't prefer Asian women.

  47. For those high IQ white men who marry Asian women (of presumed decent-to-high IQ), how does it work out in regard to the children?

    Female children might indeed tend to "share the best of both worlds", that is, good looks, functional culture, and a reasonable level of intelligence.

    But what if the children are male? Does the tradeoff of (in most cases) relatively lower aggressiveness, smaller muscles, fewer masculine characteristics, and possibly some inculcated docility, in exchange for a hypothetical IQ boost, serve a male child well?

    To put it crudely, the expected statistical effect of such marriages would be to make females more "alpha" and males more "beta". , as well as lowering the variance of all traits below that of children from similar-heritage parents (ie. less chance of any nonphysical super-alpha characteristics).

    Also, if that hightened IQ comes from different types of genes in the male and the female, the child might be expected to be lower than both parents (even if above the general populace) in most cognitive areas, so the "kids will have high IQ" theory may or may not work out.

    How does all this would-be eugenics work out in practice?

    All the genius children I know came from parents with similar genetics, not mixed-race couples with parents from different continents.

  48. testing99 said...

    White women don't like the "nice guy nerd" type and won't put up with: lower testosterone associated with higher IQ, nebbishy behavior, low-status occupations (engineering, science, etc.), lack of success with other women.

    In the US, engineering and science are low-status occupations *and* have become highly unstable. My hi-tech company is about to layoff 10% of its American workforce (but only 2% worldwide) including R&D. Like many parents today, I'm trying to steer my mathematics adept teenagers away from American industry. Its simply too unstable and, unless you are in upper management, pays less as you age.
    But by all means, don't take my word for it, ask those gypsy engineers and scientists leaving Ireland

    On the other hand, American education factories are worshiped by our political and media elite, are stable environments, and pay more as you age with less mental wear and tear.

  49. Actually, in NYC I see Asian guys with cute white women pretty frequently. Asian including Indian sometimes too...these guys seem to be about average height, so they aren't exceptionally tall outliers.

    What's up with this? Could white guys be losing out sometimes to Asians now too?

  50. t99, I agree with most of what you sed. Especially that women do the choosing. Any male who has not understood that yet is a doofus/playa or too busy looking at his penis.

    However I think women generally do enjoy intelligence, because it makes good conversation, they associate it with good decisions, higher income, status and they want smart babies. Its just that nerdy types have communication deficits and women are big-time into comms. So when an intelligent male cannot properly communicate the advantage is lost.

  51. "White males are already losing the testosterone war to Black males, is it better to have mixed race children with Black women so the kids can score White women or enter the NBA more easily? It seems pretty obvious that IQ trumps all."

    The obsession with IQ comes from the workplace demands. I would also rather run around the wild making war and otherwise sleeping under trees being fed and pleased by babes. But any decent engineering company places a few intellectual demands on me. They may ask me to run a FEM analysis, or a CFD analysis, do some structural dimensioning, to cost a job, or write a program to transforms reams of data or interface several apps. All this cannot be done with lots ot testosterone coursing through your veins and that hard knob halfway down the body. The demands are higher up in the brain dept. So its not a nice-to-have, its what's required nowadays in order to bring a few bucks home.

    As to losing this "war" with black males. Lets get real. We are only losing our cities and countries to them because of PC. In a bare knuckled fight, for instance, Rhodesia would have flattened Mugabe and his goons long ago. They would have cleared out Zambia, Mozambique and Malawi in order to secure the borders. But they were not allowed to buy F15's or Leopard tanks. They could not even buy fuel. Because the pansy white liberals in London and Washington did not like them, not because they could not up-ante Mugabe and his goon's testosterone. Ditto for South Africa, ditto for the USA and ditto for Europe and its Muslim hordes. This is a purely artificial situation which has come about through PC. The best proof is Israel. Jews are much smarter than the average Arab/Pal and probably more nerdy and less testosterone laden. Yet, being unconstrained due to their well-organised lobbies, they are always militarily and politically in control. Because for modern weaponry and strategic planning you need brains, not hard balls.

  52. dear Anonymous,

    I'm asking an empirical question to the high-IQ whites (generally men) who marry East Asians. I think that in most such marriages in this day and age the hopes and speculation (or fantasy) about the offspring that would ensue are rather specifically IQ-centered as in the commenter above who wrote that he is "virtually guaranteed a high IQ mother" in selecting a Japanese wife.

    I don't purport to know the answer to that question, though I do have some guess (see above) as to what biology and probability would predict. I also have taught many dozens of apparently half-Asian students in my university classes; almost always they have half Asian features and a non-Asian surname. That population of students strikes me much less as candidates for an international overclass of superchildren, and much more as samples from the kind of "lower variance, elevated mean" distribution discussed in the earlier comment. But those are generalities and I would be much more interested to hear the actual experiences of parents in those WM/AF marriages.

    Also, the likelier alternative scenario for the white men in those marriages is not a black woman (of whatever IQ) but a high-IQ white woman.

  53. "Especially that women do the choosing. Any male who has not understood that yet is a doofus/playa"

    Are you telling me you'd hop right on Oprah or Rosie O'Donnell if they "chose" you? Any male who believes "women do the choosing" is an effing nerd or not very bright. For a pairing to happen, both sides have to "choose" it. Men and women both want the best partners they can get. For casual sex, women can afford to be choosier only to the degree men have greater interest in casual sex and concomitant lower standards. Even speaking of casual sex, unattractive women can't arbitrarily choose to be with attractive men, most of whom have better options. For more serious relationships, where male resources come into play, or for more attractive males in general, males can be choosier.

  54. Actually, in NYC I see Asian guys with cute white women pretty frequently. ... Could white guys be losing out sometimes to Asians now too?

    Jeff, I see this too. I think it is because the white males are just not there - in graduate school programs and much of the work place they've been 'diversitied' out.
    In new york I don't see very many young white males but lots of young white women.

  55. A lot of the analysis posted here on intermarriage is thrown into disarray when you look at the UK statistics on intermarriage of all groups:


    You see Chinese females marry to other races at twice the rate of males.

    But you see the opposite with Pakistani males. They marry outside at twice the rate of females.

    What we can gather is that although women choose men, the composition of marriage is also determined by who men choose to pursue. Some ethnic groups may be more attracted to whites.

    Another interesting point - the young males that read this blog are of course aware that if they choose to marry a good looking low iq woman from a good looking low iq family, they can expect their children and grandchildren to be failures in life.

    It seems that the readers of I Steve may be somewhat hypocritical. Presumably they understand HBD and understand that IQ is inherited, but do not take action to maximize the IQ of their offspring.

    Let me go further and say that I know well a number of "SWPL" type young men and I know well a number of "fans of Steve Sailer, fans of HBD" it seems to me that the "SWPL" types avoid talking so much about IQ but go out of their way to marry high IQ women. And the "fans of Steve Sailer, fans of HBD" seem to somehow go out of their way to marry women with lower IQs

    The "SWPL" crowd won't tell the truth, but they live their lives in a way that shows that they know the truth. The "Steve Sailer / HBD" crowd does not.

  57. My view is that White American men and women simply don't like each other. Something or someone has poisoned the well. Which is why you see more White guys with Asian women, and more White girls with blacks and Asians. For what it's worth, I'm in Southern California and I see many White girls with Asian guys. A White woman dating a non-White is definitely low-status/low-class, IMO.

    I have to admit, I detest American women, whether they are European or Asian. You could avoid the whole dating quandary by finding a non-American woman. (And I don't mean mail-order brides).

    I recently married into a conservative, successful Sunni Muslim family in the Middle East. My wife and in-laws could pass for French, Italian, or German. They have the right views on Jews and blacks, too, which is a complete relief from the foolish PC views of Americans.

    My advice to White men is, Go East! Not to Asia, but to the Middle East. Find a nice Middle Eastern girl with traditional values (Muslim or Christian) and sound political views. Start a family. Long after the West has descended into civil war and American Whites have been genocided or deported, your genes will live on.

  58. i agree about the 'poisened well' comment. I admit, just dont like American women they are totally unfeminine or slutty and still not feminine. The utterly lack grace, manners and composure. Feminism, a whacked sense of entitlement, combined with the general american trend towards sloth have added up to a not too pretty picture.
    I have even heard my mother's friends (late sixities/early seventies) who were 'feminists' say American women have gone too far. That they have.

  59. " The geeks you see with Asian women don't have the high testosterone and social dominance to score with their White peers."

    You are totally living in the past. These are normal guys. This is a major social trend that Steve, in his obsession with Latinos, is missing.

    Another issue with Asian immigration is how damn intelligent they are. They are outclassing whites. There are over a billion Chinese. If only 100 million of them want to move here, what will stop them?

  60. To the white anonymous who married a Sunni Muslim woman: southern Italian/Greek I could see, but French/German? No. I am from the Middle East (not Jewish) and with the exception of Arab women who overdo the whitenening cream, Arabs do not get that white.

  61. It is funny to me reading the debate about half-Asian kids because literally just this morning I was reminiscing with my best friend on the phone about a half-Asian girl we grew up with who was nice but kind of bratty/spoiled/Americanized and definitely as dumb as a brick. I remember one time in 5th grade I was at her house and started playing their piano (I am a white female). Her mom (who was of Northeast Asian descent) came home from work and I turned around and she was just standing in the doorway watching me play and she said, "That was very good." Even at my near-zero level of empathy as an 11-year-old, I understood at once that she was impressed by my playing but saddened that her daughter had hated piano lessons and had little talent or aptitude for the instrument. The dad was a CPA, too, so go figure.

  62. "In my experience normal white men want normal white women. You guys are overthinking this."

    Ya think?

  63. "In my experience normal white men want normal white women."


    "You guys are overthinking this."

    They are delusional and have no sense of statistical reality. White men aren't flocking to Asian women and white women aren't flocking to black men. That some (often low-status) whites marry non-whites in the world of today is unsurprising. If anything, it's noteworthy that despite indoctrination so few marry out.

    * Caucasian Americans are the least likely to marry interracially, although in absolute terms Caucasian Americans are involved in interracial marriages more than any other racial group. 1.9% of married Caucasian American women and 2.2% of married Caucasian American men have a non-Caucasian American spouse. 1.0% of married Caucasian American men are married to an Asian American woman, and 1.0% of married Caucasian American women are married to a man classified as "other".
    * 3.7% of married African American women and 8.4% of married African American men have a non-African American spouse. 6.6% of married African American men, and 2.8% of married African American women, have a Caucasian American spouse. Only 0.1% of married African American women are married to an Asian American man, representing the least represented marital combination.
    * There is a notable disparity in the rates of exogamy by Asian American males and females. Only 25% of Asian American/Caucasian American marriages involve an Asian American male and Caucasian American female, and only 15% Asian American/African American marriages involve an Asian American male and a African American female. 19.5% of married Asian American women and 7.2% of married Asian American men have a non-Asian American spouse.


    And no your half-breed children won't be part of any "international super-class". In truth, they can look forward to being out of place almost everywhere.

    Finally, am I the only one getting the sense that some of these comments by white men are actually from non-white women?

  64. Well at least, Steve, you don't hold the views of VNN or the podblanc site. Good for you.

  65. "Asian women have a higher tolerance for intelligence and nerdiness (which all women heartily dislike) than Whites, and find even fairly nerdy White men having more testosterone, dominance, and things like height over Asian men. Who in turn complain bitterly about being frozen out of the sexual marketplace."

    Let me guess your occupation Testing99; Professional Cage Fighter? Forrest Firefighter? Middle Linebacker for a CFL football team?

    "My advice to White men is, Go East! Not to Asia, but to the Middle East. Find a nice Middle Eastern girl...(Muslim...Start a family."

    Yeah, then marry a couple of her cousins!

    "In a hundred years the West will be overwhelmed by Asia as the new center of innovation and influence. That is simply the IQ balance being restored to the proper order...I would think you do not have a proper understanding of what the bell curve and IQ genetics means (which is why I prefer race studies be conducting by East Asians rather than whites, too much... misinterpretation there)."

    For the third time in less than a week the Samurai has literarily whipped your pathetic behinds and taken names! What are you guys, men or....well, never mind, here's a gift

    I'm really disappointed in 'Episcopalians'. A mere minority kicks you in the nuts and all you can say is:

    "Oww My Balls!"

  66. "To the white anonymous who married a Sunni Muslim woman: southern Italian/Greek I could see, but French/German? No. I am from the Middle East (not Jewish) and with the exception of Arab women who overdo the whitenening cream, Arabs do not get that white."

    Yes, they do. With a nosejob, I could be a Swede.

    Look up "Lebanese Americans" on Wikipedia and click on some of the pics.

    "Everything I have noticed in Japan is that people of similar IQs tend to marry when it comes to interracial marriages. I have seen a few black men with Japanese girlfriends here but they are always African-Americans teaching English or something, and never the low-class Africans who work in the bars."

    A native speaker teaching English overseas takes no skill or special traning (maybe a one month course, sometimes not even that). I guess being willing to do an internet search and getting off your ass puts you ahead of a lot of people.

    For those of you that hate American women, do you all have experience with women outside the US? Maybe you just hate women.

  67. I guess there's some serious sexual tension in the US. Despite what a lot of people here are claiming, white American women are really no big box of tricks.

    Just go spend some time out in the exurbs and you could impregnate a few of them relatively quickly if that's your goal.

    However, if you spend all your time in San Francisco or Seattle you're bound to have some trouble. I've spent some time in logging towns out in the hinterlands and the girls were just oozing eggs -- kind of like those fish that carry them around in pouches at their flanks. Of course, the inland girls are thinner, tanner and better looking, but it's all the same deal.

    The only thing is that most of us urban guys are scared to death (rightly so) of what we'd have to go through when our little (or not so little) flannel-clad flames go haywire on us. I've been there, and it isn't pretty.

  68. Richard H,

    "Look up "Lebanese Americans" on Wikipedia and click on some of the pics."

    Umm...I did and I it proves my point. The whiter Arabs look like Italians and Greeks, not Germans. It goes beyond skin tone, their facial features (not just their noses) do not resemble Western Europeans which makes sense considering they are a Mediterranean people and not a Celtic/Aryan one. No hate here bud, I'm Armenian and I still consider a good portion of Armenians and Arabs white, they just don't look like the French or Germans so I found that comment kind of odd.

  69. over 70 comments and but 1 single mention what mestizos are doing as far as sex goes. if that doesn't really put a nail in the federal government's statistics on who marries who, i don't know what does. not one guy in this thread said "I'm seeing a lot of brown guys doing (female group x)" or "I notice plenty of (male group y) dating brown females."

    we encounter mestizos everywhere now, but it's like they're invisible. here we are on isteve, talking about which race is humping which race, and everybody is completely ignoring the second largest ethnic group in the US. most of this thread was spent on the great debate: european men are doing east/southeast asian women! despite the fact that east/southeast asians account for perhaps 4% of the US population, versus what, 15% now for mestizos?

    not that i disagree with the great debate. i think this couple is easily the most naturally occuring interracial pair. they get together with absolutely no encouragement at all from any outside source. there is basically no mainstream american media propaganda on this couple, if there is, it is only within the last 10 years. for decades, almost all of the US media's efforts on this topic have been expended on getting americans to accept black men having sex and children with white women.

    the reality is that europeans and africans just don't have that much sex with each other, despite hundreds of years of close proximity. today, in the US, they've had 50 years of freedom to hump each other silly, yet the US is hardly transforming into a mulatto nation. white men are not interested in black women at all, since men, of any race, are primarily interested in how good looking a prospective wife is, and black women are at the absolute bottom of this hierarchy. so, the main mechanism for "mulatto-ization" of the US is basically completely disabled. white men aren't gonna start having lots of kids with black women, EVER.

    conversely, black men don't have the intelligence on average to pursue many white women, as they struggle to have the kind of career that would allow them to socialize with any but the lowest quality of them. and black men also struggle to accumulate the kind of money that would overcome the socializing problem. in general, women, of any race, care foremost about how much money a prospective husband can offer her, and black men are at the absolute bottom of this other hierarchy. their high testosterone is not much substitute.

    now, if the colonists had used chinese peasants for all of the farm labor instead of west african slaves, the united states in 2009 probably WOULD be well on it's way to becoming a post-white nation. due to the insane amount of sex the europeans and east asians would have been having for the last 200 years, perhaps as much as a third of the american population would be eurasian by now. imagine if all of the black americans had been asian americans. that's millions and millions of good looking asian women for white men to hump. for hundreds of years. they absolutely would have done it.

    these guys in this thread talking about how only white dorks are sexing asian women, they're way wrong. anybody under 30 can easily observe this. tall, good looking, socially successful white men often date asian women these days, this is absolutely and totally mainstream. after getting upgraded from star to superstar, the first thing multi-millionaire michael phelps did was go to vegas and get an asian girlfriend. he could have had almost anyone.

    in fact, i would say the majority of the best looking asian-american women have white boyfriends. not all of them, not by any means, but the white guys are definitely taking the lion's share. a lot of asian models in the california car model scene have white boyfriends, for instance.

    furthermore, successful asian men with good careers can and do date white women now. they get women lower on the looks scale than a white guy with the same exact career could get, but they still can date above average looking white women.

  70. "in fact, i would say the majority of the best looking asian-american women have white boyfriends. not all of them, not by any means, but the white guys are definitely taking the lion's share. "

    I disagree strongly. It's well known within Asian communities both abroad in the West and in Asia that only low-status women date caucasians. This point is usually lost on their boyfriends.

    The standard joke in China is that if you are an unattractive girl without charm or talent, but you want a wealthy boyfriend, just date a white guy. He'll never be able to tell the difference.

  71. Look at the UK stats link Jody. http://www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?id=1090

    Black/white intermarriage is very high in the UK. There's a lot of cultural baggage in America still.

  72. "these guys in this thread talking about how only white dorks are sexing asian women, they're way wrong. anybody under 30 can easily observe this. tall, good looking, socially successful white men often date asian women these days, this is absolutely and totally mainstream."

    Dork is a state of mind. If a white man is with an Asian woman, chances are high he has personality or character defects however good looking or financially successful he may be. Asian women target white men with high incomes or prospects thereof and poor social skills. Most of these men would prefer a white woman, but are too timid and socially inept or just too lazy to get one.

    "michael phelps"

    Giant nerd and a wigger to boot. Thanks for proving the point.

  73. Takahata Yuichi said,

    "In a hundred years the West will be overwhelmed by Asia as the new center of innovation and influence. That is simply the IQ balance being restored to the proper order."

    The Japanese believed they were restoring the proper order 70 years ago and look how that turned out. 20 years ago, Westerners were convinced the Japanese economy was going to overwhelm the West, and look how that turned out.

    East Asians may well dominate 100 years hence, but to say this is restoring a 'proper order' in a brain hierarchy, overlooks the obvious fact that East Asians run a distant second to Europeans when it comes to inventiveness. Innovation you are good at, radical breakthroughs you are not. Nearly all scientific progress, and most scientific and artistic ideas in the past, say almost 3000 years, were made by white Europeans. In light of that, you would be wise to reconsider your 'proper order' brain hierarchy idea.

  74. Uh

    The people in America with the absolute highest IQ generally attend some sort of elite institution of higher learning.

    The Ivy league in particular makes an effort to reach out to dirt poor people (of all races) that have off the charts high IQ.

    The ultra high iq people aren't morally superior, but they are at the elite schools. And at the elite schools they are taught the SWPL lifestyle and world view

    The Steve Sailer / HBD point of view is NOT reaching the absolute top IQ people.

    How can that be changed?

  75. I don't really see the Asian-white thing taking off. Asian men are too small for WASP women and Asian women are too materialistic and status-conscious for WASP men. WASPs can be superficial and they like their toys and spectator sports, but they also have their cerebral moments and most of them can be content with less when they have to be. To my observation, the slightest drop in status or purchasing power is unacceptable to an Asian woman. Who needs that kind of grim, single-minded harpy pushing your ass out the door every day?

    --Senor Doug

  76. You know, the degree of the underlying moral & spirtual hopelessness & despair here at iSteve - evinced [uniformly] by the comments on this thread - is kinda flabbergasting.

    I sincerely hope that some of you GNXP nihilists will wake up one morning - before it's too late - and smell the coffee, and realize that there is no future in nihilism.

    That there are higher goals in life to which you might aspire - that there is more to the world than meets the eye.

    Or at least the eye of the young nihilist who has allowed himself to be dutifully trained by decades of propaganda & disinformation into disbelieving - or ignoring altogether - the fundamental truths which any fool could see standing before his very eyes...

  77. Now why would that be? Could it have anything to do with black Democrats voting ethnocentrically while white Democrats in Vermont, who have no experience with being ruled by black politicians, are more naïve than white Democrats in states with more blacks?

    In the '08 Presidential election, the correlation between a state's white vote in favor of McCain and the percentage of its electorate that was black was a firm .55. Put in another way, for each percentage point increase in black representation among a state's electorate, McCain improved his support among whites by three points.

  78. "In a hundred years the West will be overwhelmed by Asia as the new center of innovation and influence. That is simply the IQ balance being restored to the proper order..."

    Cultural influence is not determined exclusively by IQ. Otherwise, how would you explain the enormous Black influence on American culture and, consequently, world culture?

    The answer has to do Blacks' creativity, rhythm, athleticism, energy and uninhibited looseness - all qualities not highly correlated to IQ, but which can be appreciated by cultures around the world.

    Another quality which dictates cultural influence to a large extent and where Asians are somewhat lacking: humor.

    Asians are technologically innovative but, in terms of pop culture, not that interesting, despite how we are constantly being told by WhiterPeople that Anime and Bollywood are uber-cool.

  79. I'm the OP who wrote about marrying into a Sunni Muslim family.

    Arabs, "not White"? Well, that would be news to them (and to me!). Many of my Arab in-laws have green or blue eyes, several have blond hair, and speak French, Italian, and German. We have not performed DNA tests yet, but as I said, they often pass for French, Italian, and German. Go figure.

    In the region encompassing Turkey, Syria, and Lebanon, the racial mixture includes significant amounts of European (Roman, Crusader, Turkish, French, Janissary, etc.) blood. In the case of my in-laws, there is even a German grandfather who escaped Germany to the Middle East after the fall of Hitler... ;)

    I totally agree about the White-Asian thing. I've dated Asian women here in Orange County (Southern California) and in my experience they are some of the most grasping, shallow, materialistic chicks out there. I really don't see why any White guy would marry an Asian girl.

  80. "Innovation you are good at, radical breakthroughs you are not. Nearly all scientific progress, and most scientific and artistic ideas in the past, say almost 3000 years, were made by white Europeans."

    Considering ancient China how does this timeline make any sense?

  81. "michael phelps"

    Giant nerd and a wigger to boot. Thanks for proving the point.

    I think your comment proves their are a lot of insecure young white men commenting. Phelps has mobs of attractive women attacking him. He does not need to approach anyone so timidity is not a factor. She is merely pointing out that some white men are attracted to East Asian women. Big deal. Why does that seem to damage some people's ego?

  82. "The answer has to do Blacks' creativity, rhythm, athleticism, energy and uninhibited looseness - all qualities not highly correlated to IQ, but which can be appreciated by cultures around the world."

    Yes, but had they not had generations of white Americans supporting them financially and deferring to them culturally nobody would've ever found out how cool they were.

    Even among White Americans blacks are only cool to the lowest IQ whites who aren't Southerners and humanities professors.

  83. "Dumbest comment in the thread. Only someone who is either too old or secluded to be exposed to pop culture and doesn't want to acknowledge blacks for any accomplishment could make such an observation. Black culture is dominant in music and other areas across every breakdown of American youth."

    I'm in my early twenties and grew up in Middle America. The higher social class and the further along you got in high school, the more you detested "wiggers."

  84. despite how we are constantly being told by WhiterPeople that Anime and Bollywood are uber-cool.

    I'd kind of forgotten about that. Here (in the UK) SWPL types went through a phase of pretending to like Bollywood films but I think that conceit has pretty well died out again.

  85. "Yes, but had they not had generations of white Americans supporting them financially and deferring to them culturally nobody would've ever found out how cool they were."

    Wrong. Black influence on American culture was strong long before p.c. Ever hear of jazz? Blues? Rock'n'Roll? I dare say even the American folk tradition a la Stephen Foster was influenced by Black music.

    What is true is that the outstanding achievements of Black Americans in music and sports would not have been possible without the creativity, organization and technology of white people. Who invented baseball, basketball and football, after all, and who developed audio reproduction?

  86. Anonymous said,

    "Considering ancient China how does this timeline make any sense?"

    I considered ancient China, that's why I chose from around 800BC like some other guy has.

  87. "Asians are technologically innovative but, in terms of pop culture, not that interesting"

    Says who? You? Ever notice how many Asian movies are being remade by Hollywood nowadays?

  88. Also, let's not forget about Japanese video games. There are three pop culture powers in the world today: United States, UK, and Japan. If you deny that Japan isn't one, you must be an older person out of touch with pop culture, or some blind white nationalist.


    That's ridiculous. What are you even talking about, 800 BC? China did not start to fall behind Europe technologically until the fall of the Ming Dynasty/European Renaissance.

  89. White women don't like the "nice guy nerd" type and won't put up with: lower testosterone associated with higher IQ, nebbishy behavior, low-status occupations (engineering, science, etc.), lack of success with other women.

    White women in the main prefer the "playa" type Alpha male who other women want and have. The geeks you see with Asian women don't have the high testosterone and social dominance to score with their White peers.

    Yes, many white women are enthralled by the aura of sexuality that surrounds playa black males.
    However, there are drawbacks ...

    African-Americans, who make up 12 percent of the U.S. population, accounted for almost 50 percent of syphilis and chlamydia cases (48 percent and 46 percent respectively) – and a whopping 70 percent of reported cases of gonorrhea in 2007,
    CDC reported.

    Young black women, 15- to 19-years-old, had the highest rates for both chlamydia (9,647 cases per 100,000 population) and gonorrhea (2,956 cases per 100,000 population) of any group.

    The racial disparities in STD rates are among the worst health disparities in the nation for any health condition, according to Dr. John M. Douglas Jr., director of the CDC's division of STD preventione.

    "We must intensify efforts to reach these communities with needed screening and treatment services,” Douglas said. “Testing and the knowledge of infection is a critical first step toward reducing the continued consequences of these diseases."

  90. "I considered ancient China, that's why I chose from around 800BC like some other guy has."

    These voyages in particular show Chinese technological leadership in the 15th century:

  91. I'm afraid the Zheng He myth exemplifies certain other Chinese traits than the ones you wanted to illustrate.

    Watch the interview with Geoff Wade here.

  92. That's ridiculous. What are you even talking about, 800 BC? China did not start to fall behind Europe technologically until the fall of the Ming Dynasty/European Renaissance.

    Let's assume you're right. How would that support the claim that Northeast Asians have been capable of major technological breakthroughs? In other words, where is the evidence that that technology did not come from the West in the first place?

  93. I'm in my early twenties and grew up in Middle America. The higher social class and the further along you got in high school, the more you detested "wiggers."


    Even among White Americans blacks are only cool to the lowest IQ whites who aren't Southerners and humanities professors.

    Tracks exactly with my experience.

    I wanted to add a comment about Southerners. They, particularly, seem stuck in the 1960s in their attitudes toward blacks - I mean the "civil rights" '60s. If you want to surf a time warp, talk to white humanities academics anywhere close to the Mississippi River. It's all Boo Radley and Atticus Finch and the Freedom Riders and Poll Taxes, all day long. The most significant events of all time, "seared into their consciousness." Something like Watergate or Vietnam to a different demographic. All those poor young students forced to listen to the strident voices of white fanatics and watch "Mississippi Burning" over and over...and then walk out into a world they are totally unprepared for - the world of the Witchita Massacre and Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, of a deeply violent black population (Bureau of Justice Statistics 1976-2005). Some real tired crazies, Steve, are found south of the Mason-Dixon line.

    My wife just read this comment and chuckled, "You are so grim!" So, here is a little levity.

  94. "I'm afraid the Zheng He myth exemplifies certain other Chinese traits than the ones you wanted to illustrate."

    Have you read the Wikipedia article? He is not a myth. The claim that he reached America by one Australian historian is rejected by nearly every scholar. I didn't bring him up to support claims that he circumnavigated the world or anything. His voyages were a great technological feat based on the uncontroversial record. His ships were wonderful works of engineering.

    "In other words, where is the evidence that that technology did not come from the West in the first place?"

    I admit my knowledge of Chinese history is superficial, part of my overall interest in all world history, but relying on this Wikipedia article ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_science_and_technology_in_China ), it appears their innovations were indigenous and some spread to the West.

  95. "Innovation you are good at, radical breakthroughs you are not. Nearly all scientific progress, and most scientific and artistic ideas in the past, say almost 3000 years, were made by white Europeans."

    European intellectual leadership started only about 500 years ago. Before that, Asia was ahead.

  96. I can't stand white women. I wouldn't marry one if she was the last female on Earth. And the female WhiterPeople are the worst of all.

  97. "Innovation you are good at, radical breakthroughs you are not. Nearly all scientific progress, and most scientific and artistic ideas in the past, say almost 3000 years, were made by white Europeans."

    Lets not forget that decimal numbers were invented in India. Without them we'd still be stumbling around trying to do math with Roman numerals. Ugh.

  98. ben tillman said

    where is the evidence that that technology did not come from the West in the first place?

    It's plausible to me that it did, but you are arguing poorly. The burden of proof is on you to prove that the technology came from the West; it's not up to anyone to "prove it didn't." Prove that I don't give you all your good ideas, Bennie.

  99. European intellectual leadership started only about 500 years ago. Before that, Asia was ahead.

    Not arguing with that, but it's a bit of an understatement. I mean, we're talking about a pretty steep curve here. I think the question's worth taking seriously.

    Let's hope Asians can carry the torch if Euros drop it, but there's no proof at all that they can (though I don't doubt they can keep it burning). That sounds a bit melodramatic, I guess. It's likely a matter of degree.

  100. "In my experience mixed-race half-Asian kids become part of the international super-class"

    If that was true the "stan" nations of central asia which have the highest ratios of the caucasoid-mongoloid mix anywhere would be dominant today; instead they are poor, backward and test below the global average in IQ. Also, the third world mestizos of south and central america are technically a caucasoid-mongoloid mix.

  101. "white men aren't gonna start having lots of kids with black women, EVER."

    How do you think the millions of mulattos in the americas and "coloreds" in south africa originally came to be?

    "imagine if all of the black americans had been asian americans. that's millions and millions of good looking asian women for white men to hump. for hundreds of years. they absolutely would have done it."

    Umm, the native women of the americas, including the north america indians are mongoloid cousins of the asians and we all know how their interbreeding with european males turned out. Mestizos anyone?

  102. "Let's hope Asians can carry the torch if Euros drop it, but there's no proof at all that they can (though I don't doubt they can keep it burning)."



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